856 resultados para continuity of generations
Saccadic eye movements rapidly displace the image of the world that is projected onto the retinas. In anticipation of each saccade, many neurons in the visual system shift their receptive fields. This presaccadic change in visual sensitivity, known as remapping, was first documented in the parietal cortex and has been studied in many other brain regions. Remapping requires information about upcoming saccades via corollary discharge. Analyses of neurons in a corollary discharge pathway that targets the frontal eye field (FEF) suggest that remapping may be assembled in the FEF’s local microcircuitry. Complementary data from reversible inactivation, neural recording, and modeling studies provide evidence that remapping contributes to transsaccadic continuity of action and perception. Multiple forms of remapping have been reported in the FEF and other brain areas, however, and questions remain about reasons for these differences. In this review of recent progress, we identify three hypotheses that may help to guide further investigations into the structure and function of circuits for remapping.
Saccadic eye movements rapidly displace the image of the world that is projected onto the retinas. In anticipation of each saccade, many neurons in the visual system shift their receptive fields. This presaccadic change in visual sensitivity, known as remapping, was first documented in the parietal cortex and has been studied in many other brain regions. Remapping requires information about upcoming saccades via corollary discharge. Analyses of neurons in a corollary discharge pathway that targets the frontal eye field (FEF) suggest that remapping may be assembled in the FEF's local microcircuitry. Complementary data from reversible inactivation, neural recording, and modeling studies provide evidence that remapping contributes to transsaccadic continuity of action and perception. Multiple forms of remapping have been reported in the FEF and other brain areas, however, and questions remain about reasons for these differences. In this review of recent progress, we identify three hypotheses that may help to guide further investigations into the structure and function of circuits for remapping.
Global connectivity is on the verge of becoming a reality to provide high-speed, high-quality, and reliable communication channels for mobile devices at anytime, anywhere in the world. In a heterogeneous wireless environment, one of the key ingredients to provide efficient and ubiquitous computing with guaranteed quality and continuity of service is the design of intelligent handoff algorithms. Traditional single-metric handoff decision algorithms, such as Received Signal Strength (RSS), are not efficient and intelligent enough to minimize the number of unnecessary handoffs, decision delays, call-dropping and blocking probabilities. This research presents a novel approach for of a Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) model based on an integrated fuzzy approach for target network selection.
El artículo rescata la importancia del trabajo de campo geográfico en una región con conflictos socioambientales, como el del el agua en las Sierras Chicas de Córdoba. Se hace eje en una experiencia pedagógica, la Práctica Sociocomunitaria (PSC), llevada a cabo por profesores, alumnos y ayudantes de la materia Geografía Rural, de la carrera de Licenciatura en Geografía de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (FFyH), en la localidad de La Granja, departamento Colón, de la provincia de Córdoba. La PSC es una experiencia que acerca a los alumnos al campo social de los conflictos territoriales. Se trata de una modalidad que va más allá de un proyecto de extensión, ya que involucra a todos los alumnos del grado que cursan la materia. Y es también una manera de aunar, en nuestro caso desde el quehacer geográfico, las funciones de docencia, investigación y extensión propias de los universitarios. Se pretende, a través de la PSC, acercar a los alumnos de Geografía Rural al trabajo de campo, con organizaciones sociales de base local motorizadas que conocen los problemas de su localidad en profundidad y que trabajan junto con nuestro equipo de investigación. A la vez, el contacto, las reflexiones grupales e individuales, los debates con los estudiantes universitarios, aportarán al colectivo social, una ampliación de la esfera de conocimientos de la realidad sobre la que viven y luchan. El artículo comienza definiendo qué se entiende por PSC. Luego, atendiendo específicamente a nuestra práctica, desarrollamos lo que para nosotros son las dos lógicas que sustentan el trabajo en terreno. Una, referida a la construcción del conocimiento, a los modos diversos de aprender y de saber. Otra, vinculada a la comprensión del conflicto socioterritorial, en relación con el escenario donde se realiza la práctica: la Mesa del Agua y Ambiente de La Granja. Incluimos un apartado sobre la descripción de la experiencia y los resultados, para finalizar con algunas reflexiones pensadas en función de la continuidad de la práctica.
El artículo rescata la importancia del trabajo de campo geográfico en una región con conflictos socioambientales, como el del el agua en las Sierras Chicas de Córdoba. Se hace eje en una experiencia pedagógica, la Práctica Sociocomunitaria (PSC), llevada a cabo por profesores, alumnos y ayudantes de la materia Geografía Rural, de la carrera de Licenciatura en Geografía de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (FFyH), en la localidad de La Granja, departamento Colón, de la provincia de Córdoba. La PSC es una experiencia que acerca a los alumnos al campo social de los conflictos territoriales. Se trata de una modalidad que va más allá de un proyecto de extensión, ya que involucra a todos los alumnos del grado que cursan la materia. Y es también una manera de aunar, en nuestro caso desde el quehacer geográfico, las funciones de docencia, investigación y extensión propias de los universitarios. Se pretende, a través de la PSC, acercar a los alumnos de Geografía Rural al trabajo de campo, con organizaciones sociales de base local motorizadas que conocen los problemas de su localidad en profundidad y que trabajan junto con nuestro equipo de investigación. A la vez, el contacto, las reflexiones grupales e individuales, los debates con los estudiantes universitarios, aportarán al colectivo social, una ampliación de la esfera de conocimientos de la realidad sobre la que viven y luchan. El artículo comienza definiendo qué se entiende por PSC. Luego, atendiendo específicamente a nuestra práctica, desarrollamos lo que para nosotros son las dos lógicas que sustentan el trabajo en terreno. Una, referida a la construcción del conocimiento, a los modos diversos de aprender y de saber. Otra, vinculada a la comprensión del conflicto socioterritorial, en relación con el escenario donde se realiza la práctica: la Mesa del Agua y Ambiente de La Granja. Incluimos un apartado sobre la descripción de la experiencia y los resultados, para finalizar con algunas reflexiones pensadas en función de la continuidad de la práctica.
Light confinement and controlling an optical field has numerous applications in the field of telecommunications for optical signals processing. When the wavelength of the electromagnetic field is on the order of the period of a photonic microstructure, the field undergoes reflection, refraction, and coherent scattering. This produces photonic bandgaps, forbidden frequency regions or spectral stop bands where light cannot exist. Dielectric perturbations that break the perfect periodicity of these structures produce what is analogous to an impurity state in the bandgap of a semiconductor. The defect modes that exist at discrete frequencies within the photonic bandgap are spatially localized about the cavity-defects in the photonic crystal. In this thesis the properties of two tight-binding approximations (TBAs) are investigated in one-dimensional and two-dimensional coupled-cavity photonic crystal structures We require an efficient and simple approach that ensures the continuity of the electromagnetic field across dielectric interfaces in complex structures. In this thesis we develop \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs to calculate the modes in finite 1D and 2D two-defect coupled-cavity photonic crystal structures. In the \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs we expand the coupled-cavity \overrightarrow{E} --modes in terms of the individual \overrightarrow{E} -- and \overrightarrow{D} --modes, respectively. We investigate the dependence of the defect modes, their frequencies and quality factors on the relative placement of the defects in the photonic crystal structures. We then elucidate the differences between the two TBA formulations, and describe the conditions under which these formulations may be more robust when encountering a dielectric perturbation. Our 1D analysis showed that the 1D modes were sensitive to the structure geometry. The antisymmetric \textrm{D} mode amplitudes show that the \textrm{D} --TBA did not capture the correct (tangential \overrightarrow{E} --field) boundary conditions. However, the \textrm{D} --TBA did not yield significantly poorer results compared to the \textrm{E} --TBA. Our 2D analysis reveals that the \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs produced nearly identical mode profiles for every structure. Plots of the relative difference between the \textrm{E} and \textrm{D} mode amplitudes show that the \textrm{D} --TBA did capture the correct (normal \overrightarrow{E} --field) boundary conditions. We found that the 2D TBA CC mode calculations were 125-150 times faster than an FDTD calculation for the same two-defect PCS. Notwithstanding this efficiency, the appropriateness of either TBA was found to depend on the geometry of the structure and the mode(s), i.e. whether or not the mode has a large normal or tangential component.
In 2011 I travelled to three of the ‘Seven Sister’ states of old Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya & Assam. My journey to this remote and politically sensitive region, bordering Chinese occupied Tibet, Bangladesh and Myanmar was prompted by my father’s experiences in the region during WW2 in the Burma Campaign and brought into sharp relief on-going themes in my work, the impact the past has on the present, the relationship of time and place, identity and memory and the transcultural experiences caused by war, colonisation and migration. The drawings I made on location, the objects I collected and the notes and photographs I took formed the basis of the bookwork: NAGALAND borders boundaries belonging. When making the finished work the material quality of the object and the processes by which it was made become very important. The historical resonance of the medium and the time consuming nature of the process reflect the embedding of form and idea, and paid homage to the material culture of the Naga hill tribes. The bookwork was hand-bound, handset and printed by letterpress. Some spreads were printed in 6 colours and the book took over a year to produce. I see my practice as echoing that of generations of Lady travellers; embracing the need to journey, be in a liminal space, to have a plan but not be afraid to divert from it. To be alone, take a sketchbook and make images is, for me, the definition of the itinerant illustrator; one who travels widely in geographic space, visual forms and ideas, in order to get lost and find the unlooked for.
Explicit and integrated inclusion of ecosystem services (ESs) and their interrelationships can improve the quality of strategic plans and decision-making processes. However, there is little systematic analysis of how ES interrelationships are framed in policy language, particularly in coastal planning discourse. The objective of this paper is therefore to present a four-step method, based on content analysis, to assess ES interrelationships in coastal strategic planning documents. The method consists of: 1) selecting strategic plans; 2) identifying ESs; 3) identifying drivers, ESs and their effects; and 4) constructing relational diagrams. The four-step method is applied to a case of Jiaozhou Bay in China, demonstrating its capacity of identifying which drivers and ES trade-offs and synergies are formulated in coastal strategic plans. The method is helpful to identify overlooked ES interrelationships, inform temporal and spatial issues, and assess the continuity of plans' attention to interrelationships. The main methodological contributions are discussed by emphasizing its broad scope of drivers and ESs and an explicit distinction among the cause of relationships. The developed method also has the potential of cross-fertilizing other kinds of approaches and facilitating practical planning processes.
The detailed, rich and diverse Argaric funerary record offers an opportunity to explore social dimensions that usually remain elusive for prehistoric research, such us social rules on kinship rights and obligations, sexual tolerance and the role of funerary practices in preserving the economic and political organization. This paper addresses these topics through an analysis of the social meaning of Argaric double tombs by looking at body treatment and composition of grave goods assemblages according to gender and class affiliation. The Argaric seems to have been a conservative society, scarcely tolerant regarding homosexuality, and willing to celebrate ancestry associated to certain places as a means of asserting residence and property rights.
Miguel de Unamuno fue un constante lector de poesía épica, en la que Homero siempre tuvo un lugar preferente, y no solo por motivos profesionales. A lo largo de su obra, tanto en prosa como en verso, pueden rastrearse distintas y a veces contradictorias referencias a la Ilíada y la Odisea sobre las que hizo profundas reflexiones, intentando siempre ajustarlas a su propia visión de la vida y de la muerte. Desde esta perspectiva se acerca a escenarios como el ‘prado de asfódelos’, o, a partir del símil homérico, al ‘sucederse de las generaciones de las hojas y de los hombres’, o a figuras míticas como las Sirenas, Helena, Tántalo, Sísifo y Ulises.
En este trabajo presentamos un acercamiento a los modos de referirse al pasado en los testimonios dejados por los miembros de la nobleza colonial nahua. La lectura de las fuentes nos permite distinguir dos perspectivas –intelectual y pragmática– asociadas respectivamente con el proyecto de unir las tradiciones históricas indígena y europea y con la búsqueda de argumentos en la lucha por tierras y privilegios. El enfoque del artículo son los conceptos nahuas de «tradición» y «antepasados» (huehuetqueh), manifiestos en ambas perspectivas. Al analizar el vocabulario, retórica e iconografía intentamos entender el significado de estos conceptos dentro de la cultura nahua prehispánica y su modificación bajo las circunstancias coloniales, tanto como su papel en la continuación de la identidad nahua.
This review discusses the potential application of bacterial viruses (phage therapy) towards the eradication of antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). In this regard, several potential relationships between bacteria and their bacteriophages are considered. The most important aspect that must be addressed with respect to phage therapy of bacterial infections in the lungs of CF patients is in ensuring the continuity of treatment in light of the continual occurrence of resistant bacteria. This depends on the ability to rapidly select phages exhibiting an enhanced spectrum of lytic activity among several well-studied phage groups of proven safety. We propose a modular based approach, utilizing both mono-species and hetero-species phage mixtures. With an approach involving the visual recognition of characteristics exhibited by phages of well studied phage groups on lawns of the standard P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain, the simple and rapid enhancement of the lytic spectrum of cocktails is permitted, allowing the development of tailored preparations for patients capable of circumventing problems associated with phage resistant bacterial mutants.
GALVÃO, Marise Adriana Mamede; RODRIGUES, Maria das Graças Soares.(Des) encontros no discurso de estagiário em relatórios de estágio supervisionados. Revista Intercâmbio, São Paulo, v.18, p. 122-138, 2008.ISSN 1806-275x
Bakgrund: Flera studier har visat att personer med bipolär sjukdom har en sämre livskvalitet jämfört med övriga befolkningen. Som sjuksköterska inom psykiatrisk vård är det viktigt att ha kunskap om sjukdomen för att ge bästa möjliga behandling med mål att stabilisera symtom, förebygga återfall och främja livskvalitet. Syfte: Att utifrån sjuksköterskans uppfattning beskriva vilka omvårdnadsinsatser som främjar livskvalitet vid bipolär sjukdom. Metod: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys som baserades på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultat: Resultatet visade tre huvudteman: Kunskap om sjukdomen: betydelsen av att både patient och anhöriga fick kunskap om sjukdomen; Trygghet och kontinuitet i vården: veta var och till vem man vänder sig i vården hade stor betydelse samt Personcentrerad vård: att bli sedd och bemött som en unik person. Slutsats: Patientutbildning där man tar upp vikten av regelbundna levnadsvanor, att undvika stress samt att bli medveten om sina tidiga tecken kan hjälpa att stabilisera symtom och förebygga återfall.
No mundo actual, onde a concorrência cresce e a oferta de produtos aumenta, onde a globalização é palavra de ordem, torna-se essencial pensar a sobrevivência das empresas como estando dependentes da adopção de comportamentos transparentes diante dos públicos, sejam eles de dimensão interna e/ou externa. Reconhecer a importância de controlar os aspectos imprevisíveis a que as empresas estão sujeitas, permite às organizações um maior controlo na previsão dos problemas, como os corrigir antes que estes interfiram no seu sucesso, constituindo assim um ambiente previsível e favorável. A comunicação assume pois um papel primordial na visibilidade positiva de uma empresa. O cliente interno, neste trabalho, será visto como fornecedor de uma rede interna de prestação de serviços, responsável pela agregação de valor aos produtos e serviços oferecidos pela organização. Os clientes internos são também vistos como detentores de um propósito comum responsável tanto pela criação como pela continuidade da organização. Ao longo deste trabalho é descrita e focada a ligação especial que existe entre a comunicação empresarial, a comunicação interna e a estratégia do marketing interno evidenciando a importância destes para as organizações. O objectivo deste estudo é analisar a eficácia dos meios de comunicação interna na Caixa Geral de Depósitos, a partir da realização de 39 inquéritos administrados a colaboradores de uma Agência. Os resultados obtidos com este estudo deram ênfase à eficácia dos meios de comunicação interna utilizados na organização em estudo, concluindo que a comunicação deve ser veiculada de acordo com a utilidade das funções a desempenhar. / In today´s world where competition grows and the supply of products increases, where globalization is a slogan, it is essential to consider the survival of business as being dependent of the adoption of transparent behavior in public, in they internal or external dimensions. Recognizing the importance of controlling the unpredictable aspects that companies are subject, allows organizations greater control in forecast the problems, how to correct them before they interfere with their success, providing a predictable and favorable ambient. Communication assumes an essential role in a positive visibility of a company. The internal customer, this work will be seen as a provider of internal network services, responsible for adding value to products and services offered by the organization. Internal customers are also seen as having a common purpose as much responsible for creating the continuity of the organization. Throughout this work is focused and described the special bond that exists between corporate communication, internal communication and internal marketing strategy, highlighting their importance for the organizations. The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of internal communication in the CGD, from conducting 39 surveys administered to employees of an Agency. The results of this study emphasized the effectiveness of internal communication in the organization used in the study, concluding that the communication should be conveyed according to the usefulness of the tasks.