886 resultados para Discrimination in employment


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Auditory Training (AT) describes a regimen of varied listening exercises designed to improve an individual’s ability to perceive speech. The theory of AT is based on brain plasticity (the capacity of neurones in the central auditory system to alter their structure and function) in response to auditory stimulation. The practice of repeatedly listening to the speech sounds included in AT exercises is believed to drive the development of more efficient neuronal pathways, thereby improving auditory processing and speech discrimination. This critical review aims to assess whether auditory training can improve speech discrimination in adults with mild-moderate SNHL. The majority of patients attending Audiology services are adults with presbyacusis and it is therefore important to evaluate evidence of any treatment effect of AT in aural rehabilitation. Ideally this review would seek to appraise evidence of neurophysiological effects of AT so as to verify whether it does induce change in the CAS. However, due to the absence of such studies on this particular patient group, the outcome measure of speech discrimination, as a behavioural indicator of treatment effect is used instead. A review of available research was used to inform an argument for or against using AT in rehabilitative clinical practice. Six studies were identified and although the preliminary evidence indicates an improvement gained from a range of AT paradigms, the treatment effect size was modest and there remains a lack of large-sample RCTs. Future investigation into the efficacy of AT needs to employ neurophysiological studies using auditory evoked potentials in hearing-impaired adults in order to explore effects of AT on the CAS.


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Highlights: • Iceland, Ireland and Latvia experienced similar developments before the crisis, such as sharp increases in banks’ balance sheets and the expansion of the construction sector. However the impact of the crisis was different: Latvia was hit harder than any other country in the world. Ireland also suffered heavily, while Iceland came out from the crisis with the smallest fall in employment, despite the greatest shock to the financial system. • There were marked differences in policy mix: currency collapse in Iceland but not in Latvia, letting banks fail in Iceland but not in Ireland, and the introduction of strict capital controls only in Iceland. The speed of fiscal consolidation was fastest in Latvia and slowest in Ireland. • Economic recovery has started in all three countries and there are several encouraging signals. The programme targets in terms of fiscal adjustment, structural reforms and financial reform are on track in all three countries. • Iceland seems to have the right policy mix. • Internal devaluation in Ireland and Latvia through wage cuts did not work, because privatesector wages hardly changed. The productivity increase was significant in Ireland and moderate in Latvia, yet was the result of a greater fall in employment than the fall in output, with harmful social consequences. • The experience with the collapse of the gigantic Icelandic banking system suggests that letting banks fail when they had a faulty business model is the right choice. • There is a strong case for a European banking federation.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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The epidemic caused by HIV presents a global, dynamic and unstable phenomenon, which depends on the individual and collective human behavior. Efforts to deconstruct the stigmatized image caused by infection of AIDS are still often associated with adoption of socially unacceptable behavior to be a circumscribed the susceptibilities of vulnerable individuals and communities to infection, illness and death by HIV. This study aimed to: narrate the trajectory of life of people with AIDS more vulnerable enrolled in the Municipal Social Assistance Parnamirim / RN. It is a study of qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach, taking oral history of life as technical and methodological framework. The colony consisted of 186 people with AIDS. The network was comprised of 13 employees of both sexes, aged between 19 and 62 years old with positive diagnosis and agreed to voluntarily participate. After approval by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), in the opinion No. 719,926 CAAE: 30408114.5.0000.5537 on 6 June 2014 data were collected from August to September 2014. The employees signed the Informed Consent and Informed and letter of assignment. Held transcribing the interviews and later returned to respondents to retest, ie so that they confer what allowed us to carry out transcreation after consecutive readings. The reports were analyzed through Bardin content analysis. Guiding the analysis of the accounts of employees, we find three themes: Prejudice and discrimination in living with AIDS; Reacting to the diagnosis and the accession process to antiretroviral treatment; and religious coping in people with AIDS. It can be concluded in this study, that employees have shown great emotional impact after positive diagnosis for HIV / AIDS, especially with regard to social life, the family ties, work and above all to the prejudice of society. Treatment with antiretroviral drugs was seen as a motivation to regain dreams and plans for a future once uncertain, and even if it is not a cure therapy, provided the employees improved quality of life.


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The epidemic caused by HIV presents a global, dynamic and unstable phenomenon, which depends on the individual and collective human behavior. Efforts to deconstruct the stigmatized image caused by infection of AIDS are still often associated with adoption of socially unacceptable behavior to be a circumscribed the susceptibilities of vulnerable individuals and communities to infection, illness and death by HIV. This study aimed to: narrate the trajectory of life of people with AIDS more vulnerable enrolled in the Municipal Social Assistance Parnamirim / RN. It is a study of qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach, taking oral history of life as technical and methodological framework. The colony consisted of 186 people with AIDS. The network was comprised of 13 employees of both sexes, aged between 19 and 62 years old with positive diagnosis and agreed to voluntarily participate. After approval by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), in the opinion No. 719,926 CAAE: 30408114.5.0000.5537 on 6 June 2014 data were collected from August to September 2014. The employees signed the Informed Consent and Informed and letter of assignment. Held transcribing the interviews and later returned to respondents to retest, ie so that they confer what allowed us to carry out transcreation after consecutive readings. The reports were analyzed through Bardin content analysis. Guiding the analysis of the accounts of employees, we find three themes: Prejudice and discrimination in living with AIDS; Reacting to the diagnosis and the accession process to antiretroviral treatment; and religious coping in people with AIDS. It can be concluded in this study, that employees have shown great emotional impact after positive diagnosis for HIV / AIDS, especially with regard to social life, the family ties, work and above all to the prejudice of society. Treatment with antiretroviral drugs was seen as a motivation to regain dreams and plans for a future once uncertain, and even if it is not a cure therapy, provided the employees improved quality of life.


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Background: Workplace demographics are changing in many European countries with a higher proportion of older workers in employment. Research has shown that there is an association between job strain and cardiovascular disease, but this relationship is unclear for the older worker. Aims: To investigate the association between job strain and a coronary event comparing younger and older male workers. Methods: Cases with a first-time coronary event were recruited from four coronary/intensive care units (1999-2001). Matched controls were recruited from the case's general practitioner surgery. Physical measurements were taken and self-administered questionnaires completed with questions on job characteristics, job demands and control. Unconditional logistic regression was carried out adjusting for classical cardiovascular risk factors. Results: There were 227 cases and 277 matched controls. Age stratified analyses showed a clear difference between younger (= 50 years) workers with regard to the exposure of job strain (job demands and control) and the association between these factors and cardiovascular disease. Older workers who had a coronary event were four times as likely to have high job strain [OR = 4.09 (1.29-13.02)] and more likely to report low job control [ OR = 0.83 (0.72-0.95)]. Conclusions: Job control emerged as a potential protective factor for heart disease and this evidence was stronger in the older male worker. Nevertheless, they were significantly more likely to have job strain. These results suggest that older workers may be more susceptible to job strain.


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The text analyzes the impact of the economic crisis in some critical aspects of the National Health System: outcomes, health expenditure, remuneration policy and privatization through Private Public Partnership models. Some health outcomes related to social inequalities are worrying. Reducing public health spending has increased the fragility of the health system, reduced wage income of workers in the sector and increased heterogeneity between regions. Finally, the evidence indicates that privatization does not mean more efficiency and better governance. Deep reforms are needed to strengthen the National Health System.


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Los jóvenes no cualificados, que participan en los dispositivos educativos de segunda oportunidad, recorren itinerarios de transición al mercado laboral cada vez más complejos. Por lo que conocer sus expectativas y su capacidad de agencia resulta ineludible para mejorar nuestro acompañamiento como profesionales de la intervención sociolaboral. En este artículo exploramos la adaptación de esos jóvenes a una exigencia creciente de cualificación, que los está excluyendo laboralmente. Frente a este proceso, observamos que contraponen una resistencia basada en su capital simbólico, a través de la afectividad y la estética. Nuestro interés por estas respuestas nace de la desorientación percibida entre los profesionales de los programas educativos. Incapaces de comprender las trayectorias divergentes que estos jóvenes plantean, ante los itinerarios homogéneos que se les ofrecen para su inserción social. Tras el análisis de las creaciones artísticas y estéticas de los adolescentes, intuimos que hay dos factores que activan su resistencia a las limitaciones de sus expectativas de éxito. Por un lado, una variable institucional, que apunta a una deficiente planificación de los itinerarios formativos, que los jóvenes perciben que les aboca a la infracualificación y a un mercado laboral precario e inestable. Y por otro lado, una resistencia a la exclusión, que se enraíza en un imaginario de éxito y de movilidad social propio de una juventud globalizada.


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At all normative levels, family migration law can disproportionally and negatively affect immigrant women’s rights in this field, producing gendered effects. In some cases, such effects are related to the normative and judicial imposition of unviable family-related models (e.g., the ʻgood mother ̕ the one-breadwinner family, or a rigid distinction between productive and reproductive work). In other cases, they are due to family migration law’s overlooking of the specific needs and difficulties of immigrant women, within their families and in the broader context of their host countries’ social and normative framework.To effectively expose and correct this gender bias, in this article I propose an alternative view of immigrant women’s right to family life, as a cluster of rights and entitlements rather than as a mono-dimensional right. As a theoretical approach, this construction is better equipped to capture the complex experiences of immigrant women in the European legal space, and to shed light on the gendered effects generated not by individual norms but by the interaction of norms that are traditionally assigned to separated legal domains (e.g., immigration law and criminal law). As a judicial strategy, this understanding is capable of prompting a consideration by domestic and supranational courts of immigrant women not as isolated individuals, but as ‘individuals in context’. I shall define this type of approach as ‘contextual interpretation’, understood as the consideration of immigrant women in the broader contexts of their families, their host societies and the normative frameworks applicable to them. Performed in a gendersensitive manner, a contextual judicial interpretation has the potential to neutralize the gendered effects of certain family migration norms. To illustrate these points, I will discuss selected judicial examples offered by the European Court on Human Rights, as well as from domestic jurisdictions of countries with a particularly high incidence of immigrant women (Italy and Spain).


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La recherche a pour objet la réinsertion socioprofessionnelle des personnes présentant un trouble mental grave. Elle vise à apporter une compréhension de leur cheminement de réinsertion sur le marché de l’emploi régulier, et ce, à partir des perspectives des acteurs concernés et à travers une prise en compte des contextes sociaux dans lesquels ils évoluent. Notre étude est guidée par trois objectifs : (1) identifier certains éléments sur les plans individuel et environnemental pouvant faciliter la réinsertion professionnelle des personnes présentant un trouble mental; (2) identifier certains obstacles sur les plans individuel et environnemental susceptibles de nuire à leur réinsertion en emploi; (3) mieux comprendre l’impact de la réinsertion professionnelle sur les sphères individuelles et sociales de ces individus et leurs perceptions quant à la réinsertion professionnelle. Le cadre conceptuel adopté s’appuie sur la notion/paradigme du rétablissement en santé mentale, ce dernier étant compris comme un processus multidimensionnel et non-linéaire. Notre démarche est qualitative et fondée sur des collectes réalisées à ÉquiTravail, un organisme de la ville de Québec ayant pour mission de favoriser l’intégration, la réintégration et le maintien sur le marché du travail de personnes aux prises avec un trouble mental. Des entrevues semi-dirigées individuelles auprès de quatre usagers, ainsi qu’un groupe de discussion focalisé avec quatre intervenants, ont été réalisés. Le matériel a été soumis à une analyse thématique des contenus. Nos résultats illustrent le fait que tant les composantes individuelles que les éléments de l’environnement et ceux relevant de l’interaction entre l’environnement et l’individu sont cruciaux dans les processus de réinsertion socioprofessionnelle. La réussite du processus d’insertion socioprofessionnelle ne repose pas uniquement sur la responsabilité individuelle, mais aussi sur l’interaction entre les composantes individuelles et les aspects de l’environnement gravitant autour de l’individu. Les implications de ces conclusions pour la recherche et la pratique sont également discutées.


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O presente trabalho procura atender as necessidades dos processos educativos da atualidade, reconhecendo que esses ocorrem numa sociedade denominada como a Sociedade da Informação (SI), num ambiente em que os aprendizes são nativos digitais. Na SI presencia-se um momento marcado por um modelo computacional móvel, no qual também é possível constatar-se a emergência de um novo paradigma educacional - a aprendizagem com mobilidade - que possibilita a integração das tecnologias móveis com os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem. Além disso, observa-se a ascensão do emprego das redes sociais na Internet (RSI) no dia a dia dos indivíduos impactando as práticas estabelecidas na SI. Nesse cenário, visando integrar a aprendizagem móvel com os recursos das RSI para promover-se uma educação mais sintonizada com o perfil atual dos estudantes, expõe-se nessa tese uma nova proposta metodológica - a Colmeias almejando dessa maneira facilitar uma aprendizagem significativa a partir de um processo colaborativo, em rede e em contextos de mobilidade. Com embasamento teórico em diversos autores, entre os quais se destacam Vygostky, Bruner e Ausubel, apoiados por Júlio Cesar Santos e Pierry Dillenbourg, salienta-se que a estratégia Colmeias representa um caminho alternativo para aqueles professores que desejam promover uma educação mais coerente com a atualidade. Nessa pesquisa ainda se apresenta a sua aplicação por meio de um estudo de caso na Matemática procurando, assim, aproximar a teoria com a prática.


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O fenómeno NEET- “Not in Employment, Education or Training”, jovens que não estudam, não trabalham e não frequentam qualquer formação, constitui um problema social comum ao espaço europeu, onde, segundo o Eurostat há 14 milhões de jovens excluídos do mercado de trabalho e do sistema de educação e formação. A perda económica resultante desde afastamento é estimada em 153 mil milhões de euros por ano, 1,2% do PIB da União Europeia. Apresenta-se uma análise crítica do conceito NEET e a sua dimensão europeia. Em Portugal a “Geração Nem-Nem” tem vindo a crescer significativamente desde 2008 e atingiu um valor recorde em 2012 com 434 mil jovens inativos, colocando Portugal entre os 10 países da OCDE com maior percentagem de NEET. Procura-se traçar um diagnóstico do perfil destes jovens, compreender quem são e quanto custa ao país o seu afastamento da escola e do mercado de trabalho. Por fim, abordam-se as principais estratégias políticas que vêm sendo adotadas para reduzir o número de NEET, com a criação de um conjunto de programas de apoio à transição entre o sistema de educação e formação e o mercado de trabalho, estímulos à criação de emprego e uma aposta no reforço do ensino profissional e da aprendizagem dual. Conclui-se que o fenómeno NEET em Portugal tem registado uma tendência crescente e resulta em grande medida do aumento exponencial das taxas de desemprego jovem que em 2013 atingiram os 40%, predominando jovens com um nível de escolaridade relativamente baixo. Contudo, as estatísticas demonstram que o problema também cresceu nos últimos anos entre os que têm formação superior, o que revela um problema estrutural que dificulta a transição da educação para o mercado de trabalho, mesmo entre os mais qualificados.


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This report presents an evaluation of Phase 1 of the Working for Families Fund (WFF) covering 2004-06. WFF was established to invest in new initiatives to improve the employability of parents who have difficulties in participating in the labour market, specifically in employment, education or training. The Fund supported these parents through helping them find sustainable childcare solutions and through providing or accessing other relevant employability-related services. In rural areas, barriers created by poor transport, limited services and the lack of a critical mass of clients were also particularly important. WFF contributes to the Scottish Executive’s Closing the Opportunity Gap approach to tackling poverty and disadvantage, by improving rates of employment and economic activity, and to its commitment to eradicating child poverty within a generation.


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O efeito das grandes barragens na comunidade piscícola vem sendo documentado por numerosos estudos, enquanto o número de trabalhos que incidem sobre o efeito dos obstáculos de pequena dimensão é bastante mais reduzido. A comunidade piscícola foi amostrada e as variáveis ambientais foram caracterizadas em 28 locais divididos por dois cursos de água da Península Ibérica, 14 dos quais localizados imediatamente a montante, jusante e entre cinco pequenos obstáculos na Ribeira de Muge e 14 na Ribeira de Erra, considerada a linha de água de referência. Através de análise estatística multivariada foi possível verificar que variáveis de habitat como a velocidade de corrente e a profundidade, e não as variáveis físico-químicas, foram as principais responsáveis pela discriminação dos vários grupos de locais nas duas ribeiras. A ribeira de referência exibiu um gradiente longitudinal de velocidade de corrente que, contudo, não era suficientemente forte para causar alterações significativas na composição e estrutura dos agrupamentos piscícolas. Através da sucessiva e drástica repetição deste gradiente junto a cada estrutura, a ribeira com obstáculos apresentou diferenças na fauna piscícola entre os três tipos de locais. Os troços lênticos a montante apresentavam uma densidade mais elevada de espécies limnofilicas, omnívoras e exóticas, como o góbio (Gobio lozanoi), que estão bem adaptadas a este tipo de habitat. Os locais de amostragem situados a jusante e entre os obstáculos caracterizavam-se pela dominância de taxa reófilos e invetivo-os (i.e. barbo, Luciobarbus bocagei). As métricas relacionadas com a riqueza específica não apresentaram diferenças entre os três tipos de locais, ao contrário da diversidade que foi mais elevada nos pontos situados entre os obstáculos, afastados da sua influência directa, onde a diversidade de habitats também é mais elevada. Contrariamente aos locais a montante, os troços a jusante e entre os obstáculos apresentaram similaridades, em muitas das características estudadas, com a ribeira de referência, sugerindo que este tipo de estruturas provoca uma alteração mais significativa na comunidade piscícola a montante. Este estudo sugere que os efeitos dos pequenos obstáculos no habitat e na ictiofauna são, em parte, semelhantes aos descritos para as grandes barragens, fornecendo considerações importantes para os esforços de conservação dos ecossistemas ribeirinhos. ABSTRACT; Many studies have assessed the effects of large dams on fishes but few have examined the effects of small obstacles. Fishes were sampled and environmental variables were characterized at 28 sites in two lberian streams, 14 located immediately downstream, upstream and between five small obstacles at River Muge and 14 at River Erra, considered as the reference stream. Multivariate analysis indicated that habitat variables like current velocity and depth, but not physicochemistry, were the main responsible for site groups' discrimination in both streams. The reference stream exhibited a longitudinal gradient of current velocity that, however, wasn't strong enough to cause significant changes in the fish assemblage's composition and structure. By successive and drastically repeating this gradient near each structure, the obstac1es stream presented differences in fish fauna between the three site types. Lentic upstream sites presented higher density of limnophilic, omnivorous and exotic species, like gudgeon Gobio lozanoi, who are well adapted to this type of habitat. Downstream and between obstacles sites were characterized by the dominance of rheophilic and invertivorous taxa, especially barbel Luciobarbus bocagei. Richness metrics did not differ among site types, but diversity was higher in sites located between the obstacles away from its direct influence, where the habitat diversity was higher. Contrarily to upstream sites, downstream and between obstacles sites were similar in many of the studied features to the reference stream, implying that this type of structures cause a higher modification in the upstream fish community. This study suggests that the effects of small obstacles on habitat and fishes are similar, in some extent, to those reported for larger dams, providing important considerations for riverine ecosystem conservation efforts.


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La investigación se basa en los resultados de una encuesta realizada en 2009-2010, por el equipo investigador, a 348 inmigrados reagrupantes africanos y a 457 latinoamericanos que residen en las provincias litorales entre Girona y Almería. La información que se ofrece está referida a los aspectos laborales de estos dos colectivos continentales, tanto a escala del conjunto territorial indicado como para tres subáreas incluidas en él: Cataluña litoral, Comunidad Valenciana y Murcia-Almería; según los temas, se trata por separado a los reagrupantes y a los subgrupos familiares que conviven en España (reagrupantes, cónyuges, hijos). El estudio se centra en las estructuras de empleo por sectores económicos. También se estudian las redes migratorias, tan decisivas en la orientación de estos flujos hacia España, la regulación laboral de estos trabajadores, la repercusión de la crisis actual en los empleos de las familias reagrupadas (paro, número de ocupados por familia e ingresos), la satisfacción laboral de los miembros de las familias (horas de trabajo, problemas laborales y salariales) y la estabilidad laboral (antigüedad en el empleo, cursos de formación profesional, trabajo actual y expectativas del inmigrante). El recorrido por los temas laborales indicados, vinculados a los distintos grupos continentales y familiares y a las diferentes escalas territoriales, concluyen en mostrar situaciones económicas y sociales muy diferentes entre africanos y latinoamericanos, y entre los que residen en Cataluña litoral y en Murcia-Almería, en lo que intervienen, entre otras causas, los distintos «capitales» personales aportados por los dos colectivos continentales para acceder al empleo (formación, idioma, …) y las diferentes estructuras económicas de los territorios estudiados. Los africanos y los que residen en las provincias meridionales son los que presentan peores situaciones socioeconómicas.