952 resultados para dialogue pedagogic


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It is not a prophecy to say that one of the most common concepts that those working on "Europe" would encounter at various points in different capacities would be "Europeanisation". This buzzword has also been crucial in understanding and explaining for Turkey's European orientation path, which acquired a new dimension and has been carried to a more substantive and institutional level with the Helsinki European Council in December 1999 when Turkey was granted formal candidacy status in its application to join the EU. Especially after this date, the concept of "Europeanisation" and the literature attached to it have almost automatically been employed to assess the relationship between Turkey and different aspects of European integration. For this aim, firstly, I present a tri-fold picture of the European studies. According to this categorisation, the studies dealing with the notion of „Europe‟ could be categorised into three groups: the studies which takes "Europe" as a fixed concept ("Europe-as-fixity"), those which subscribe to a notion of "Europe" solely as a construct ("Europe-as-construct") and the studies which take "Europe" as a contestation ("Europe-as-contestation"). After critically locating the Europeanisation literature within this categorisation, I argue that there is both a historical and epistemological need for the Europeanisation literature to address to the conflictual nature of the notion by focusing on how the discourses on "Europe" hegemonised the Turkish political terrain after 1999 and I introduce the notion of "Europe-as-hegemony". The overall argument is that the hegemony of "Europe" does not originate from the automaticity of the relationship between the European and domestic level as stipulated by the Europeanisation literature, but rather from the power of discourses on "Europe" and their ability to hegemonise the political realm. In this respect, this paper offers a novel approach to the Europeanisation literature with a particular focus on the Turkish context where the political is not only given and constructed but is also reflexive and open to contestation and negotiation.


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A concretização de um Espaço Europeu de Ensino Superior está intrinsecamente relacionada com o desenvolvimento de uma competência plurilingue e intercultural por parte dos cidadãos europeus. Como consequência, a necessidade de uma língua que possa ser utilizada e compreendida por todos é um dos aspetos mais importantes que os profe ssores e estudiosos têm de enfrentar. Esta língua é uma língua franca, ou seja, uma linguagem utilizada para permitir a comunicação de rotina entre as pessoas que falam línguas diferentes. Nos tempos atuais, a escolha de uma língua franca, que possa ser us ada universalmente caiu sobre o Inglês, definida como a língua mais ensinada, lida e falada que o mundo já c onheceu (Kachru & Nelson, 2001). Desta forma, é de suma importância sensibilizar os estudantes para as atuais mudanças na natureza do Inglês, utilizado como língua franca internacional, quer na comunicação face - a - face ou interações mediadas por computador entre um número potencialmente ilimitado de oradores que não compartilham a mesma língua materna. Essa sensibilização deverá estar associada a uma pedagogia ativa, levando os estudantes a descobrir por si próprios, vinculando - os a um tipo de aprendizagem mais eficiente e eficaz, que se baseia fortemente no conceito de autonomia, considerada uma característica definidora primordial para a aprendi zagem ao longo da vida. A presente contribuição pretende dar a conhecer um projeto desenvolvido entre quatro instituições de ensino superior europeias de quatro países - França, Alemanha, It ália e Portugal com o principal intuito de fomentar nos estudante s a capacidade para a solução de desafios derivados de situações de contacto entre culturas através da língua inglesa. Pretende - se, igualmente a sensibilização para o estado atual de Inglês como língua franca. Os alunos trabalharam em 10 equipas internacio nais de 8 elementos cada, utilizando várias ferramentas online para comunicarem entre si. Cada equipa esteve responsável pela conceção e realização de uma investigação relacionada com a temática “Valores na Europa”. Numa fase inicial, cada equipa internaci onal teve de criar um questionário que foi aplicado localmente. Depois de apurados e analisados os dados relativos a cada país, os estudantes procederam a comparações, destacando semelhanças e diferenças entre as diferentes culturas e as conclusões foram d ivulgadas num compêndio final redigido de forma colaborativa.


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Los sentidos y criterios pedagógicos que subyacen en las expresiones murales, en tanto territorios grabados por los lengua­jes de la memoria, tienen como horizonte de interpretación las narrativas y silencios. Desde allí el diálogo emerge como verifica­ción de la trascendentalidad intersubjetiva asumida como arista metodológica que logra ubicar la experiencia de encuentro con la imagen del muro en su vitalidad narrativa, dentro de la investigación fe­nomenológica, en la cual la epistemología es memoria, resignificación y depuración del sujeto en el lenguaje como efecto de la construcción dialógica que supera las colocaciones en el espacio y el tiempo, así como los presupuestos y prejuicios frente a la lectura y la escritura del mundo, de la vida y de la cotidianidad. Sobre estas premisas, la perspectiva situacional de la pedagogía reconoce en la pregunta una condición vivencial y dis­cursiva que testimonia el compromiso del maestro con los fenómenos de la realidad socio-histórica, de la cual el muro es expre­sión de evocación y creación de relatos y, a su vez, trayecto de interpretación en la experiencia finita de la existencia, donde la educación y el maestro encuentran ra­zones para emprender nuevas lecturas y escrituras del mundo desde una posición en resistencia con la impunidad y el crimen


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Relatório de Estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino da Música


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We define epistemic order as the way in which the exchange and development of knowledge takes place in the classroom, breaking this down into a system of three components: epistemic initiative relating to who sets the agenda in classroom dialogue, and how; epistemic appraisal relating to who judges contributions to classroom dialogue, and how; and epistemic framing relating to the terms in which development and exchange of knowledge are represented, particularly in reflexive talk. These components are operationalised in terms of various types of structural and semantic analysis of dialogue. It is shown that a lesson segment displays a multi-layered epistemic order differing from that of conventional classroom recitation.


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El presente trabajo de investigación bibliográfica pretende demostrar el valor de la pregunta como una herramienta pedagógica de reflexión en los aprendizajes escolares. Es el resultado de la recopilación y análisis de la información sobre pedagogía crítica, cuyo representante principal es Paulo Freire, quien concibe al educador y al educando como personas cuestionadoras, reflexivas y críticas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En esta investigación se presentan las características de las preguntas pedagógicas con la finalidad de mostrar aspectos importantes que conforman las preguntas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Se profundiza en la importancia de las preguntas en la educación, como una herramienta para un diálogo reflexivo. Además, se presenta los tipos de preguntas que podrían hacer los docentes en el aula de clases, con el fin de procurar un proceso comunicativo.


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This review will discuss Hun Joon Kim’s important work on political dissent in the Republic of Korea, The Massacres at Mt. Halla: sixty years of truth-seeking in South Korea (Massacres at Mt. Halla). This book tells the story of the six-decade-long grassroots campaign to establish a truth commission into the events around Jeju 4.3: a series of counterinsurgency actions against armed uprisings that resulted in the large-scale massacre of civilians as well as other atrocities. Political activism looms large in South Korea’s modern political history, making a major contribution to the evolution of democracy in that country. For decades, the main game, and the focus of most academic scholarship, was the establishment of full participatory democracy in the country. Yet, behind the scenes and on the peripheries, many lower profile battles have been fought and the fate of these struggles is in some ways the real test of democracy in South Korea (Republic of Korea or ROK). Drawing together a broad range of primary documentary and interview material, Massacres at Mt. Halla makes a number of important contributions to audiences in Korean Studies, International Relations, and transitional justice. Kim brings to English speakers an unprecedented insight into the uprising, counterinsurgency operations, and activist efforts to bring this chapter of South Korean history to light. Careful archival research is supplemented with detailed personal interview data, the majority of which is in the Korean language and thus previously inaccessible to a wider audience. The value here lies with a detailed narrative that traces grassroots activism from the days of authoritarian government through the varied challenges of a newly democratic nation. In its telling, this story illuminates the ways in which local activism can be derailed or suppressed in a tight security environment. In this case, the backdrop was a political environment strictly managed by the state on the grounds of a fervent anti-communist policy. Anti-communism was in fact the only state-sanctioned ideology, one which had the backing of the ROK’s powerful US military ally. As Kim’s research demonstrates in a clear way, any activism that could be perceived to deviate from this ideology was harshly dealt with. The dawn of progressive government in South Korea in 1997 brought an end to explicit ‘red-baiting’,1 as it was known, but did not overturn altogether the rigid anti-communist structures that had accompanied the development of the modern South Korean state. In the following discussion, I first provide a brief introduction to Kim’s book before focusing my attention in on what Massacres at Mt. Halla tells us about this interaction between national security discourse and civil society activism.


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BACKGROUND: Poor diets are a leading cause of disease burden worldwide. In Australia, the Federal Government established the Food and Health Dialogue (the Dialogue) in 2009 to address this issue, primarily through food reformulation. We evaluated the Dialogue's performance over its 6 years of operation and used these findings to develop recommendations for the success of the new Healthy Food Partnership.

METHODS: We used information from the Dialogue website, media releases, communiqués, e-newsletters, materials released under freedom-of-information, and Parliamentary Hansard to evaluate the Dialogue's achievements from October 2013 to November 2015, using the RE-AIM (reach, efficacy, adoption, implementation and maintenance) framework. We also engaged closely with two former Dialogue members. Our findings update a prior assessment done in October 2013.

RESULTS: Little data is available to evaluate the Dialogue's recent achievements, with no information about progress against milestones released since October 2013. In the last 2 years, only one additional set of sodium reduction targets (cheese) was agreed and Quick Service Restaurant foods were added as an area for action. Some activity was identified in 12 of a possible 137 (9 %) areas of action within the Dialogue's mandate. Independent evaluation found targets were partially achieved in some food categories, with substantial variation in success between companies. No effects on the knowledge, behaviours or nutrient intake of the Australian population or evidence of impact on diet-related disease could be identified.

CONCLUSIONS: The new Healthy Food Partnership has similar goals to the Dialogue. While highly laudable and recognised globally as cost-effective, the mechanism for delivery in Australia has been woefully inadequate. Strong government leadership, adequate funding, clear targets and timelines, management of conflict of interest, comprehensive monitoring and evaluation, and a plan for responsive regulation in the event of missed milestones will be required if the new Healthy Food Partnership is to achieve its urgent public health goals.


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La distinción entre argumentación y explicación es una tarea complicada pero necesaria por diversas razones. Una de ellas es la necesidad de incorporar la explicación en un movimiento del diálogo como resultado de una obligación dialéctica. Se propusieron distintos sistemas de diálogo que exploran la distinción enfatizando aspectos pragmáticos. En el presente trabajo me ocupo de aspectos estructurales de la explicación analizados en el marco de la lógica por defecto que permite caracterizar ciertas objeciones en el diálogo. Asimismo, considero que la versión operacional de la lógica por defecto constituye una aproximaciónadecuada en la construcción de la explicación y en la representación de la instancia de diálogo en el intercambio dialéctico


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La distinción entre argumentación y explicación es una tarea complicada pero necesaria por diversas razones. Una de ellas es la necesidad de incorporar la explicación en un movimiento del diálogo como resultado de una obligación dialéctica. Se propusieron distintos sistemas de diálogo que exploran la distinción enfatizando aspectos pragmáticos. En el presente trabajo me ocupo de aspectos estructurales de la explicación analizados en el marco de la lógica por defecto que permite caracterizar ciertas objeciones en el diálogo. Asimismo, considero que la versión operacional de la lógica por defecto constituye una aproximaciónadecuada en la construcción de la explicación y en la representación de la instancia de diálogo en el intercambio dialéctico


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Intercultural dialogue through design, globally known as “iDiDe” pronounced i-dee-dee) was initiated by an Australian university in 2011 or architecture and built environment disciplines. Set within the context of international education and internationalisation, which are the focus of Australian universities this century, iDiDe offers a model of intercultural collaboration and student engagement. iDiDe is more than a generic international study tour. Firstly, there is collaborative academic leadership that comes from institutional partnerships between Australia and five Asian nations (Malaysia, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka), secondly, intercultural dialogue and intercultural understanding underpin the pedagogical approach, and thirdly, iDiDe projects extend discipline specific learning into the realms of reality. This chapter is an expose of iDiDe. It seeks to determine what elements of the model contribute to intercultural collaboration and student engagement. Findings are evaluated for their impact upon participants. The potential for transformative learning and response to global citizenship are discussedalong with future research.