986 resultados para Kepler, Johannes, 1571-1630.
The present randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind multicenter study included a population of 36 subjects with frequent recurrences (at least once a month) of herpes labialis. Most of the patients had failed to respond adequately to previous treatment with other therapeutic tools, including acyclovir. Either 50 mg of thymopentin or of placebo was administered 3 times a week, by the subcutaneous route, for 6 weeks. Subsequently, the patients were observed for nearly 6 months on the average. The results achieved with thymopentin for the individual parameters were significantly superior to those obtained with placebo; thus significant improvement was seen in patients on thymopentin in the duration of the longest symptomfree period (prolonged from 2.1 weeks to 20.9 weeks, p = 0.000), in the number of relapses (reduced from 1.6 to 0.4 episodes/month, p = 0.001), and in the total duration of herpes symptoms per month (shortened from 2.0 to 0.3 weeks, p = 0.000). Placebo treatment also resulted in considerable improvement (p < 0.05 or 0.01), but was significantly inferior to the improvement obtained with thymopentin. The longest symptomfree period in the placebo group was prolonged from 2.4 to 11.2 weeks. The number of relapses per month was reduced from 1.4 to 0.8, and the total duration of herpes symptoms per month from 2 to 0.9 weeks. The results of intergroup analyses, in which the observed parameters and the improvement achieved in either group were compared, significantly favored thymopentin treatment. The effect of thymopentin was in all but one parameters superior to that of placebo and highly significant (p < 0.01). © 1985 Humana Press Inc.
Background: Hepatorenal tyrosinaemia (Tyr 1) is a rare inborn error of tyrosine metabolism. Without treatment, patients are at high risk of developing acute liver failure, renal dysfunction and in the long run hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of our study was to collect cross-sectional data. Methods. Via questionnaires we collected retrospective data of 168 patients with Tyr 1 from 21 centres (Europe, Turkey and Israel) about diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and outcome. In a subsequent consensus workshop, we discussed data and clinical implications. Results: Early treatment by NTBC accompanied by diet is essential to prevent serious complications such as liver failure, hepatocellular carcinoma and renal disease. As patients may remain initially asymptomatic or develop uncharacteristic clinical symptoms in the first months of life newborn mass screening using succinylacetone (SA) as a screening parameter in dried blood is mandatory for early diagnosis. NTBC-treatment has to be combined with natural protein restriction supplemented with essential amino acids. NTBC dosage should be reduced to the minimal dose allowing metabolic control, once daily dosing may be an option in older children and adults in order to increase compliance. Metabolic control is judged by SA (below detection limit) in dried blood or urine, plasma tyrosine (<400 μM) and NTBC-levels in the therapeutic range (20-40 μM). Side effects of NTBC are mild and often transient. Indications for liver transplantation are hepatocellular carcinoma or failure to respond to NTBC. Follow-up procedures should include liver and kidney function tests, tumor markers and imaging, ophthalmological examination, blood count, psychomotor and intelligence testing as well as therapeutic monitoring (SA, tyrosine, NTBC in blood). Conclusion: Based on the data from 21 centres treating 168 patients we were able to characterize current practice and clinical experience in Tyr 1. This information could form the basis for clinical practice recommendations, however further prospective data are required to underpin some of the recommendations.
Los 5 poliedros regulares han sido modelo de la ciencia para los griegos y modelo de la astronomía para Kepler. Sin embargo, a pesar de su gran valor epistemológico su estudio es normalmente muy superficial en los cursos de Secundaria. Hace 20 años me formulé esta sencilla pregunta: ¿Cómo podemos calcular el volumen del icosaedro y del dodecaedro regular, conociendo solamente la medida de la arista? Esta pregunta dio lugar a una fascinante investigación, que comenzó en la búsqueda de diferentes medios para construir poliedros (se puede ver en la foto de la derecha un modelo a usar durante el taller) , un trabajo muy interesante con el álgebra de los irracionales cuadráticos, el uso de la trigonometría y el descubrimiento de varias y sorpresivas propiedades geométricas relacionadas algunas con el número áureo. Durante el curso los participantes aprenderán a construir, con regla y compás el pentágono regular(comenzando con su lado) , de la forma más simple y exacta, con su justificación paso a paso. Esto es imprescindible ya que en ambos el icosa y el dode hay numerosos pentágonos regulares. Este curso o taller es tan sólo un pequeño paseo en el increíble mundo de los 5 poliedros regulares, un mundo lleno de tesoros matemáticos, un mundo que espera a ser explorado y descubierto.
Einführung in die Diskussion zwischen Johannes Twardella und Andreas Wernet über Wernets Buch "Pädagogische Permissivität". (DIPF/Autor)
It is shown that every connected, locally connected graph with the maximum vertex degree Δ(G)=5 and the minimum vertex degree δ(G)3 is fully cycle extendable. For Δ(G)4, all connected, locally connected graphs, including infinite ones, are explicitly described. The Hamilton Cycle problem for locally connected graphs with Δ(G)7 is shown to be NP-complete
Cardiovascular pathophysiological changes, such as hypertension and enlarged ventricles, reflect the altered functions of the heart and its circulation during ill-health. This article examines the normal and altered anatomy of the cardiac valves, the contractile elements and enzymes of the myocardium, the significance of the different factors associated with cardiac output, and the role of the autonomic nervous system in the heart beat. It also explores how certain diseases alter these functions and result in cardiac symptoms. Nurses can benefit from knowledge of these specific changes, for example, by being able to ask relevant questions in order to ascertain the nature of a patients condition, by being able to take an effective patient history and by being able to read diagnostic results, such as electrocardiograms and cardiac enzyme results. All this will help nurses to promote sound cardiac care based on a physiological rationale.
Background: Vitamin B2 exists in blood as riboflavin and its cofactors, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and FAD. The erythrocyte glutathione reductase activation coefficient (EGRAC) has traditionally been used to assess vitamin B2 status in humans. We investigated the relationships of EGRAC and plasma and erythrocyte concentrations of riboflavin, FMN, and FAD in elderly volunteers and their responses to riboflavin administration. Methods: EGRAC and plasma and erythrocyte concentrations of riboflavin, FMN, and FAD were determined in 124 healthy individuals with a mean age of 69 years. The same measurements were made in a subgroup of 46 individuals with EGRAC 1.20 who participated in a randomized double-blind 12-week intervention study and received riboflavin (1.6 mg/day; n = 23) or placebo (n = 23). Results: Median plasma concentrations were 10.5 nmol/L for riboflavin, 6.6 nmol/L for FMN, and 74 nmol/L for FAD. In erythrocytes, there were only trace amounts of riboflavin, whereas median FMN and FAD concentrations were 44 and 469 nmol/L, respectively. Erythrocyte FMN and FAD correlated with each other and with EGRAC and plasma riboflavin (P
Background: Mitochondria are vital to sperm as their motility powerhouses. They are also the only animal organelles with their own unique genome; encoding subunits for the complexes required for the electron transfer chain. Methods: A modified long PCR technique was used to study mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in ejaculated and testicular sperm samples from fertile men (n=11) and testicular sperm from men with obstructive azoospermia (n=25). Nuclear DNA fragmentation was measured by an alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (COMET) assay. Results: Wild-type mtDNA was detected in only 60% of fertile mens�??�?�¢?? testicular sperm, 50% of their ejaculated sperm and 46% of testicular sperm from men with obstructive azoospermia. The incidence of mitochondrial deletions in testicular sperm of fertile and infertile men was not significantly different but the mean size of the deletions was significantly less in testicular sperm from fertile men compared with men with obstructive azoospermia (p<0.02). Nuclear DNA fragmentation in testicular sperm from fertile men and men with obstructive azoospermia was not significantly different. Conclusion: Multiple mtDNA deletions are common in testicular and ejaculated sperm from both fertile and infertile men. However, in males with obstructive azoospermia the mtDNA deletions in testicular sperm are of a larger scale.
Solid-state NMR and TEM were used to quantitatively examine the evolution of clay morphology upon equibiaxial stretching of polypropylene/montmorillonite (PP-MMT) nanocomposites up to a stretch ratio (?= final length/initial length) of 3.5. 1 H spin-lattice relaxation times were measured by the saturation-recovery sequence. For the nanocomposites, initial portions of the magnetization recovery
curves (e~20 ms) were found to depend on v t, indicative of diffusion-limited relaxation and in agreement with calculations based on estimates of the spin-diffusion barrier radius surrounding the paramagnetic centers in the clay, the electron-nucleus coupling constant, and the spin-diffusion coefficient. Initial slopes of these magnetization recovery curves directly correlated with the fraction of clay/polymer interface. New clay surface was exposed as a near linear function of strain. Long-time portions of the magnetization recovery curves yielded information on the average interparticle separations, which decreased slowly before reaching a plateau at ?=~2.5 as particles aligned. TEM images supported these findings and were used to define and quantify degrees of exfoliation and homogeneity from the NMR data. Exfoliation, defined as (platelets/ stack)-1, increased from 0.38 (unstretched) to 0.80 at ? = 3.5 for PP-MMT nanocomposites stretched at
150 C and 16 s-1. A lower stretch temperature, 145 C, which is slightly below melting onset, led to an exfoliation degree of 0.87 at ?= 2.8, consistent with the ability of higher melt viscosities to allow for higher shear stress transfer. Exposure of new clay surface is attributed to aggregate breakup and orientation at low strains (? e ~2) and to platelets sliding apart at higher strains.
Throughout Earth's history there have been temporal and spatial variations in the amount of visible and ultraviolet radiation received by ecosystems. This paper examines if temporal changes in these forms of energy receipt could have influenced the tempo and mode of plant diversity and speciation, focusing in particular upon Cenozoic time-scales. Evidence for changing patterns of plant diversity and speciation apparent in various fossil records and molecular phylogenies are considered alongside calculated changes in thermal and solar ultraviolet energy (specifically UV-B) over the past 50 Myr. We suggest that changes in thermal energy influx (amount and variability) affected the tempo of evolution through its influence upon community dynamics (e.g. population size, diversity, turnover, extinctions). It was not only the amount of thermal energy but also variability in its flux that may have influenced these processes, and ultimately the rate of diversification. We suggest that variations in UV-B would have influenced the mode and tempo of speciation through changes to genome stability during intervals of elevated UV-B. We argue, therefore, that although variability in thermal energy and UV-B fluxes through time may lead to the same end-point (changing the rate of diversification), the processes responsible are very different and both need to be considered when linking evolutionary processes to energy flux.