953 resultados para Field Theories in Lower Dimensions
We use the boundary effective theory approach to thermal field theory in order to calculate the pressure of a system of massless scalar fields with quartic interaction. The method naturally separates the infrared physics, and is essentially nonperturbative. To lowest order, the main ingredient is the solution of the free Euler-Lagrange equation with nontrivial (time) boundary conditions. We derive a resummed pressure, which is in good agreement with recent calculations found in the literature, following a very direct and compact procedure.
Let omega be a factor state on the quasilocal algebra A of observables generated by a relativistic quantum field, which, in addition, satisfies certain regularity conditions [satisfied by ground states and the recently constructed thermal states of the P(phi)(2) theory]. We prove that there exist space- and time-translation invariant states, some of which are arbitrarily close to omega in the weak * topology, for which the time evolution is weakly asymptotically Abelian. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3372623]
Quantum field theories (QFT's) on noncommutative spacetimes are currently under intensive study. Usually such theories have world sheet noncommutativity. In the present work, instead, we study QFT's with commutative world sheet and noncommutative target space. Such noncommutativity can be interpreted in terms of twisted statistics and is related to earlier work of Oeckl [R. Oeckl, Commun. Math. Phys. 217, 451 (2001)], and others [A. P. Balachandran, G. Mangano, A. Pinzul, and S. Vaidya, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 21, 3111 (2006); A. P. Balachandran, A. Pinzul, and B. A. Qureshi, Phys. Lett. B 634,434 (2006); A.P. Balachandran, A. Pinzul, B.A. Qureshi, and S. Vaidya, arXiv:hep-th/0608138; A.P. Balachandran, T. R. Govindarajan, G. Mangano, A. Pinzul, B.A. Qureshi, and S. Vaidya, Phys. Rev. D 75, 045009 (2007); A. Pinzul, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 20, 6268 (2005); G. Fiore and J. Wess, Phys. Rev. D 75, 105022 (2007); Y. Sasai and N. Sasakura, Prog. Theor. Phys. 118, 785 (2007)]. The twisted spectra of their free Hamiltonians has been found earlier by Carmona et al. [J. M. Carmona, J. L. Cortes, J. Gamboa, and F. Mendez, Phys. Lett. B 565, 222 (2003); J. M. Carmona, J. L. Cortes, J. Gamboa, and F. Mendez, J. High Energy Phys. 03 (2003) 058]. We review their derivation and then compute the partition function of one such typical theory. It leads to a deformed blackbody spectrum, which is analyzed in detail. The difference between the usual and the deformed blackbody spectrum appears in the region of high frequencies. Therefore we expect that the deformed blackbody radiation may potentially be used to compute a Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cutoff which will depend on the noncommutative parameter theta.
Within the superfield approach, we prove the absence of UV/IR mixing in the three-dimensional noncommutative supersymmetric Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory at any loop order and demonstrate its finiteness in one, three, and higher loop orders.
We observe a large positive magnetoresistance in a bilayer electron system (double quantum well) as the latter is driven by the external gate from double to single layer configuration. Both classical and quantum contributions to magnetotransport are found to be important for explanation of this effect. We demonstrate that these contributions can be separated experimentally by studying the magnetic-field dependence of the resistance at different gate voltages. The experimental results are analyzed and described by using the theory of low-field magnetotransport in the systems with two occupied subbands.
The local site symmetry of Ce(3+) ions in the diluted magnetic semiconductors Pb(1-x)Ce(x)A (A=S, Se, and Te) has been investigated by electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The experiments were carried out on single crystals with cerium concentration x ranging from 0.001 to 0.035. The isotropic line due to Ce(3+) ions located at the substitutional Pb cation site with octahedral symmetry was observed for all the studied samples. We determined the effective Lande factors to be g=1.333, 1.364, and 1.402 for A=S, Se, and Te, respectively. The small difference with the predicted Lande factor g of 10/7 for the Gamma(7) (J=5/2) ground state was attributed to crystal-field admixture. In addition, EPR lines from Ce(3+) ions located at sites with small distortion from the original octahedral symmetry were also observed. Two distinct sites with axial distortion along the < 001 > crystallographic direction were identified and a third signal in the spectrum was attributed to sites with the cubic symmetry distorted along the < 110 > direction. The distortion at these distinct Ce sites is attributed to Pb lattice vacancies near the cerium ions that compensate for its donor activity.
Electron paramagnetic resonance measurements of NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2) reveal the low-energy spin dispersion, including a magnetic-field interval in which the two-magnon continuum is within k(B)T of the ground state, allowing a continuum of excitations over a range of k states, rather than only the k=0 single-magnon excitations. This produces a novel Y shape in the frequency-field EPR spectrum measured at T >= 1.5 K. Since the interchain coupling J(perpendicular to)< k(B)T, this shape can be reproduced by a single S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with a strong easy-plane single-ion anisotropy. Importantly, the combination of experiment and modeling we report herein demonstrates a powerful approach to probing spin dispersion in a wide range of interacting magnetic systems without the stringent sample requirements and complications associated with inelastic scattering experiments.
The influence of microwave irradiation on dissipative and Hall resistance in high-quality bilayer electron systems is investigated experimentally. We observe a deviation from odd symmetry under magnetic-field reversal in the microwave-induced Hall resistance boolean AND R(xy), whereas the dissipative resistance boolean AND R(xx) obeys even symmetry. Studies of Delta R(xy) as a function of the microwave electric field and polarization exhibit a strong and nontrivial power and polarization dependence. The obtained results are discussed in connection to existing theoretical models of microwave-induced photoconductivity.
In this paper we argue that the effects of irregular chaotic motion of particles transported by blood can play a major role in the development of serious circulatory diseases. Vessel wall irregularities modify the flow field, changing in a nontrivial way the transport and activation of biochemically active particles. We argue that blood particle transport is often chaotic in realistic physiological conditions. We also argue that this chaotic behavior of the flow has crucial consequences for the dynamics of important processes in the blood, such as the activation of platelets which are involved in the thrombus formation.
The squashed Kaluza-Klien (KK) black holes differ from the Schwarzschild black holes with asymptotic flatness or the black strings even at energies for which the KK modes are not excited yet, so that squashed KK black holes open a window in higher dimensions. Another important feature is that the squashed KK black holes are apparently stable and, thereby, let us avoid the Gregory-Laflamme instability. In the present paper, the evolution of scalar and gravitational perturbations in time and frequency domains is considered for these squashed KK black holes. The scalar field perturbations are analyzed for general rotating squashed KK black holes. Gravitational perturbations for the so-called zero mode are shown to be decayed for nonrotating black holes, in concordance with the stability of the squashed KK black holes. The correlation of quasinormal frequencies with the size of extra dimension is discussed.
Twisted quantum field theories on the Groenewold-Moyal plane are known to be nonlocal. Despite this nonlocality, it is possible to define a generalized notion of causality. We show that interacting quantum field theories that involve only couplings between matter fields, or between matter fields and minimally coupled U(1) gauge fields are causal in this sense. On the other hand, interactions between matter fields and non-Abelian gauge fields violate this generalized causality. We derive the modified Feynman rules emergent from these features. They imply that interactions of matter with non-Abelian gauge fields are not Lorentz- and CPT-invariant.
Vertices are of central importance for constructing QCD bound states out of the individual constituents of the theory, i.e. quarks and gluons. In particular, the determination of three-point vertices is crucial in nonperturbative investigations of QCD. We use numerical simulations of lattice gauge theory to obtain results for the 3-point vertices in Landau-gauge SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in three and four space-time dimensions for various kinematic configurations. In all cases considered, the ghost-gluon vertex is found to be essentially tree-level-like, while the three-gluon vertex is suppressed at intermediate momenta. For the smallest physical momenta, reachable only in three dimensions, we find that some of the three-gluon-vertex tensor structures change sign.
Obesity has been recognized as a worldwide public health problem. It significantly increases the chances of developing several diseases, including Type II diabetes. The roles of insulin and leptin in obesity involve reactions that can be better understood when they are presented step by step. The aim of this work was to design software with data from some of the most recent publications on obesity, especially those concerning the roles of insulin and leptin in this metabolic disturbance. The most notable characteristic of this software is the use of animations representing the cellular response together with the presentation of recently discovered mechanisms on the participation of insulin and leptin in processes leading to obesity. The software was field tested in the Biochemistry of Nutrition web-based course. After using the software and discussing its contents in chatrooms, students were asked to answer an evaluation survey about the whole activity and the usefulness of the software within the learning process. The teaching assistants (TA) evaluated the software as a tool to help in the teaching process. The students' and TAs' satisfaction was very evident and encouraged us to move forward with the software development and to improve the use of this kind of educational tool in biochemistry classes.
Blanks (flasks without substrate containing only inoculum and medium) are used in vitro to correct for gas. CH(4) and residual organic matter (OM) fermented in inoculum. However inclusion of rumen fermentation modifiers may affect fermentation of OM in the substrate and inoculum. Thus, data correction using blanks that lack additives may result in inaccurate adjustment for background fermentation. Our objective was to evaluate impacts of using blanks containing additive (i.e., specific blanks) or blanks without additive on estimation of in vitro net gas and CH(4) production. We used the semi-automatic in vitro gas production technique including monensin sodium at 2.08 mg/l of buffered rumen fluid (Experiment 1) or carvacrol, eugenol and 1,8-cineol at 667 mg/l (Experiment 2) in flasks with substrate and in blank flasks. At 16h of incubation, monensin reduced (P <= 0.02) total gas production in flasks containing substrate (162.0 ml versus 146.3 ml) and in blanks (84.4 ml versus 79.2 ml). Total methane production was also decreased (P <= 0.05) by adding monensin to flasks containing substrate (15.7 ml versus 11.9 ml) as well as in blanks (6.4 ml versus 5.0 ml). Inclusion of carvacrol or eugenol reduced (P <= 0.05) total gas and CH(4) production in flasks with substrate and in blanks, but in a more pronounced manner than monensin. For these three additives, correction for blank without additive resulted in lower net gas and CH(4) production than correction for a treatment specific blank. For instance, correcting carvacrol data using a blank without the additive resulted in negative net gas and CH(4) production (-6.5 and -1.5 ml. respectively). These biologically impossible results occurred because total gas and CH(4) production in blanks without carvacrol (46.1 and 2.1 ml, respectively) were higher than in flasks containing substrate plus carvacrol (39.7 and 0.6 ml, respectively). Results demonstrated that inclusion of rumen additives affected fermentation of OM in the substrate and the inoculum. Thus, correction of gas and CH(4) production using blanks without additives resulted in overestimation of these variables. Blanks containing the additive of interest should be included when rumen fermentation modifiers are evaluated in vitro. This paper is part of the special issue entitled: Greenhouse Gases in Animal Agriculture Finding a Balance between Food and Emissions, Guest Edited by T.A. McAllister, Section Guest Editors: K.A. Beauchemin, X. Hao, S. McGinn and Editor for Animal Feed Science and Technology, P.H. Robinson. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The selection of candidate plus trees of desirable phenotypes from tropical forest trees and the rapid devastation of the natural environments in which these trees are found have created the need for a more detailed knowledge of the floral and reproductive biology of tropical tree species. In this article, the organogenic processes related to unisexual flower development in tropical mahogany, Swietenia macrophylla, are described. Mahogany inflorescences at different developmental stages were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy or optical microscopy of histological sections. The unisexual flowers of S. macrophylla are usually formed in a thyrse, in which the positions of the female and male flowers are not random. Differences between male and female flowers arise late during development. Both female and male flowers can only be structurally distinguished after stage 9, where ovule primordia development is arrested in male flowers and microspore development is aborted in female flower anthers. After this stage, male and female flowers can be distinguished by the naked eye as a result of differences in the dimensions of the gynoecium. The floral characteristics of S. macrophylla (distribution of male and female flowers within the inflorescence, and the relative number of male to female flowers) have practical implications for conservation strategies of this endangered species. (c) 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 156, 529-535.