815 resultados para Invitro Bioassay
Grains and legume seeds are foods that form the basis of the diets of many cultures around the world, winch contritbute to the daily nutrient requirements of humans. Vicilins (7S globulin) are storage proteins found in legume seeds, and may have an additional function constitutive defense of the embryo against pests and pathogens. In this work the vicilin from Anadenanthera macrocarpa - AmV (red-angico), was purified and partially characterized, its effect on development and larval survival and adult emergence of Callosobruchus maculatus was evaluated by determination of LD50, WD50 and ED50 in system bioassay. Purification of vicilin was initiated by the chitin affinity chromatography and then gel filtration (Superdex 75 Tricorn 10x300 mm) FPLC system followed by reverse phase chromatography (C8 phenomenex) on HPLC system. Bioassays WD50 and LD50 for larvae were 0.32% and 0.33% (w:w) respectively, since the ED50 for adults was 0.096%. The probable mechanism of action was evaluated by testing digestibility of AmV in vitro, and observed for the involvement of two fragments vicilins immunoreactive against polyclonal Anti-vicilin from Erythrina velutina (Anti-EvV) about of 22 and 13 kDa chitin binding. The AmV in its native form has been recognized by the anti-EvV, indicating that there is a conserved region in the vicilin and is probably corresponding to the chitin binding domains. These results point to a new vicilin chitin binding that can subsequently be used as a possible biopesticide protein source, in order to control insect pest C. maculatus and confirm literature findings that demonstrate vicilin in the presence of different kinds of ligands to conserved regions chitin not yet characterized
he present model of agriculture is based on intensive use of industrial inputs, due to its rapid response, but it brings harmful consequences to the environment, and it is necessary the use of modern inputs. And an alternative is the use of rock biofertilizers in agriculture, a product easy to use, with higher residual effect and does not harm the environment. The objective of study was to evaluate the inoculation and co-inoculation of different microorganisms in the solubilization of rock phosphate and potash ground microbial evaluating the best performance in the production of biofertilizers comparing with rocks pure in soil chemical properties and, verify effect of inoculation of the bacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa in the absorption of minerals dissolved in the development of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.). The first bioassay was conducted in Laboratory (UFRN) for 72 days in Petri dishes, where the rock powder was increased by 10% and sulfur co-inoculated and inoculated with bacterial suspension of Paenibacillus polymyxa grown in medium tryptone soy broth, Ralstonia solanacearum in medium Kelman, Cromobacterium violaceum in medium Luria-Bertani and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in medium Tuovinen and Kelly,and fungi Trichoderma humatum and Penicillium fellutanum in malt extract. Every 12 days, samples were removed in order to build up the release curve of minerals. The second bioassay was conducted in a greenhouse of the Agricultural Research Corporation of Rio Grande do Norte in experimental delineation in randomized block designs, was used 10 kg of an Yellow Argissolo Dystrophic per pot with the addition of treatments super phosphate simple (SS), potassium chloride (KCl), pure rock, biofertilizers in doses 40, 70, 100 and 200% of the recommendation for SS and KCl, and a control, or not inoculated with bacteria P. polymyxa. Were used seeds of cowpea BRS Potiguar and co-inoculated with the bacterial suspension of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and P. polymyxa. The first crop was harvested 45 days after planting, were evaluated in the dry matter (ADM), macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Mn) in ADM. And the second at 75 days assessing levels of macro end micronutrients in plants and soil, and the maximum adsorption capacity of P in soil. The results showed synergism in co-inoculations with P. polymyxa+R. solanacearum and, P. polymyxa+C. violaceum solubilizations providing higher P and K, respectively, and better solubilization time at 36 days. The pH was lower in biofertilizers higher doses, but there was better with their addition to P at the highest dose. Significant reduction of maximum adsorption capacity of phosphorus with increasing dose of biofertilizer. For K and Ca was better with SS+KCl, and Mg to pure rock. There was an effect of fertilization on the absorption, with better results for P, K and ADM with SS+KCL, and N, Ca and Mg for biofertilizers. Generally, the P. polymyxa not influence the absorption of the elements in the plant. In treatments with the uninoculated P. polymyxa chemical fertilizer had an average significantly higher for weight and number of grains. And in the presence of the bacteria, biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers had positive values in relation to rock and control. The data show that the rocks and biofertilizers could meet the need of nutrients the plants revealed as potential for sustainable agriculture
Notre équipe a identifié le thé Labrador [Rhododendron groenlandicum L. (Ericaceae)] comme une plante potentiellement antidiabétique de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale. Dans la présente étude, nous avons évalué les effets néphroprotecteurs potentiels de la plante. De la microalbuminurie et de la fibrose rénale ont été développées chez des souris alimentées avec une diète grasse (DG). Le R. groenlandicum améliore d’une façon non-significative la microalbuminurie, avec des valeurs de l’aire sous la courbe (ACR) diminuant de 0.69 à 0.53. La valeur de la fibrose rénale qui était, à l’origine, de 4.85 unités arbitraires (UA) dans des souris alimentées à la DG, a chuté à 3.27 UA après avoir reçu un traitement de R. groenlandicum. Le R. groenlandicum a réduit la stéatose rénale de presque la moitié alors que l’expression du facteur de modification Bcl-2 (Bmf) a chuté de 13.96 UA à 9.43 UA. Dans leur ensemble les résultats suggèrent que le traitement avec R. groenlandicum peut améliorer la fonction rénale altérée par DG. Dans l’étude subséquente, notre équipe a identifié 17 espèces de la forêt boréale, de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale, qui ont présenté des activités biologiques prometteuses in vitro et in vivo dans le contexte du DT2. Nous avons maintenant examiné ces 17 extraits afin d’identifier lesquels possèdent un potentiel cytoprotecteur rénale en utilisant des cellules Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) mises à l’épreuve dans un médium hypertonique. Nous concluons que plusieurs plantes antidiabétiques Cris exercent une activité de protection rénale qui pourrait être pertinente dans le contexte de la néphropathie diabétique (ND) qui affecte une proportion importante des Cris. La G. hispidula et la A. balsamea sont parmi les plantes les plus puissantes dans ce contexte et elles semblent protectrices principalement en inhibant la caspase 9 dans la voie de signalisation apoptotique mitochondriale. Finalement, nous avons utilisé une approche de fractionnement guidée par un test biologique pour identifier les fractions actives et les composés de A. balsamea avec un potentiel de protection rénale in vitro dans des cellules MDCK mises au défi avec un médium hypertonique. La fraction d’hexane (Hex) possède le potentiel le plus élevé parmi toutes les fractions de solvant contre les dommages cellulaires induits par le stress hypertonique. Dans des études précédentes, trois composés purs ont été identifiés à partir de la fraction Hex, à savoir, l’acide abiétique, l’acide déhydroabiétique et le squalène. L’acide abiétique se distinguait par son effet puissant dans le maintien de la viabilité des cellules MDCK (AnnV-/PI-) à un niveau relativement élevé (augmentation de 25.48% relative au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001), ainsi qu’une réduction significative (diminution de 20.20% par rapport au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001) de l’apoptose de stade précoce (AnnV+/PI-). L’acide abiétique peut donc servir à normaliser les préparations traditionnelles d’A. balsamea et à trouver des applications potentielles dans le traitement de la néphropathie diabétique. Les trois études ont été intrinsèquement liées les unes aux autres, par conséquent, nous avons réussi à identifier R. groenlandicum ainsi que A. balsamea comme nouvelles plantes prometteuses contre la néphropathie diabétique. Nous croyons que ces résultats profiteront à la communauté crie pour la gestion des complications diabétiques, en particulier la néphropathie diabétique. En parallèle, nos données pourraient faire avancer l'essai clinique de certaines plantes médicinales de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale du Canada.
In May, June and July 1996, samples wcre collected along one transect greatly influenced by river discharge (eastern side of the gulf), along one transect slightly influence by river discharge (western side), at one station Iocated in the mouth of the main river (River Daugava), at one station located in the center of the Gulf and at several nearshore locations of the western side. Ratios of rnolecular concentrations of in situ dissolved ioorganic nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon, as weIl as enrichment bioassays were llsed to dctcrrnine which nutrient (s) lirnited the potential biomass of phytoplankton. Both comparison of (NO.d-N02+NJ.L): P04 (DIN: DIP) values with Redfic1d's ratio and bioassay inspection led to the sarne conclusions. Phosphorus was clearly the nutrient most limiting for the potcntial biornass of test species in nitrogen- rich waters, which occurred in mid spring, in the upper layer of the southern-eastern part of the Gulf which is greatly influenced by river discharge. In late spring, with the decrease of the total DIN reserve, nitrogen and phosphorus showed an equallimiting role. In deeper layers of this area and out of the river plume (western side and central part of the gulf), nitrogen was the limiting nutrient. In summer, whcn river discharge was the lowest, a11 DIN concentrations but one ranged between 1.6 and 2.6 µM, and the whole area was nitrogen-limited for both the cyanobacterial and the algal test strains. In 74% of the samples for which nitrogen was the limiting nutrient, phosphorus was recorded to be the second potentially limiting nutrient. In contrast, silicon never appeared as limiting the growth potential of either Microcystis aeruginosa or Phaeodactylum tricornutum; phosphorus was the limiting nutrient when DIN: Si03 values were >1 (in May), but DIN: Si03 was <1 when nitrogen was limiting (June and July). The authors conclude that the recently reported decrease of silicon loading in coastal waters and its subsequent enhanced importance in pushing the outcome of species competition towards harmful species may not yet be the most important factor for the Gulf of Riga. Iron appeared for 12% of the tests in the list of nutrients limiting the potential biomass. Tentative results also indicated that a significant fraction of the nitrogen (~,4 µg-atom N 1(-1) taken up by Microcystis aeruginosa may have been in the form of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). It is thus also suggested tentatively that more attention be paid to these nitrients during further research in the Gulf of Riga.
Fungi of the genus Paracoccidioides are responsible for paracoccidioidomycosis. The occurrence of drug toxicity and relapse in this disease justify the development of new antifungal agents. Compounds extracted from fungal extract have showing antifungal activity. Extracts of 78 fungi isolated from rocks of the Atacama Desert were tested in a microdilution assay against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb18. Approximately 18% (5) of the extracts showed minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ≤ 125.0 μg/mL. Among these, extract from the fungus UFMGCB 8030 demonstrated the best results, with an MIC of 15.6 μg/mL. This isolate was identified as Aspergillus felis (by macro and micromorphologies, and internal transcribed spacer, β-tubulin, and ribosomal polymerase II gene analyses) and was grown in five different culture media and extracted with various solvents to optimise its antifungal activity. Potato dextrose agar culture and dichloromethane extraction resulted in an MIC of 1.9 μg/mL against P. brasiliensis and did not show cytotoxicity at the concentrations tested in normal mammalian cell (Vero). This extract was subjected to bioassay-guided fractionation using analytical C18RP-high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and an antifungal assay using P. brasiliensis. Analysis of the active fractions by HPLC-high resolution mass spectrometry allowed us to identify the antifungal agents present in the A. felis extracts cytochalasins. These results reveal the potential of A. felis as a producer of bioactive compounds with antifungal activity.
The organophosphate temephos has been the main insecticide used against larvae of the dengue and yellow fever mosquito ( Aedes aegypti ) in Brazil since the mid-1980s. Reports of resistance date back to 1995; however, no systematic reports of widespread temephos resistance have occurred to date. As resistance investigation is paramount for strategic decision-making by health officials, our objective here was to investigate the spatial and temporal spread of temephos resistance in Ae. aegypti in Brazil for the last 12 years using discriminating temephos concentrations and the bioassay protocols of the World Health Organization. The mortality results obtained were subjected to spatial analysis for distance interpolation using semi-variance models to generate maps that depict the spread of temephos resistance in Brazil since 1999. The problem has been expanding. Since 2002-2003, approximately half the country has exhibited mosquito populations resistant to temephos. The frequency of temephos resistance and, likely, control failures, which start when the insecticide mortality level drops below 80%, has increased even further since 2004. Few parts of Brazil are able to achieve the target 80% efficacy threshold by 2010/2011, resulting in a significant risk of control failure by temephos in most of the country. The widespread resistance to temephos in Brazilian Ae. aegypti populations greatly compromise effective mosquito control efforts using this insecticide and indicates the urgent need to identify alternative insecticides aided by the preventive elimination of potential mosquito breeding sites.
The nutritional contribution of the dietary nitrogen, carbon and total dry matter supplied by fish meal (FM), soy protein isolate (SP) and corn gluten (CG) to the growth of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei was assessed by means of isotopic analyses. As SP and CG are ingredients derived from plants having different photosynthetic pathways which imprint specific carbon isotope values to plant tissues, their isotopic values were contrasting. FM is isotopically different to these plant meals with regards to both, carbon and nitrogen. Such natural isotopic differences were used to design experimental diets having contrasting isotopic signatures. Seven isoproteic (36% crude protein), isoenergetic (4.7 kcal g−1) diets were formulated; three diets consisted in isotopic controls manufactured with only one main ingredient supplying dietary nitrogen and carbon: 100% FM (diet 100F), 100% SP (diet 100S) and 100% CG (diet 100G). Four more diets were formulated with varying mixtures of these three ingredients, one included 33% of each ingredient on a dietary nitrogen basis (diet 33FSG) and the other three included a proportion 50:25:25 for each of the three ingredients (diets 50FSG, 50SGF and 50GFS). At the end of the bioassay there were no significant differences in growth rate in shrimps fed on the four mixed diets and diet 100F (k=0.215–0.224). Growth rates were significantly lower (k=0.163–0.201) in shrimps grown on diets containing only plant meals. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values (δ13C and δ15N) were measured in experimental diets and shrimp muscle tissue and results were incorporated into a three-source, two-isotope mixing model. The relative contributions of dietary nitrogen, carbon and total dry matter from FM, SP and CG to growth were statistically similar to the proportions established in most of the diets after correcting for the apparent digestibility coefficients of the ingredients. Dietary nitrogen available in diet 33FSG was incorporated in muscle tissue at proportions representing 24, 35 and 41% of the respective ingredients. Diet 50GSF contributed significantly higher amounts of dietary nitrogen from CG than from FM. When the level of dietary nitrogen derived from FM was increased in diet 50FSG, nutrient contributions were more comparable to the available dietary proportions as there was an incorporation of 44, 29 and 27% from FM, SP and CG, respectively. Nutritional contributions from SP were very consistent to the dietary proportions established in the experimental diets.
Canine distemper virus (CDV) is a morbillivirus related to measles virus that infects dogs and other carnivores. CDV has a significant global impact on animal health; however, there is no current antiviral treatment for CDV infection. In recent years, it has been demonstrated that sulfated polysaccharides exhibit antiviral properties both in vivo and in vitro, despite their low cytotoxicity to host cells. Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide found in the cell wall matrix of brown algae. In this study, we evaluated in vitro anti-CDV activity of fucoidan, which was derived from Cladosiphon okamuranus. Fucoidan actively inhibited CDV replication in Vero cells at a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.1 lg/ml. The derived selectivity index (SI50) was[20,000. This polysaccharide likely inhibits viral infection by interference in the early steps and by inhibiting CDV-mediated cell fusion. Fucoidan may be useful in development of pharmacological strategies to treat and control CDV infection.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Purpose: To evaluate the cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of four different solvent extracts obtained from the aerial parts of Galega officinalis L Methods: The hexane, DCM, methanol and water extracts of G. officinalis were successively obtained by soxhlet extraction method. The cytotoxic activity of the extracts was assessed against human lung carcinoma (A-549), human colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT-29), human brain glioblastoma (U-87), and colon adenocarcinoma (DLD-1) by Resazurine test. The antioxidant activity of extracts were determined by Folin-Ciocalteau, oxygen radical absorbing capacity (ORAC), and 2’.7’-dichlorofluorescin-diacetate (DCFH-DA) cell-based assay while their anti-inflammatory activity was determined by nitric oxide (NO) assay. Results: DCM extract showed strong cytotoxic activity against lung adenocarcinoma and brain glioblastoma cell lines, with IC50 (concentration inhibiting 50 % of cell growth) values of 11 ± 0.4 and 16 ± 3 μg/mL, respectively. The hexane extract showed moderate anticancer activity against the same cell lines (59 ± 13 and 63 ± 16 μg/mL, respectively). DCM extract also showed significant anti-inflammatory activity, inhibiting NO release by 86.7 % at 40 μg/mL in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) - stimulated murine RAW 264.7 macrophages. Of all test extracts, the methanol extract of G. officinalis showed the highest antioxidant activity with 2.33 ± 0.09 μmol Trolox/mg , 7.10 ± 0.9 g tannic acid equivalent (TAE), and IC50 of 44 ± 4 μg/mL. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that DCM extract may possess anticancer effect against lung adenocarcinoma and brain glioblastoma, as well as serve as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 2015.
Top-down (grazing) and bottom-up (nutrient, light) controls are important in freshwater ecosystems regulation. Relative importance of these factors could change in space and time, but in tropical lakes bottom-up regulation has to been appointed as more influent. Present study aimed to test the hypothesis that phytoplankton growths rate in Armando Ribeiro reservoir, a huge eutrophic reservoir in semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte state, is more limited by nutrient available then zooplankton grazing pressure. Bioassay was conduced monthly from September (2008) to August (2009) manipulating two levels of nutrients (with/without addition) and two level of grazers (with/without removal). Experimental design was factorial 2X2 with four treatments (X5), (i) control with water and zooplankton from natural spot ( C ), (ii) with nutrient addition ( +NP ), (iii) with zooplankton remove ( -Z ) and (iv) with zooplankton remove and nutrient addition ( -Z+NP ). For bioassay confection transparent plastic bottles (500ml) was incubate for 4 or 5 days in two different depths, Secchi`s depth (high luminosity) and 3 times Secchi`s depth (low luminosity). Water samples were collected from each bottle in begins and after incubates period for chlorophyll a concentration analysis and zoopalnktonic organisms density. Phytoplankton growths rates were calculated. Bifactorial ANOVA was performance to test if had a significant effect (p<0,005) of nutrient addition and grazers remove as well a significant interaction between factors on phytoplankton growths rates. Effect magnitude was calculated the relative importance of each process. Results show that phytoplankton growth was in generally stimulated by nutrient addition, as while zooplankton remove rarely stimulated phytoplankton growth. Some significant interactions happening between nutrient additions and grazers remove on phytoplankton growth. In conclusion this study suggests that in studied reservoir phytoplankton growth is more controlled by ascendent factors than descendent
Recombinant tau protein is widely used to study the biochemical, cellular and pathological aspects of tauopathies, including Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTPD-17). Pure tau in high yield is a requirement for in vitro evaluation of the protein's physiological and toxic functions. However, the preparation of recombinant tau is complicated by the protein's propensity to aggregate and form truncation products, necessitating the use of multiple, time-consuming purification methods. In this study, we investigated parameters that influence the expression of wild type and FTPD-17 pathogenic tau, in an attempt to identify ways to maximise expression yield. Here, we report on the influence of the choice of host strain, induction temperature, duration of induction, and media supplementation with glucose on tau expression in Escherichia coli. We also describe a straightforward process to purify the expressed tau proteins using immobilised metal affinity chromatography, with favourable yields over previous reports. An advantage of the described method is that it enables high yield production of functional oligomeric and monomeric tau, both of which can be used to study the biochemical, physiological and toxic properties of the protein.
Las enfermedades raras o huérfanas corresponden a aquellas con baja prevalencia en la población, y en varios países tienen una definición distinta de acuerdo con el número de pacientes que afectan en la población. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), las define como un trastorno que afecta de 650 a 1.000 personas por millón de habitantes, de las que se han identificado alrededor de 7.000. En Colombia su prevalencia es menor de 1 por cada 5.000 personas y comprenden: las enfermedades raras, las ultra-huérfanas y las olvidadas. Los pacientes con este tipo de enfermedades imponen retos a los sistemas sanitarios, pues si bien afectan a un bajo porcentaje de la población, su atención implica una alta carga económica por los costos que involucra su atención, la complejidad en su diagnóstico, tratamiento, seguimiento y rehabilitación. El abordaje de las enfermedades raras requiere un manejo interdisciplinar e intersectorial, lo que implica la organización de cada actor del sistema sanitario para su manejo a través de un modelo que abraque las dinámicas posibles entre ellos y las competencias de cada uno. Por lo anterior, y teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de formular políticas sanitarias específicas para la gestión de estas enfermedades, el presente trabajo presenta una aproximación a la formulación de un modelo de gestión para la atención integral de pacientes con enfermedades raras en Colombia. Esta investigación describe los distintos elementos y características de los modelos de gestión clínica y de las enfermedades raras a través de una revisión de literatura, en la que se incluye la descripción de los distintos actores del Sistema de Salud Colombiano, relacionados con la atención integral de estos pacientes para la documentación de un modelo de gestión integral.
Based on the positive bioassay results of the known oxindole hit compound rac-1-benzyl-3-hydroxy-3-phenylindolin-2-one which showed significant inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) (IC50=7.41 μM), a library of 31 analogues of 3-substituted-3-hydroxyoxindoles was synthesized and screened for both acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and BuChE activity. Our bioassays revealed that some of the new compounds exhibited moderate inhibition of eel AChE (EeAChE) and very good inhibition of equine serum BuChE (EqBuChE) with a best IC50 of 1.02 μM. On the basis of these results, the lead compound 1-((1-benzylpiperidin-4-yl)methyl)-3-hydroxy-3-phenylindolin-2-one was designed, which was shown to interact well with the enzymes active sites by molecular docking, was synthesized and upon bioassay gave an IC50 of 6.61 μM for BuChE. Interestingly, when we separated rac-benzyl-3-hydroxy-3-phenylindolin-2-one into the individual enantiomers (R)- and (S)-benzyl-3-hydroxy-3-phenylindolin-2-one it was the latter enantiomer that gave the best IC50 of 6.19 μM for BuChE.