986 resultados para DIVISION-OF-LABOR


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Title from cover.


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107. - 110. Sammlung D: aus den "Aufzeichnungen"; englische Übersetzungen; 107. "Man and Animal":; 107a) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; 107b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; 108. "Propaganda":; 108a) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 108b) Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 109. "Philosophy and the Division of Labor". Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 110. ["Gezeichnet"]. Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 111. Buch-Prospekt zur "Dialektik der Aufklärung":; 111a) Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 111b) Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 111c) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt; 112. Zur "Dialektik der Aufklärung": Stichwörter für eine Kartei. 2 Blatt;


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Com o advento da revolução industrial o capitalismo assumiu uma forma assombrosa jamais vista anteriormente em outras passagens do mundo do trabalho, ao se alimentar de um ritmo acelerado de produção, consumo e acumulação. Esta nova era baseada na mecanização e numa nova divisão do trabalho impôs ao trabalhador o principio da fragmentação, que seguindo o modelo do cronômetro da gerência científica e a linha de produção do açougue dividiu a força de trabalho do empregado e multiplicou a acumulação do empregador. Na década de 1970 o capitalismo sofreu uma crise estrutural que viria a transformar o mundo do trabalho novamente. Esta nova transformação do capital fundamentado na globalização e nos conceitos neoliberais visando ainda mais a lucratividade em cima da força de trabalho atingiu a objetividade e a subjetividade da classe-que-vive-do-trabalho ao (des)re regulamentar seus direitos e conquistas. No mundo do trabalho brasileiro as transformações do capital mundial tiveram seu impacto nos anos 1990 abalando regiões produtivas inteiras como a do Grande ABC, com o desemprego estrutural e com a reestruturação produtiva. Em 2002 o diretor de cinema Eduardo Coutinho filmou um documentário Peões com 21 operários que narram suas origens, suas participações no movimento nas décadas de 1970-1980-1990 e os desfechos de suas vidas fazendo uma construção de si pela fala. Desta forma, Peões será para esta dissertação o corpus de análise para uma aproximação entre ciência e arte, onde será utilizado o método fenomenológico para a análise das narrativas que se apresentam para compreensão da divisão do trabalho capitalista que vem transformando o mundo do trabalho e atingindo perversamente a classe-que-vive-do-trabalho ao fragmentar sua subjetividade que se explicita objetivamente na fragmentação da relação intersubjetiva com o outro, os objetos e o mundo. Por meio da aplicação do método para a compreensão das narrativas pode se chegar à seguinte síntese: os homens e mulheres, de Peões, viveram e vivem ainda hoje intensamente entre a linha tênue da resistência e da submissão, da desalienação e alienação, do despontar e do anonimato na esfera pública evidenciando a importância ainda em nossos dias do alargamento do pensamento dialético entre a lógica da acumulação capitalista versus a lógica da sobrevivência humana.


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Os resultados da pesquisa bibliográfica corroboram o que na prática religiosa já havia notado, a existência de certo sincretismo intencional de apreensão e revisão de conteúdos religiosos, ou seja, de cosmovisões de matriz judaico-cristã impregnadas de valores e modelos de comportamento que marcaram as novas representações de gênero do Espiritismo, ainda na França, e posteriormente, no Brasil. Constatou-se que tanto na literatura espírita quanto no ethos espírita sempre houve uma oscilação entre uma divisão sexual do trabalho mais tradicional e androcêntrica com a supervalorização das mulheres como mães, e dos homens como provedores e como consequência disto ocorre a limitação do desenvolvimento das habilidades e competências de ambos os sexos nas várias instituições sociais (família, mercado de trabalho, etc.), inclusive nas instituições espíritas, de um lado, e; por outro lado, uma pretensa postura de defesa da progressiva liberação (emancipação) dos direitos da mulher. A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar as representações de gênero nas produções lítero-doutrinárias do Espiritismo brasileiro contemporâneo, a partir de um levantamento do contexto histórico que teria influenciado a elaboração das representações de gênero espíritas, desde uma fase anterior à institucionalização do Espiritismo, na França e no Brasil, aos dias de hoje e como tais representações de gênero estruturam a organização interna do Espiritismo, no que tange a divisão sexual do trabalho. Além de pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada análise da literatura doutrinária espírita.


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Kutatásunk alapvetése, hogy egy ország versenyképessége az értékteremtő munkamegosztást támogató teljes közösségi intézményrendszer sikeres működésén múlik. Munkánkkal arra kerestük a választ, milyen értékek és motivációk alakítják a magyar gazdaság intézményrendszerét. Nem a hivatalos magatartási szabályok statikus elemzésére koncentráltunk, hanem a normák, konvenciók és innovációk világára, az intézményrendszer jövőjét befolyásoló dinamikus elemekre. Elemzésünk fókuszában a társadalmi és vállalkozói értékek, a gazdaságpolitika formálók versenyképességi narratívái, a helyi gazdaságok versenyképességi tényezői, a versenyképesség javítását szolgáló magánkezdeményezések és a nonprofit szektor működése álltak. Fő eredményünk, hogy a Magyarország jövőbeli versenyképességét befolyásoló tudati elemek - a gazdasági döntéshozók motivációi és normái – megfelelő alapot teremtenek a gazdaságunk versenyképességét megerősítő üzleti, civil és kormányzati kezdeményezések számára. Magas közösségi és morális elvárások jellemzik a lakosság és a vállalkozók értékrendjét. A gazdaságpolitika-alkotók nyitottak az intézményi problémákra, a magyar véleményformálók körében egyetértés van a fő versenyképességi kihívásokat illetően. Jól azonosíthatóak a szervezők erőfeszítéseit kompenzálni képes versenyképességi összefogások keretei. A helyi gazdaságfejlesztés intézményei alakulóban vannak. A nonprofit szektor működési viszonyainak bizonytalansága ellenére a közcélúság és a versenyképesség közös területein (mint az atipikus foglalkoztatás) jól teljesít. Ezek az eredmények egyszerre nyitnak perspektívát a tudományos vizsgálódás és a gyakorlati cselekvés számára. Az önérdek és a közösségi értékteremtő képesség javításának motivációja közötti kapcsolat tudományos vizsgálata, a társadalmi innovációk kutatása a versenyképesség javíthatóságának kereteit tárhatja fel. Az üzleti, civil vagy kormányzati szereplők pedig akkor tudják a fogyasztói, közösségi elvárásokat sikeresen összeegyeztetni stratégiai céljaikkal, ha a gazdasági és társadalmi szereplők normáihoz, konvencióihoz igazítva alakítják ki intézményformáló stratégiáikat. __________ The competitiveness of nations is based on the successful function of the institutions that support the division of labor on value creation – this is the basic principle of this research. Our project investigates what values and motivations shape the institutional setting of Hungarian economy. We study the world of norms, conventions and innovations – the elements that shape the institutions. The static analysis of official rules has only a minor role in this approach. Research focuses (1) on the value system of entrepreneurs (2), on the mind setting of public managers and executives of economic policy (3) on the factors of local economic competitiveness, (4) on the actions of private and non-profit sector in order to enhance competitiveness. The main finding of this research is that the cognitive factors that shape the competitiveness of Hungary – the norms and motivations of decision makers in the economy – give a positive support for the competitiveness strengthening initiatives of business, non-profit and public sectors. The studies on the values system of entrepreneurs and citizens show that expectations and moral values connected to competitiveness are strong. The public managers of economic policy are open-minded and there is a general consensus of experts, business and politics on the key competitiveness challenges of Hungary. There are well defined frameworks to conceptualize the schemes that make organizers’ efforts affordable in private initiatives for competitiveness. There are various developments on the field of institutions for local economic development. The nonprofit sector has good results on the common fields of competiveness and equity (like atypical forms of employment) despite the uncertainties in the background of the sector. These results open perspectives both for scientific research and practical applications. The research on connection between individual goals and motivation to improve value creating ability of the society and the study of social innovation reveal new aspects of competitiveness. Business, non-profit or public leaders can better synchronize their strategies with the expectation of consumers, communities and constituencies if their intentions to shape institutional settings fit better to the norms and conventions of the social and economic stakeholders.


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The sugarcane production consists in the principal product activity in the state of Alagoas, holding a structure composed of 25 unities of production that represents the economic base of more than a half of its municipies, what make it be the biggest producer of the sector in North and Northwest, exporting its products for countries in different continents. From this reference, it was searched in the present work, to understand the configuration of the circuit space production of sugar cane in Alagoas, from the use of the territory, trough the analyses of the more significant events related to the sector, and, the established rules by the State, through the government, by organs like Institute of Sugar and Alcohol (IAA), and programs like National Alcohol Program (Proálcool), between others, that had as function to structure and to allocate resources to the sugar cane sector. It was realized that the investments done made possible the renovation of techniques used in the sugar cane complex. In the beginning, with the substitution of the mill for factories and, afterwards, the improvement of the agriculture and factory process themselves, improving the utilization of the byproduct, and the productive integration of instances, specially with the sugar, cane, electricity generation production, intensifying the participation of the state in the internation division of labor, giving it a organization structure divided by big hegemonic agents of this process. SO, the sugar cane geographic configuration existing in alagoano territory was restructured and the circuit even more pass to constitute movement of many scales, subsidized by cooperation circles. However, this configuration showed itself subservient to world commerce, what conditions the adoption of hegemonic practices that are far from the local projects and living practices. The verticality imposed offers a configuration that isn’t peculiar, that only serves to answer to the big hegemonic agent commands, characterizing the continuity of the present capitalism process. It means that the sugar cane factories use corporately the territory as resource to obtain more lucrativity and this way dominate the bigger quantity of consumer commerce


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The objective of this study was to investigate the assistance for the female adolescents perpetrators of offences in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Through the Thematic Oral History and Documentary Analysis methods, we sought to uncover historical aspects of the work provided in women’s units of the Fundação dos Direitos das Crianças e Adolescentes (FUNDAC) [Foundation for the Rights of Children and Adolescents], from the experiences of professionals who have worked in these units since the beginning of their activities. For this, we made visits to FUNDAC and the Centro Educacional Padre João Maria (CEDUC) [Educational Center Father João Maria], to identify professionals who could participate in the study, as well as institutional documents on routine of treatment. Eight professionals were found from three identified units: Granja Santana, Instituto Padre João Maria and CEDUC, who were interviewed according to a semi-structured script. The analysis of the collected material is supported in Marxian theory and feminist perspective on the sexual division of labor. The results are organized into five areas of analysis: (1) the creation of the service units; (2) the deviant “behavior”: reasons for institutionalization of female adolescents; (3) educational proposal: a female version; service strategies and; the rules and punishment: the domesticated teenage girl. The study indicates that the commission of the offense by the female adolescents in state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) has been associated with the conduct of their families, particularly their mothers. Moreover, in general, service strategies, educational proposals, disciplinary measures were and have been developed based on the naturalization of what is female. Therefore, the assistance to adolescent girls in RN, those thirty-five years, left intact the existing hierarchy in social relations between the sexes, it reproduced the subordination of female adolescents in the juvenile justice system.


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Artisanal fishing is one of the important economic activities of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), becoming the main form of survival and income for many families. The southern coast of RN has strong fishing tradition, both in exploitation of fish as in the collection of mollusks on the banks of Guaraíra Lagoon (APA Bonfim-Guaraíra). In recent years, fishing communities have become more vulnerable to outside influences, since the socio-economic and environmental changes are exposed. These changes require adjustments to the fishermen to different environmental conditions, as the social and natural systems are driven by reorganization and upgrading processes. The living conditions in fishing communities are objective and necessary in different ways, according to a selection that is cultural, so adaptable. This study has the general objective to analyze the main environmental changes in fishing communities, based on the understanding of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen about this problem. The specific objectives searched to: describe the socioeconomic profile, prospects and difficulties of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen; investigate the major social and environmental changes in the fishing communities of Patané and Camocim (Arez/RN). The methodology was qualitative-quantitative with the techniques of observation in the field and open and semistructured interviews applied to representatives of Cologne fishing, fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen. Between the months of January to July 2014 were applied semistructured interviews with 41 interlocutors in Patané and 23 of Camocim; totaling 64 people. The results indicated that the interlocutors are aged 40 to 60 years; have only completed elementary school level; are married and have children; survive on less than a minimum wage income and they are not receiving employment insurance. The case study also revealed that the socioeconomic and environmental problems reflected in changes in reproduction, organization and social division of labor, which generates adaptive changes of families to external influences, resulting directly from other economic activities and market pressure and indirectly from tourism. Therefore, adaptations to changes scenario presented as favorable to economic aspects and unfavorable to the social and environmental aspects. In short, the fishery develops on technical, bureaucratic and financial obstacles, in the everyday needs of men and women is the determining factor in willingness to continue exercising fishing and shell fishing on Guaraíra Lagoon, space representing relations social, practices and customs transmitted in the course of local history through social memory of the oldest to the youngest.


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Cette recherche constitue un essai de théorie critique féministe matérialiste et radicale. Elle poursuit principalement un objectif de dénonciation de la structure actuelle du droit du logement. À partir d’un cadre conceptuel fondé sur le féminisme matérialiste et radical, elle souhaite faire ressortir le point de vue de la classe des femmes dans l’habitation. Le droit du logement est ici utilisé dans un sens large, puisqu’il se réfère à la fois au logement comme phénomène juridique, mais aussi sociologique. À l’intérieur de la discipline juridique, il renvoie à l’ensemble des législations actuellement en vigueur au Québec en ce qui concerne la vie à domicile. Notre étude se concentre sur deux modes d’occupation des lieux, à travers le droit de propriété et le système locatif. Le droit au logement fait l’objet d’une reconnaissance internationale dans les textes portant sur les droits humains. Il est reconnu comme le « droit à un logement suffisant ». Au Canada et au Québec, il ne fait pas l’objet d’une reconnaissance explicite, malgré les engagements pris sur la scène internationale. Un portrait statistique, appuyé sur le critère du sexe, permet de mettre en évidence qu’il existe des écarts entre les hommes et les femmes en ce qui concerne la mise en application du droit du logement. Les femmes accèdent plus difficilement à un logement; elles y effectuent la majorité du travail domestique, de service et de « care » et elles sont les principales victimes des violences commises à domicile. Dans le système d’habitation, l’expérience des femmes se comprend comme une appropriation à la fois privée et collective par la classe des hommes, telle que réfléchie par Colette Guillaumin, qui se concentre autour de la division sexuelle du travail et des violences sexuées. Le droit du logement, dans sa forme actuelle, repose sur l’appropriation de la force de travail des femmes et de leur corps. Ces deux critères permettent de construire une grille d’analyse féministe matérialiste et radicale pour analyser la structure du droit du logement, tel que conçu en droit civil. Cette analyse féministe permet également de situer le droit étatique comme une pratique patriarcale. Cette dernière contribue à assurer le maintien du système d’habitation, qui est assimilable à un système hégémonique, au sens développé par Gramsci. Cette étude réfléchit sur le droit du logement dans le climat politique néolibéral. Le néolibéralisme est développé comme une idéologie qui impose une rationalité marchande à l’ensemble des politiques étatiques. À partir d’une méthode décrite comme métathéorique externe radicalement réflexive, puisqu’elle propose l’importation d’outils conceptuels étrangers à la discipline du droit moderne, nous réfléchissons de manière radicale la construction du droit civil et des institutions qui encadrent le droit du logement. La collecte des données s’effectue à partir de la recherche documentaire. Quatre institutions du droit civil seront examinées dans le détail, soit le sujet du droit, la dichotomie privé/public, la médiation du droit du logement par les biens immeubles, à travers le rapport contractuel et le droit de propriété, et finalement les notaires. L’analyse féministe du sujet du droit insiste sur un paradoxe. D’une part, l’universalité présumée de ce sujet, laquelle permet de poser l’égalité et la liberté pour toutes les personnes juridiques. Or, plutôt que d’être neutre sexuellement comme le prétend le droit positif, nous démontrons comment ce sujet est constamment un membre de la classe des hommes. D’autre part, nous analysons comment le droit reconnaît le sexe de ses sujets, mais surtout comment cette sexualité est construite sur l’idéologie naturaliste. Ce modèle de sujet masculin est fondamental dans la construction du droit du logement. L’étude féministe de la dichotomie privé/public en fait ressortir le caractère situé. En effet, si par essence aucun domaine ou enjeu n’est en soit privé ou public, le processus de qualification, lui, est un acte de pouvoir. Nous verrons comment le droit civil crée des zones de droit privé, comprises comme des zones de non-droit pour les femmes. La qualification de privé dévalue également le travail accompli par cette classe de sexe. Le droit du logement est pourtant centré sur le rapport contractuel et sur le droit de propriété. Il importe alors d’examiner la nature du consentement donné par les femmes comme groupe social dans les contrats de vente et de location. Ces contrats ne prennent pas en compte l’expérience des femmes dans leur formation. Les catégories qui y sont attachées, telles que vendeur.e ou locataire, représentent le point de vue de la classe des hommes. Bien que la popularité de la copropriété auprès de la classe des femmes semble porteuse d’un vent de changement, nous analysons comment le discours dominant qui l’entoure instrumentalise certaines revendications féministes, tout en laissant dans l’ombre la question du travail domestique et des violences sexuées. Finalement, nous nous intéressons aux notaires en les repensant comme des intellectuel.les organiques, tels que conçu.es par Gramsci, pour la classe des hommes. Cette fonction d’intellectuel.les permet de mettre en lumière comment chaque transaction immobilière favorise la reproduction des intérêts patriarcaux, remettant ainsi en question la nature des devoirs de conseil et d’impartialité du notariat. À la lumière de cette analyse, le Code civil du Québec est qualifié dans une perspective féministe matérialiste et radicale pour devenir un système qui institutionnalise l’appropriation des femmes par l’entremise du droit du logement. Ce travail de recherche permet d’envisager certaines pistes de réflexion pour des rénovations potentielles des pratiques juridiques entourant le droit du logement, notamment la pratique notariale, tournées vers des objectifs féministes de justice sociale.


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El artículo presenta resultados de investigación realizada en la localidad de San Antonio Juárez, municipio de Tzicatlacoyan, en el estado de Puebla, México. El objetivo fue conocer las estrategias de reproducción de los grupos domésticos campesinos, asentados en entornos ambientales adversos, que presentan restricciones severas para el desarrollo de la agricultura. A partir de técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas, se pudo constatar la presencia de estrategias de reproducción distinta, a nivel de barrio, basada en el conocimiento local, la división genérica del trabajo y la organización a nivel de grupo doméstico y comunidad.


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El artículo presenta resultados de investigación realizada en la localidad de San Antonio Juárez, municipio de Tzicatlacoyan, en el estado de Puebla, México. El objetivo fue conocer las estrategias de reproducción de los grupos domésticos campesinos, asentados en entornos ambientales adversos, que presentan restricciones severas para el desarrollo de la agricultura. A partir de técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas, se pudo constatar la presencia de estrategias de reproducción distinta, a nivel de barrio, basada en el conocimiento local, la división genérica del trabajo y la organización a nivel de grupo doméstico y comunidad.


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El artículo presenta resultados de investigación realizada en la localidad de San Antonio Juárez, municipio de Tzicatlacoyan, en el estado de Puebla, México. El objetivo fue conocer las estrategias de reproducción de los grupos domésticos campesinos, asentados en entornos ambientales adversos, que presentan restricciones severas para el desarrollo de la agricultura. A partir de técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas, se pudo constatar la presencia de estrategias de reproducción distinta, a nivel de barrio, basada en el conocimiento local, la división genérica del trabajo y la organización a nivel de grupo doméstico y comunidad.


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This paper analyzes the impact of Spain’s economic crisis on social reproduction strategies of Ecuadorian migrant families in Madrid and Quito. The paper analyzes circular migration experiences and more permanent returns to Ecuador. I argue that these strategies and migrants' greater or lesser capabilities to move between different migration destinations show significant gender differences. On the one hand, men and women make a differential use of their migratory status to deploy transnational strategies and expand their mobility. On the other hand, migrants’ degree of mobility and flexibility with regard to the labor market and transnational social reproduction are derivative of a specific gendered order and sexual division of labor.


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This essay explores whether the gender constructions in Joe Abercrombie’s Best Served Cold and Juliet Marillier’s Daughter of the Forest question or contribute to existing gender categories. The analysis is performed using Raewynn Connell’s gender structure model, Brian Attebery’s theory of fantasy as a "fuzzy set" and Maria Nikolajeva’s schedule for stereotypical gender traits. Thus, both of the texts were analyzed to determine if their contents, structures and reader responses create opportunities or act limiting, how the main characters are portrayed and how the books various power-, production-, emotional- and symbolic relations look like. The result of the analysis is that both of the books portray patriarchal worlds, sexual division of labor, misogyny and gender-binding statements. The characters in Daughter of the Forest are quite stereotypical, with some traits that exceed their gender, whilst the characters in Best Served Cold are all portrayed with traditionally manly traits (even the female main character). Therefor one can say that Best Served cold’s female protagonist is the only element in the books that fully questions prevailing gender categories.