989 resultados para Specialized training.
Objective: To understand the knowledge and attitudes of rural Chinese physicians, patients, and village health workers (VHWs) toward diabetic eye disease and glaucoma. Methods: Focus groups for each of the 3 stakeholders were conducted in 3 counties (9 groups). The focus groups were recorded, transcribed, and coded using specialized software. Responses to questions about barriers to compliance and interventions to remove these barriers were also ranked and scored. Results: Among 22 physicians, 23 patients, and 25 VHWs, knowledge about diabetic eye disease was generally good, but physicians and patients understood glaucoma only as an acutely symptomatic disease of relatively low prevalence. Physicians did not favor routine pupillary dilation to detect asymptomatic disease, expressing concerns about workflow and danger and inconvenience to patients. Providers believed that cost was the main barrier to patient compliance, whereas patients ranked poorly trained physicians as more important. All 3 stakeholder groups ranked financial interventions to improve compliance (eg, direct payment, lotteries, and contracts) low and preferred patient education and telephone contact by nurses. All the groups somewhat doubted the ability of VHWs to screen for eye disease accurately, but patients were generally willing to pay for VHW screening. The VHWs were uncertain about the value of eye care training but might accept it if accompanied by equipment. They did not rank payment for screening services as important. Conclusions: Misconceptions about glaucoma's asymptomatic nature and an unwillingness to routinely examine asymptomatic patients must be addressed in training programs. Home contact by nurses and patient education may be the most appropriate interventions to improve compliance.
PURPOSE: To describe and evaluate a new method for measuring anterior chamber volume (ACV). DESIGN: Observational case series. METHODS: The authors measured ACV using the anterior chamber (AC) optical coherence tomographer (OCT) and applied image-processing software developed by them. Repeatability was evaluated. The ACV was measured in patient groups with normal ACs, shallow ACs, and deep ACs. The volume difference before and after laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) was analyzed for the shallow and deep groups. RESULTS: Coefficients of repeatability for intraoperator, interoperator, and interimage measurements were 0.406%, 0.958%, and 0.851%, respectively. The limits of agreement for intraoperator and interoperator measurement were -0.911 microl to 1.343 microl and -7.875 microl to -2.463 microl, respectively. There were significant ACV differences in normal, shallow, and deep AC eyes (P < .001) and before and after LPI in shallow AC (P < .001) and deep AC (P = .008) eyes. CONCLUSIONS: The ACV values obtained by this method were repeatable and in accord with clinical observation.
It is widely believed that work-related training increases a worker’s probability of moving up the job-quality ladder. This is usually couched in terms of effects on wages, but it has also been argued that training increases the probability of moving from non-permanent forms of employment to more permanent employment. This hypothesis is tested using nationally representative panel data for Australia, a country where the incidence of non-permanent employment, and especially casual employment, is high by international standards. While a positive association between participation in work-related training and the subsequent probability of moving from either casual or fixed-term contract employment to permanent employment is observed among men, this is shown to be driven not by a causal impact of training on transitions but by differences between those who do and do not receive training; i.e., selection bias.
Africa has a significant burden of childhood disease, with relatively few skilled health care professionals. The African Paediatric Fellowship Programme was developed by the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health at the University of Cape Town to provide relevant training for African child health professionals, by Africans, within Africa. Trainees identified by partner academic institutions spend 6 months to 2 years training in the Department of Pediatrics and allied disciplines. They then return to their home institution to build practice, training, research, and advocacy. From 2008 to 2015, 73 physicians have completed or are completing training in general pediatrics or a pediatric subspecialty. At 1 year posttraining, 98% to 100% are practicing back in their home institution. The impact of the returning fellows is evident from their practice interventions, research collaborations, and positions as stakeholders who can change health care policies. Thirty-three centers in 13 African countries are partners with the program, and the program template is now followed by other partner sites in Africa. Increasing and retaining the skills pool of African child health specialists is building a network of motivated, highly skilled clinicians who are equipped to advance child health in Africa.
BACKGROUND: Falls and fall-related injuries are symptomatic of an aging population. This study aimed to design, develop, and deliver a novel method of balance training, using an interactive game-based system to promote engagement, with the inclusion of older adults at both high and low risk of experiencing a fall.
STUDY DESIGN: Eighty-two older adults (65 years of age and older) were recruited from sheltered accommodation and local activity groups. Forty volunteers were randomly selected and received 5 weeks of balance game training (5 males, 35 females; mean, 77.18 ± 6.59 years), whereas the remaining control participants recorded levels of physical activity (20 males, 22 females; mean, 76.62 ± 7.28 years). The effect of balance game training was measured on levels of functional balance and balance confidence in individuals with and without quantifiable balance impairments.
RESULTS: Balance game training had a significant effect on levels of functional balance and balance confidence (P < 0.05). This was further demonstrated in participants who were deemed at high risk of falls. The overall pattern of results suggests the training program is effective and suitable for individuals at all levels of ability and may therefore play a role in reducing the risk of falls.
CONCLUSIONS: Commercial hardware can be modified to deliver engaging methods of effective balance assessment and training for the older population.
This paper aims to look at the teaching situation of the nursing undergraduate degree’s courses about eldercare in Portugal. A documentary research on the teaching programs in 39 nursing schools, 26 schools presented syllabus units related to the topic ‘eldercare’ and in eight of these schools the contents of the units were identified. Using textual analysis and from the categories we concluded that the teaching regarding eldercare for the nurse training in Portugal is focused on hospital care; it is directed to the adult/elderly/family; it explores the definitions related to the aging process; it explores community issues, legislation and research. People responsible for the design/monitoring of teaching programs should include teaching regarding eldercare in the nurse training, considering that the elder population is increasing in Portugal.
Objective: To identify similarities/specificities in the nursing training in Brazil and in Portugal. This is a documentary research conducted in two higher education institutions, in January 2013. Method: It was focused on the National Curriculum Guidelines and on the Bologna Process. Results: Common points: objectives and profile of the newly-trained nurses grounded on competencies; teaching of education in/for health. Brazilian specificity: universal admission; three disciplines focused on research; mandatory discipline related to elderly care; two optional disciplines: Alternative therapies and Brazilian Language of Signs; insertion of complementary activities, actions in teaching/research/extension; basis of teaching: compliance with the Brazilian Unified Health System. Portuguese Specificity: admission with regionalized medical certificate; grounded on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System; compulsory disciplines: Clinical Reasoning in Nursing; Family Nursing; Development throughout life; Rehabilitative Nursing and Prospects of development of the Nursing; two optional disciplines: entrepreneurship and arts; basis of teaching: clinical teaching. Conclusions: There are similarities and specificities between the surveyed courses.
Objective: To identify similarities/specificities in the nursing training in Brazil and in Portugal. This is a documentary research conducted in two higher education institutions, in January 2013. Method: It was focused on the National Curriculum Guidelines and on the Bologna Process. Results: Common points: objectives and profile of the newly-trained nurses grounded on competencies; teaching of education in/for health. Brazilian specificity: universal admission; three disciplines focused on research; mandatory discipline related to elderly care; two optional disciplines: Alternative therapies and Brazilian Language of Signs; insertion of complementary activities, actions in teaching/research/extension; basis of teaching: compliance with the Brazilian Unified Health System. Portuguese Specificity: admission with regionalized medical certificate; grounded on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System; compulsory disciplines: Clinical Reasoning in Nursing; Family Nursing; Development throughout life; Rehabilitative Nursing and Prospects of development of the Nursing; two optional disciplines: entrepreneurship and arts; basis of teaching: clinical teaching. Conclusions: There are similarities and specificities between the surveyed courses.
O objetivo principal desta tese de doutoramento é o de identificar as tecnologias da comunicação que as Instituições de Ensino Superior Públicas Portuguesas usam no suporte à aprendizagem e caracterizar esse uso em relação à perspetiva institucional. O contexto e os objetivos específicos da investigação são apresentados, seguidos pela descrição do enquadramento conceptual, que inclui a revisão da literatura especializada e os grupos e projetos de investigação com trabalho mais relevante para este estudo. As questões de investigação são identificadas e discutidas, e é proposto um modelo de análise original baseado em dois conceitos principais - o conceito de enquadramento institucional e o conceito de uso, que serviu de base às diversas fases da investigação. Descreve-se e justifica-se a metodologia de investigação que foi adoptada, incluindo o questionário online usado na recolha de dados (Novembro de 2010 – Fevereiro de 2011), assim como os métodos adotados no processamento dos dados. A apresentação e discussão dos resultados concentra-se nas questões de investigação e na abordagem de investigação adotada. Os resultados mostram que as práticas tradicionais de disseminação de materiais e de comunicação entre os docentes e os alunos estão a migrar para o ambiente online através do uso das plataformas de gestão de aprendizagem e das tecnologias que suportam a comunicação interpessoal; e que o uso da Web 2.0 e dos ambientes 3D é limitado. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de aprofundar a investigação sobre a formação de docentes, especialmente no uso efetivo das tecnologias da comunicação no suporte a novas abordagens às práticas de ensino e aprendizagem.
Tomando como ponto de partida a relação entre música e matemática, nesta investigação temos como principal objetivo estudar a influência da aprendizagem musical no desempenho matemático. Pretendeu-se ainda observar o efeito de um conjunto de preditores no referido desempenho, mais concretamente do nível socioeconómico, da inteligência e de variáveis cognitivo-motivacionais (motivação, expectativas de autoeficácia e atribuições causais). Numa primeira parte, delineámos as linhas teóricas desta investigação. Começámos por relatar a relação entre música e matemática no âmbito da musicologia histórica, da teoria e análise musicais, da acústica e das tendências na composição musical, evidenciando os mecanismos de ligação entre elementos e conceitos musicais e tópicos e temas matemáticos. Relatámos os benefícios da exposição musical ao nível do desenvolvimento cognitivo e intelectual, destacando o aumento do raciocínio espacial, do desempenho matemático e da inteligência com a aprendizagem musical. De seguida, descrevemos o impacto das aulas de música no aumento do desempenho académico a várias disciplinas, nomeadamente a Matemática, enfatizando a associação da duração da aprendizagem musical com o aumento das capacidades matemáticas; para além do efeito da aprendizagem musical, procurámos ainda explicação de um desempenho académico melhorado com base em variáveis potenciadoras da performance, tais como o nível socioeconómico e a inteligência. Nesta linha de abordagem, explorámos os efeitos de variáveis influentes do desempenho académico fora do contexto musical, reportando-nos ao nível socioeconómico, à inteligência e às dimensões cognitivo-motivacionais (motivação, expectativas de autoeficácia e atribuições causais), destacando o poder preditivo da inteligência, seguido do nível socioeconómico e da motivação. Por fim, referimo-nos à interação entre música e encéfalo por meio das temáticas da plasticidade neural estrutural e funcional, do efeito da aprendizagem e performance musicais, da cognição musical e domínios não musicais, bem como dos fatores genéticos; sublinhamos a possibilidade de ligações entre a cognição musical e os domínios espacial e matemático. Numa segunda parte, apresentamos a investigação que desenvolvemos em contexto escolar com 112 alunos do 7º ano de escolaridade provenientes de 12 escolas do Ensino Básico. Nove são do Ensino Especializado de Música e três são do Ensino Regular. No total, as escolas enquadram-se nas zonas urbanas de Braga, Coimbra e Lisboa. O estudo possui carácter longitudinal e abrange três anos letivos, do 7º ao 9º anos de escolaridade. Após explanação dos objetivos, das hipóteses de investigação, da caracterização da amostra, da descrição dos instrumentos de avaliação e respetiva validação empírica, relatamos os resultados que encontrámos. Estes permitiram, por um lado, validar a hipótese de que os alunos submetidos ao ensino formal de música apresentam um desempenho matemático superior comparativamente aos alunos que não frequentaram este tipo de ensino (H1) e, por outro, sustentar que o número de anos de aprendizagem musical contribui para o aumento do desempenho matemático (H3). Sublinha-se, ainda, que os alunos de instrumento de teclado revelaram desempenho matemático mais elevado em relação aos seus pares que estudaram outros instrumentos. Já no que se refere ao poder preditivo do tipo de ensino (Ensino Especializado de Música vs. Ensino Regular), apurámos que a formação em música prevê melhores desempenhos a matemática; destaca-se que as variáveis em estudo, tais como o nível socioeconómico, a motivação, as expectativas de autoeficácia e a inteligência adicionam capacidade explicativa do desempenho matemático, sendo que a presença da aprendizagem musical perdeu aptidão preditiva apenas na presença da inteligência. Contudo, após controlo estatístico da inteligência, foi possível concluir que a aprendizagem musical mantém o poder preditivo no desempenho matemático (H2). Os resultados permitiram identificar em que tópicos e temas matemáticos relacionados com os elementos e conceitos musicais os alunos com aprendizagem musical apresentam melhores desempenhos, evidenciando-se os tópicos no âmbito da Geometria (H4). Observámos, também, que é possível prever o desempenho matemático a partir do raciocínio espacial dos alunos (H5). Finalmente, referimos as limitações, refletimos sobre as implicações que estes resultados poderão trazer no âmbito do ensino da música em Portugal e apontamos pistas conducentes ao desenvolvimento de investigações futuras.
O presente relatório expõe as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio curricular, frequentado na Bluepharma - Indústria Farmacêutica S.A. e na TREAT U, Lda. uma Spin-off da Universidade de Coimbra, no âmbito do Mestrado em Biomedicina Farmacêutica da Universidade de Aveiro. Esta foi uma experiência de 6 meses que teve duas componentes, uma multidisciplinar e outra monodisciplinar, as quais me permitiram desenvolver os conhecimentos e aptidões adquiridas ao longo do curso de mestrado e de as aplicar ao mundo real. Para além do desenvolvimento de competências profissionais, esta experiência possibilitou também a aquisição e desenvolvimento de várias aptidões, quer a nível pessoal como social. Nos primeiros dois meses desta minha experiência adquiri um conhecimento essencialmente teórico em várias áreas da indústria farmacêutica (financeira, desenvolvimento de negócio, assuntos regulamentares, investigação e desenvolvimento de medicamentos, garantia da qualidade, etc.) através da minha passagem pela Bluepharma. De seguida, na minha experiência de quatro meses na TREAT U, foi-me dada a oportunidade de realizar de forma mais independente, as funções inerentes ao cargo de assistente da gerência, com especial enfoque para atividades de gestão de projeto (incluindo assuntos regulamentares), tais como, apoio na preparação do plano de desenvolvimento não clínico e na preparação do pedido de aconselhamento científico. Este relatório começa assim por descrever os objectivos do estágio e uma breve descrição das instituições que me acolheram para a sua realização. De seguida, os conhecimentos adquiridos na vertente multidisciplinar do estágio e depois as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito monodisciplinar. Por fim, apresenta uma análise das dificuldades e desafios encontrados bem como os esforços realizados para os ultrapassar.
Cachexia is a complex syndrome characterized by severe weight loss frequently observed in cancer patients and associated with poor prognosis. Cancer cachexia is also related to modifications in cardiac muscle structure and metabolism leading to cardiac dysfunction. In order to better understand the cardiac remodeling induced by bladder cancer and the impact of exercise training after diagnosis on its regulation, we used an animal model of bladder cancer induced by exposition to N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine (BBN) in the drinking water. Healthy animals and previously BBN exposed animals were submitted to a training program in a treadmill at a speed of 20m/min, 60 min/day, 5 days/week during 13 weeks. At the end of the protocol, animals exposed to BBN presented a significant decrease of body weight, in comparison with control groups, supporting the presence of cancer cachexia. Morphological analysis of the cardiac muscle sections revealed the presence of fibrosis and a significant decrease of cardiomyocyte’s cross-sectional area, suggesting the occurrence of cardiac dysfunction associated with bladder cancer. These modifications were accompanied by heart metabolic remodeling characterized by a decreased fatty acid oxidation given by diminished levels of ETFDH and of complex II subunit from the respiratory chain. Exercise training promoted an increment of connexin 43, a protein involved in cardioprotection, and of c-kit, a protein present in cardiac stem cells. These results suggest an improved heart regenerative capacity induced by exercise training. In conclusion, endurance training seems an attractive non-pharmacological therapeutic option for the management of cardiac dysfunction in cancer cachexia.
Current and past research has brought up new views related to the optimization of neural networks. For a fixed structure, second order methods are seen as the most promising. From previous works we have shown how second order methods are of easy applicability to a neural network. Namely, we have proved how the Levenberg-Marquard possesses not only better convergence but how it can assure the convergence to a local minima. However, as any gradient-based method, the results obtained depend on the startup point. In this work, a reformulated Evolutionary algorithm - the Bacterial Programming for Levenberg-Marquardt is proposed, as an heuristic which can be used to determine the most suitable starting points, therefore achieving, in most cases, the global optimum.