975 resultados para IoT platforms


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Panel at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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One of the main challenges in Software Engineering is to cope with the transition from an industry based on software as a product to software as a service. The field of Software Engineering should provide the necessary methods and tools to develop and deploy new cost-efficient and scalable digital services. In this thesis, we focus on deployment platforms to ensure cost-efficient scalability of multi-tier web applications and on-demand video transcoding service for different types of load conditions. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds provide Virtual Machines (VMs) under the pay-per-use business model. Dynamically provisioning VMs on demand allows service providers to cope with fluctuations on the number of service users. However, VM provisioning must be done carefully, because over-provisioning results in an increased operational cost, while underprovisioning leads to a subpar service. Therefore, our main focus in this thesis is on cost-efficient VM provisioning for multi-tier web applications and on-demand video transcoding. Moreover, to prevent provisioned VMs from becoming overloaded, we augment VM provisioning with an admission control mechanism. Similarly, to ensure efficient use of provisioned VMs, web applications on the under-utilized VMs are consolidated periodically. Thus, the main problem that we address is cost-efficient VM provisioning augmented with server consolidation and admission control on the provisioned VMs. We seek solutions for two types of applications: multi-tier web applications that follow the request-response paradigm and on-demand video transcoding that is based on video streams with soft realtime constraints. Our first contribution is a cost-efficient VM provisioning approach for multi-tier web applications. The proposed approach comprises two subapproaches: a reactive VM provisioning approach called ARVUE and a hybrid reactive-proactive VM provisioning approach called Cost-efficient Resource Allocation for Multiple web applications with Proactive scaling. Our second contribution is a prediction-based VM provisioning approach for on-demand video transcoding in the cloud. Moreover, to prevent virtualized servers from becoming overloaded, the proposed VM provisioning approaches are augmented with admission control approaches. Therefore, our third contribution is a session-based admission control approach for multi-tier web applications called adaptive Admission Control for Virtualized Application Servers. Similarly, the fourth contribution in this thesis is a stream-based admission control and scheduling approach for on-demand video transcoding called Stream-Based Admission Control and Scheduling. Our fifth contribution is a computation and storage trade-o strategy for cost-efficient video transcoding in cloud computing. Finally, the sixth and the last contribution is a web application consolidation approach, which uses Ant Colony System to minimize the under-utilization of the virtualized application servers.


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There is much enthusiasm about developing eLearning coures in Nigeria, but majority of the eLearning platforms introduced from developed countries to Nigeria hardly resulted in desired outcome. Proposed reasons are lack of infrastructures such as stable electricity, inadequate rate of internet penetration, low bandwidth and low accessibility of undergraduates to sophisticated devices. These seem valid initially, but findings of this study proved otherwise. This study took a deeper evaluation of the scenarios and made viable discoveries which deviate from early findings. First, the former attempts to introduce eLearning for students in Nigeria were implemented with a rural mindset. Secondly, the undergraduate student`s technical readiness were not properly studied, also their technology user acceptance was also not properly checked and the eLearning platforms were not localized. This study conducted interviews among tertiary students at Yaba College of technology and gathered valuable information towards their readiness for eLearning.


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Tiivistelmä Tekijä: Antti Korkki Tutkielman nimi: Hiljaisen tiedon siirtäminen Palveluyritys Oy:n Helsingin myyntiosastolla myyntipäällikön näkökulmasta Tiedekunta: Kauppatieteellinen tiedekunta Maisteriohjelma: Tietojohtaminen Vuosi: 2014 Pro gradu –tutkielma: Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto 88 sivua, 20 kuvaa ja yksi taulukko Tarkastajat: Professori Markku Ikävalko Tutkijatohtori Anna-Maija Nisula Hakusanat: Hiljainen tieto, tiedon jakaminen ja osaaminen Kiristynyt kilpailutilanne kuljetusalalla pakottaa alan yritykset etsimään uusia keinoja strategisen kilpailuedun saavuttamiseksi. Palvelualan yritykselle merkittävin kilpailukeino on palvelun laadulla kilpaileminen ja korkean laadun saavuttamiseksi on tärkeää, että oikea tieto on oikeassa paikassa oikeaan aikaan. Tämä tarkoittaa käytännössä reaaliaikaisten tiedon siirtämisen menetelmien käyttämistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää Palveluyritys Oy:n Helsingin myyntiosaston tiedon siirtämisen foorumien nykytilanne myyntipäällikön näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tutkimuksella etsitään keinoja tehostaa hiljaisen tiedon siirtämistä Palveluyritys Oy:n Helsingin myyntiosastolla. Tutkimuksessa käytetään laadullista tutkimusmenetelmää ja teoriaohjaavaa sisällön analyysiä.


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It has been proposed that the multiple-platform method (MP) for desynchronized sleep (DS) deprivation eliminates the stress induced by social isolation and by the restriction of locomotion in the single-platform (SP) method. MP, however, induces a higher increase in plasma corticosterone and ACTH levels than SP. Since deprivation is of heuristic value to identify the functional role of this state of sleep, the objective of the present study was to determine the behavioral differences exhibited by rats during sleep deprivation induced by these two methods. All behavioral patterns exhibited by a group of 7 albino male Wistar rats submitted to 4 days of sleep deprivation by the MP method (15 platforms, spaced 150 mm apart) and by 7 other rats submitted to sleep deprivation by the SP method were recorded in order to elaborate an ethogram. The behavioral patterns were quantitated in 10 replications by naive observers using other groups of 7 rats each submitted to the same deprivation schedule. Each quantification session lasted 35 min and the behavioral patterns presented by each rat over a period of 5 min were counted. The results obtained were: a) rats submitted to the MP method changed platforms at a mean rate of 2.62 ± 1.17 platforms h-1 animal-1; b) the number of episodes of noninteractive waking patterns for the MP animals was significantly higher than that for SP animals (1077 vs 768); c) additional episodes of waking patterns (26.9 ± 18.9 episodes/session) were promoted by social interaction in MP animals; d) the cumulative number of sleep episodes observed in the MP test (311) was significantly lower (chi-square test, 1 d.f., P<0.05) than that observed in the SP test (534); e) rats submitted to the MP test did not show the well-known increase in ambulatory activity observed after the end of the SP test; f) comparison of 6 MP and 6 SP rats showed a significantly shorter latency to the onset of DS in MP rats (7.8 ± 4.3 and 29.0 ± 25.0 min, respectively; Student t-test, P<0.05). We conclude that the social interaction occurring in the MP test generates additional stress since it increases the time of forced wakefulness and reduces the time of rest promoted by synchronized sleep.


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Cholesterol (Chol) is an important lipid in cellular membranes functioning both as a membrane fluidity regulator, permeability regulator and co-factor for some membrane proteins, e.g. G-protein coupled receptors. It also participates in the formation of signaling platforms and gives the membrane more mechanical strenght to prevent osmotic lysis of the cell. The sterol structure is very conserved and already minor structural modifications can completely abolish its membrane functions. The right interaction with adjacent lipids and the preference of certain lipid structures over others are also key factors in determining the membrane properties of cholesterol. Because of the many important properties of cholesterol it is of value to understand the forces and structural properties that govern the membrane behavior of this sterol. In this thesis we have used established fluorescence spectroscopy methods to study the membrane behavior of both cholesterol and some of its 3β-modified analogs. Using several fluorescent probes we have established how the acyl chain order of the two main lipid species, sphingomyelin (SM) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) affect sterol partitioning as well as characterized the membrane properties of 3β-aminocholesterol and cholesteryl phosphocholine. We concluded that cholesterol prefers SM over PC at equal acyl chain order, indicating that other structural properties besides the acyl chain order are important for sphingomyelin-sterol interactions. A positive charge at the 3β position only caused minor changes in the sterol membrane behavior compared to cholesterol. A large phosphocholine head group caused a disruption in membrane packing together with other membrane lipids with large head groups, but was also able to form stable fluid bilayers together with ceramide and cholesterol. The Ability of the large head group sterol to form bilayers together with ceramide was further explored in the last paper where cholesteryl phosphocholine/ceramide (Chol-PC/Cer) complexes were successfully used to transfer ceramide into cultured cells.


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In this work, the feasibility of the floating-gate technology in analog computing platforms in a scaled down general-purpose CMOS technology is considered. When the technology is scaled down the performance of analog circuits tends to get worse because the process parameters are optimized for digital transistors and the scaling involves the reduction of supply voltages. Generally, the challenge in analog circuit design is that all salient design metrics such as power, area, bandwidth and accuracy are interrelated. Furthermore, poor flexibility, i.e. lack of reconfigurability, the reuse of IP etc., can be considered the most severe weakness of analog hardware. On this account, digital calibration schemes are often required for improved performance or yield enhancement, whereas high flexibility/reconfigurability can not be easily achieved. Here, it is discussed whether it is possible to work around these obstacles by using floating-gate transistors (FGTs), and analyze problems associated with the practical implementation. FGT technology is attractive because it is electrically programmable and also features a charge-based built-in non-volatile memory. Apart from being ideal for canceling the circuit non-idealities due to process variations, the FGTs can also be used as computational or adaptive elements in analog circuits. The nominal gate oxide thickness in the deep sub-micron (DSM) processes is too thin to support robust charge retention and consequently the FGT becomes leaky. In principle, non-leaky FGTs can be implemented in a scaled down process without any special masks by using “double”-oxide transistors intended for providing devices that operate with higher supply voltages than general purpose devices. However, in practice the technology scaling poses several challenges which are addressed in this thesis. To provide a sufficiently wide-ranging survey, six prototype chips with varying complexity were implemented in four different DSM process nodes and investigated from this perspective. The focus is on non-leaky FGTs, but the presented autozeroing floating-gate amplifier (AFGA) demonstrates that leaky FGTs may also find a use. The simplest test structures contain only a few transistors, whereas the most complex experimental chip is an implementation of a spiking neural network (SNN) which comprises thousands of active and passive devices. More precisely, it is a fully connected (256 FGT synapses) two-layer spiking neural network (SNN), where the adaptive properties of FGT are taken advantage of. A compact realization of Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) within the SNN is one of the key contributions of this thesis. Finally, the considerations in this thesis extend beyond CMOS to emerging nanodevices. To this end, one promising emerging nanoscale circuit element - memristor - is reviewed and its applicability for analog processing is considered. Furthermore, it is discussed how the FGT technology can be used to prototype computation paradigms compatible with these emerging two-terminal nanoscale devices in a mature and widely available CMOS technology.


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Älytelevisiomarkkinat ovat nykyisellään pirstaloituneet eri valmistajien kehittäessä omia älytelevisioalustoitaan, mikä tekee sovelluskehittämisestä erittäin työlästä, kun kehitystyö pitää tehdä jokaiselle alustalle erikseen. LG:n ja Philipsin perustama Smart TV Alliance pyrkii yksinkertaistamaan sovelluskehittäjien työtä, samalla houkutellen lisää kehittäjiä alalle. Työssä tutustutaan tuotealustoihin, avoimeen ja suljettuun innovaatioon, sekä alliansseihin. Lisäksi perehdytään älytelevisioihin sekä tietenkin itse Smart TV Allianceen. Lisäksi tarkastellaan nykyistä markkina-asetelmaa ja arvioidaan yksittäisten toimijoiden tilannetta ja mahdollisia toimenpiteitä. Työn painopiste on fyysisen laitevalmistajan ja käyttöjärjestelmän kehittäjän/ylläpitäjän näkökulmasta. Työn kannalta tärkeässä roolissa ovat ohjelmistopohjaiset tuotealustat. Eritoten työssä käsitellään älytelevisioiden ohjelmistoa tuotealustana, mutta hyvä vaihtoehtoinen ja eritoten monille käytännönläheisempi esimerkki on tietokoneen käyttöjärjestelmä, kuten Microsoft Windows tai useat Linux-pohjaiset käyttöjärjestelmät. Keskeisenä ominaisuutena näissä kaikissa on, että itse käyttöjärjestelmä toimii yhteisenä pohjana, jonka päälle voidaan rakentaa muuta toiminnallisuutta, kuten pelejä ja toimistosovelluksia.


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Massive Open Online Courses have been in the center of attention in the recent years. However, the main problem of all online learning environments is their lack of personalization according to the learners’ knowledge, learning styles and other learning preferences. This research explores the parameters and features used for personalization in the literature and based on them, evaluates to see how well the current MOOC platforms have been personalized. Then, proposes a design framework for personalization of MOOC platforms that fulfills most of the personalization parameters in the literature including the learning style as well as personalization features. The result of an assessment made for the proposed design framework shows that the framework well supports personalization of MOOCs.


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This thesis presents a novel design paradigm, called Virtual Runtime Application Partitions (VRAP), to judiciously utilize the on-chip resources. As the dark silicon era approaches, where the power considerations will allow only a fraction chip to be powered on, judicious resource management will become a key consideration in future designs. Most of the works on resource management treat only the physical components (i.e. computation, communication, and memory blocks) as resources and manipulate the component to application mapping to optimize various parameters (e.g. energy efficiency). To further enhance the optimization potential, in addition to the physical resources we propose to manipulate abstract resources (i.e. voltage/frequency operating point, the fault-tolerance strength, the degree of parallelism, and the configuration architecture). The proposed framework (i.e. VRAP) encapsulates methods, algorithms, and hardware blocks to provide each application with the abstract resources tailored to its needs. To test the efficacy of this concept, we have developed three distinct self adaptive environments: (i) Private Operating Environment (POE), (ii) Private Reliability Environment (PRE), and (iii) Private Configuration Environment (PCE) that collectively ensure that each application meets its deadlines using minimal platform resources. In this work several novel architectural enhancements, algorithms and policies are presented to realize the virtual runtime application partitions efficiently. Considering the future design trends, we have chosen Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) and Network on Chips (NoCs) to test the feasibility of our approach. Specifically, we have chosen Dynamically Reconfigurable Resource Array (DRRA) and McNoC as the representative CGRA and NoC platforms. The proposed techniques are compared and evaluated using a variety of quantitative experiments. Synthesis and simulation results demonstrate VRAP significantly enhances the energy and power efficiency compared to state of the art.


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TIIVISTELMÄ Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto Teknistaloudellinen tiedekunta Tuotantotalouden koulutusohjelma Seppo Kuittinen Teollinen Internet uuden liiketoiminnan katalysaattorina Case CGI Diplomityö 2015 78 sivua, 33 kuvaa, 1 taulukko, 1 liite Työn tarkastajat: Professori Timo Pihkala Tutkijatohtori Marita Rautiainen Hakusanat: teollinen internet, IoT, kehittynyt analytiikka, sensorit Keywords: Industrial internet, IoT, advanced analytics, sencors Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tutkia asiakaskyselyn avulla luoko teollinen internet case yritykselle uutta ohjelmisto- tai palveluliiketoimintaa. Case yritys valitsi omasta asiakaskunnastaan 15 kohdeasiakasta, joille kysely lähetettiin. Vastauksista käy ilmi, että asiakaskunnassa on näkemys siitä, mitä teollinen internet on. Nykyisten ratkaisujen ei nähdä ratkaisevan kaikkia teollisen internetin mukanaan tuomia ongelmia. Ongelmaksi koetaan sensoridatan analysointi, jonka ei vielä katsota olevan riittävän kehittynyttä ja luotettavaa. Kyselystä voidaan päätellä, ettei mitään räjähtävää kasvua ole odotettavissa lähiaikoina. Teollinen internet tulee olemaan osa yritysten liiketoimintaa, mutta sen käyttö laajenee pikkuhiljaa.


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Decrease in microbial contacts in affluent societies is considered to lie behind the rise in allergic and other chronic inflammatory diseases during the last decades. Indeed, deviations in the intestinal microbiota composition and diversity have been associated with several diseases, such as atopic eczema. However, there is no consensus yet on what would constitute a beneficial or harmful microbiota. The aim of this thesis was to study the microbiota development in healthy infants and to characterize intestinal microbiota signatures associated with disease status and severity in infants with atopic eczema. The methodological aim was to compare and optimize methods for DNA extraction from fecal samples to be used in high-throughput microbiota analyses. It was confirmed that the most critical step in successful microbial DNA extraction from fecal samples is the mechanical cell lysis procedure. Based on this finding, an efficient semi-automated extraction process was developed that can be scaled for use in high-throughput platforms such as phylogenetic microarray used in this series of studies. By analyzing a longitudinal motherchild cohort for 3 years it was observed that the microbiota development is a gradual process, where some bacterial groups reach the degree of adult-type pattern earlier than others. During the breast-feeding period, the microbiota appeared to be relatively simple, while major diversification was found to start during the weaning process. By the age of 3 years, the child’s microbiota composition started to resemble that of an adult, but the bacterial diversity has still not reached the full diversity, indicating that the microbiota maturation extends beyond this age. In addition, at three years of age, the child’s microbiota was more similar to mother’s microbiota than to microbiota of nonrelated women.In infants with atopic eczema, a high total microbiota diversity and abundance of butyrate-producing bacteria was found to correlate with mild symptoms at 6 months. At 18 months, infants with mild eczema had significantly higher microbiota diversity and aberrant microbiota composition when compared to healthy controls at the same age. In conclusion, the comprehensive phylogenetic microarray analysis of early life microbiota shows the synergetic effect of vertical transmission and shared environment on the intestinal microbiota development. By the age of three years, the compositional development of intestinal microbiota is close to adult level, but the microbiota diversification continues beyond this age. In addition, specific microbiota signatures are associated with the existence and severity of atopic eczema and intestinal microbiota seems to have a role in alleviating the symptoms of this disease.