992 resultados para Haba
Demographic census from the last decades of the twentieth century began to reveal a tendency concerning the increasing average age of the population. The Brazilian government began introducing ways to manage the effects and consequences of this trend, the most recent being the creation of the "Fundos do Idoso" (Funds for seniors) in the Federal, state and municipal spheres. That law allows transferring federal taxes from common citizens and companies to the funds. This article is specifically written as a critical examination of this governmental initiative towards the problem of an ageing population from the point of view as to how the law has been implemented. With the creation of the funds there will be the enlargement and improvement of services destined for seniors. However, the law mentioned above does not predict an active participation of the seniors in the management of this funds and policies that will come as result.
The involvement of adolescents as workers in the trafficking of illicit drugs has increased in recent decades in Brazil, and perhaps the world, making them also victims and perpetrators of violent acts related to this activity. Given the above, we conducted research – that now present some results in this article – on such subjects. Basically, we pretend to understand if they had, throughout its history, references to the authority that contributed to its entry in that class. The teens were chosen social stratum of low income and working on trafficking. We conducted interviews / conversations with these individuals and analyzed according to the perspective of psychoanalysis extramural. We conclude that, for them, such activity is a possible route in our society, to gain social recognition and feeling of belonging to the adult world and the society of consumers.
Considerado una verdadera lección de cine, ya que es una película que se refiere al propio arte cinematográfica, La ventana indiscreta (Rear Window), dirigida por Alfred Hitchcock en 1954, tuvo como base para el guión de John Michael Hayes el cuento “Tenía que ser un asesinato” (“It had to be murder”, 1942), de Cornell Woolrich. Reconocido como uno de los mayores escritores del género policial noir, Woolrich profesaba la “poética del fracaso, [...] conduciendo gradualmente la angustia de la víctima al centro del cuadro, en contraste con la indiferencia mecánica de una sociedad que no se molestaba con su suerte”. (OLIVA, 2003, p.116- 7). La película tuvo un gran éxito de público y crítica, pero esto no había ocurrido con el cuento, que solo se hizo conocido después de su adaptación para el cine. El propósito de este trabajo es realizar un análisis comparativo entre los dos textos, subrayando los siguientes aspectos: 1) la caracterización del género noir (cuando la investigación ya no es un juego para mentes refinadas, como había sido en la narrativa policial clásica) y del suspense (narrativa de tensión que se caracteriza por el aplazamiento de la resolución del enigma), tanto en la narración literaria como en la película; 2) la autorreferencialidad en la película y en el cuento mediante el uso de la metaficción; 3) el problema de la transposición del foco en primera persona de la narrativa para el cine; 4) los diferentes desenlaces, señalando en qué medida indican visiones del mundo también divergentes.
Malnutrition in patients with gastrointestinal cancer: effectiveness of different diagnostic methods
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Currently, responsible ownership of pets has been widely discussed. In the past, they were brought to our society and it is our duty nowadays to establish this relationship between man and animal. This study aimed at evaluating the level of knowledge of elderly dog owners about responsible ownership with emphasis on control of canine visceral leishmaniasis and at the same time make them aware of the precautions to be taken. An individual questionnaire on the subject was applied to 68 elderly people. They all belong to Nossa Senhora Aparecida Village, located on the suburb of Araçatuba-SP. Along with the interview, veterinary students advised them on the control of canine visceral leishmaniasis, the importance of sterilization in cats and dogs and the responsible ownership, with distribution of informative leaflets. Fecal samples from dogs were collected by the owners and they were sent to the Laboratory of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases at Odontology Faculty at Araçatuba UNESP to be processed through the Willis-Mollay technique. Anthelmintic were acquired in the project and donated for the treatment of animals tested positive. 56.25% (63/112) out of the total number of dogs examined were females, aged between one and ten years. Only 32.14% (36/112) had access to the streets, 90.18% (101/112) were not castrated and 58% (65/112) were mixed breed (SRD). Among the owners, 88.24% (60/68) did not know what zoonosis is and 14.71% (10/68) were not aware what leishmaniasis is. Regarding the researched animals, 62.50% (70/112) had ectoparasites (fleas and ticks). It was also observed that 67.86% (76/112) of dogs had been dewormed, but in 59.82% (36/112) of cases, the intervals between these processes were irregular. For females, 85.71% (54/63) had no prevention heat and it was noted that 19.51% (8 / 41) had already given birth, had dystocia. With these data we can confirm the lack of information by these elderly and the need to establish community awareness and continued programs.
The guidelines of National Curriculum for Dental courses highlights the necessity in providing for the professional the ability to analyze and assess community’s problems and needs, and to create solutions for the society. The continuing education may be considered a useful tool for the teaching and learning because it favors the diversification of learning environments, which allows the insertion of undergraduate and graduate students into the real scenarios. This current study aimed to assess the Public Health projects and programs of the UNESP – Araçatuba Dental School, by describing the interaction experiences between faculty and health services in the professional career development. Historical, documentary and descriptive searches were performed based on the faculty archives such as official documents, reports, databases from the Pro-rector of continuing education and published papers in the period between 1964 and 2011. The following experiences were noted: the Extra-Muro Dental Service (SEMO), established in 1964, that focused in providing dental treatment to the rural population, highlighted the social inclusion of discriminated society groups since that time. In 1972, this service was expanded to several specific populations living in the urban areas. In the '60s, many educational campaigns were performed as homemade water filter and construction of wells and septic tanks which demonstrate the concern with the determinants of healthdisease process. At that time, the campaign of fluoridation of public water supplies in several counties started as Araçatuba, Birigui, Penápolis, Guararapes, Valparaíso and so on. The Campaign of “Good Teeth” from the '70s became wider over time and it was transformed in the "Oral Health Education Program" and it was continuously developed in all public schools of Araçatuba and some neighboring towns, benefiting children aged from 6 to 10 years-old. Several epidemiological studies of caries, periodontal diseases, malocclusion and fluorosis were conducted in cooperation with local governments, and counted with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students. Pereira Barreto – SP was the precursor city in Brazil to carry out fluorosis study. Currently, 12 projects of Public Health from the Institution of Higher Education in the Pro-rector of continuing education are being developed. The concern in qualifying the human resources in health is confirmed with the development of training courses and workshops for professionals, highlighting the training for people enrolled in the Family Health program; Community Health Agent training - Solidarity University, and Municipal Health Counselors training. The Graduate Program in Social and Preventive Dentistry, created in 1993, has an important role to train several professionals for the Unified Health System, and provides education to create researchers, professors and administrators, and enucleates research groups in several Brazilian states. In all activities showed herein, a dynamic participation of undergraduate and graduate students has been observed, and several books, guidelines, articles, brochures and booklets have been published as a result of the continuing education activities.. It was concluded that different projects and programs have been developed by the Public Health of UNESP –Araçatuba Dental School, which allow the exchange of experience between the university and health services, and benefit all participants enrolled in these activities.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Ciêntífico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Mouth lymphoepithelial cyst is rare, with few cases reported in literature. The aim of this article is to describe a clinical case, focusing on clinical and diagnostic aspects, treatment and prognosis. The lesion was one year old and had developed as a fibrous nodule in the jugal mucosa of a 71-year-old leucoderma patient. Considering focal inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia, fibroma and mucocele as differential diagnosis, excisional biopsy was carried out. A cystic cavity limited by pseudostratified epithelium without projections into the conjunctive tissue, with lymphoid tissue within, was microscopically identified. Without postoperative adverse events, the one-year clinical followup confirmed the favorable prognosis of this kind of lesion.
Anachoresis is the phenomenon through which blood-borne bacteria, dyes, pigments and other materials are attracted and fixed to circumscribed areas of inflammation. This study evaluated the occurrence of anachoresis in the periapical region of dogs submitted to root canal fillings. One hundred and four roots from four dogs were endodontically treated and root canals were filled with zinc-oxide-eugenol cement. Fifty percent were filled up to the dentinocemental junction and the others were overfilled. At 120 days after root canal treatment, experimental bacteremia was induced by intravenous inoculation of 105 CFU Streptococcus pyogenes. The dogs were sacrificed 48 hours and 30 days after the bacteremia. Culture and DNA amplification by PCR revealed the presence of the inoculated bacteria just in periapical tissues of dogs sacrificed 48 hours after bacteremia and not in animals sacrificed after 30 days. AP-PCR fingerprints of recovered colonies of S. pyogenes and the presence of genetic markers of resistance to antimicrobials were similar to the inoculated strain. Endodontically treated periapices seemed to be prone to the occurrence of anachoresis and there was no relationship between the phenomenon and the level of root canal filling.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Symmetric lupoid onychodystrophy, or lupoid onychitis, is a multifactor immune-mediated onychopathy. The aim of the present study is to report the occurrence of lupoid onychitis in a two year-old mongrel dog helped at the Small Animal Dermatology Service of Sao Paulo State University Veterinary Hospital, in Botucatu, São Paulo. The animal presented lameness, onycholysis in five digits, paronychia, onychomadesis, nail softening and leuchonychia, as well as melicerous crusts in interdigital spaces and nailbeds. No non-dermatological systemic symptoms were observed. Complementary exams were negative for parasites or fungi. After 15 days of treatment there was partial recovery followed by recurrence. Onychectomy was performed in two digits for histopathological examination and fungal culture, which was negative. Histopathology was consistent with lupoid onychitis, reinforcing the importance of this complementary exam.
Programa de doctorado: Avances en medicina interna.
[ES] El propósito de esta charla es analizar las circunstancias que dieron lugar al accidente de la Central Nuclear de Chernobil y la reacción que se suscitó como consecuencia del mismo. ¿Estaban la sociedad preparada para ello? ¿Había medidas tomadas para el caso de un accidente de esa envergadura? ¿Podría repetirse un accidente como ese? Para dar respuesta a estas cuestiones se hará un breve repaso sobre el concepto de la contaminación transfronteriza a larga distancia, las medidas de protección radiológica existentes, el accidente: ¿cómo se produjo?, ¿por qué?, para finalizar con las medidas que hubo que poner en marcha después del mismo tanto provisionales como definitivas.