937 resultados para Polymeric monolith
Light in its physical and philosophical sense has captured the imagination of human mind right from the dawn of civilization. The invention of lasers in the 60’s caused a renaissance in the field of optics. This intense, monochromatic, highly directional radiation created new frontiers in science and technology. The strong oscillating electric field of laser radiation creates a. polarisation response that is nonlinear in character in the medium through which it passes and the medium acts as a new source of optical field with alternate properties. It was in this context, that the field of optoelectronics which encompasses the generation, modulation, transmission etc. of optical radiation has gained tremendous importance. Organic molecules and polymeric systems have emerged as a class of promising materials of optoelectronics because they offer the flexibility, both at the molecular and bulk levels, to optimize the nonlinearity and other suitable properties for device applications. Organic nonlinear optical media, which yield large third-order nonlinearities, have been widely studied to develop optical devices like high speed switches, optical limiters etc. Transparent polymeric materials have found one of their most promising applicationsin lasers, in which they can be used as active elements with suitable laser dyes doped in it. The solid-matrix dye lasers make possible combination of the advantages of solid state lasers with the possibility of tuning the radiation over a broad spectral range. The polymeric matrices impregnated with organic dyes have not yet widely used because of the low resistance of the polymeric matrices to laser damage, their low dye photostability, and low dye stability over longer time of operation and storage. In this thesis we investigate the nonlinear and radiative properties of certain organic materials and doped polymeric matrix and their possible role in device development
The fabrication and electrochemical response characteristics of two novel potentiometric sensors for the selective determination of domperidone (DOM) are described. The two fabricated sensors incorporate DOM–PTA (phosphotungstic acid) ion pair as the electroactive material. The sensors include a PVC membrane sensor and a carbon paste sensor. The sensors showed a linear, stable, and near Nernstian slope of 56.5 and 57.8 mV/decade for PVC membrane and carbon paste sensors, respectively over a relatively wide range of DOM concentration (1.0 9 10-1–1.0 9 10-5 and 1.0 9 10-1–3.55 9 10-6 M). The response time of DOM–PTA membrane sensor was less than 25 s and that in the case of carbon paste sensor was less than 20 s.Auseful pH range of 4–6 was obtained for both types of sensors. A detection limit of 7.36 9 10-5 M was obtained for PVC membrane sensor and 1.0 9 10-6 M was obtained for carbon paste sensor. The proposed sensors showed very good selectivity toDOMin the presence of a large number of other interfering ions. The analytical application of the developed sensors in the determination of the drug in pharmaceutical formulations such as tablets was investigated. The results obtained are in good agreement with the values obtained by the standard method. The sensors were also applied for the determination ofDOMin real samples such as urine by the standard addition method.
Various polyurethanes containing photoactive bis(azo) and bis(o-nitrobenzyl) groups in the main chain were synthesized by polyaddition reactions of diols such as bis(4-hydroxyphenylazo)-2,20-dinitrodiphenylmethane, 4-hydroxy-3-methylphenylazo- 40-hydroxyphenylazo-2,20-dinitrodiphenylmethane and bis(4-hydroxy-3- methylphenylazo)-2,20-dinitrodiphenylmethane with hexamethylene di-isocyanate (HMDI), in dimethyl acetamide (DMAc) in the presence of di-n-butyltin dilaurate (DBTDL) as catalyst. All of them were characterized by IR, UV-vis, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra and also by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC).
Low-density polyethylene, (LDPE) was mixed with two grades of tapioca starch–lowgrade and high-grade. Various compositions were prepared and mechanical and thermal studies performed. The biodegradability of these samples was checked using a culture medium containing Vibrios (an amylase-producing bacteria), which was isolated from a marine benthic environment. The soil burial test and reprocessability of these samples were checked. The studies on biodegradability show that these blends are partially biodegradable. These low-density polyethylene-starch blends are reprocessable without sacrificing much of their mechanical properties
Rubber ferrite composites (RFC) are magnetic polymer composites and have a variety of applications as flexible magnets, pressure=photo sensors, and microwave absorbers. The mouldability into complex shapes is one of the advantages of these magnetic elastomers. They have the potential of replacing the conventional ceramic materials, due to theire flexible nature. In the present study, the incorporation of pre-characterized hexagonal ferrites, namely barium ferrite (BaFe12O19), into natural rubber matrix is carried out according to a suitable recipe for various loadings of the filler. The processability of these compounds was determined by evaluating the cure characteristics: scorch time, cure time, and minimum and maximum torque. It has been found that the addition of magnetic fillers does not affect the processability of the composites, whereas the physical properties are modified. The magnetic properties of these composites containing various loadings of the magnetic filler were also investigated. The magnetic properties of RFC can be controlled by the addition of appropriate amount of the ferrite filler.
Rubber ferrite composites were prepared by incorporating nickel ferrite in a neoprene rubber matrix. Kinetics of the cure reaction were determined from the rheometric torque values and found to follow first-order kinetics. Analysis of the swelling behavior of the rubber ferrite composites in toluene elucidates the mechanism of solvent penetration and sorption characteristics, and reveals the extent of the physical interaction of the ferrite particles with the neoprene rubber matrix. Mechanical properties of rubber ferrite composites were determined, which support the reinforcing nature of nickel ferrite to the neoprene rubber matrix. These results show that magnetic composites with the required processing safety can be prepared economically by incorporating higher amounts of nickel ferrite in the neoprene rubber matrix
The current research investigates the possibility of using unmodified and modified nanokaolin, multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) and graphene as fillers to impart enhancement in mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties to the elastomers. Taking advantage of latex blending method, nanoclay, MWCNT and graphene dispersions, prepared by ultra sound sonication are dispersed in polymer latices. The improvement in material properties indicated better interaction between filler and the polymer.MWCNT and graphene imparted electrical conductivity with simultaneous improvement in mechanical properties. Layered silicates prepared by microwave method also significantly improve the mechanical properties of the nanocomposites. The thesis entitled ‘Studies on the use of Nanokaolin, MWCNT and Graphene in NBR and SBR’ consists of ten chapters. The first chapter is a concise introduction of nanocomposites, nanofillers, elastomeric matrices and applications of polymer nanocomposites. The state-of-art research in elastomer based nanocomposites is also presented. At the end of this chapter the main objectives of the work are mentioned. Chapter 2 outlines the specifications of various materials used, details of experimental techniques employed for preparing and characterizing nanocomposites. Chapter3 includes characterization of the nanofillers, optimsation of cure time of latex based composites and the methods used for the preparation of latex based and dry rubber based nanocomposites. Chapter4 presents the reinforcing effect of the nanofillers in XNBR latex and the characterization of the nanocomposites. Chapter5 comprises the effect of nanofillers on the properties of SBR latex and their characterization Chapter 6 deals with the study of cure characteristics, mechanical and thermal properties and the characterization of NBR based nanocomposites. Chapter7 is the microwave studies of MWCNT and graphene filled elastomeric nanocomposites. Chapter 8 gives details of the preparation of layered silicates, their characterization and use in different elastomeric matrices. Chapter 9 is the study of mechanical properties of nanoclay incorporated nitrile gloves .Chapter 10 presents the summary and conclusions of the investigation.
Spinnenseide gehört zu den stabilsten bekannten Polymerverbindungen. Spinnfäden können bis auf das Dreifache ihrer ursprünglichen Länge gedehnt werden, bevor sie reißen, und dabei mit rund 160 MJ/m³ mehr als dreimal soviel Energie absorbieren wie die stärkste synthetisch hergestellte Faser Kevlar (50 MJ/m³). Dabei weisen Spinnfäden mit 2 bis 5 Mikrometer nur ein Zehntel des Durchmessers eines menschlichen Haares auf. Das präzise, berührungslose Bearbeiten von Spinnenseide ist für verschiedene technische Anwendungen interessant, insbesondere wenn dabei ihre außergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften erhalten bleiben. Könnten die von Natur aus dünnen Seidenfäden gezielt in ihrem Durchmesser verringert werden, so wären sie unter anderem in der Mikroelektronik einzusetzen. Hier könnten sie als Trägermaterial für eine dünne, elektrisch leitfähige Schicht fungieren. Man erhielte Nanodrähte, die auch in mechanisch besonders belasteten Mikroelektronikbauteilen (MEMS) Verwendung finden könnten. In dieser Arbeit wird die Verwendung der laserinduzierten Ablation zur gezielten Bearbeitung von Haltefäden der Schwarzen Witwe (Latrodectus hesperus) beschrieben. Eingesetzt wurde ein VUV-Excimerlaser vom Typ LPF 205 (Lambda-Physik, Göttingen) mit einer Wellenlänge von 157 nm und einer Pulsdauer von 18 ns. Eine berührungslose Laserbearbeitung bei 157 nm erlaubt einen effizienten und präzisen Abtrag von Material durch Ablation aufgrund der geringen optischen Eindringtiefe von unter 100 nm oberhalb einer Schwellenfluenz (Energie/Fläche) von Φth=29 mJ/cm², ohne dabei das umgebende Material thermisch zu beeinträchtigen. Parallel zur Ablation setzt allerdings eine wellenförmige Oberflächenstrukturierung auf der Faseroberfläche ein, wodurch die mechanische Belastbarkeit der Faser entscheidend geschwächt wird. Die Ursache hierfür liegt im Abbau materialbedingter Spannungsfelder („stress release“) innerhalb einer durch das Laserlicht induzierten dünnen Schmelzschicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist es nun gelungen, diese Strukturen durch einen anschließenden Glättungsprozeß zu entfernen. Dabei wird auf der bestrahlten Oberfläche mittels Laserlichts eine glatte Ablation erzielt. Mit feinerer Abstufung dieser Prozeßschritte konnte der Durchmesser des verwendeten Spinnenseidefadens zum Teil um 70 Prozent bis auf ca. 750 nm verringert werden. Durch Zugfestigkeitsexperimente wurde belegt, daß die mechanischen Eigenschaften der so bearbeiteten Spinnenseide weitgehend erhalten bleiben. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit angewandte Methode erlaubt somit eine präzise Laserablation von Spinnenseide und ähnlichen hochabsorbierenden Materialien, ohne deren Kernsubstanz in ihrer Beschaffenheit zu verändern.
Bakterien existieren bevorzugt in Biofilmen. Das Zusammenleben in diesen Gemeinschaften bietet den einzelnen Mikroben einen wirksamen Schutz und ermöglicht die Ausbildung langfristiger, synergistischer Wechselwirkungen, die mit multizellulären Systemen verglichen werden können. Biofilme bestehen aus Mikrooganismen-Populationen, die sich an Grenzflächen ansammeln und typischerweise von einer Matrix aus extrazellulären polymeren Substanzen umgeben sind. Auch auf Pflanzen-Oberflächen bilden viele Bakterien Biofilme, um ihre Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit zu erhöhen. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Biofilmbildung bei Pflanzen-assoziierten Bakterien der Gattung Methylobacterium (Mtb.) untersucht, wobei molekular- und mikrobiologische sowie mikroskopische Techniken eingesetzt wurden. Es zeigte sich, dass alle untersuchten Vertreter der Gattung Methylobacterium in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß Biofilme bilden. Die Ausprägung ist dabei Taxon (bzw. Isolat)-spezifisch und vor allem von der Stickstoff-Verfügbarkeit abhängig. Jedoch spielen auch andere Umweltfaktoren, wie die Versorgung der Zellen mit Phosphat und die Zelldichte, bei der Ausbildung der überzellulären Einheiten eine wichtige Rolle. Die Matrix der Biofilme wird meist durch ein fibrilläres Netzwerk gebildet. Dabei handelt es sich um Heteropolysaccharide, die von den Bakterien synthetisiert und sezerniert werden. Einige Isolate bilden zusätzlich zahlreiche Fimbrien (Auswüchse), durch die sie an andere Zellen oder Oberflächen binden können. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden mehrere neue Methylobacterium-Isolate physiologisch und molekulargenetisch charakterisiert (Nährstoffverwertung, DNA-Sequenzen verschiedener Gene, phylogenetische Analysen usw.). Im Vordergrund stand hierbei der von einer urtümlichen Landpflanze, dem Lebermoos (Marchantia polymorpha), isolierte Stamm Mtb. sp. JT1. Dabei zeigten sich deutliche Unterschiede in der Morphologie und Physiologie des Bakterienstamms JT1 und dem nahe verwandten Stamm 5b.2.20 zu den bereits beschriebenen Taxa der Gattung, so dass eine Spezies-Neubeschreibung erforderlich war. Als Artname wurde aufgrund der außergewöhnlichen Oberflächenstrukturen Mtb. fimbriae sp. nov. eingeführt. Auch andere Methylobakterien (unter anderem Isolat Mtb. sp. F3.2, isoliert vom Laubmoos Funaria hygrometrica) stellen wahrscheinlich Vertreter einer neue Spezies dar (Artname Mtb. funariae sp. nov.). Jedoch zeigen Mtb. fimbriae und Mtb. funariae nur geringe physiologische und morphologische Unterschiede und konnten auf Grundlage umfassender DNA-DNA-Hybridisierungs-Studien nicht eindeutig voneinander abgegrenzt werden.
High aspect ratio polymeric micro-patterns are ubiquitous in many fields ranging from sensors, actuators, optics, fluidics and medical. Second generation PDMS molds are replicated against first generation silicon molds created by deep reactive ion etching. In order to ensure successful demolding, the silicon molds are coated with a thin layer of C[subscript 4]F[subscript 8] plasma polymer to reduce the adhesion force. Peel force and demolding status are used to determine if delamination is successful. Response surface method is employed to provide insights on how changes in coil power, passivating time and gas flow conditions affect plasma polymerization of C[subscript 4]F[subscript 8].
This report demonstrates a UV-embossed polymeric chip for protein separation and identification by Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (CIEF) and Matrix Assisted Laser Desportion/Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-MS). The polymeric chip has been fabricated by UV-embossing technique with high throughput; the issues in the fabrication have been addressed. In order to achieve high sensitivity of mass detection, five different types of UV curable polymer have been used as sample support to perform protein ionization in Mass Spectrometry (MS); the best results is compared to PMMA, which was the commonly used plastic chip for biomolecular separation. Experimental results show that signal from polyester is 12 times better than that of PMMA in terms of detection sensitivity. Finally, polyester chip is utilized to carry out CIEF to separate proteins, followed by MS identification.
A new approach for the control of the size of particles fabricated using the Electrohydrodynamic Atomization (EHDA) method is being developed. In short, the EHDA process produces solution droplets in a controlled manner, and as the solvent evaporates from the surface of the droplets, polymeric particles are formed. By varying the voltage applied, the size of the droplets can be changed, and consequently, the size of the particles can also be controlled. By using both a nozzle electrode and a ring electrode placed axisymmetrically and slightly above the nozzle electrode, we are able to produce a Single Taylor Cone Single Jet for a wide range of voltages, contrary to just using a single nozzle electrode where the range of permissible voltage for the creation of the Single Taylor Cone Single Jet is usually very small. Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer (PDPA) test results have shown that the droplet size increases with increasing voltage applied. This trend is predicted by the electrohydrodynamic theory of the Single Taylor Cone Single Jet based on a perfect dielectric fluid model. Particles fabricated using different voltages do not show much change in the particles size, and this may be attributed to the solvent evaporation process. Nevertheless, these preliminary results do show that this method has the potential of providing us with a way of fine controlling the particles size using relatively simple method with trends predictable by existing theories.
Amphiphilic polymers are a class of polymers that self-assemble into different types of microstructure, depending on the solvent environment and external stimuli. Self assembly structures can exist in many different forms, such as spherical micelles, rod-like micelles, bi-layers, vesicles, bi-continuous structure etc. Most biological systems are basically comprised of many of these organised structures arranged in an intelligent manner, which impart functions and life to the system. We have adopted the atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) technique to synthesize various types of block copolymer systems that self-assemble into different microstructure when subject to an external stimuli, such as pH or temperature. The systems that we have studied are: (1) pH responsive fullerene (C60) containing poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA-b-C60); (2) pH and temperature responsive fullerene containing poly[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate] (C₆₀-b-PDMAEMA); (3) other responsive water-soluble fullerene systems. By varying temperature, pH and salt concentration, different types microstructure can be produced. In the presence of inorganic salts, fractal patterns at nano- to microscopic dimension were observed for negatively charged PMAA-b-C60, while such structure was not observed for positively charged PDMAEMA-b-C60. We demonstrated that negatively charged fullerene containing polymeric systems can serve as excellent nano-templates for the controlled growth of inorganic crystals at the nano- to micrometer length scale and the possible mechanism was proposed. The physical properties and the characteristics of their self-assembly properties will be discussed, and their implications to chemical and biomedical applications will be highlighted.
A targeted, stimuli-responsive, polymeric drug delivery vehicle is being developed in our lab to help alleviate severe side-effects caused by narrow therapeutic window drugs. Targeting specific cell types or organs via proteins, specifically, lectin-mediated targeting holds potential due to the high specificity and affinity of receptor-ligand interactions, rapid internalization, and relative ease of processing. Dextran, a commercially available, biodegradable polymer has been conjugated to doxorubicin and galactosamine to target hepatocytes in a three-step, one-pot synthesis. The loading of doxorubicin and galactose on the conjugates was determined by absorbance at 485 nm and elemental analysis, respectively. Conjugation efficiency based on the amount loaded of each reactant varies from 20% to 50% for doxorubicin and from 2% to 20% for galactosamine. Doxorubicin has also been attached to dextran through an acid-labile hydrazide bond. Doxorubicin acts by intercalating with DNA in the nuclei of cells. The fluorescence of doxorubicin is quenched when it binds to DNA. This allows a fluorescence-based cell-free assay to evaluate the efficacy of the polymer conjugates where we measure the fluorescence of doxorubicin and the conjugates in increasing concentrations of calf thymus DNA. Fluorescence quenching indicates that our conjugates can bind to DNA. The degree of binding increases with polymer molecular weight and substitution of doxorubicin. In cell culture experiments with hepatocytes, the relative uptake of polymer conjugates was evaluated using flow cytometry, and the killing efficiency was determined using the MTT cell proliferation assay. We have found that conjugate uptake is much lower than that of free doxorubicin. Lower uptake of conjugates may increase the maximum dose of drug tolerated by the body. Also, non-galactosylated conjugate uptake is lower than that of the galactosylated conjugate. Microscopy indicates that doxorubicin localizes almost exclusively at the nucleus, whereas the conjugates are present throughout the cell. Doxorubicin linked to dextran through a hydrazide bond was used to achieve improved killing efficiency. Following uptake, the doxorubicin dissociates from the polymer in an endosomal compartment and diffuses to the nucleus. The LC₅₀ of covalently linked doxorubicin is 7.4 μg/mL, whereas that of hydrazide linked doxorubicin is 4.4 μg/mL.
El marcaje de proteínas con ubiquitina, conocido como ubiquitinación, cumple diferentes funciones que incluyen la regulación de varios procesos celulares, tales como: la degradación de proteínas por medio del proteosoma, la reparación del ADN, la señalización mediada por receptores de membrana, y la endocitosis, entre otras (1). Las moléculas de ubiquitina pueden ser removidas de sus sustratos gracias a la acción de un gran grupo de proteasas, llamadas enzimas deubiquitinizantes (DUBs) (2). Las DUBs son esenciales para la manutención de la homeostasis de la ubiquitina y para la regulación del estado de ubiquitinación de diferentes sustratos. El gran número y la diversidad de DUBs descritas refleja tanto su especificidad como su utilización para regular un amplio espectro de sustratos y vías celulares. Aunque muchas DUBs han sido estudiadas a profundidad, actualmente se desconocen los sustratos y las funciones biológicas de la mayoría de ellas. En este trabajo se investigaron las funciones de las DUBs: USP19, USP4 y UCH-L1. Utilizando varias técnicas de biología molecular y celular se encontró que: i) USP19 es regulada por las ubiquitin ligasas SIAH1 y SIAH2 ii) USP19 es importante para regular HIF-1α, un factor de transcripción clave en la respuesta celular a hipoxia, iii) USP4 interactúa con el proteosoma, iv) La quimera mCherry-UCH-L1 reproduce parcialmente los fenotipos que nuestro grupo ha descrito previamente al usar otros constructos de la misma enzima, y v) UCH-L1 promueve la internalización de la bacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.