845 resultados para Diferenciação neuronal
Traumatic insults to the central nervous system are frequently followed by profound and irreversible neuronal loss as well as the inability of the damaged neurons to regenerate. One of the major therapeutic challenges is to increase the amount of surviving neurons after trauma. Thus it is crucial to understand how injury affects neuronal responses and which conditions are optimal for survival to prevent neuronal loss. During development neuronal survival is thought to be dependent on the competition for the availability of survival-promoting molecules called neurotrophic factors. Much less is known on the survival mechanisms of mature neurons under traumatic conditions. Increasing amount of evidence points towards the possibility that after injury neuronal responses might aquire some developmental characteristics. One of the important examples is the change in the responses to the neurotransmitter GABA: it is inhibitory in the intact mature neurons, but can induce excitation during development and after trauma. An important step in the maturation of GABAergic transmission in the CNS is the developmental shift in the action of GABAA receptor from depolarization in immature neurons to hyperpolarization in mature neurons. GABAA-mediated responses are tightly linked to the homeostasis of the chloride anion (Cl-), which in neurons is mainly regulated by Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter NKCC1 and K+-Cl- cotransporter KCC2. Trauma-induced functional downregulation of KCC2 promotes a shift from hyperpolarizing GABAA-mediated responses to depolarizing. Other important consequences of neuronal trauma are the emergence of dependency of central neurons on brain-derived neuro¬trophic factor (BDNF) for survival, as well as the upregulation of neurotrophin receptor p75NTR. Our aim was to answer the question whether these post-traumatic events are interrelated, and whether the regulation of BDNF and KCC2 expression is different under traumatic conditions and in intact neurons. To study responses of injured mature central neurons, we used an in vitro and in vivo axotomy models. For in vitro studies, we lesioned organotypic hippocampal slices between CA3 and CA1 regions, which resulted in selective axotomy of the CA3 neurons and denervation of the CA1 neurons. Some experiments were repeated in vivo by lesioning the neurons of the corticospinal tract at the internal capsule level, or by lesioning spinal motoneurons at the ventral root. We show that intact mature neurons do not require BDNF for survival, whereas in axotomized neurons apoptosis is induced upon BDNF deprivation. We further show that post-traumatic dependency on BDNF is mediated by injury-induced upregulation of p75NTR. Post-traumatic increase in p75NTR is induced by GABAA-mediated depolarization, consequent opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, and the activation of Rho kinase ROCK. Thus, post-traumatic KCC2 downregulation leads to the dependency on BDNF through the induction of p75NTR upregulation. Neurons that survive after axotomy over longer period of time lose BDNF dependency and regain normal KCC2 levels. This phenomenon is promoted by BDNF itself, since after axotomy contrary to normal conditions KCC2 is upregulated by BDNF. The developmentally important thyroid hormone thyroxin regulates BDNF expression during development. We show that in mature intact neurons thyroxin downregulates BDNF, whereas after axotomy thyroxin upregulates BDNF. The elevation of BDNF expression by thyroxin promoted survival of injured neurons. In addition, thyroxin also enhanced axonal regeneration and promoted the regaining of normal levels of KCC2. Thus we show that this hormone acts at several levels on the axotomy-initiated chain of events described in the present work, and could be a potential therapeutic agent for the injured neurons. We have also characterized a previously unknown downregulatory interaction between thyroxin and KCC2 in intact neurons. In conclusion, we identified several important interactions at the neurotrophin-protein and hormone-neurotrophin level that acquire immature-like characteristics after axotomy and elucidated an important part of the mechanism by which axotomy leads to the requirement of BDNF trophic support. Based on these findings, we propose a new potential therapeutic strategy where developmentally crucial agents could be used to enhance survival and regeneration of axotomized mature central neurons.
As a consequence of the advancing age profile of the global population, particularly in developed nations,nerrodegener-ative disorders such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases have emerged as a major public health concern. In this regard, neurotrophic agents, which have been implicated in the maintenance and growth of neurons as well as prevention of neuronal death, are being considered as potential leads for therapeutic development.
Neuronaaliset nikotiinireseptorit liittyvät tupakkariippuvuuden lisäksi moniin neurologisiin sairauksiin, kuten Alzheimerin tautiin, skitsofreniaan, masennukseen ja tarkkaavaisuus- ja ylivilkkaushäiriöön. Nikotiinireseptorien stimulaation on tutkimuksissa havaittu parantavan kognitiota. Useat lääkeyritykset tutkivat nikotiinireseptoriagonisteja ja -antagonisteja eri neurologisten sairauksien hoidossa. Ongelmana nikotiinireseptori-agonisteja käytettäessä on reseptorissa tapahtuva desensitisaatio. Tällöin reseptori sulkeutuu, eikä aktivoidu vaikka agonistia olisi tarjolla tai sitoutuneena reseptoriin. Varsinkin alfa7-reseptori desensitoituu hyvin nopeasti agonistialtistuksen seurauksena. Reseptorien desensitoituminen voi kliinisessä käytössä aiheuttaa lääkeaineen tehon menetyksen. Perinteisen agonistin sitoutumiskohdan lisäksi nikotiinireseptorissa sijaitsee myös muita sitoutumiskohtia, joita kutsutaan allosteerisiksi sitoutumispaikoiksi. Tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että eräät allosteerisesti sitoutuvat aineet, kuten PNU-120596, voivat vahvistaa agonistin aikaansaamaa vastetta ja/tai estää reseptorin desensitoitumista. Näitä aineita kutsutaan positiivisiksi allosteerisiksi modulaattoreiksi ja niiden ajatellaan olevan vaihtoehto desensitoitumisen aiheuttamaan tehon menetyksen ongelmaan. Nikotiinireseptorien positiivisten allosteeristen modulaattorien tarkkaa vaikutusta ja sitoutumiskohtaa reseptoriin ei vielä tarkkaan tiedetä. Tutkimuksen aiheena oli karakterisoida positiivisten allosteeristen modulaattoreiden vaikutuksia alfa7-nikotiinireseptoriin. Tutkimuksessa tarkoituksena oli käyttää hyväksi laboratoriossa aiemmin tehtyä havaintoa, jonka mukaan alfa7-nikotiinireseptorin transmembraaniosan aminohappoon tehdyn mutaation L247T seurauksena positiiviset allosteeriset modulaattorit muuttuvat agonisteiksi. Haluttiin selvittää, kuinka agonistin sitoutumiskohtaan kohdennettua mutageneesiä käyttäen tehty mutaatio W149M tai W149F vaikuttavat PNU-120596:n kykyyn toimia agonistina alfa7L247T reseptoriin. Asetyylikoliini toimi konventionaalisen agonistin mallina tutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksen toinen tavoite oli tehdä mutaatio M253Lalfa7-reseptorin transmembraaniosaan. Mutaation on todettu estävän allosteeristen potentiaattoreiden kykyä voimistaa agonistin aikaansaamaa vastetta. Tarkoitus oli tutkia millaisia vaikutuksia M253L-mutaatiolla on allosteerisen potentiaattorin kykyyn toimia agonistina L247T-mutaation sisältävään reseptoriin. Mutatoidun reseptorin mRNA mikroinjektoitiin oosyyttiin ja elektrofysiologian avulla tutkittiin ilmennettyjen reseptorien toimintaa käyttäen kahden elektrodin jännitelukitus -menetelmää. Kaikki suunnitellut mutaatiot saatiin tehtyä onnistuneesti alfa7- ja alfa7L247T-reseptoreihin. Ortosteerisen sitoutumiskohdan mutaatio villin tyypin Į7-reseptorissa vaikutti hyvin voimakkaasti joko asetyylikoliinin sitoutumiseen reseptoriin tai reseptorin toimintaan, sillä asetyylikoliinilla ei reseptorista saatu mitattua vasteita. Myöskään PNU-120596 yksinään ei saanut aikaan vasteita alfa7W149M-reseptorissa. Kaksoismutatoidussa alfa7W149M/L247T-reseptorissa puolestaan havaittiin, että asetyylikoliinin annos-vaste -kuvaaja siirtyi huomattavasti enemmän oikealle kuin PNU-120596:n, kun verrattiin annos-vaste –kuvaajia alfa7L247T ja alfa7W149M/L247T–reseptoreiden välillä. Transmembraaniosan mutaatio M253L ei vaikuttanut PNU-120596:n kykyyn toimia agonistina alfa7L247T-reseptoriin, eikä sillä ollut vaikutusta asetyylikoliinin annosvaste-kuvaajiin. Tutkimus tukee aiempia havaintoja siitä, että positiivisten allosteeristen modulaattoreiden sitoutumiskohta nikotiinireseptorissa sijaitsisi transmembraaniosassa. M253L-mutaation osalta tulokset ovat hieman ristiriidassa aiempien tulosten kanssa. L247T-mutaatio vaikuttaa hyvin voimakkaasti nikotiinireseptorin toimintaan sekä sijaitsee aminohapon M253 läheisyydessä. On mahdollista, että se peittää M253L-mutaation vaikutuksen. Toisaalta voi olla, että M253 on aminohappo, joka vaikuttaa vain reseptorivasteiden voimistumiseen eikä allosteeristen potentiaattoreiden sitoutumiseen.
Neurons can be divided into various classes according to their location, morphology, neurochemical identity and electrical properties. They form complex interconnected networks with precise roles for each cell type. GABAergic neurons expressing the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (Pv) are mainly interneurons, which serve a coordinating function. Pv-cells modulate the activity of principal cells with high temporal precision. Abnormalities of Pv-interneuron activity in cortical areas have been linked to neuropsychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia. Cerebellar Purkinje cells are known to be central to motor learning. They are the sole output from the layered cerebellar cortex to deep cerebellar nuclei. There are still many open questions about the precise role of Pv-neurons and Purkinje cells, many of which could be answered if one could achieve rapid, reversible cell-type specific modulation of the activity of these neurons and observe the subsequent changes at the whole-animal level. The aim of these studies was to develop a novel method for the modulation of Pv-neurons and Purkinje cells in vivo and to use this method to investigate the significance of inhibition in these neuronal types with a variety of behavioral experiments in addition to tissue autoradiography, electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry. The GABA(A) receptor γ2 subunit was ablated from Pv-neurons and Purkinje cells in four separate mouse lines. Pv-Δγ2 mice had wide-ranging behavioral alterations and increased GABA-insensitive binding indicative of an altered GABA(A) receptor composition, particularly in midbrain areas. PC-Δγ2 mice experienced little or no motor impairment despite the lack of inhibition in Purkinje cells. In Pv-Δγ2-partial rescue mice, a reversal of motor and cognitive deficits was observed in addition to restoration of the wild-type γ2F77 subunit to the reticular nucleus of thalamus and the cerebellar molecular layer. In PC-Δγ2-swap mice, zolpidem sensitivity was restored to Purkinje cells and the administration of systemic zolpidem evoked a transient motor impairment. On the basis of these results, it is concluded that this new method of cell-type specific modulation is a feasible way to modulate the activity of selected neuronal types. The importance of Purkinje cells to motor control supports previous studies, and the crucial involvement of Pv-neurons in a range of behavioral modalities is confirmed.
The work presented here has focused on the role of cation-chloride cotransporters (CCCs) in (1) the regulation of intracellular chloride concentration within postsynaptic neurons and (2) on the consequent effects on the actions of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) mediated by GABAA receptors (GABAARs) during development and in pathophysiological conditions such as epilepsy. In addition, (3) we found that a member of the CCC family, the K-Cl cotransporter isoform 2 (KCC2), has a structural role in the development of dendritic spines during the differentiation of pyramidal neurons. Despite the large number of publications dedicated to regulation of intracellular Cl-, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms is not complete. Experiments on GABA actions under resting steady-state have shown that the effect of GABA shifts from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing during maturation of cortical neurons. However, it remains unclear, whether conclusions from these steady-state measurements can be extrapolated to the highly dynamic situation within an intact and active neuronal network. Indeed, GABAergic signaling in active neuronal networks results in a continuous Cl- load, which must be constantly removed by efficient Cl- extrusion mechanisms. Therefore, it seems plausible to suggest that key parameters are the efficacy and subcellular distribution of Cl- transporters rather than the polarity of steady-state GABA actions. A further related question is: what are the mechanisms of Cl- regulation and homeostasis during pathophysiological conditions such as epilepsy in adults and neonates? Here I present results that were obtained by means of a newly developed method of measurements of the efficacy of a K-Cl cotransport. In Study I, the developmental profile of KCC2 functionality during development was analyzed both in dissociated neuronal cultures and in acute hippocampal slices. A novel method of photolysis of caged GABA in combination with Cl- loading to the somata was used in this study to assess the extrusion efficacy of KCC2. We demonstrated that these two preparations exhibit a different temporal profile of functional KCC2 upregulation. In Study II, we reported an observation of highly distorted dendritic spines in neurons cultured from KCC2-/- embryos. During their development in the culture dish, KCC2-lacking neurons failed to develop mature, mushroom-shaped dendritic spines but instead maintained an immature phenotype of long, branching and extremely motile protrusions. It was shown that the role of KCC2 in spine maturation is not based on its transport activity, but is mediated by interactions with cytoskeletal proteins. Another important player in Cl- regulation, NKCC1 and its role in the induction and maintenance of native Cl- gradients between the axon initial segment (AIS) and soma was the subject of Study III. There we demonstrated that this transporter mediates accumulation of Cl- in the axon initial segment of neocortical and hippocampal principal neurons. The results suggest that the reversal potential of the GABAA response triggered by distinct populations of interneurons show large subcellular variations. Finally, a novel mechanism of fast post-translational upregulation of the membrane-inserted, functionally active KCC2 pool during in-vivo neonatal seizures and epileptiform-like activity in vitro was identified and characterized in Study IV. The seizure-induced KCC2 upregulation may act as an intrinsic antiepileptogenic mechanism.
Parkinson´s disease (PD) is a debilitating age-related neurological disorder that affects various motor skills and can lead to a loss of cognitive functions. The motor symptoms are the result of the progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons within the substantia nigra. The factors that influence the pathogenesis and the progression of the neurodegeneration remain mostly unclear. This study investigated the role of various programmed cell death (PCD) pathways, oxidative stress, and glial cells both in dopaminergic neurodegeneration and in the protective action of various drugs. To this end, we exposed dopaminergic neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y cells) to 6-OHDA, which produces oxidative stress and activates various PCD modalities that result in neuronal degeneration. Additionally, to explore the role of glia, we prepared rat midbrain primary mixed-cell cultures containing both neurons and glial cell types such as microglia and astroglia and then exposed the cultures to either MPP plus or lipopolysaccharide. Our results revealed that 6-OHDA activated several PCD pathways including apoptosis, autophagic stress, lysosomal membrane permeabilization, and perhaps paraptosis in SH-SY5Y cells. Furthermore, we found that minocycline protected SH-SY5Y cells from 6-OHDA by inhibiting both apoptotic and non-apoptotic PCD modalities. We also observed an inconsistent neuroprotective effect of various dietary anti-oxidant compounds against 6-OHDA toxicity in vitro in SH-SY5Y cells. Specifically, quercetin and curcumin exerted neuroprotection only within a narrow concentration range and a limited time frame, whereas resveratrol and epigallocatechin 3-gallate provided no protection whatsoever. Lastly, we found that molecules such as amantadine may delay or even halt the neurodegeneration in primary cell cultures by inhibiting the release of neurotoxic factors from overactivated microglia and by enhancing the pro-survival actions of astroglia. Together these data suggest that the strategy of dampening oxidative species with anti-oxidants is less effective than preventing the production of toxic factors such as oxidative and pro-inflammatory molecules by pathologically activated microglia. This would subsequently prevent the activation of various PCD modalities that cause neuronal degeneration.
The zinc-finger transcription factors GATA2 and GATA3 in vertebrates belong to the six-member family that are essential regulators in the development of various organs. The aim of this study was to gain new information of the roles of GATA2 and GATA3 in inner ear morphogenesis and of the function of GATA2 in neuronal fate specification in the midbrain using genetically modified mouse and chicken embryos as models. A century ago the stepwise process of inner ear epithelial morphogenesis was described, but the molecular players regulating the cellular differentiation of the otic epithelium are still not fully resolved. This study provided novel data on GATA factor roles in several developmental processes during otic development. The expression analysis in chicken suggested that GATA2 and GATA3 possess redundant roles during otic cup and vesicle formation, but complementary cell-type specific functions during vestibular and cochlear morphogenesis. The comparative analysis between mouse and chicken Gata2 and Gata3 expression revealed many conserved aspects, especially during later stages of inner ear development, while the expression was more divergent at early stages. Namely, expression of both Gata genes was initiated earlier in chicken than mouse otic epithelium relative to the morphogenetic stages. Likewise, important differences concerning Gata3 expression in the otic cup epithelium were detected between mouse and chicken, suggesting that distinct molecular mechanisms regulate otic vesicle closure in different vertebrate species. Temporally distinct Gata2 and Gata3 expression was also found during otic ganglion formation in mouse and chicken. Targeted inactivation of Gata3 in mouse embryos caused aberrant morphology of the otic vesicle that in severe cases was disrupted into two parts, a dorsal and a ventral vesicle. Detailed analyses of Gata3 mutant embryos unveiled a crucial role for GATA3 in the initial inner ear morphogenetic event, the invagination of the otic placode. A large-scale comparative expression analysis suggested that GATA3 could control cell adhesion and motility in otic epithelium, which could be important for early morphogenesis. GATA3 was also identified as the first factor to directly regulate Fgf10 expression in the otic epithelium and could thus influence the development of the semicircular ducts. Despite the serious problems in the early inner ear development, the otic sensory fate establishment and some vestibular hair cell differentiation was observable in pharmacologically rescued Gata3-/- embryos. Cochlear sensory differentiation was, however, completely blocked so that no auditory hair cells were detected. In contrast to the early morphogenetic phenotype in Gata3-/- mutants, conditional inactivation of Gata2 in mouse embryos resulted in a relatively late growth defect of the three semicircular ducts. GATA2 was required for the proliferation of the vestibular nonsensory epithelium to support growing of the three ducts. Concurrently, with the role in epithelial semicircular ducts, GATA2 was also required for the mesenchymal cell clearance from the vestibular perilymphatic region between the membranous labyrinth and bony capsule. The gamma-aminobutyric acid-secreting (GABAergic) neurons in the midbrain are clinically relevant since they contribute to fear, anxiety, and addiction regulation. The molecular mechanisms regulating the GABAergic neuronal development, however, are largely unknown. Using tissue-specific mutagenesis in mice, GATA2 was characterized as a critical determinant of the GABAergic neuronal fate in the midbrain. In Gata2-deficient mouse midbrain, GABAergic neurons were not produced, instead the Gata2-mutant cells acquired a glutamatergic neuronal phenotype. Gain-of-function experiments in chicken also revealed that GATA2 was sufficient to induce GABAergic differentiation in the midbrain.
The progressive myoclonic epilepsies (PMEs) are a clinically and etiologically heterogeneous group of symptomatic epilepsies characterized by myoclonus, tonic-clonic seizures, psychomotor regression and ataxia. Different disorders have been classified as PMEs. Of these, the group of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) comprise an entity that has onset in childhood, being the most common cause of neurodegeneration in children. The primary aim of this thesis was to dissect the molecular genetic background of patients with childhood onset PME by studying candidate genes and attempting to identify novel PME-associated genes. Another specific aim was to study the primary protein properties of the most recently identified member of the NCL-causing proteins, MFSD8. To dissect the genetic background of a cohort of Turkish patients with childhood onset PME, a screen of the NCL-associated genes PPT1, TPP1, CLN3, CLN5, CLN6, MFSD8, CLN8 and CTSD was performed. Altogether 49 novel mutations were identified, which together with 56 mutations found by collaborators raised the total number of known NCL mutations to 364. Fourteen of the novel mutations affect the recently identified MFSD8 gene, which had originally been identified in a subset of mainly Turkish patients as the underlying cause of CLN7 disease. To investigate the distribution of MFSD8 defects, a total of 211 patients of different ethnic origins were evaluated for mutations in the gene. Altogether 45 patients from nine different countries were provided with a CLN7 molecular diagnosis, denoting the wide geographical occurrence of MFSD8 defects. The mutations are private with only one having been established by a founder-effect in the Roma population from the former Czechoslovakia. All mutations identified except one are associated with the typical clinical picture of variant late-infantile NCL. To address the trafficking properties of MFSD8, lysosomal targeting of the protein was confirmed in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells. The major determinant for this lysosomal sorting was identified to be an N-terminal dileucine based signal (9-EQEPLL-14), recognized by heterotetrameric AP-1 adaptor proteins, suggesting that MFSD8 takes the direct trafficking pathway en route to the lysosomes. Expression studies revealed the neurons as the primary cell-type and the hippocampus and cerebellar granular cell layer as the predominant regions in which MFSD8 is expressed. To identify novel genes associated with childhood onset PME, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genomewide scan was performed in three small families and 18 sporadic patients followed by homozygosity mapping to determine the candidate loci. One of the families and a sporadic patient were positive for mutations in PLA2G6, a gene that had previously been shown to cause infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy. Application of next-generation sequencing of candidate regions in the remaining two families led to identification of a homozygous missense mutation in USP19 for the first and TXNDC6 for the second family. Analysis of the 18 sporadic cases mapped the best candidate interval in a 1.5 Mb region on chromosome 7q21. Screening of the positional candidate KCTD7 revealed six mutations in seven unrelated families. All patients with mutations in KCTD7 were reported to have early onset PME, rapid disease progression leading to dementia and no pathologic hallmarks. The identification of KCTD7 mutations in nine patients and the clinical delineation of their phenotype establish KCTD7 as a gene for early onset PME. The findings presented in this thesis denote MFSD8 and KCTD7 as genes commonly associated with childhood onset symptomatic epilepsy. The disease-associated role of TXNDC6 awaits verification through identification of additional mutations in patients with similar phenotypes. Completion of the genetic spectrum underlying childhood onset PMEs and understanding of the gene products functions will comprise important steps towards understanding the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms, and will possibly shed light on the general processes of neurodegeneration and nervous system regulation, facilitating the diagnosis, classification and possibly treatment of the affected cases.
Parkinson´s Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative movement disorder resulting from loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in substantia nigra (SN). Possible causative treatment strategies for PD include neurotrophic factors, which protect and in some cases restore the function of dopaminergic neurons. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family of neurotrophic factors have been to date the most promising candidates for treatment of PD, demonstrating both neuroprotective and neurorestorative properties. We have investigated the role of GDNF in the rodent dopaminergic system and its possible crosstalk with other growth factors. We characterized the GDNF-induced gene expression changes by DNA microarray analysis in different neuronal systems, including in vitro cultured Neuro2A cells treated with GDNF, as well as midbrains from GDNF heterozygous (Hz) knockout mice. These microarray experiments, resulted in the identification of GDNF-induced genes, which were also confirmed by other methods. Further analysis of the dopaminergic system of GDNF Hz mice demonstrated about 40% reduction in GDNF levels, revealed increased intracellular dopamine concentrations and FosB/DeltaFosB expression in striatal areas. These animals did not show any significant changes in behavioural analysis of acute and repeated cocaine administration on locomotor activity, nor did they exhibit any changes in dopamine output following treatment with acute cocaine. We further analysed the significance of GDNF receptor RET signalling in dopaminergic system of MEN2B knock-in animals with constitutively active Ret. The MEN2B animals showed a robust increase in extracellular dopamine and its metabolite levels in striatum, increased tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine transporter (DAT) protein levels by immunohistochemical staining and Western blotting, as well as increased Th mRNA levels in SN. MEN2B mice had increased number of DA neurons in SN by about 25% and they also exhibited increased sensitivity to the stimulatory effects of cocaine. We also developed a semi-throughput in vitro micro-island assay for the quantification of neuronal survival and TH levels by computer-assisted methodology from limited amounts of tissue. This assay can be applied for the initial screening for dopaminotrophic molecules, as well as chemical drug library screening. It is applicable to any neuronal system for the screening of neurotrophic molecules. Since our microarray experiments revealed possible GDNF-VEGF-C crosstalk we further concentrated on studying the neurotrophic effects of VEGF-C. We showed that VEGF-C acts as a neurotrophic molecule for the DA neurons both in vitro and in vivo, however without additive effect when used together with GDNF. The neuroprotective effect for VEGF-C in vivo in rat 6-OHDA model of PD was demonstrated. The possible signalling mechanisms of VEGF-C in the nervous system were investigated - infusion of VEGF-C to rat brain induced ERK activation, however no direct activation of RET signalling in vitro was found. VEGF-C treatment of rat striatum lead to up-regulation of VEGFR-1-3, indicating that VEGF-C can regulate the expression level of its own receptor. VEGF-C dopaminotrophic activity in vivo was further supported by increased vascular tissue in the neuroprotection experiments.
Embryonic midbrain and hindbrain are structures which will give rise to brain stem and cerebellum in the adult vertebrates. Brain stem contains several nuclei which are essential for the regulation of movements and behavior. They include serotonin-producing neurons, which develop in the hindbrain, and dopamine-producing neurons in the ventral midbrain. Degeneration and malfunction of these neurons leads to various neurological disorders, including schizophrenia, depression, Alzheimer s, and Parkinson s disease. Thus, understanding their development is of high interest. During embryogenesis, a local signaling center called isthmic organizer regulates the development of midbrain and anterior hindbrain. It secretes peptides belonging to fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and Wingless/Int (Wnt) families. These factors bind to their receptors in the surrounding tissues, and activate various downstream signaling pathways which lead to alterations in gene expression. This in turn affects the various developmental processes in this region, such as proliferation, survival, patterning, and neuronal differentiation. In this study we have analyzed the role of FGFs in the development of midbrain and anterior hindbrain, by using mouse as a model organism. We show that FGF receptors cooperate to receive isthmic signals, and cell-autonomously promote cell survival, proliferation, and maintenance of neuronal progenitors. FGF signaling is required for the maintenance of Sox3 and Hes1 expression in progenitors, and Hes1 in turn suppresses the activity of proneural genes. Loss of Hes1 is correlated with increased cell cycle exit and premature neuronal differentiation. We further demonstrate that FGF8 protein forms an antero-posterior gradient in the basal lamina, and might enter the neuronal progenitors via their basal processes. We also analyze the impact of FGF signaling on the various neuronal nuclei in midbrain and hindbrain. Rostral serotonergic neurons appear to require high levels of FGF signaling in order to develop. In the absence of FGF signaling, these neurons are absent. We also show that embryonic meso-diencephalic dopaminergic domain consists of two populations in the anterior-posterior direction, and that these populations display different molecular profiles. The anterior diencephalic domain appears less dependent on isthmic FGFs, and lack several genes typical of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, such as Pitx3 and DAT. In Fgfr compound mutants, midbrain dopaminergic neurons begin to develop but soon adopt characteristics which highly resemble those of diencephalic dopaminergic precursors. Our results indicate that FGF signaling regulates patterning of these two domains cell-autonomously.
The EEG time series has been subjected to various formalisms of analysis to extract meaningful information regarding the underlying neural events. In this paper the linear prediction (LP) method has been used for analysis and presentation of spectral array data for the better visualisation of background EEG activity. It has also been used for signal generation, efficient data storage and transmission of EEG. The LP method is compared with the standard Fourier method of compressed spectral array (CSA) of the multichannel EEG data. The autocorrelation autoregressive (AR) technique is used for obtaining the LP coefficients with a model order of 15. While the Fourier method reduces the data only by half, the LP method just requires the storage of signal variance and LP coefficients. The signal generated using white Gaussian noise as the input to the LP filter has a high correlation coefficient of 0.97 with that of original signal, thus making LP as a useful tool for storage and transmission of EEG. The biological significance of Fourier method and the LP method in respect to the microstructure of neuronal events in the generation of EEG is discussed.
The neuronal sodium channels are responsible for the rising phase of action potential and are composed of three subunits, of which the alpha-subunit has been shown to be adequate for most of its functional properties. We have stably expressed the rat brain type IIA sodium channel alpha-subunit in CHO cell tine using a CMV promoter-based vector. The expression was confirmed by detecting a 6.5 kb RNA corresponding to sodium channel alpha-subunit using Northern hybridization. The cells stably expressing the alpha-subunit, yield isolated sodium currents of amplitudes greater than 4nA when studied in whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The sodium currents are characterized by activation and inactivation properties similar to neuronal sodium channels, and are blocked by the voltage gated sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX).
Autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH) is a genetic disorder that causes a reduction of cortical outgrowth without severe interference with cortical patterning. It is associated with mutations in a number of genes encoding protein involved in mitotic spindle formation and centrosomal activities or cell cycle control. We have shown previously that blocking vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) during gestation in mice by using a VIP antagonist (VA) results in microcephaly. Here, we have shown that the cortical abnormalities caused by prenatal VA administration mimic the phenotype described in MCPH patients and that VIP blockade during neurogenesis specifically disrupts Mcph1 signaling. VA administration reduced neuroepithelial progenitor proliferation by increasing cell cycle length and promoting cell cycle exit and premature neuronal differentiation. Quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot showed that VA downregulated Mcph1. Inhibition of Mcph1 expression led to downregulation of Chk1 and reduction of Chk1 kinase activity. The inhibition of Mcph1 and Chk1 affected the expression of a specific subset of cell cycle-controlling genes and turned off neural stem cell proliferation in neurospheres. Furthermore, in vitro silencing of either Mcph1 or Chk1 in neurospheres mimicked VA-induced inhibition of cell proliferation. These results demonstrate that VIP blockade induces microcephaly through Mcph1 signaling and suggest that VIP/Mcph1/Chk1 signaling is key for normal cortical development.
Over past few years, the studies of cultured neuronal networks have opened up avenues for understanding the ion channels, receptor molecules, and synaptic plasticity that may form the basis of learning and memory. The hippocampal neurons from rats are dissociated and cultured on a surface containing a grid of 64 electrodes. The signals from these 64 electrodes are acquired using a fast data acquisition system MED64 (Alpha MED Sciences, Japan) at a sampling rate of 20 K samples with a precision of 16-bits per sample. A few minutes of acquired data runs in to a few hundreds of Mega Bytes. The data processing for the neural analysis is highly compute-intensive because the volume of data is huge. The major processing requirements are noise removal, pattern recovery, pattern matching, clustering and so on. In order to interface a neuronal colony to a physical world, these computations need to be performed in real-time. A single processor such as a desk top computer may not be adequate to meet this computational requirements. Parallel computing is a method used to satisfy the real-time computational requirements of a neuronal system that interacts with an external world while increasing the flexibility and scalability of the application. In this work, we developed a parallel neuronal system using a multi-node Digital Signal processing system. With 8 processors, the system is able to compute and map incoming signals segmented over a period of 200 ms in to an action in a trained cluster system in real time.
Rathour RK, Narayanan R. Influence fields: a quantitative framework for representation and analysis of active dendrites. J Neurophysiol 107: 2313-2334, 2012. First published January 18, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00846.2011.-Neuronal dendrites express numerous voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs), typically with spatial gradients in their densities and properties. Dendritic VGICs, their gradients, and their plasticity endow neurons with information processing capabilities that are higher than those of neurons with passive dendrites. Despite this, frameworks that incorporate dendritic VGICs and their plasticity into neurophysiological and learning theory models have been far and few. Here, we develop a generalized quantitative framework to analyze the extent of influence of a spatially localized VGIC conductance on different physiological properties along the entire stretch of a neuron. Employing this framework, we show that the extent of influence of a VGIC conductance is largely independent of the conductance magnitude but is heavily dependent on the specific physiological property and background conductances. Morphologically, our analyses demonstrate that the influences of different VGIC conductances located on an oblique dendrite are confined within that oblique dendrite, thus providing further credence to the postulate that dendritic branches act as independent computational units. Furthermore, distinguishing between active and passive propagation of signals within a neuron, we demonstrate that the influence of a VGIC conductance is spatially confined only when propagation is active. Finally, we reconstruct functional gradients from VGIC conductance gradients using influence fields and demonstrate that the cumulative contribution of VGIC conductances in adjacent compartments plays a critical role in determining physiological properties at a given location. We suggest that our framework provides a quantitative basis for unraveling the roles of dendritic VGICs and their plasticity in neural coding, learning, and homeostasis.