902 resultados para Gecko-inspired
El autor sostiene que Simón Rodríguez se propuso crear un pensamiento americano, que conociera y llegara a resolver los problemas de la región. Estos últimos tenían que ver con la vida social, las instituciones, las conductas e ideas, las perspectivas del pasado y del futuro. Era importante crear una conciencia del “ser social” en América por medio de la Razón, y no basarse en proyectos civilizatorios inspirados en ideas importadas y en la política del exterminio, como los de Andrés Bello y Faustino Sarmiento. Guzmán enfatiza que Rodríguez fue defensor de la república, inspirado en la Revolución francesa y en las utopías sociales europeas, que sus ideas pedagógicas planteaban una instrucción social general, basada en la Razón que proviene del estudio de las cosas, y en una valoración por el trabajo útil. El autor resalta dos nociones de Rodríguez: que sin luces, no habría proyectos propios y los políticos estarían condenados a imitar, y que la realidad podía cambiarse con la unión, el desarrollo de las industrias y el derecho de propiedad, junto a la enseñanza de oficios útiles.
Entre el amor y el deber… es una novela histórica que posee una evidente intertextualidad con la tradición italiana, que va desde los ecos de Petrarca, a la resonancia de los largos poemas de caballería, hasta llegar a reflejar los sentimientos románticos de Giacomo Leopardi, lo que muestra que Pozo Monsalve era un buen lector y estaba versado directa o indirectamente con el fenómeno de los petrarquismos y de la tradición literaria de Italia.
Este artículo presenta la situación actual del narcotráfico en México y lo que ha sido la lucha antidrogas adelantada en coordinación con Estados Unidos, así como el papel de los militares mexicanos en la misma. Este trabajo es parte de un proyecto de investigación que desarrollé hace algunos meses, y cuya hipótesis central hacía referencia a la necesaria diferenciación que tendría que existir entre la política antidrogas desarrollada por Estados Unidos en México y la adelantada en otros países –los Andes–, diferenciación que surgiría a partir de la cercanía territorial entre México y Estados Unidos y el consecuente riesgo de desbordamiento de la violencia de Sur a Norte.
Este artículo aborda el papel de los abogados semiprofesionales, conocidos como tinterillos, en las comunidades indígenas de la sierra ecuatoriana, a partir de mediados del siglo XIX, quienes adquirieron una presencia aparentemente ubicua en las comunidades rurales del Ecuador. Muchas veces los tinterillos fueron parte de las élites locales con algo de educación. Inspiraban respeto entre los indígenas (quienes, en su mayoría, eran analfabetos) debido a su habilidad a manejar documentos escritos. Estos intermediarios comúnmente explotaron su posición privilegiada para su propio beneficio económico, social y político. Sin embargo, los indígenas llegaron a depender del apoyo de los tinterillos para denunciar ante el gobierno los abusos de los terratenientes. En ocasiones, en lugar de sentirse impotentes o víctimas, los indígenas aprendieron a negociar sus relaciones con esos intermediarios para su beneficio. El estudio de los tinterillos permite examinar las relaciones de poder que se negociaron entre diferentes culturas y a través de profundas divisiones de clase.
En Ecuador. Journal de Voyage (1929) Henri Michaux quisiera ir más allá del vértigo del vacío y de la nada, dar con los significados que se le escapan, dar quizás con lo “transreal”. Con esa lente, y teniendo en cuenta el contexto histórico e ideológico, hay que entrar en la relación del autor belga-francés a lo largo del Atlántico, por la región andina ecuatoriana, y por la Amazonía. Por eso vale ilustrar, aunque sea tangencialmente, la práctica literaria que caracteriza esa obra para no hacer de ella un mero reportaje de viaje cuando, en efecto, se trata de un libro de exigente lectura, de un esfuerzo, por no decir de un tratado, de inspiración poética, teórica, que responde a una estética y a un diseño, a una estilizada y hasta sistemática cosmovisión. Las analogías y yuxtaposiciones de inspiración vanguardista entregan un mundo en que coinciden, estallan y contrastan lo exterior y lo interior, lo dinámico y lo estático, lo cotidiano y lo extraño, lo íntimo y lo vasto, lo sagrado y lo profano, lo limitado y lo infinito. Palabras clave: Henri Michaux, viaje, búsqueda, historia, Ecuador/ecuador, Europa, Atlántico, Andes, Amazonía, yuxtaposición, contraste, analogías, espacio, viviendas rústicas, música, remedos, límites, borroso, infinito.
The classical computer vision methods can only weakly emulate some of the multi-level parallelisms in signal processing and information sharing that takes place in different parts of the primates’ visual system thus enabling it to accomplish many diverse functions of visual perception. One of the main functions of the primates’ vision is to detect and recognise objects in natural scenes despite all the linear and non-linear variations of the objects and their environment. The superior performance of the primates’ visual system compared to what machine vision systems have been able to achieve to date, motivates scientists and researchers to further explore this area in pursuit of more efficient vision systems inspired by natural models. In this paper building blocks for a hierarchical efficient object recognition model are proposed. Incorporating the attention-based processing would lead to a system that will process the visual data in a non-linear way focusing only on the regions of interest and hence reducing the time to achieve real-time performance. Further, it is suggested to modify the visual cortex model for recognizing objects by adding non-linearities in the ventral path consistent with earlier discoveries as reported by researchers in the neuro-physiology of vision.
A new method of clear-air turbulence (CAT) forecasting based on the Lighthill–Ford theory of spontaneous imbalance and emission of inertia–gravity waves has been derived and applied on episodic and seasonal time scales. A scale analysis of this shallow-water theory for midlatitude synoptic-scale flows identifies advection of relative vorticity as the leading-order source term. Examination of leading- and second-order terms elucidates previous, more empirically inspired CAT forecast diagnostics. Application of the Lighthill–Ford theory to the Upper Mississippi and Ohio Valleys CAT outbreak of 9 March 2006 results in good agreement with pilot reports of turbulence. Application of Lighthill–Ford theory to CAT forecasting for the 3 November 2005–26 March 2006 period using 1-h forecasts of the Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) 2 1500 UTC model run leads to superior forecasts compared to the current operational version of the Graphical Turbulence Guidance (GTG1) algorithm, the most skillful operational CAT forecasting method in existence. The results suggest that major improvements in CAT forecasting could result if the methods presented herein become operational.
This paper uses a Foucauldian governmentality framework to analyse and interrogate the discourses and strategies adopted by the state and sections of the business community in their attempts to shape and influence emerging agendas of governance in post-devolution Scotland. Much of the work on governmentality has examined the ways in which governments have developed particular techniques, rationales and mechanisms to enable the functioning of governance programmes. This paper expands upon such analyses by also looking at the ways in which particular interests may use similar procedures, discourses and practices to promote their own agendas and develop new forms of resistance, contestation and challenge to emerging policy frameworks. Using the example of business interest mobilization in post-devolution Scotland, it is argued that governments may seek to mobilize defined forms of expertise and knowledge, linking them to wider political debates. This, however, creates new opportunities for interests to shape and contest the discourses and practices of government. The governmentalization of politics can, therefore, be seen as more of a dialectical process of definition and contestation than is often apparent in existing Foucault-inspired writing.
The existence of endgame databases challenges us to extract higher-grade information and knowledge from their basic data content. Chess players, for example, would like simple and usable endgame theories if such holy grail exists: endgame experts would like to provide such insights and be inspired by computers to do so. Here, we investigate the use of artificial neural networks (NNs) to mine these databases and we report on a first use of NNs on KPK. The results encourage us to suggest further work on chess applications of neural networks and other data-mining techniques.
The problem of modeling solar energetic particle (SEP) events is important to both space weather research and forecasting, and yet it has seen relatively little progress. Most important SEP events are associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that drive coronal and interplanetary shocks. These shocks can continuously produce accelerated particles from the ambient medium to well beyond 1 AU. This paper describes an effort to model real SEP events using a Center for Integrated Space weather Modeling (CISM) MHD solar wind simulation including a cone model of CMEs to initiate the related shocks. In addition to providing observation-inspired shock geometry and characteristics, this MHD simulation describes the time-dependent observer field line connections to the shock source. As a first approximation, we assume a shock jump-parameterized source strength and spectrum, and that scatter-free transport occurs outside of the shock source, thus emphasizing the role the shock evolution plays in determining the modeled SEP event profile. Three halo CME events on May 12, 1997, November 4, 1997 and December 13, 2006 are used to test the modeling approach. While challenges arise in the identification and characterization of the shocks in the MHD model results, this approach illustrates the importance to SEP event modeling of globally simulating the underlying heliospheric event. The results also suggest the potential utility of such a model for forcasting and for interpretation of separated multipoint measurements such as those expected from the STEREO mission.
New conceptual ideas on network architectures have been proposed in the recent past. Current store-andforward routers are replaced by active intermediate systems, which are able to perform computations on transient packets, in a way that results very helpful for developing and deploying new protocols in a short time. This paper introduces a new routing algorithm, based on a congestion metric, and inspired by the behavior of ants in nature. The use of the Active Networks paradigm associated with a cooperative learning environment produces a robust, decentralized algorithm capable of adapting quickly to changing conditions.
Human languages form a distinct and largely independent class of cultural replicators with behaviour and fidelity that can rival that of genes. Parallels between biological and linguistic evolution mean that statistical methods inspired by phylogenetics and comparative biology are being increasingly applied to study language. Phylogenetic trees constructed from linguistic elements chart the history of human cultures, and comparative studies reveal surprising and general features of how languages evolve, including patterns in the rates of evolution of language elements and social factors that influence temporal trends of language evolution. For many comparative questions of anthropology and human behavioural ecology, historical processes estimated from linguistic phylogenies may be more relevant than those estimated from genes.
Biologically-inspired peptide sequences have been explored as auxiliaries to mediate self-assembly of synthetic macromolecules into hierarchically organized solution and solid state nanostructures. Peptide sequences inspired by the coiled coil motif and "switch" peptides, which can adopt both amphiphilic alpha-helical and beta-strand conformations, were conjugated to poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). The solution and solid state self-assembly of these materials was investigated using a variety of spectroscopic, scattering and microscopic techniques. These experiments revealed that the folding and organization properties of the peptide sequences are retained upon conjugation of PEG and that they provide the driving force for the formation of the different nanoscale structures which were observed. The possibility of using defined peptide sequences to direct structure formation of synthetic polymers together with the potential of peptide sequences to induce a specific biological response offers interesting prospects for the development of novel self-assembled and biologically active materials.
An adaptive tuned vibration absorber (ATVA) with a smart variable stiffness element is capable of retuning itself in response to a time-varying excitation frequency., enabling effective vibration control over a range of frequencies. This paper discusses novel methods of achieving variable stiffness in an ATVA by changing shape, as inspired by biological paradigms. It is shown that considerable variation in the tuned frequency can be achieved by actuating a shape change, provided that this is within the limits of the actuator. A feasible design for such an ATVA is one in which the device offers low resistance to the required shape change actuation while not being restricted to low values of the effective stiffness of the vibration absorber. Three such original designs are identified: (i) A pinned-pinned arch beam with fixed profile of slight curvature and variable preload through an adjustable natural curvature; (ii) a vibration absorber with a stiffness element formed from parallel curved beams of adjustable curvature vibrating longitudinally; (iii) a vibration absorber with a variable geometry linkage as stiffness element. The experimental results from demonstrators based on two of these designs show good correlation with the theory.