943 resultados para Sex-role Stereotypes
To investigate the effect of the N-terminal Slit2 protein on neuronal survival and development, recombinant human N-terminal Slit2 (N-Slit2) was assayed against isolated embryonic chick dorsal root ganglion sensory, ciliary ganglion and paravertebral sympathetic neurons. N-Slit2 promoted significant levels of neuronal survival and neurite extension in all of these populations. The protein was also assayed against postnatal mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons and found to promote neuronal survival in a similar manner. These findings suggest the Slit proteins may play an important role during development of the nervous system, mediating cellular survival in addition to the well documented role these proteins play in axonal and neuronal chemorepulsion.
Recent research support sLocke's (1976) model of facet satisfaction in which the range of affect of objectively defined facet descriptions is moderated by subjective evaluations of facet importance (McFarlin & Rice, 1992). This study examined the utility of Locke's moderated model of face t satisfaction for the prediction of organizationally important global measures of job satisfaction. A large dataset of two groups of workers allowed testing over different time periods and across a broad range of satisfaction measures. The hypothesis derived from Locke's model, that global satisfaction would represent a linear function of facet satisfaction (i.e., facet description x facet importance), was not supported. Instead, a simple (have-want) discrepancy model (operationalized as facet description) provided the most consistent set of predictors. The results suggests that workers, when providing global measures of job satisfaction, may use cognitive heuristics to reduce the complexity of facet description x importance calculations. The implications of these data for Locke's model and directions for future research are outlined.
The present research focused on responses of low-status group members to a merger with a high-status group. A study was conducted (N = 153) in which the alignment of the leader for the merged group (ingroup vs. outgroup) and leader behavior (equality, outgroup favoritism, ingroup favoritism, complementarity) were manipulated. The authors predicted that the leader, by his or her behavior, would play an important role in defining the new relationship between premerger groups. Overall, low-status ingroup leaders were evaluated more positively than high-status outgroup leaders. Ingroup leaders were evaluated more favorably and were more likely to engender a common identity in the merged group than were outgroup leaders when leaders behaved in an ingroup-favoring or complementary fashion. In contrast, evaluations of ingroup and outgroup leaders did not differ when the leader stressed equality or was outgroup favoring. The findings demonstrate the important role leaders can play in accentuating or de-emphasizing premerger status differences.
An investigation of the role of oxygen in the nitrous oxide/carbon reaction was carried out on various carbon samples (both graphitic and nongraphitic) over a range of temperatures and partial pressures. Previous work reported that oxygen strongly inhibited the nitrous oxide/carbon reaction. Large ratios of O-2/N2O were used in all previous work. In this work, the O-2/N2O ratio was kept below 1, and we found that oxygen did not inhibit the rate of the C + N2O reaction. Instead, the rate of the reaction in the presence of oxygen was essentially that predicted by the two independent reactions, nitrous oxide/carbon and oxygen/carbon, occurring simultaneously. A simple theoretical explanation is given for the observations, both past and present, on the basis of competitive chemisorption of nitrous oxide and oxygen on active sites.
Background: For research on physical activity interventions to progress systematically, the mechanisms of action must be studied. In doing so, the research methods and their associated concepts and terminology become more complex. It is particularly important to clearly distinguish among determinants, correlates, mediators, moderators, and confounder variables used in physical activity research. This article examines the factors that are correlated with and that may have a causal relationship to physical activity. Methods and Results: We propose that the term correlate be used, instead of determinant, to describe statistical associations or correlations between measured variables and physical activity. Studies of the correlates of physical activity are reviewed. The findings of these studies can help to critique existing theories of health behavior change and can provide hypotheses to be tested in intervention studies from which it is possible to draw causal inferences. Mediator, moderator, and confounder variables can act to influence measured changes in physical activity. Intervening causal variables that are necessary to complete a cause-effect pathway between an intervention and physical activity are termed mediators. The relationship between an intervention and physical activity behaviors may vary for different groups; the strata by which they vary are levels of moderators of the relationship. Other factors may distort or affect the observed relationships between program exposure and physical activity, and are known as confounders. Conclusions: Consistent use of terms and additional research on mediators and moderators of intervention effects will improve our ability to understand and influence physical activity.
The age of sex reversal of the venus tusk fish Choerodon venustus, caught by line fishing at various locations on the southern Great Barrier Reef, indicated that C. venustus is capable of modifying its life cycle in response to increased mortality. The evidence suggests Masthead Reef fish, which experience the highest mortality, underwent sex reversal at a smaller size and younger age than at the other sites. The largest female fish, sexually transitional fish and males were smaller at Masthead Reef than at the Swains Reefs or One Tree Reef at Masthead Reef. There was also considerable overlap in the size of males and females within the exploited populations indicating that sex reversal is not initiated at a particular length but may have a social cause. The sex ratio of fish was essentially the same for fish fully susceptible to line fishing in the Swains and Masthead samples. Circumstantial evidence suggested that the absence of large males in a population may initiate sex reversal, indicating the maintenance of a constant sex ratio may have a social basis. (C) 2002 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
The present paper reviews the findings of 30 years of verbal/manual dual task studies, the method most commonly used to assess lateralization of speech production in non-clinical samples. Meta-analysis of 64 results revealed that both the type of manual task used and the nature of practice that is given influence the size of the laterality effect. A meta-analysis of 36 results examining the effect size of sex differences in estimate,, of lateralization of speech production indicated that males appear to show, slightly larger laterality effects than females. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The family of lemnacae colloquially known as duckweed contains the world's smallest species of flowering plants (macrophytes). Aquatic and free-floating, their most striking qualities are a capacity for explosive reproduction and an almost complete lack of fibrous material. They are widely used for reducing chemical loading in facultative sewage lagoons, but their greatest potential lies in their ability to produce large quantities of protein rich biomass, suitable for feeding to a wide range of animals, including fish, poultry and cattle. Despite these qualities there are numerous impediments to these plants being incorporated into western farming systems. Large genetically determined variations in growth in response to nutrients and climate, apparent anti-nutritional factors, concerns about sequestration of heavy metals and possible transference of pathogens raise questions about the safety and usefulness of these plants. A clear understanding of how to address and overcome these impediments needs to be developed before duckweed is widely accepted for nutrient reclamation and as a source of animal feed.
This study investigated reasons for the outsourcing of a core HRM function, recruitment. Drawing from transaction costs and institutional theories, it was hypothesised that the pressure to minimise transaction costs and the presence of industry trends towards outsourcing would be positively associated with the outsourcing of recruitment. Survey data were gathered from 1I 7 HR professionals in Australia. Both hypotheses were partially supported. Specifically, the outsourcing of recruitment activities was positively associated with trust in the agency supplying the recruitment service and with the need to reduce internal labour but not fixed costs. With regard to institutional theory, the outsourcing of recruitment was positively associated with mimetic but not coercive forces. The study concludes that although most assumptions about recruitment agency use are expressed in economic terms, in reality, HRM practices are also influenced by forces exerted by the institutional environment in which organisations are located.