956 resultados para Proteína X associada a bcl-2
The humoral immune response is dependent on the formation of antibodies. Antibodies are produced by terminally differentiated B cells, plasma cells. Plasma cells are generated either directly from antigen challenged B cells, memory cells or from cells that have undergone the germinal center (GC) reaction. The GC is the main site for class switch, somatic hypermutation and generation of memory cells. Different factors, both internal and external, shape the outcome of the immune response. In this thesis, we have studied a few factors that influence the maturation of the humoral response. We have studied how age affects the response, and we show that responses against thymus dependent antigens (TD) are more affected than responses to thymus independent (TI) antigens, in concordance with the view that the T cell compartment is more affected by age than the B cell compartment. Furthermore, we demonstrate that priming early in life have a big influence on the immune response in the aged individual. Priming with a TI form of the carbohydrate dextran B512 (Dx) induces a reduction of IgG levels in later TD responses against Dx. We have evaluated possible mechanisms for this reduction. The reduction does not seem to be caused by clonal exhaustion or antibody mediated mechanisms. We also showed that the reduced TD response after TI priming can be induced against another molecule than Dx. With the hypothesis that TI antigens induce a plasma cell biased maturation of the responding B cells, we examined the presence of Blimp-1, a master regulator of plasma cell differentiation, in GCs induced by TD and TI antigen. Blimp-1 was found earlier in GCs induced by TI antigen and the staining intensity in these GCs was stronger than in TD antigen induced GCs, indicating that plasma cells might be continuously recruited from these GCs. B cells undergoing the GC reaction are thought to be under a strict selection pressure that removes cells with low affinity for the antigen and also cells that have acquired self-reactivity. We investigated the effect of apoptotic deficiencies on the accumulation of somatic mutations in GC B cells. In mice lacking the death receptor Fas, lpr mice, the frequency of mutations was increased but the pattern of the mutations did not differ from wild type mice. In contrast, mice over-expressing the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, had a lowered frequency of mutations and the mutations introduced had other characteristics.
[ES] Los flavonoides son compuestos polifenólicos que están omnipresentes en las plantas y muestran un amplio espectro de actividades biológicas. Aquí hemos estudiado el efecto del derivado tetraacetilado (QD) del producto natural 3 metil éter quercetina, sobre la viabilidad celular en las líneas celulares de leucemia humana Hl-60 y u937. Los resultados muestran que QD es citotóxico e induce parada en la fase G2-M del ciclo celular en ambas líneas celulares y es un potente inductor de la apoptosis. La apoptosis inducida por QD (i) es mediada por la activación de las caspasas, (ii) está asociada con la liberación del citocromo c y (iii) es activada en células u937 que sobreexpresan bcl-2. El tratamiento de células Hl-60 y u937 con QD provoca la activación de la vía de las quinasas activadas por mitógenos (MaPKs), incluyendo JNK, p38 MaPK y ErK 1/2. La inhibición de JNK mediante el sP600125 y de p38 MaPK mediante sB203580 no tiene influencia en la apoptosis mediada por QD. Por el contrario, la inhibición de ErK 1/2 con inhibidores farmacológicos u0126 o PD98059 potenció el porcentaje de apoptosis inducida por QD y sugiere que la inhibición de esta vía es una estrategia valiosa para aumentar la sensibilidad de células de leucemia humana Hl-60 hacia la QD.
Immunosenescence is characterized by a complex remodelling of the immune system, mainly driven by lifelong antigenic burden. Cells of the immune system are constantly exposed to a variety of stressors capable of inducing apoptosis, including antigens and reactive oxygen species continuously produced during immune response and metabolic pathways. The overall homeostasis of the immune system is based on the balance between antigenic load, oxidative stress, and apoptotic processes on one side, and the regenerative potential and renewal of the immune system on the other. Zinc is an essential trace element playing a central role on the immune function, being involved in many cellular processes, such as cell death and proliferation, as cofactor of enzymes, nuclear factors and hormones. In this context, the age associated changes in the immune system may be in part due to zinc deficiency, often observed in aged subjects and able to induce impairment of several immune functions. Thus, the aim of this work was to investigate the role of zinc in two essential events for immunity during aging, i.e. apoptosis and cell proliferation. Spontaneous and oxidative stress-induced apoptosis were evaluated by flow cytometry in presence of a physiological concentration of zinc in vitro on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from healthy subjects of different age: a group of young subjects, a group of old subjects and a group of nonagenarians. In addition, cell cycle phases were analyzed by flow cytometry in PBMCs, obtained from the subjects of the same groups in presence of different concentration of zinc. We also analyzed the influence of zinc in these processes in relation to p53 codon 72 polymorphism, known to affect apoptosis and cell cycle in age-dependent manner. Zinc significantly reduces spontaneous apoptosis in all age-groups; while it significantly increases oxidative stress-induced late apoptosis/necrosis in old and nonagenarians subjects. Some factors involved in the apoptotic pathway were studied and a zinc effect on mitochondrial membrane depolarization, cytochrome C release, caspase-3 activation, PARP cleavage and Bcl-2 expression was found. In conclusion, zinc inhibits spontaneous apoptosis in PBMCs contrasting the harmful effects due to the cellular culture conditions. On the other hand, zinc is able to increase toxicity and induce cell death in PBMCs from aged subjects when cells are exposed to stressing agents that compromise antioxidant cellular systems. Concerning the relationship between the susceptibility to apoptosis and p53 codon 72 genotype, zinc seems to affect apoptosis only in PBMCs from Pro- people suggesting a role of this ion in strengthening the mechanism responsible of the higher propensity of Pro- towards apoptosis. Regarding cell cycle, high doses of zinc could have a role in the progression of cells from G1 to S phase and from S to G2/M phase. These effect seems depend on the age of the donor but seems to be unrelated to p53 codon 72 genotype. In order to investigate the effect of an in vivo zinc supplementation on apoptosis and cell cycle, PBMCs from a group of aged subjects were studied before and after six weeks of oral zinc supplementation. Zinc supplementation reduces spontaneous apoptosis and it strongly reduces oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. On the contrary, no effect of zinc was observed on cell cycle. Therefore, it’s clear that in vitro and in vivo zinc supplementation have different effects on apoptosis and cell cycle in PBMCs from aged subjects. Further experiments and clinical trials are necessary to clarify the real effect of an in vivo zinc supplementation because this preliminary data could encourage the of this element in all that disease with oxidative stress pathogenesis. Moreover, the expression of metallothioneins (MTs), proteins well known for their zinc-binding ability and involved in many cellular processes, i.e. apoptosis, metal ions detoxification, oxidative stress, differentiation, was evaluated in total lymphocytes, in CD4+ and in CD8+ T lymphocytes from young and old healthy subjects in presence of different concentration of zinc in vitro. Literature data reported that during ageing the levels of these proteins increase and concomitantly they lose the ability to release zinc. This fact induce a down-regulation of many biological functions related to zinc, such as metabolism, gene expression and signal transduction. Therefore, these proteins may turn from protective in young-adult age to harmful agents for the immune function in ageing following the concept that several genes/proteins that increase fitness early in life may have negative effects later in life: named “Antagonistic Pleyotropy Theory of Ageing”. Data obtained in this work indicate an higher and faster expression of MTs with lower doses of zinc in total lymphocytes, in CD4+ and in CD8+ T lymphocytes from old subjects supporting the antagonistic pleiotropic role of these proteins.
Il presente studio ha come obbiettivo lo sviluppo di composti di origine naturale come potenziali farmaci antitumorali, attraverso la definizione dei loro specifici target cellulari e molecolari su diversi modelli cellulari ad alta predittività. Gli isotiocianati, contenuti nei vegetali appartenenti alla famiglia delle Crucifereae, sono dotati di una comprovata capacità di inibire la formazione di tumori in modelli animali preventivamente trattati con cancerogeni. Questa attività è riconducibile principalmente alla modulazione degli enzimi coinvolti nell’attivazione/detossificazione di xenobiotici e ad effetti citostatici e citossici, osservati su numerose linee cellulari. Un isotiocianato particolarmente promettente è il sulforafane (SFN). La ricerca condotta durante il periodo di dottorato si è, quindi, focalizzata sull’isotiocianato SFN e in particolare sulla sua capacità di modulare specifici eventi cellulari e molecolari coinvolti nel processo di leucemogenesi. Inizialmente è stato indagato il potenziale citostatico e citotossico del SFN su una linea cellulare T linfoblastoide (cellule Jurkat), con particolare attenzione agli effetti sulla proliferazione cellulare, all’induzione di apoptosi/necrosi e all’analisi di alcuni dei meccanismi molecolari coinvolti negli effetti citostatici e citotossici dell’isotiocianato ( livelli proteici di p53, bax e bcl-2). Successivamente, poiché requisiti fondamentali di un antitumorale sono selettività d’azione e scarsa tossicità, è stato indagato il potenziale citostatico e citotossico dell’isotiocianato SFN sulla controparte non trasformata delle cellule leucemiche T linfoblastoidi, analizzando gli stessi eventi studiati su cellule tumorali e alcuni dei meccanismi molecolari coinvolti (livelli proteici di ciclina D2, ciclina D3, chinasi ciclina dipendente (CDK) 4 e CDK6 ). Il SFN si è dimostrato in grado di indurre apoptosi sulle cellule Jurkat e di inibirne la proliferazione, mediante un blocco in fase G2/M del ciclo cellulare e un incremento dei livelli di p53 e bax. Il SFN è in grado di indurre effetti citostatici e citotossici anche su linfociti T non trasformati. Tuttavia, le dosi necessarie per esibire tali effetti sono ben più elevate di quelle attive su cellule leucemiche. Una tappa importante nello sviluppo di un farmaco antitumorale è, la definizione, dove possibile, dei suoi effetti in un modello ex vivo, altamente predittivo di quella che sarà la risposta farmacologica in vivo. Sono stati quindi valutati gli effetti del SFN su colture primarie di blasti provenienti da pazienti affetti da diversi tipi di leucemia , sia mieloide che linfoblastica. Il SFN non sembra possedere alcuna attività su campioni da pazienti affetti da LLC, mentre un importante attività proapoptotica si registra nei campioni da pazienti affetti da LMA, dove l’effetto del SFN è sorprendentemente marcato anche su campioni da pazienti multiresistenti. L’attività dell’isotiocianato sui campioni da pazienti affetti da LLA è decisamente più marcata sul campione da paziente affetto da LLA a cellule B, mentre sul campione di Leucemia Acuta Bifenotipica l’effetto proapoptotico del SFN si registra dopo tempi di trattamento brevi piuttosto che dopo tempi di trattamento più lunghi. In conclusione, i risultati ottenuti evidenziano che il SFN possiede un’interessante attività antileucemica in vitro e, dato di particolare rilevanza, anche ex vivo.
The role of mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer has long been a subject of great interest. In this study, such dysfunction has been examined with regards to thyroid oncocytoma, a rare form of cancer, accounting for less than 5% of all thyroid cancers. A peculiar characteristic of thyroid oncocytic cells is the presence of an abnormally large number of mitochondria in the cytoplasm. Such mitochondrial hyperplasia has also been observed in cells derived from patients suffering from mitochondrial encephalomyopathies, where mutations in the mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) encoding the respiratory complexes result in oxidative phosphorylation dysfunction. An increase in the number of mitochondria occurs in the latter in order to compensate for the respiratory deficiency. This fact spurred the investigation into the presence of analogous mutations in thyroid oncocytic cells. In this study, the only available cell model of thyroid oncocytoma was utilised, the XTC-1 cell line, established from an oncocytic thyroid metastasis to the breast. In order to assess the energetic efficiency of these cells, they were incubated in a medium lacking glucose and supplemented instead with galactose. When subjected to such conditions, glycolysis is effectively inhibited and the cells are forced to use the mitochondria for energy production. Cell viability experiments revealed that XTC-1 cells were unable to survive in galactose medium. This was in marked contrast to the TPC-1 control cell line, a thyroid tumour cell line which does not display the oncocytic phenotype. In agreement with these findings, subsequent experiments assessing the levels of cellular ATP over incubation time in galactose medium, showed a drastic and continual decrease in ATP levels only in the XTC-1 cell line. Furthermore, experiments on digitonin-permeabilised cells revealed that the respiratory dysfunction in the latter was due to a defect in complex I of the respiratory chain. Subsequent experiments using cybrids demonstrated that this defect could be attributed to the mitochondrially-encoded subunits of complex I as opposed to the nuclearencoded subunits. Confirmation came with mtDNA sequencing, which detected the presence of a novel mutation in the ND1 subunit of complex I. In addition, a mutation in the cytochrome b subunit of complex III of the respiratory chain was detected. The fact that XTC-1 cells are unable to survive when incubated in galactose medium is consistent with the fact that many cancers are largely dependent on glycolysis for energy production. Indeed, numerous studies have shown that glycolytic inhibitors are able to induce apoptosis in various cancer cell lines. Subsequent experiments were therefore performed in order to identify the mode of XTC-1 cell death when subjected to the metabolic stress imposed by the forced use of the mitochondria for energy production. Cell shrinkage and mitochondrial fragmentation were observed in the dying cells, which would indicate an apoptotic type of cell death. Analysis of additional parameters however revealed a lack of both DNA fragmentation and caspase activation, thus excluding a classical apoptotic type of cell death. Interestingly, cleavage of the actin component of the cytoskeleton was observed, implicating the action of proteases in this mode of cell demise. However, experiments employing protease inhibitors failed to identify the specific protease involved. It has been reported in the literature that overexpression of Bcl-2 is able to rescue cells presenting a respiratory deficiency. As the XTC-1 cell line is not only respiration-deficient but also exhibits a marked decrease in Bcl-2 expression, it is a perfect model with which to study the relationship between Bcl-2 and oxidative phosphorylation in respiratory-deficient cells. Contrary to the reported literature studies on various cell lines harbouring defects in the respiratory chain, Bcl-2 overexpression was not shown to increase cell survival or rescue the energetic dysfunction in XTC-1 cells. Interestingly however, it had a noticeable impact on cell adhesion and morphology. Whereas XTC-1 cells shrank and detached from the growth surface under conditions of metabolic stress, Bcl-2-overexpressing XTC-1 cells appeared much healthier and were up to 45% more adherent. The target of Bcl-2 in this setting appeared to be the actin cytoskeleton, as the cleavage observed in XTC-1 cells expressing only endogenous levels of Bcl-2, was inhibited in Bcl-2-overexpressing cells. Thus, although unable to rescue XTC-1 cells in terms of cell viability, Bcl-2 is somehow able to stabilise the cytoskeleton, resulting in modifications in cell morphology and adhesion. The mitochondrial respiratory deficiency observed in cancer cells is thought not only to cause an increased dependency on glycolysis but it is also thought to blunt cellular responses to anticancer agents. The effects of several therapeutic agents were thus assessed for their death-inducing ability in XTC-1 cells. Cell viability experiments clearly showed that the cells were more resistant to stimuli which generate reactive oxygen species (tert-butylhydroperoxide) and to mitochondrial calcium-mediated apoptotic stimuli (C6-ceramide), as opposed to stimuli inflicting DNA damage (cisplatin) and damage to protein kinases(staurosporine). Various studies in the literature have reported that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-coactivator 1(PGC-1α), which plays a fundamental role in mitochondrial biogenesis, is also involved in protecting cells against apoptosis caused by the former two types of stimuli. In accordance with these observations, real-time PCR experiments showed that XTC-1 cells express higher mRNA levels of this coactivator than do the control cells, implicating its importance in drug resistance. In conclusion, this study has revealed that XTC-1 cells, like many cancer cell lines, are characterised by a reduced energetic efficiency due to mitochondrial dysfunction. Said dysfunction has been attributed to mutations in respiratory genes encoded by the mitochondrial genome. Although the mechanism of cell demise in conditions of metabolic stress is unclear, the potential of targeting thyroid oncocytic cancers using glycolytic inhibitors has been illustrated. In addition, the discovery of mtDNA mutations in XTC-1 cells has enabled the use of this cell line as a model with which to study the relationship between Bcl-2 overexpression and oxidative phosphorylation in cells harbouring mtDNA mutations and also to investigate the significance of such mutations in establishing resistance to apoptotic stimuli.
The β-Amyloid (βA) peptide is the major component of senile plaques that are one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). It is well recognized that Aβ exists in multiple assembly states, such as soluble oligomers or insoluble fibrils, which affect neuronal viability and may contribute to disease progression. In particular, common βA-neurotoxic mechanisms are Ca2+ dyshomeostasis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, altered signaling, mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal death such as necrosis and apoptosis. Recent study shows that the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway play a crucial role in the degradation of short-lived and regulatory proteins that are important in a variety of basic and pathological cellular processes including apoptosis. Guanosine (Guo) is a purine nucleoside present extracellularly in brain that shows a spectrum of biological activities, both under physiological and pathological conditions. Recently it has become recognized that both neurons and glia also release guanine-based purines. However, the role of Guo in AD is still not well established. In this study, we investigated the machanism basis of neuroprotective effects of GUO against Aβ peptide-induced toxicity in neuronal (SH-SY5Y), in terms of mitochondrial dysfunction and translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS), a marker of apoptosis, using MTT and Annexin-V assay, respectively. In particular, treatment of SH-SY5Y cells with GUO (12,5-75 μM) in presence of monomeric βA25-35 (neurotoxic core of Aβ), oligomeric and fibrillar βA1-42 peptides showed a strong dose-dependent inhibitory effects on βA-induced toxic events. The maximum inhibition of mitochondrial function loss and PS translocation was observed with 75 μM of Guo. Subsequently, to investigate whether neuroprotection of Guo can be ascribed to its ability to modulate proteasome activity levels, we used lactacystin, a specific inhibitor of proteasome. We found that the antiapoptotic effects of Guo were completely abolished by lactacystin. To rule out the possibility that this effects resulted from an increase in proteasome activity by Guo, the chymotrypsin-like activity was assessed employing the fluorogenic substrate Z-LLL-AMC. The treatment of SH-SY5Y with Guo (75 μM for 0-6 h) induced a strong increase, in a time-dependent manner, of proteasome activity. In parallel, no increase of ubiquitinated protein levels was observed at similar experimental conditions adopted. We then evaluated an involvement of anti and pro-apoptotic proteins such as Bcl-2, Bad and Bax by western blot analysis. Interestingly, Bax levels decreased after 2 h treatment of SH-SY5Y with Guo. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Guo neuroprotective effects against βA-induced apoptosis are mediated, at least partly, via proteasome activation. In particular, these findings suggest a novel neuroprotective pathway mediated by Guo, which involves a rapid degradation of pro-apoptotic proteins by the proteasome. In conclusion, the present data, raise the possibility that Guo could be used as an agent for the treatment of AD.
Um Cytotoxizität und Gentoxizität nukleosidischer Antiherpes-Virustatika zu untersuchen, wurden stabile CHO-Klone etabliert, die Thymidinkinase (TK) des Herpes simplex-Virus Typ 1 (HSV-TK) oder des Varicella zoster-Virus (VZV-TK) exprimieren. In HSV-TK-exprimierenden Zellen wurde das Purinanalogon Ganciclovir (GCV) effizient in die genomische DNA eingebaut, worauf in den nächsten Replikationsrunden DNA-Strangbrüche und Aberrationen entstehen und Apoptose ausgelöst wird. GCV-induzierte Apoptose wird hauptsächlich über den mitochondrialen Weg vermittelt, wobei das anti-apoptotische Protein Bcl-2 im Mittelpunkt steht. Nach GCV-Behandlung konnte eine Caspase-9-vermittelte post-translationale Spaltung von Bcl-2 nachgewiesen werden. Das 23 kDa-großes Bcl-2-Fragment wirkt im Gegensatz zum intakten Bcl-2-Protein pro-apoptotisch und verstärkt die Cytochrom C-Freisetzung und damit die Aktivierung der Caspase-9, die Bcl-2 spaltet, was zu einem positiven 'Amplifikationsloop' des mitochondrialen apoptotischen Weges führt. In weiteren Experimenten wurde gezeigt, daß in die DNA inkorporiertes GCV durch Basenexzisionsreparatur repariert wird, wobei die DNA-Polymerase ß eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Diese Reparatur führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Apoptose und Klastogenität und damit zur Resistenzsteigerung gegenüber GCV. In VZV-TK-exprimierenden Zellen wurde gezeigt, daß Brivudin (BVDU), gleichermaßen Apoptose und Nekrose induzierte. Für die BVDU-induzierte Cytotoxizität konnte die Hemmung der Thymidylatsynthetase als Ursache identifiziert werden. Im Gegensatz zur GCV-induzierten Apoptose war für die BVDU-induzierte Apoptose der Rezeptor (Fas/CD95/APO-1)-vermittelte Weg von vorrangiger Bedeutung.
The research performed in the framework of this Master Thesis has been directly inspired by the recent work of an organometallic research group led by Professor Maria Cristina Cassani on a topic related to the structures, dynamics and catalytic activity of N-heterocyclic carbene-amide rhodium(I) complexes1. A series of [BocNHCH2CH2ImR]X (R = Me, X = I, 1a’; R = Bz, X = Br, 1b’; R = trityl, X = Cl, 1c’) amide-functionalized imidazolium salts bearing increasingly bulky N-alkyl substituents were synthetized and characterized. Subsequently, these organic precursors were employed in the synthesis of silver(I) complexes as intermediate compounds on a way to rhodium(I) complexes [Rh(NBD)X(NHC)] (NHC = 1-(2-NHBoc-ethyl)-3-R-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl, R = Me (3a’), R = Bz (3b’), R = trityl (3c’); X = I, R = Me (4a’)). VT NMR studies of these complexes revealed a restricted rotation barriers about the metal-carbene bond. However, while the rotation barriers calculated for the complexes in which R = Me, Bz (3a’,b’ and 4a) matched the experimental values, this was not true in the trityl case 3c’, where the experimental value was very similar to that obtained for compound 3b’ and much smaller with respect to the calculated one. In addition, the energy barrier derived for 3c’ from line shape simulation showed a strong dependence on the temperature, while the barriers measured for 3a’,b’ did not show this effect. In view of these results and in order to establish the reasons for the previously found inconsistency between calculated and experimental thermodynamic data, the first objective of this master thesis was the preparation of a series of rhodium(I) complexes [Rh(NBD)X(NHC)] (NHC = 1-benzyl-3-R-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl, R = Me, Bz, trityl, tBu), containing the benzyl substituent as a chiral probe, followed by full characterization. The second objective of this work was to investigate the catalytic activity of the new rhodium compounds in the hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes for comparison purposes with the reported complexes. Another purpose of this work was to employ the prepared N-heterocyclic ligands in the synthesis of iron(II)-NHC complexes.
Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für die maligne Transformation von Zellen ist die Inaktivierung des programmierten Zelltodes (Apoptose). Die dabei erworbenen Defekte der Apoptose-Signalwege führen häufig zu Resistenzen gegenüber Radio- und Chemotherapien. Immuntherapeutische Ansätze haben zum Ziel, solche resistenten Tumorzellen spezifisch zu entfernen. Resistenzen gegenüber Immuntherapien können wiederum in einer gestörten Immunerkennung der Tumorzellen oder deren Resistenz gegenüber Immuneffektormechanismen begründet sein. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war, zu überprüfen, ob durch Proteinkinase B (PKB)/Akt Immunresistenz vermittelt werden kann. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass die Aktivierung des PKB/Akt-Signalweges in Tumorzellen einen deutlichen Schutz gegenüber verschiedenen Apoptosestimuli in vitro vermittelt. Die konditionale Aktivierung von PKB/Akt hemmte sowohl die pharmakologisch, als auch die durch ZTL induzierte Apoptose-Signalkaskade über eine posttranskriptionelle Stabilisierung des anti-apoptotischen Proteins MCL-1. Diese Beobachtung konnte auch in einem murinen Tumorimmuntherapiemodell in vivo bestätigt werden. Unstimulierte Splenozyten von C57Bl/6-Mäusen wurden adoptiv in NOD/SCID-Mäuse mit etablierten, PKB/Akt-exprimierenden, murinen Fibrosarkomen transferiert. Die konditionale Aktivierung von PKB/Akt inhibierte den tumorsuppressiven Effekt dieser transplantierten Splenozyten signifikant. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die PKB/Akt-abhängige Immunresistenz auch in vivo durch anti-apoptotisches MCL-1 vermittelt wird. PKB/Akt-exprimierende Fibrosarkome mit supprimierter endogener MCL-1-Expression verloren ihre Resistenz gegenüber der durch adoptiven Splenozytentransfer vermittelten Tumorsuppression. Dies bestätigte endogenes MCL-1 als entscheidenden Faktor der PKB/Akt-vermittelten Immunresistenz. Ferner konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Hemmung der PKB/Akt-induzierten Signaltransduktion auf der Ebene der nachgeschalteten Kinase mTOR etablierte Fibrosarkome gegenüber adoptiver Lymphozytentherapie sensitiviert. Der mTOR-Inhibitor Rapamycin verhinderte die PKB/Akt-induzierte Aufregulation von MCL-1 und die damit einhergehende Resistenzentwicklung in vivo. Zusammengefasst wurde erstmalig gezeigt, dass eine Deregulation des PKB/Akt-Signalweges Resistenz gegenüber immunologischer Tumorsuppression vermitteln kann. PKB/Akt stellt somit ein entscheidendes Zielmolekül für die Verbesserung von Krebsimmuntherapien dar.
Volatile organic compounds play a critical role in ozone formation and drive the chemistry of the atmosphere, together with OH radicals. The simplest volatile organic compound methane is a climatologically important greenhouse gas, and plays a key role in regulating water vapour in the stratosphere and hydroxyl radicals in the troposphere. The OH radical is the most important atmospheric oxidant and knowledge of the atmospheric OH sink, together with the OH source and ambient OH concentrations is essential for understanding the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. Oceanic emission and / or uptake of methanol, acetone, acetaldehyde, isoprene and dimethyl sulphide (DMS) was characterized as a function of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and a suite of biological parameters, in a mesocosm experiment conducted in the Norwegian fjord. High frequency (ca. 1 minute-1) methane measurements were performed using a gas chromatograph - flame ionization detector (GC-FID) in the boreal forests of Finland and the tropical forests of Suriname. A new on-line method (Comparative Reactivity Method - CRM) was developed to directly measure the total OH reactivity (sink) of ambient air. It was observed that under conditions of high biological activity and a PAR of ~ 450 μmol photons m-2 s-1, the ocean acted as a net source of acetone. However, if either of these criteria was not fulfilled then the ocean acted as a net sink of acetone. This new insight into the biogeochemical cycling of acetone at the ocean-air interface has helped to resolve discrepancies from earlier works such as Jacob et al. (2002) who reported the ocean to be a net acetone source (27 Tg yr-1) and Marandino et al. (2005) who reported the ocean to be a net sink of acetone (- 48 Tg yr-1). The ocean acted as net source of isoprene, DMS and acetaldehyde but net sink of methanol. Based on these findings, it is recommended that compound specific PAR and biological dependency be used for estimating the influence of the global ocean on atmospheric VOC budgets. Methane was observed to accumulate within the nocturnal boundary layer, clearly indicating emissions from the forest ecosystems. There was a remarkable similarity in the time series of the boreal and tropical forest ecosystem. The average of the median mixing ratios during a typical diel cycle were 1.83 μmol mol-1 and 1.74 μmol mol-1 for the boreal forest ecosystem and tropical forest ecosystem respectively. A flux value of (3.62 ± 0.87) x 1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 (or 45.5 ± 11 Tg CH4 yr-1 for global boreal forest area) was derived, which highlights the importance of the boreal forest ecosystem for the global budget of methane (~ 600 Tg yr-1). The newly developed CRM technique has a dynamic range of ~ 4 s-1 to 300 s-1 and accuracy of ± 25 %. The system has been tested and calibrated with several single and mixed hydrocarbon standards showing excellent linearity and accountability with the reactivity of the standards. Field tests at an urban and forest site illustrate the promise of the new method. The results from this study have improved current understanding about VOC emissions and uptake from ocean and forest ecosystems. Moreover, a new technique for directly measuring the total OH reactivity of ambient air has been developed and validated, which will be a valuable addition to the existing suite of atmospheric measurement techniques.
Als BH3-only Protein gehört Bid zu den proapoptotischen Mitgliedern der Bcl-2 Familie, die während der Apoptose die Freisetzung Caspase-aktivierender Proteine aus den Mitochondrien kontrollieren. Bid zählt zu den potentesten BH3-only Proteinen und wird von vielen transformierten und nichttransformierten Zellen konstitutiv exprimiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Bid durch RNA-Interferenz stabil zu depletieren, um Bid-abhängige Apoptosewege in HeLa Zervixkarzinomzellen zu identifizieren, die von intrinsischen Stressstimuli sowie von konventionellen und neuartigen Chemotherapeutika induziert werden. Da Bid im Todesrezeptor-vermittelten Signalweg der Apoptose durch Caspase-8 gespalten und aktiviert wird, waren die Bid-depletierten Zellen signifikant vor der Fas/CD95-, TRAIL- oder TNF-α-induzierten Apoptose geschützt und zeigten nach Exposition mit allen drei Todesrezeptorliganden eine drastisch reduzierte Effektorcaspase-Aktivität und eine höhere Proliferationsrate als die Kontrollzellen. Eine ektopische Bidexpression in Bid knock down (kd) Zellen hob die Protektion vor der Fas- und TRAIL-induzierten Apoptose auf. Der Proteasominhibitor Epoxomicin, der Proteinkinase-Inhibitor Staurosporin oder die ER Stress-induzierenden Agenzien Tunicamycin, Thapsigargin und Brefeldin A lösten hingegen einen Bid-unabhängigen Zelltod aus. Allerdings konnten subletale Tunicamycin- oder Thapsigarginkonzentrationen HeLa Zellen für die TRAIL-induzierte Apoptose sensitivieren. Da der Synergieeffekt auf einer ER Stress-vermittelten Amplifizierung des Todesrezeptorwegs beruhte, zu der eine Tunicamycin-induzierte Steigerung der Expression des Todesrezeptors DR5 signifikant beitrug, erfolgte diese Sensitivierung nur in Bid-profizienten Zellen. Bid war in HeLa Zellen außerdem an der apoptotischen Signalkaskade beteiligt, die von den DNA-schädigenden Agenzien Etoposid, Doxorubicin und Oxaliplatin (Oxa) ausgelöst wird. Nach Behandlung mit Oxa zeigten die Bid kd Zellen eine verzögerte Caspase-2, -3, -8 und -9 Aktivierung, einen geringeren Verlust des mitochondrialen Membranpotentials sowie eine reduzierte Apoptose- und eine höhere Proliferationsrate als Bid-profiziente Zellen. Neben Bid war ein weiteres BH3-only Protein, Puma, an der Oxa-induzierten Effektorcaspase-Aktivierung beteiligt, da eine Puma-spezifische siRNA unabhängig vom Bidstatus der Zellen antiapoptotisch wirkte. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurde untersucht, welche Proteasen für die durch gentoxische Agenzien induzierte Spaltung und Aktivierung von Bid verantwortlich sind. Obwohl Caspasen für die Exekutionphase der Oxa-induzierten Apoptose notwendig waren, trugen sie weder zur initialen Bidaktivierung noch zur mitochondrialen Depolarisierung bei, da sie erst postmitochondrial aktiviert wurden. Konventionelle Calpaine hingegen wurden nach DNA-Schädigung bereits stromaufwärts der Mitochondrien aktiviert und der Calpaininhibitor Calpeptin reduzierte nicht nur die Bid- und Caspasespaltung, sondern auch die mitochondriale Depolarisierung signifikant. Diese Protektion durch Calpeptin fiel in Bid-depletierten Zellen signifikant geringer als in Bid-profizienten Kontrollzellen aus. Auch war in Oxa-behandelten Bid kd Zellen, die eine durch Caspase-2, -3 und -8 nicht spaltbare Bidmutante exprimierten, trunkiertes Bid nachweisbar, dessen Generierung durch Calpain-, aber nicht durch Caspaseinhibierung verhindert werden konnte. Zusammenfassend deuten diese Ergebnisse auf eine Calpain-abhängige Bidaktivierung stromaufwärts der Mitochondrien hin und zeigen, dass die BH3-only Proteine Bid und Puma wichtige Vermittler der Oxa-induzierten Apoptose in HeLa Zellen darstellen.
Maligne Melanome sind gegenüber Chemotherapeutika relativ resistent. Das methylierende Alkylanz Temozolomid sowie das chlorethylierende und DNA-Interstrand Crosslink (ICL) bildende Alkylanz Fotemustin kommen bei der Behandlung des malignen Melanoms als Mittel erster Wahl zum Einsatz. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte das erste Mal nachgewiesen werden, dass die zytotoxische Wirkung von Temozolomid und Fotemustin in Melanomzellen durch Apoptose vermittelt wird. Unter Verwendung klinisch relevanter Dosen der beiden Alkylantien konnte die Induktion von Apoptose durch vier unabhängige Methoden (Bestimmung der SubG1-Fraktion und der Apoptose- / Nekrose-Frequenz, Aktivierung der Effektorcaspasen-3 und -7 sowie Spaltung von PARP-1) nachgewiesen werden. Die Alkylierungen an der O6-Position des Guanins, welche durch beide Agenzien induziert werden, sind auch in Melanomzellen die wichtigsten Zytotoxizität-bewirkenden Läsionen in der DNA, und die O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase (MGMT) ist folglich ein herausragender Resistenzmarker. Eine der verwendeten Zelllinien (D05) exprimierte p53-Wildtypprotein. Diese Zelllinie war resistenter als alle anderen Zelllinien gegenüber Temozolomid und Fotemustin. Dies weist darauf hin, dass p53 nicht die Apoptoseinduktion in Melanomzellen verstärkt. Die Prozessierung des O6MeG erfolgt über die Mismatch-Reparatur (MMR) unter Generierung von DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSBs). Die Untersuchung der durch Temozolomid induzierten DSBs, nachgewiesen durch gammaH2AX-Induktion, korrelierte direkt mit der apoptotischen Antwort von Melanomzelllinien und DSBs können somit als eine entscheidende apoptoseauslösende Größe angesehen werden. Eine Resistenz gegenüber dem methylierenden Temozolomid in der Zelllinie MZ7 konnte auf einen Defekt in der MMR-Schadenserkennung auf der Ebene des MutSalpha-Komplexes zurückgeführt werden. Dieser Defekt hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Fotemustin-vermittelte Apoptoseinduktion. Neben MGMT konnte somit die MMR als Resistenzfaktor gegenüber methylierenden Agenzien in Melanomen identifiziert werden. Die Fotemustin-induzierte Apoptose wurde in Melanomzelllinien im Detail untersucht. Es konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass Fotemustin-bedingte ICLs in Zellen einen G2/M-Arrest im Behandlungszyklus induzieren. Wie anhand G1-arretierter Zellen nachgewiesen werden konnte, war das Durchlaufen der DNA-Replikation vor Erreichen des Arrests für die Induktion der Apoptose notwendig. Die Prozessierung von ICLs ist im Vergleich zu Methylierungen der DNA deutlich komplexer. Dies könnte erklären, warum in Melanomzellen die durch gammaH2AX-Induktion repräsentierten DSBs nicht mit der Sensitivität der einzelnen Zelllinien korreliert. Die Untersuchung unterschiedlich sensitiver Zelllinien zeigte ein vergleichbares Schadensniveau an ICLs und eine ebenso vergleichbare initiale Prozessierung derselben unter Generierung von DSBs. Die Prozessierung dieser sekundären Läsionen, welche anhand der Abnahme von gammaH2AX-Foci untersucht wurde, war hingegen in der sensitiveren Melanomzelllinie deutlich weniger effektiv. Es konnte weiterhin nachgewiesen werden, dass eine uneffektive Prozessierung der sekundären Läsionen einhergeht mit einer verstärkten und länger anhaltenden Aktivierung der in der DSB-Detektion beteiligten Kinase ATM und der Checkpoint Kinase 1. Es wäre daher denkbar, dass eine verstärkte Aktivität dieser Kinasen proapoptotische Signale vermittelt. Unterschiede in der Prozessierung der sekundären Läsionen könnten somit ein wichtiger Marker der ICL-induzierten Apoptose darstellen. Des weitern konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass nach Fotemustingabe die mitochondrial-vermittelte Apoptose einen effektiven Exekutionsweg in Melanomen darstellt. Während Cytochrom C-Freigabe, Bcl-2-Abnahme an den Mitochondrien, Bax-Rekrutierung und Caspase-9 Aktivität nachgewiesen werden konnten, wurden keine Hinweise auf eine Fas-Rezeptor-vermittelte Apoptose gefunden. Die Unfähigkeit, Rezeptor-vermittelte Apoptose zu unterlaufen, könnte die Bedeutungslosigkeit des p53-Gens in Melanomen begründen, da gerade dieser Weg in der Alkylantien-induzierten Apoptose in anderen Zellsystemen eine große Relevanz besitzt. Bei der Suche nach einem alternativen proapoptotischen Signalweg konnten Hinweise für die Beteiligung des Rb/E2F-1-Wegs, welcher über p73 agiert, in einer p53-mutierten Melanomzelllinie gefunden werden. Einen Einfluss der Proteine Survivin und XIAP als Resistenzfaktoren auf die Fotemustin-induzierte Apoptose wurde hingegen nicht nachgewiesen.
Candidate vaccines based on the highly attenuated orthopoxvirus strain MVA are tested against various infectious and cancer diseases and, more profound, vaccines based on wildtype and recombinant viruses have been found safe and immunogenic in clinical trials. Compared to conventional vaccine strains, MVA lacks many functional genes for potentially important regulators of virus-host interactions. However, some gene functions responsible for counteraction of cellular antiviral pathways are still conserved in the genome of MVA and the inhibition of apoptosis seems to be one important mechanism, the virus is still able to interact with.rnrnVaccinia viruses encode several proteins which prevent the induction of virus-induced apoptosis. The vaccinia virus anti-apoptotic protein F1 was shown to counteract the activation of the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis in a highly effective manner. Another vaccinia virus protein, N1, like F1 shows structural and functional similarity to members of the cellular anti-apoptotic bcl-2 family and was also shown to inhibit apoptosis. The vaccinia virus early protein E3 inhibits programmed cell death by binding to and sequestration of dsRNA molecules, normally inducing cellular antiviral pathways also driving the induction of apoptosis. All three anti-apoptotic genes were functionally analyzed during this work.rn
Many age-related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and polyglutamine disorders, including Huntington’s disease, are associated with the aberrant formation of protein aggregates. These protein aggregates and/or their precursors are believed to be causally linked to the pathogenesis of such protein conformation disorders, also referred to as proteinopathies. The accumulation of protein aggregates, frequently under conditions of an age-related increase in oxidative stress, implies the failure of protein quality control and the resulting proteome instability as an upstream event of proteinopathies. As aging is a main risk factor of many proteinopathies, potential alterations of protein quality control pathways that accompany the biological aging process could be a crucial factor for the onset of these disorders.rnrnThe focus of this dissertation lies on age-related alterations of protein quality control mechanisms that are regulated by the co-chaperones of the BAG (Bcl-2-associated athanogene) family. BAG proteins are thought to promote nucleotide exchange on Hsc/Hsp70 and to couple the release of chaperone-bound substrates to distinct down-stream cellular processes. The present study demonstrates that BAG1 and BAG3 are reciprocally regulated during aging leading to an increased BAG3 to BAG1 ratio in cellular models of replicative senescence as well as in neurons of the aging rodent brain. Furthermore, BAG1 and BAG3 were identified as key regulators of protein degradation pathways. BAG1 was found to be essential for effective degradation of polyubiquitinated proteins by the ubiquitin/proteasome system, possibly by promoting Hsc/Hsp70 substrate transfer to the 26S proteasome. In contrast, BAG3 was identified to stimulate the turnover of polyubiquitinated proteins by macroautophagy, a catabolic process mediated by lysosomal hydrolases. BAG3-regulated protein degradation was found to depend on the function of the ubiquitin-receptor protein SQSTM1 which is known to sequester polyubiquitinated proteins for macroautophagic degradation. It could be further demonstrated that SQSTM1 expression is tightly coupled to BAG3 expression and that BAG3 can physically interact with SQSTM1. Moreover, immunofluorescence-based microscopic analyses revealed that BAG3 co-localizes with SQSTM1 in protein sequestration structures suggesting a direct role of BAG3 in substrate delivery to SQSTM1 for macroautophagic degradation. Consistent with these findings, the age-related switch from BAG1 to BAG3 was found to determine that aged cells use the macroautophagic system more intensely for the turnover of polyubiquitinated proteins, in particular of insoluble, aggregated quality control substrates. Finally, in vivo expression analysis of macroautophagy markers in young and old mice as well as analysis of the lysosomal enzymatic activity strongly indicated that the macroautophagy pathway is also recruited in the nervous system during the organismal aging process.rnrnTogether these findings suggest that protein turnover by macroautophagy is gaining importance during the aging process as insoluble quality control substrates are increasingly produced that cannot be degraded by the proteasomal system. For this reason, a switch from the proteasome regulator BAG1 to the macroautophagy stimulator BAG3 occurs during cell aging. Hence, it can be concluded that the BAG3-mediated recruitment of the macroauto-phagy pathway is an important adaptation of the protein quality control system to maintain protein homeostasis in the presence of an enhanced pro-oxidant and aggregation-prone milieu characteristic of aging. Future studies will explore whether an impairment of this adaptation process may contribute to age-related proteinopathies.
Abnormal Hedgehog signaling is associated with human malignancies. Smo, a key player of that signaling, is the most suitable target to inhibit this pathway. To this aim several molecules, antagonists of Smo, have been synthesized, and some of them have started the phase I in clinical trials. Our hospital participated to one of these studies which investigated the oral administration of a new selective inhibitor of Smo (SMOi). To evaluate ex vivo SMOi efficacy and to identify new potential clinical biomarkers of responsiveness, we separated bone marrow CD34+ cells from 5 acute myeloid leukemia (AML), 1 myelofibrosis (MF), 2 blastic phases chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients treated with SMOi by immunomagnetic separation, and we analysed their gene expression profile using Affimetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 platform. This analysis, showed differential expression after 28 days start of therapy (p-value ≤ 0.05) of 1,197 genes in CML patients and 589 genes in AML patients. This differential expression is related to Hedgehog pathway with a p-value = 0.003 in CML patients and with a p-value = 0.0002 in AML patients, suggesting that SMOi targets specifically this pathway. Among the genes differentially expressed we observed strong up-regulation of Gas1 and Kif27 genes, which may work as biomarkers of responsiveness of SMOi treatment in CML CD34+ cells whereas Hedgehog target genes (such as Smo, Gli1, Gli2, Gli3), Bcl2 and Abca2 were down-regulated, in both AML and CML CD34+ cells. It has been reported that Bcl-2 expression could be correlated with cancer therapy resistance and that Hedgehog signaling modulate ATP-binding (ABC) cassette transporters, whose expression has been correlated with chemoresistance. Moreover we confirmed that in vitro SMOi treatment targets Hedgehog pathway, down-regulate ABC transporters, Abcg2 and Abcb1 genes, and in combination with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) could revert the chemoresistance mechanism in K562 TKIs-resistant cell line.