926 resultados para Catalans SMES


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This paper develops and tests a model to predict small and medium enterprise (SME) financial distress based on empirical evidence from Thailand. A sample comprising 198 financial statements of non-financially distressed and 68 statements of financially distressed SMEs were used. A parametric t-test was conducted to establish differences between financial characteristics of the two groups of SMEs.

Results show statistically significant differences (t values significant at .001) between the two groups of SMEs in the financial ratios used for the study. Discriminant analysis was then conducted to develop a model for predicting the likelihood of an SME experiencing financial distress.

The model hits an accuracy level of 97%, which compares favourably with the probability of accurate classification by chance (i.e., 65% after adjusting for the unequal sample sizes of the two groups of SMEs). A test of the model with a new sample shows the validity of the model beyond the original sample, confirming that Thai SME financial distress is amenable to prediction to a statistically significant extent. The model is expected to serve SME managers and creditors in assessing financial health of SMEs before making important decisions. The results are also expected to inform policymakers in formulating economic policies concerning SMEs.


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The literature offers a fragmented view of design options with thepotential to affect the prominence of selected content (e.g., privacyinformation) on organizational websites. This article contributesto knowledge by consolidating the design options into a singleframework. It argues that future research should consider howthe design options in combination, not just individually, can affectcontent prominence. The article summarizes the types of qualitativeand quantitative studies needed to apply and extend the framework.It presents an example qualitative study showing how theframework can be applied to, and extended by, examining the prominence of ecologically sustainable practices (i.e., green content)on small and medium enterprise websites. The example studyemphasizes the value of the framework by illustrating how contentprominence may vary depending on interrelationships betweendesign options. The article finally offers suggestions on how practitioners and developers can use the framework when making website design decisions.


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Purpose – The aim of this paper is to report on an exploratory, qualitative study of how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) describe their firm’s relationships with or impact on stakeholders when communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR) on their websites. Design/methodology/approach – Qualitative content analysis was conducted on 22 Australian SME websites from the information media and telecommunications sector. Stakeholder theory was used as the basis for analysis. Findings – An important aspect of CSR communication is reporting the firm’s relationships with stakeholders such as society/communities, ecological environment, employees, customers and suppliers. This paper provides insights into how these relationships are manifested in SME website communications. For example, three-way relationships between the firm and stakeholders were described on some websites, but few explained the impact of their CSR on stakeholders. Research limitations/implications – This study concentrated on identifying the CSR communication on websites from one industry sector in Australia. These limitations provide the basis for future research to explore and compare CSR communication on websites by SMEs from other industry sectors and countries. Practical implications – The findings offer SME owner-managers ideas on different ways they can incorporate details of stakeholder relationships in CSR website communications. Originality/value – There has been little research on how SMEs use channels such as websites to communicate CSR. This paper addresses this gap in knowledge by providing insights into how SMEs describe stakeholder relationships in CSR website communications.


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This study investigates the relationship between organizational rewards and employee commitment in Chinese small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Hierarchical regression analysis was utilized to analyse survey data from 286 employees of 11 organizations. In line with what was hypothesized extrinsic rewards were found to be strongly related to both affective and continuance commitment, whereas satisfaction with supervision and role clarity positively influenced affective commitment. In contrast to previous empirical findings, autonomy and training provision were only found to influence continuance commitment. These findings have significant managerial implications regarding the utility of providing organizational rewards to enhance the commitment of Chinese employees. In order to promote employee commitment, SME managers could start by giving their employees greater autonomy and clarity regarding their role in the organization, as well as improving supervisor support. These are relatively inexpensive measures compared to the costly alternatives of improving extrinsic benefit packages and investing in employee training.


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Small and medium-sized companies and other enterprises (SMEs) around the world are exposed to flood risk and many of the 4.5 million in the UK are at risk. As SMEs represent almost half of total business turnover in the UK, their protection is a vital part of the drive for greater climate change resilience. However, few have measures in place to ensure the continuity of their activities during a flood and its aftermath. The SESAME project aims to develop tools that encourage businesses to discover ways of becoming more resilient to floods and to appreciate how much better off they will be once they have adapted to the ongoing risk. By taking some of the mystery out of flooding and flood risk, it aims to make it susceptible to the same business acumen that enables the UK’s SMEs to deal with the many other challenges they face. In this paper we will report on the different aspects of the research in the project Understanding behaviour Changing behaviour Modelling impacts Economic impacts Through the above the project will advise government, local authorities and other public bodies on how to improve their responses to floods and will enable them to recommend ways to improve the guidelines provided to SMEs in flood risk areas.


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Land, capital and work dictated the organizations¿ success in the industrial era. Added to these factors, the intangible assets are considered the key complement to determine business¿ sustainability in the knowledge era. The globalization creates a new dynamic in the markets and the knowledge management becomes focal point to the organizations. It becomes more common the incorporation of inter-organizational nets to improve business, in a strategy win-win where the tacit knowledge, noncodified, which is shared. More specifically, the innovation management, one of the intangible assets aspects, plays an important role in the Federal Government agenda, through the PDP and other market players. BNDES made significant progress to assist companies¿ demands in the knowledge era, among them: the adoption of the Intangible Assets BSC methodology to evaluate companies¿ credit risk and the partnership with Brightom University (UK) to train innovation management to companies¿ managers. Besides the initial steps, what are the challenges that BNDES will face from now on? In the bibliographic review, it is analyzed the competitive factors in the knowledge era, the evolution of the intangible assets concept, the consolidation of the networking as business strategy, evaluation its advantages and disadvantages, some innovation definitions and its management through the identification of the development level of the Brazilian companies¿ in this aspect. After that, it is analyzed the management tool so-called Balanced Scorecard, which is fundamental to the Intangible Assets BSC. The actions already implemented by BNDES, Sebrae and FINEP focused on the subject are identified in order to evaluate the integration level among those actions. Then, it is demonstrated the relevancy of the subject not only to BNDES, but also to society. This study faces the subject by the preparation of a diagnostic from 30 actives SMEs investments from BNDESPAR portfolio, a BNDES subsidiary, adopting the BSC methodology through questionnaire. The objective is to certify if there is enough space to elaborate an action plan focused on creating value to companies considering them intangible assets and, if it is viable, how this toll can be useful and adequate to achieve such objective. The questionnaire content, answered by the training participants in the innovation management program, is also evaluated to check the suggestions of actions to maximize the expected feedback. In the conclusion, it is verified that the tool so-called Intangible Assets BSC is adequate to the management activity of the investments in PMEs from BNDESPAR portfolio and there is enough space to adopt measures focused on creation of companies¿ value, mentioning some examples and highlighting some preliminary academicals contributions to improve the tool and also suggests other steps that BNDES can adopt to optimize the actions already implemented.


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A presente tese tem com foco central de investigação a governança dos canais de marketing por pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs), sob a ótica dos Arranjos Produtivos Locais (APLs). A partir das evidências teóricas a questão de pesquisa aborda a existência de evidências da geração de avanços mercadológicos por conta das empresas engajadas no processo de cooperação. Optou-se por um trabalho empírico com orientação qualitativa. Foram selecionados para a amostra de pesquisa, casos de consórcios de moda praia localizados em APLs. Através do levantamento de dados empíricos, pode-se coletar evidências que corroboram as externalidades positivas da cooperação entre empresas na modalidade de consórcios. Entretanto, os resultados da pesquisa não podem ser considerados como totalmente conclusivos. Desse modo sugere-se ao final do trabalho uma série de possíveis direções de novas pesquisas sobre o tema que é ainda muito recente e pouco conhecido.


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Vínculos de negócios são caracterizados como relacionamentos entre grandes empresas e pequenos fornecedores locais, com beneficios que incluem o aumento de negócios entre as empresas, diminuição de custos e dinamização da economia local, com implicações diretas para o desenvolvimento. Isso faz com que o Estado possa ter interesse na promoção destes vínculos, sendo as políticas públicas seu instrumento de promoção. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo identificar as condições para que o Estado estabeleça políticas públicas para a promoção de tais vínculos. Na revisão bibliográfica faz-se a análise de temas ligados ao relacionamento entre empresas, bem como do ambiente de investimento no Brasil. Também é realizada uma análise dos conceitos de vínculos de negócios e de políticas públicas. Para se chegar ao objetivo da pesquisa, foram analisados dois programas, ambos com o objetivo de fortalecer a relação entre grandes empresas compradoras e pequenos fornecedores: Projeto Vínculos e Programa de Desenvolvimento de Fornecedores (dos estados de Maranhão, Espírito Santo e Pará). Utilizou-se como técnica de coleta de dados a entrevista em profundidade, com um total de quatorze entrevistados, que autorizaram a transcrição para posterior análise. A conclusão é que o Estado pode estimular vínculos de negócios por meio de políticas públicas nas seguintes condições: ao complemento de políticas de Estado, como política de qualificação profissional, complemento à política de atração de investimentos, como incentivo à transferência de tecnologia e para o desenvolvimento do ambiente de negócios.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal fornecer subsídios para uma pequena empresa francesa analisar a viabilidade do seu processo de internacionalização no Brasil, um caminho difícil e cheio de obstáculos. De fato, muitas empresas francesas estão tentando entrar no mercado brasileiro, visto como um país que oferece várias oportunidades para o crescimento e rentabilidade destas empresas. No entanto, por causa da falta de recursos e das dificuldades a serem enfrentadas durante o processo de internacionalização, pequenas empresas devem analisar cuidadosamente a viabilidade de um projeto internacional, antes de entrar no mercado estrangeiro. Assim, trabalhos acadêmicos foram usados como referência para identificar e apresentar os aspectos administrativos, econômicos e culturais que poderiam facilitar ou dificultar o processo de internacionalização. Os principais aspectos administrativos apresentados foram a seleção do mercado internacional, o modo de internacionalização e os desafios do processo de internacionalização. Para os aspectos econômicos, apresentamos as principais tecnologias usadas para financiar pequenas e médias empresas, e o impacto das infra-estruturas nessas tecnologias. Também, para que uma PME possa entender o processo de financiamento, apresentamos o ponto de vista dos Bancos. Aspectos culturais que poderiam facilitar ou dificultar o processo de internacionalização são apontados através de conceitos acadêmicos como "distância cultural" ou "distância psíquica". Este trabalho discute também como as diferenças entre as culturas são susceptíveis em gerar dificuldades ou vantagens, e que a distância cultural também pode ter um impacto no modo de entrada escolhido pela empresa no país de acolhimento.


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Internet Telephony (VoIP) is changing the telecommunication industry. Oftentimes free, VoIP is becoming more and more popular amongst users. Large software companies have entered the market and heavily invest into it. In 2011, for instance, Microsoft bought Skype for 8.5bn USD. This trend increasingly impacts the incumbent telecommunication operators. They see their main source of revenue – classic telephony – under siege and disappear. The thesis at hand develops a most-likely scenario in order to determine how VoIP is evolving further and it predicts, based on a ten-year forecast, the impact it will have on the players in the telecommunication industry.The paper presents a model combining Rogers’ diffusion and Christensen’s innovation research. The model has the goal of explaining the past evolution of VoIP and to isolate the factors that determine the further diffusion of the innovation. Interviews with industry experts serve to assess how the identified factors are evolving.Two propositions are offered. First, VoIP operators are becoming more important in international, corporate, and mobile telephony. End-to-end VoIP (IP2IP) will exhibit strong growth rates and increasingly cannibalize the telephony revenues of the classic operators. Second, fix-net telephony in SMEs and at home will continue to be dominated by the incumbents. Yet, as prices for telephony fall towards zero also they will implement IP2IP in order to save costs. By 2022, up to 90% of the calls will be IP2IP. The author recommends the incumbents and VoIP operators to proactively face the change, to rethink their business strategies, and to even be open for cooperation.


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O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar, para uma PME francesa, a atratividade de dois mercados-alvo no Brasil, a fim de apoiar a tomada de decisão do CEO sobre o investimento futuro. Para enfrentar a crise da União Europeia, muitas PMEs francesas estão procurando novas oportunidades em todo o mundo, especialmente nos países BRIC. Na verdade, o Brasil parece ser um mercado promissor, oferecendo inúmeras oportunidades de crescimento. No entanto, em comparação com as empresas multinacionais tradicionais, as PMEs têm de lidar com a falta de recursos e de poder de mercado. Ir global é arriscado e caro para as PMEs; o que implica avaliar cuidadosamente a viabilidade da implementação de um investimento estrangeiro. A análise revelou que o Brasil é um mercado de aproximadamente 30 milhões de euros, nos próximos 10 anos. Este é definitivamente um mercado promissor para uma empresa como AMECO. Levando em conta esses critérios, AMECO deve abrir um escritório de representação no próximo ano para angariar novos clientes e assinar novos contratos.


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We examine the drivers behind the establishment mode choice of German multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the sectors of Automotive, Chemicals and Mechanical Engineering in Brazil for the years 1993-2013 using a novel sample of primary data obtained directly from German MNEs. Based on prevalent theories found in the literature, we test the most common hypotheses on our sample. Firms with high R&D activities and firms with prior market knowledge in Brazil in from of previous sales offices are more likely to enter Brazil by a Greenfield investment. We also show that it is the specific private ownership of the German so-called hidden champions that drive those specific SMEs to enter Brazil by Greenfield, a sneaking suspicion that has been made before. Finally, we show that the establishment mode choice between Brazil and the USA only deviates to a low extent, with German MNEs preferring to enter Brazil by Greenfield and the USA by M&A. Thereby, we provide valuable insights for future research in this field.


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A pesquisa aqui relatada teve por objetivo caracterizar os processos de internacionalização de pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras. A análise de uma amostra de 52 PMEs brasileiras exportadoras mostrou que a expansão internacional dessas empresas tem características peculiares e, em muitos aspectos, destoantes do que é descrito na literatura internacional sobre a internacionalização de PMEs. A interpretação dada aqui a esses resultados leva a uma nova compreensão deste fenômeno e levanta questões inéditas para investigação ulterior.


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It is well documented venture capital‟s positive impact on creation and development of highly successful innovative companies worldwide. Venture capital not only provides funding to startups and SMEs (small and medium enterprises) that usually have financing gap, especially in emerging markets, but also brings a whole package of valuable resources that reduces companies‟ mortality rates. Using quantitative data obtained from an empirical survey as background, this paper discusses the role of venture capital in the success of innovative startups and SMEs, and it examines if, and to what extent, venture capitalists are supporting the entrepreneurial activity in Brazil. I focused on the portfolio companies analyzes and confirmed the hypothesis that the venture capital industry has been supporting entrepreneurship in Brazil. Second, I identified an important evidence of a venture capital‟s positive impact on economic activity, especially the capital market. Third, it became clear that venture capital-back entrepreneurship is highly concentrated in the Southeast region. And fourth, I identified that private equity expansion is also playing a key role on that dynamics. As consequence, I conclude that the venture capital (and private equity) industry has been very important to build an enormously dynamic and strong local entrepreneurial economy. Its committed capital grew 50% per year between 2005 and 2008 to achieve US$27 billion, which invested US$ 11 billion, which employs 1,400 professionals (75% with post-graduate degrees) and maintains 482 portfolio companies, mostly SMEs. In addition, venture capital-backed companies represented one third of the IPOs that occurred in Brazil between 2004 and 2008 (approximately US$15 billion).