974 resultados para Pattern-years
In this paper a hydrodynamic approach is used to analyse carefully the flow field inChandler loop--the artificial thrombus formation. The results obtained show that near thelower meniscus where the thrombus is formed, there is a back flow accompanied with asecondary flow and its mainflow is toward the meniscus, thus providing a favourable condi-tion for corpuscle aggregation. Our finding is valuable for studying the mechanism ofthrombus formation in artificial organ and in vivo.
Published as an article in: Journal of Population Economics, 2004, vol. 17, issue 1, pages 1-16.
Introduction [pdf, 0.17 MB] Warren S. Wooster [pdf, 0.12 MB] PICES - the first decade, and beyond Paul H. LeBlond [pdf, 0.03 MB] The Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee: The first decade D.E. Harrison and Neville Smith [pdf, 0.04 MB] Ocean observing systems and prediction - the next ten years Tsutomu Ikeda and Patricia A. Wheeler [pdf, 0.85 MB] Ocean impacts from the bottom of the food web to the top: Biological Oceanography Committee (BIO) retrospective Timothy R. Parsons [pdf, 0.2 MB] Future needs for biological oceanographic studies in the Pacific Ocean Douglas E. Hay, Richard J. Beamish, George W. Boehlert, Vladimir I. Radchenko, Qi-Sheng Tang, Tokio Wada, Daniel W. Ware and Chang-Ik Zhang [pdf, 0.2 MB] Ten years FIS in PICES: An introspective, retrospective, critical and constructive review of fishery science in PICES Richard F. Addison, John E. Stein and Alexander V. Tkalin [pdf, 0.12 MB] Marine Environmental Committee in review Robie W. Macdonald, Brian Morton, Richard F. Addison and Sophia C. Johannessen [pdf, 1.89 MB] Marine environmental contaminant issues in the North Pacific: What are the dangers and how do we identify them? R. Ian Perry, Anne B. Hollowed and Takashige Sugimoto [pdf, 0.36 MB] The PICES Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Program: Why, how, and what next? List of acronyms [pdf, 0.07 MB] (Document contains 108 pages)
[ES] La literatura existente señala el potencial de una gestión medioambiental proactiva en la generación de capacidades organizativas relativas a la minimización de costes. Además, durante los últimos años, la internalización de los costes medioambientales de la industria transportista ha sido un importante objetivo en el desarrollo de políticas públicas.
Whole-lake techniques are increasingly being used to selectively remove exotic plants, including Eurasian watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.). Fluridone (1-methyl-3-phenyl- 5-[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4(1 H )-pyridinone), a systemic whole-lake herbicide, is selective for Eurasian watermilfoil within a narrow low concentration range. Because fluridone applications have the potential for large effects on plant assemblages and lake food webs, they should be evaluated at the whole-lake scale. We examined effects of low-dose (5 to 8 ppb) fluridone applications by comparing submersed plant assemblages, water quality and largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ) growth rates and diets between three reference lakes and three treatment lakes one- and two-years post treatment. In the treatment lakes, fluridone reduced Eurasian watermilfoil cover without reducing native plant cover, although the duration of Eurasian watermilfoil reduction varied among treatment lakes. (PDF has 11 pages.)
We analyzed long-term submersed macrophyte presence-absence data collected from 15 stations in Kings Bay/Crystal River, Florida in relation to three major storm events. The percent occurrence of most species declined immediately after storm events but the recovery pattern after the storm differed among species. Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle)and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) exhibited differing recolonization behaviors. Eurasian watermilfoil recolonized quickly after storms but declined in abundance as hydrilla began to increase in abundance. Natural catastrophic events restructure submersed macrophyte communities by eliminating the dominate species, and allowing revegetation and restructuring of communities. Tidal surges may also act to maintain species diversity in the system. In addition, catastrophic events remove dense nuisance plant growth for several years, altering the public's perception of the nuisance plant problem of Kings Bay/Crystal River.
We analyzed long-term submersed macrophyte presence-absence data collected from 15 stations in Kings Bay/Crystal River, Florida in relation to three major storm events. The percent occurrence of most species declined immediately after storm events but the recovery pattern after the storm differed among species. Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle)and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) exhibited differing recolonization behaviors. Eurasian watermilfoil recolonized quickly after storms but declined in abundance as hydrilla began to increase in abundance. Natural catastrophic events restructure submersed macrophyte communities by eliminating the dominate species, and allowing revegetation and restructuring of communities. Tidal surges may also act to maintain species diversity in the system. In addition, catastrophic events remove dense nuisance plant growth for several years, altering the public's perception of the nuisance plant problem of Kings Bay/Crystal River.
The Channel Islands—sometimes called the Galapagos of North America—are known for their great beauty, rich biodiversity, cultural heritage, and recreational opportunities. In 1980, in recognition of the islands’ importance, the United States Congress established a national park encompassing 5 of California’s Channel Islands (Santa Barbara, Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, and San Miguel Islands) and waters within 1 nautical mile of the islands. In the same year, Congress declared a national marine sanctuary around each of these islands, including waters up to 6 nautical miles offshore. Approximately 60,000 people visit the Channel Islands each year for aquatic recreation such as fishing, sailing, kayaking, wildlife watching, surfing, and diving. Another 30,000 people visit the islands for hiking, camping, and sightseeing. Dozens of commercial fishing boats based in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Oxnard, and other ports go to the Channel Islands to catch squid, spiny lobster, sea urchin, rockfish, crab, sheephead, flatfish, and sea cucumber, among other species. In the past few decades, advances in fishing technology and the rising number of fishermen, in conjunction with changing ocean conditions and diseases, have contributed to declines in some marine fishes and invertebrates at the Channel Islands. In 1998, citizens from Santa Barbara and Ventura proposed establishment of no-take marine reserves at the Channel Islands, beginning a 4-year process of public meetings, discussions, and scientific analyses. In 2003, the California Fish and Game Commission designated a network of marine protected areas (MPAs) in state waters around the northern Channel Islands. In 2006 and 2007, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) extended the MPAs into the national marine sanctuary’s deeper, federal waters. To determine if the MPAs are protecting marine species and habitats, scientists are monitoring ecological changes. They are studying changes in habitats; abundance and size of species of interest; the ocean food web and ecosystem; and movement of fish and invertebrates from MPAs to surrounding waters. Additionally, scientists are monitoring human activities such as commercial and recreational fisheries, and compliance with MPA regulations. This booklet describes some results from the first 5 years of monitoring the Channel Islands MPAs. Although 5 years is not long enough to determine if the MPAs will accomplish all of their goals, this booklet offers a glimpse of the changes that are beginning to take place and illustrates the types of information that will eventually be used to assess the MPAs’ effectiveness. (PDF contains 24 pages.)
Maria Graham, escritora inglesa, nasceu perto de Papscastle em 19 d e junho de 1785 e morreu em Londres, em 28 de novembro de 1842. Casada com o capitão Thomas Graham comandante da fragata Doris fez em sua companhia a sua primeira viagem ao Brasil, em 1821, quando se dirigia ao Chile. Em 1824, já viúva, retornou ao Rio de Janeiro como preceptora de D. Maria da Glória, filha do Imperador D. Pedro I e de Dona Leopoldina. Permaneceu no país até setembro de 1825, quando retornou para Londres por motivos políticos. Mais tarde, casou-se com Augustus Earle Calcott e passou a assinar suas obras literárias como Lady Calcott. ‘Journal of a voyage to Brazil’ relata as viagens da autora ao Brasil. Descreve o país, seus habitantes e os costumes das diferentes classes sociais, principalmente em Pernambuco, na Bahia e no Rio de Janeiro. Constitui importante fonte de informações sobre a época da independência e uma das melhores publicações do século XIX. As ilustrações, com desenhos da autora, são excelentes. De acordo com Borba de Moraes ‘a Catholic University Library em Washington (Oliveira Lima Collection) possui um exemplar que pertenceu à própria autora, onde ela fez correções e anotações para uma segunda edição, mas que nunca chegou a ser publicada. Essas anotações são muito importantes, sobretudo para a história da revolução de Pernambuco e a atuação de Cochrane. Quanto aos acontecimentos de sua vinda ao Rio de Janeiro como preceptora de Dona Maria da Glória, existe um diário que foi publicado por Rodolfo Garcia com preciosas notas e prefácio no volume 60 dos Anais da Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, assim como uma biografia de D. Pedro I e correspondência entre Maria Graham e a Imperatriz’
This paper investiges the effect of pipe diameter on flow pattern transition boundary in oil water vertical flows, and proposes a model to determine the maximum inner diameter (D_{infty s}) of a pipe in which the slug flow would not occur When pipe inner diameter D>D_{infty s}, only bubble flow exists, while D
In the present research work, the thermal capillary convection has been investigated and measured by particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. There is one liquid layer in a rectangular cavity with different temperature’s sidewalls. The cavity is 52mm,42mm,20mm, 4mm in height of the silicon oil liquid layer. A sidewall of the cavity is heated by electro-thermal film, another sidewall is cooled by the semiconductor cooling sheet. The velocity field and the stream lines in cross section in liquid layer have been obtained at different temperature difference. The present experiment demonstrates that the pattern of the convection mainly relates with temperature difference.
In order to characterize the physical and spatial properties of nano-film pattern on solid substrates, an automatic imaging spectroscopic ellipsometer (ISE) based on a polarizer - compensator - specimen - analyzer configuration in the visible region is presented. It can provide the spectroscopic ellipsometric parameters psi (x, y, lambda) and Delta (x, y, lambda) of a large area specimen with a lateral resolution in the order of some microns. A SiO2 stepped layers pattern is used to demonstrate the function of the ISE which shows potential application in thin film devices' such as high-throughput bio-chips.