987 resultados para Nuno Júdice


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[ES] To actively protect sea turtles on their nesting beaches, it is essential to obtain knowledge about trends in abundance. The way sea turtles live makes it extremely difficult to identify how many individuals there are in a population at any point in time. Due to practical problems, given their entirely marine life with limited visibility and great oceanic dispersal, counting males or juveniles is currently quite difficult and imprecise. Counting females and nests on beaches during the nesting season is the best feasible but still imperfect method, since only an unknown portion of adult females nest every season. It is impossible to know the real number of females in the population by merely counting females and nests in a given year.


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We present a new discretization for the Hadamard fractional derivative, that simplifies the computations. We then apply the method to solve a fractional differential equation and a fractional variational problem with dependence on the Hadamard fractional derivative.


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Este projeto surgiu da necessidade de uma empresa da indústria automóvel melhorar o modo de abastecimento das suas várias linhas de produção. Optando por um abastecimento através de comboio logístico, em detrimento do uso de empilhador, indo assim de encontro com as práticas de pensamento lean aplicadas à logística, procurando eliminar o desperdício e aumentar a produtividade de uma ação vital do seu negócio. Nesse sentido, este projeto procurou dar resposta a esse objetivo, consistindo no estudo da situação atual e posterior análise das alterações necessárias a realizar visando a melhoria do abastecimento interno com comboio logístico. O projeto integra diversas reformulações ao nível das linhas de produção, armazém e de todo o planeamento logístico de abastecimento. Ao aplicar as mudanças e os novos planeamentos de abastecimento propostos são esperados resultados de vários ganhos a três grandes níveis: Recursos Humanos, Materiais e Ambientais.


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A atividade vitícola praticada na região do Douro é uma das mais importantes atividades agrícolas do país, não só devido a fatores socioculturais, como também pelo seu valor económico. A Região Demarcada do Douro (RDD) é uma das regiões vitícolas mais antiga do mundo, onde é produzido um dos vinhos generosos mais famosos do mundo, o Vinho do Porto. Contudo, no cultivo intensivo da vinha, o uso recorrente a pesticidas para o controlo de pragas das vinhas pode ter repercussões a nível da qualidade dos solos e dos cursos de água na envolvente às vinhas. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido numa área-piloto da sub-região Baixo Corgo da RDD, com o intuito de averiguar os possíveis efeitos e estimar os prováveis riscos ambientais promovidos pela viticultura. Foram selecionadas três vinhas, com idades de plantação distintas, onde foram recolhidas amostras de solos à superfície, tendo-se ainda feito uma recolha de amostras de água, sedimentos e águas intersticiais dos rios e da barragem na envolvente da área de estudo. Diferentes parâmetros químicos e físico-químicos foram analisados para uma avaliação global da área e prováveis fontes dos elementos. Especial destaque foi dado ao Cu, C, P, N, NO3 e S quer pelos teores anómalos e elevada variação espacial, quer pela sua importância como traçadores das atividades vitícolas e alguns como potenciais contaminantes. O Cu é o elemento potencialmente contaminante com mais destaque, visto que os seus teores são consideravelmente elevados nos solos e, a par, o P e N tendem a apresentar teores mais elevados na vinha mais velha, o que pode indicar efeitos de acumulação. Já os nitratos são mais elevados na vinha mais nova, visto que os processos de acumulação são mais difíceis neste caso devido à sua alta solubilidade e mobilidade. Apesar da elevada aplicação de S nas vinhas, os teores nestes solos são mais baixos do que nos solos sem atividades vitícolas, o que pode dever-se à sua baixa temperatura de sublimação e migração para níveis mais profundos dos solos. As baixas concentrações determinadas nos sedimentos e águas permitem concluir que as práticas vitícolas não parecem estar a interferir na qualidade dos mesmos. Contudo, novas campanhas de amostragem, abrangendo períodos sazonais distintos e próximos de épocas de aplicação de fertilizantes e pesticidas, deverão ser realizadas para validação temporal destes resultados.


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Com a proliferação da internet assistiu-se desde a década de 90 a um aumento exponencial das casas de jogo online, estando muitas delas traduzidas para português e aceitando euros. Sendo este um tema pouco estudado em Portugal, pretende-se desenvolver e validar um modelo conceptual que reflita os fatores que levam o consumidor a utilizar este tipo de sites. Numa altura em que o governo p g ês p de “ eg iz ” es ivid de, é igualmente interessante perceber qual o perfil do público-alvo, as suas motivações e preferências face à oferta existente. A análise fatorial exploratória, a análise de fiabilidade e os modelos de regressão linear foram as técnicas utilizadas para validar este modelo. Com base num questionário, este estudo mostrou que a expectativa de desempenho, influência social, condições facilitadoras, motivações hedónicas, valor do preço, hábito e o risco psicológico, financeiro e de tempo são fatores determinantes da intenção de utilização de sites de jogo online. Do estudo emergem relevantes implicações académicas e para o mundo empresarial.


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Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho


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In this work, we present results from teleseismic P-wave receiver functions (PRFs) obtained in Portugal, Western Iberia. A dense seismic station deployment conducted between 2010 and 2012, in the scope of the WILAS project and covering the entire country, allowed the most spatially extensive probing on the bulk crustal seismic properties of Portugal up to date. The application of the H-kappa stacking algorithm to the PRFs enabled us to estimate the crustal thickness (H) and the average crustal ratio of the P- and S-waves velocities V (p)/V (s) (kappa) for the region. Observations of Moho conversions indicate that this interface is relatively smooth with the crustal thickness ranging between 24 and 34 km, with an average of 30 km. The highest V (p)/V (s) values are found on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic crust beneath the western and southern coastal domain of Portugal, whereas the lowest values correspond to Palaeozoic crust underlying the remaining part of the subject area. An average V (p)/V (s) is found to be 1.72, ranging 1.63-1.86 across the study area, indicating a predominantly felsic composition. Overall, we systematically observe a decrease of V (p)/V (s) with increasing crustal thickness. Taken as a whole, our results indicate a clear distinction between the geological zones of the Variscan Iberian Massif in Portugal, the overall shape of the anomalies conditioned by the shape of the Ibero-Armorican Arc, and associated Late Paleozoic suture zones, and the Meso-Cenozoic basin associated with Atlantic rifting stages. Thickened crust (30-34 km) across the studied region may be inherited from continental collision during the Paleozoic Variscan orogeny. An anomalous crustal thinning to around 28 km is observed beneath the central part of the Central Iberian Zone and the eastern part of South Portuguese Zone.


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Este trabalho consiste numa revisão de literatura sobre os erros de comunicação entre dois grupos de profissionais, cujos trabalhos na área da Medicina Dentária se complementam: o Médico Dentista (MD) e o Técnico de Prótese Dentária (TPD). A comunicação entre estes dois grupos é o um fator muito importante e deve existir uma boa sinergia para que o trabalho seja executado com o maior rigor e qualidade possível. Esta pressupõe aspetos funcionais, biomecânicos, estruturais e estéticos, da reabilitação a realizar, potenciando deste modo a máxima de qualquer tratamento médico: a satisfação do paciente. O objetivo que se propõe é expor os erros decorrentes de falhas de comunicação e alertar os MD e TPD para a mudança do nível de colaboração. É também objetivo desmistificar a postura dos MD em relação à Prótese Dentária. O culminar deste trabalho de equipa traduz-se na promoção da Saúde Oral e melhor qualidade de vida dos pacientes. As falhas na comunicação são o principal entrave ao sucesso da reabilitação protética, pois impedem a conjugação dos conhecimentos científicos e técnicos de ambos os profissionais perpetuando erros ao longo das etapas de fabrico. Com base numa pesquisa relacionada com a comunicação entre MD e TPD, utilizando-se as palavras-chave “dentist technician relationship”, “dentist technician communication”, “dentist technician survey”, “dental fixed architecture” e “dental technicians fabrication”, através dos motores de busca Pubmed, Scielo e Science Direct, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura com o intuito de avaliar a comunicação entre TPD e MD. Procurou-se caracterizar que tipos de erros que podem ser cometidos, bem como formas para melhorar a comunicação. Após a revisão, constatou-se que existe uma grande deficiência a nível de comunicação entre MD e TPD e que tal facto induz a que um trabalho perca em termos de qualidade. Também se verificou que os erros cometidos são a nível académico e profissional, proporcionando a que o trabalho final resulte na insatisfação do paciente, bem como dos profissionais envolvidos.


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O marketing sensorial é uma estratégia de comunicação recente que permite diferenciar uma empresa das suas concorrentes, através da estimulação dos 5 sentidos humanos. A literatura permite formular dois modelos concetuais (clientes e conhecedores) com o objetivo de compreender qual a influência que os estímulos sensoriais têm nos consequentes, como a experiência e os valores de marca, e as consequências dessas relações. A validação dos modelos de investigação realizou-se com base num estudo empírico, que considerou uma marca Aveirense bem implantada no mercado, a Pizzarte Os resultados obtidos mostram que a estimulação sensorial influencia positivamente a experiência e o valor da marca, repercutindo-se na atitude positiva e na intenção de compra da marca.


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This work presents a tool to support authentication studies of paintings attributed to the modernist Portuguese artist Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso (1887-1918). The strategy adopted was to quantify and combine the information extracted from the analysis of the brushstroke with information on the pigments present in the paintings. The brushstroke analysis was performed combining Gabor filter and Scale Invariant Feature Transform. Hyperspectral imaging and elemental analysis were used to compare the materials in the painting with those present in a database of oil paint tubes used by the artist. The outputs of the tool are a quantitative indicator for authenticity, and a mapping image that indicates the areas where materials not coherent with Amadeo's palette were detected, if any. This output is a simple and effective way of assessing the results of the system. The method was tested in twelve paintings obtaining promising results.


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This thesis addresses the Batch Reinforcement Learning methods in Robotics. This sub-class of Reinforcement Learning has shown promising results and has been the focus of recent research. Three contributions are proposed that aim to extend the state-of-art methods allowing for a faster and more stable learning process, such as required for learning in Robotics. The Q-learning update-rule is widely applied, since it allows to learn without the presence of a model of the environment. However, this update-rule is transition-based and does not take advantage of the underlying episodic structure of collected batch of interactions. The Q-Batch update-rule is proposed in this thesis, to process experiencies along the trajectories collected in the interaction phase. This allows a faster propagation of obtained rewards and penalties, resulting in faster and more robust learning. Non-parametric function approximations are explored, such as Gaussian Processes. This type of approximators allows to encode prior knowledge about the latent function, in the form of kernels, providing a higher level of exibility and accuracy. The application of Gaussian Processes in Batch Reinforcement Learning presented a higher performance in learning tasks than other function approximations used in the literature. Lastly, in order to extract more information from the experiences collected by the agent, model-learning techniques are incorporated to learn the system dynamics. In this way, it is possible to augment the set of collected experiences with experiences generated through planning using the learned models. Experiments were carried out mainly in simulation, with some tests carried out in a physical robotic platform. The obtained results show that the proposed approaches are able to outperform the classical Fitted Q Iteration.


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Future pervasive environments will take into consideration not only individual user’s interest, but also social relationships. In this way, pervasive communities can lead the user to participate beyond traditional pervasive spaces, enabling the cooperation among groups and taking into account not only individual interests, but also the collective and social context. Social applications in CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) field represent new challenges and possibilities in terms of use of social context information for adaptability in pervasive environments. In particular, the research describes the approach in the design and development of a context.aware framework for collaborative applications (CAFCA), utilizing user’s context social information for proactive adaptations in pervasive environments. In order to validate the proposed framework an evaluation was conducted with a group of users based on enterprise scenario. The analysis enabled to verify the impact of the framework in terms of functionality and efficiency in real-world conditions. The main contribution of this thesis was to provide a context-aware framework to support collaborative applications in pervasive environments. The research focused on providing an innovative socio-technical approach to exploit collaboration in pervasive communities. Finally, the main results reside in social matching capabilities for session formation, communication and coordinations of groupware for collaborative activities.


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Estuaries are highly dynamic systems which may be modified in a climate change context. These changes can affect the biogeochemical cycles. Among the major impacts of climate change, the increasing rainfall events and sea level rise can be considered. This study aims to research the impact of those events in biogeochemical dynamics in the Tagus Estuary, which is the largest and most important estuary along the Portuguese coast. In this context a 2D biophysical model (MOHID) was implemented, validated and explored, through comparison with in-situ data. In order to study the impact of extreme rainfall events, which can be characterized by an high increase in freshwater inflow, three scenarios were set by changing the inputs from the main tributaries, Tagus and Sorraia Rivers. A realistic scenario considering one day of Tagus and Sorraia River extreme discharge, a scenario considering one day of single extreme discharge of the Tagus River and finally one considering the extreme runoff just from Sorraia River. For the mean sea level rise, two scenarios were also established. The first with the actual mean sea level value and the second considering an increase of 0.42 m. For the extreme rainfall events simulations, the results suggest that the biogeochemical characteristics of the Tagus Estuary are mainly influenced by Tagus River discharge. For sea level rise scenario, the results suggest a dilution in nutrient concentrations and an increase in Chl-a in specific areas.For both scenarios, the suggested increase in Chl-a concentration for specific estuarine areas, under the tested scenarios, can lead to events that promote an abnormal growth of phytoplankton (blooms) causing the water quality to drop and the estuary to face severe quality issues risking all the activities that depend on it.


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Internet users consume online targeted advertising based on information collected about them and voluntarily share personal information in social networks. Sensor information and data from smart-phones is collected and used by applications, sometimes in unclear ways. As it happens today with smartphones, in the near future sensors will be shipped in all types of connected devices, enabling ubiquitous information gathering from the physical environment, enabling the vision of Ambient Intelligence. The value of gathered data, if not obvious, can be harnessed through data mining techniques and put to use by enabling personalized and tailored services as well as business intelligence practices, fueling the digital economy. However, the ever-expanding information gathering and use undermines the privacy conceptions of the past. Natural social practices of managing privacy in daily relations are overridden by socially-awkward communication tools, service providers struggle with security issues resulting in harmful data leaks, governments use mass surveillance techniques, the incentives of the digital economy threaten consumer privacy, and the advancement of consumergrade data-gathering technology enables new inter-personal abuses. A wide range of fields attempts to address technology-related privacy problems, however they vary immensely in terms of assumptions, scope and approach. Privacy of future use cases is typically handled vertically, instead of building upon previous work that can be re-contextualized, while current privacy problems are typically addressed per type in a more focused way. Because significant effort was required to make sense of the relations and structure of privacy-related work, this thesis attempts to transmit a structured view of it. It is multi-disciplinary - from cryptography to economics, including distributed systems and information theory - and addresses privacy issues of different natures. As existing work is framed and discussed, the contributions to the state-of-theart done in the scope of this thesis are presented. The contributions add to five distinct areas: 1) identity in distributed systems; 2) future context-aware services; 3) event-based context management; 4) low-latency information flow control; 5) high-dimensional dataset anonymity. Finally, having laid out such landscape of the privacy-preserving work, the current and future privacy challenges are discussed, considering not only technical but also socio-economic perspectives.


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This report describes my experience of nine months as a trainee of a CRO (Eurotrials, Scientific Consultants), as well as a trainee of a clinical research site (Clinical Academic Center – Braga, Association). This document describes the European framework about clinical research and the Portuguese situation compared to similar countries. The activities developed during this internship are also described. These activities are divided in two phases. The first one occurred in Eurotrials, Scientific Consultants, a CRO specialized in clinical research and scientific advice. The first weeks were dedicated to intensive self-training needed to perform CTA tasks. These tasks included qualification, initiation and monitoring activities related to clinical trials, as well as the development of a quality management system. The second phase took place on 2CA-Braga, a clinical research center located in Hospital of Braga. Clinical studies coordination was the main focus of this second phase of my internship, as well as negotiation of clinical studies agreements. I had also the opportunity to participate in “1as Jornadas de Investigação Clínica e Inovação” (1st Clinical Investigation and Innovation Conference) organized by 2CA-Braga. Globally, this internship was a great opportunity to get knowledge and experience in the implementation and management of clinical trials, in a CRO and clinical research site perspectives. These two perspectives provided an interesting overview about the scientific needs of different players involved in clinical research. To conclude, this internship strengthened the knowledge acquired from my academic background, which make me able to face and overcome new challenges in the clinical research area.