917 resultados para Organização da Informação e do Conhecimento


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This study explores, in 3 steps, how the 3 main library classification systems, the Library of Congress Classification, the Dewey Decimal Classification, and the Universal Decimal Classification, cover human knowledge. First, we mapped the knowledge covered by the 3 systems. We used the “10 Pillars of Knowledge: Map of Human Knowledge”, which comprises 10 pillars, as an evaluative model. We mapped all the subject-based classes and subclasses that are part of the first 2 levels of the 3 hierarchical structures. Then, we zoomed into each of the 10 pillars and analyzed how the three systems cover the 10 knowledge domains. Finally, we focused on the 3 library systems. Based on the way each one of them covers the 10 knowledge domains, it is evident that they failed to adequately and systematically present contemporary human knowledge. They are unsystematic and biased, and, at the top 2 levels of the hierarchical structures, they are incomplete.


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This paper aims at contributing with research about Information Science through analysis of Bibliometric indicators applied to Dentistry in Brazil, comparing the impact of such production with the ones from major countries in that field. The analyzed indicators are the following: total number of citations, self-citations, average of citations received a year and index h. Within the procedures, we outlined, in the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) the group of producing countries in the field of Dentistry from 1996 to 2009. The results show that Brazil is the only country in Latin America which is among those of major impact in Dentistry. We highlight the role of the Bibliometric indicators as methodological contribution to the research while pointing out the main “performers” in the knowledge field.


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The professional archivist must be able to acquire apprenticeship and to pass his team of work, fulfilling so in satisfactory way his to do inside the institution which works, making possible, the use, the dissemination, organization, recuperation of the information. Since an enabled, well prepared professional develops of doing his efficient way inside the organization (or institution), and it bears in mind what must always be updated and prepared so the new technologies of the information and communication changes are in constant, therefore the professional of the information (archivist) must be constantly looking for apprenticeship, to be enabled through the continued education.


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Introduction: This paper considers that information science (IS) literature covers a diversity of thematics with low emphasis on researches about conducting research. The study analyzes the scientific production of authors who investigate about research methodology in the information science (IS) literature, and the references used to lay the foundation of the methodological issues regarding the area. It discusses the methodological and epistemological positions of the leading researchers highlighted as the most productive investigators on the subject in the country. Method: The research adopts the content analysis coupled with metric studies to contextualize the indicators related to productivity, to the types of authorship and citation analysis. The bibliographic coupling method is considered an analysis mode which analyzes concomitant citations. It develops a theoretical framework about the importance of scientific production analysis in different knowledge fields. The study investigates, from a theoretical perspective, the concepts about research methodology and the complementarity between methodology and epistemology in conducting research. Results: The results of the analysis showed that the production of the highlighted authors presents the methodology as a thematic focus to be applied to IS contexts, as well as a research object in the field. The prominent productivity of the authors is justified especially by deepening the meta studies about the ways to conduct research in IS. This study also identifies a trend to single-authored studies about the theme. Conclusions: The research considers that meta studies and applied and methodological studies are important to recognize a consistent theoretical and practical core in the IS area. Regarding the epistemological influences identified by the citation analysis, the study observes that the critical rationalist epistemology and the social and political epistemology are highlighted in the construction of the theoretical framework of the most productive authors.


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This paper aims to present a study of the social relationships around the production, circulation and the eventual possibility of appropriation of knowledge in social systems of the pre-modern world and in a social organization of Western capitalist modernity. In this specific universe of relationships, it was also important to noticed that there is a paradoxical role of rationality that served to the emancipation of instruments of control’s knowledge of pre-modern period as in the same time it was favored by the construction of new bonds that were made in the Western modernity through the modern legal system, inserting the knowledge in the domain of the economy and private logic of the capitalist’s system through intellectual property. This research was made from a review of the literature, using specialized books of the theme. It was concluded that there is a paradox in the social relationships about the knowledge, whose cause is related to the unfolding of rationality in the development of Western civilization.


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Nos últimos vinte anos, as novas formas de produção documental e as tecnologias de informação têm levado os arquivistas a repensarem seu papel na sociedade, assim como os princípios e conceitos arquivísticos promulgados no século XIX. Neste contexto, emergem, notadamente no Canadá, novas abordagens para a organização do conhecimento arquivístico contemporâneo, destacando-se, dentre elas, a Arquivística Funcional, ou Pós-Moderna. O presente artigo aborda a contribuição dessa nova corrente para a constituição de uma disciplina contemporânea, notadamente a partir dos estudos de seu precursor e disseminador, Terry Cook.


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It was observed the metacognitive trajectory of three users from a public university library the state of Sao Paulo to identify the metacognitive strategies that were used during the process of searching for information in a online collective catalog. Its configuration was based on participants' oral reports obtained by the technique of individual verbal protocol to provide an actual configuration of the task ans a closer examination of its natural recovery of information systems. The data collection sessions were recorded, and the recorded data were transcribed and categorized into four units of analyses: 1- expertise, 2-regulation, 3-assessment of knowledge itself and 4- organization of cognitive process. The results showed that knowledge of meta-cognitive strategies affects the quality of the results obtained in the process of searching for information and interferes in the way it implements retrieval on-line catalog, a fact the emphasizes the need for studies to move forward on issues meta-cognition of users of information.


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The theme approached relates contemporaneous organizational competitive scenario to draw parallels between the organizational structure, Knowledge Management and Public Relations. Many aspects are complementary and can be grouped, enabling the idea of verifying the possibility of a Public Relations work like a manager of Knowledge Management. The objective of this study focuses in analyzing the administration ways of the organizational environment to verify the best kind of structure for the competitive development pattern, then we sought the meaning of Knowledge Management and their results to draw a parallel between the image of the Knowledge Management process manager and the Public Relations professional. The methodology chosen was bibliographic research, by which we noticed the theme relevance, the proposal validity and build a convergence between the skills of a person responsible for managing processes in Knowledge Management and the capabilities of a Public Relations professional. This way adopts a human feature to the managing process, respecting the technical-informational scenario of this area


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The knowledge currently stands as one of the intangible assets of fundamental importance in the competitive market in which it is organizations. Knowledge management has become mandatory in the competitive environment of today, as a tool to systematize knowledge within the organization. Underscoring the importance of this management process, this thesis aimed to identify possible problems and generate recommendations for improving the performance of Knowledge Management. The objective was achieved by conducting the analysis of a case study of a fast-food franchise through a case study in the ground plan of all the franchise restaurants. For the preparation of the case study was required to respect a theoretical review on the introduction of the concepts of knowledge management in fast-food restaurants, in addition to reviewing the theory on the concepts of organizational learning and on Standardization. When finalizing the theoretical review and analyze the case study was proposed recommendations and highlight difficulties and good practice found in the analyzed organization, and procedures for demonstrating the success of knowledge management in organizations


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Ante a modernidade, a informação está em toda parte, tornando-se grande o desafio de separar as informações atualizadas das ultrapassadas, as confiáveis das questionáveis e as reais das imaginadas. Em relação aos medicamentos, a despeito dos inegáveis avanços terapêuticos, os produtos farmacêuticos passaram a sofrer uso indiscriminado e irracional. Não se pode negar, que o uso racional de medicamentos implica o conhecimento específico e atualizado sobre os mesmos, como também de profissionais envolvidos e compreensão dos pacientes sobre a importância do tratamento. Na expectativa de se contribuir para dirimir as frequentes dúvidas em relação aos medicamentos, reduzir as ocorrências do surgimento de doenças iatrogênicas e esclarecer ao usuário, conseguindo-se a consciência sobre os riscos da automedicação é que entram em cena os Centros de Informação sobre Medicamentos. Estes são locais, onde se acumulam, organizam, processam, avaliam e se informa sobre medicamentos, com o objetivo de melhorar a saúde. No Brasil, após cerca de 30 anos de experiência em Kentucky, EUA, alguns profissionais e acadêmicos atentaram-se à necessidade e importância da existência de tais Centros. Ante ao exposto, a partir de uma revisão não sistemática da literatura, no presente trabalho foram relatadas a importância, necessidade e desafios para se implementar um Centro de Informação sobre Medicamentos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA