820 resultados para Adjuvanted Influenza Vaccines


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本论文的目的是研究几种病原菌口服疫苗接种鱼类的免疫效果,并从常见病原菌株中筛选几个具有较好保护效果的蛋白抗原,利用口服免疫的方式,接种养殖动物,并检测免疫效果。 以10号白油为有机溶剂,采用搅拌与均浆方法制备鳗弧菌M3和SMP1的油乳化二价疫苗,用饵料包埋后以口服途径免疫养殖大菱鲆,评价免疫大菱鲆的免疫应答和疫苗的保护效果。结果显示,以油乳化和未油乳化疫苗分别连续口服免疫大菱鲆一周后,在后肠组织,乳化疫苗刺激产生的非特异性活力、特异性抗体水平均高于未乳化疫苗;而在血清,两种疫苗引起的两种酶的活力、SMP1抗体水平没有变化,但在乳化疫苗免疫的大菱鲆检测到明显高于未免疫对照大菱鲆的M3抗体水平。大菱鲆后肠组织原位杂交结果显示,口服免疫的大菱鲆后肠褶皱有IgM抗体的产生和分布。其中,乳化疫苗免疫大菱鲆的IgM抗体的产生和分布水平高于未乳化疫苗免疫的大菱鲆。攻毒实验显示,乳化疫苗免疫的大菱鲆对M3和SMP1的感染分别获得100%和50%的免疫保护率,而未乳化疫苗获得的免疫保护率分别为57.9%和0%,表明乳化疫苗比未乳化疫苗更有效地保护大菱鲆、抵抗病原的感染。在乳化疫苗免疫持续期的研究中,免疫的大菱鲆后肠在免疫后120天仍能检测到抗体效价,在免疫后90天还能观察到一定的免疫保护效果。免疫30天、60天、90天和120天的大菱鲆分别获得100%、66.7%、36.7%和13.3%的免疫保护力。 以鳗弧菌M3和SMP1、链球菌CF、迟缓爱德华菌SMW7作为细菌抗原制备油乳化多价口服疫苗和轮虫携带疫苗,口服途径免疫养殖大菱鲆与大菱鲆初孵仔鱼。结果显示,在免疫大菱鲆后肠可检测到抗M3抗体水平的提高(P<0.05),而在其胆汁、鳃、中肠、体表黏液、前肠与血清中抗体效价变化与对照组没有显示出差异;没有检测到免疫大菱鲆后肠抗SMP1、SMW7、CF抗体效价。M3浸泡攻毒实验显示,口服免疫的大菱鲆获得了100%的免疫保护力;在M3注射攻毒和SMP1、CF、SMW7浸泡攻毒大菱鲆的实验中,在每个攻毒组中,免疫组大菱鲆开始死亡的时间都要比对照组有不同程度的延迟,但攻毒大菱鲆都发生死亡,不能显示出与对照组的差异。轮虫携带免疫的结果显示,免疫的大菱鲆初孵仔鱼并未获得较好的保护效果,与对照大菱鲆没有体现出差异。 从致病性病嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)LSA34克隆并表达ahaI基因和gapA基因,从迟缓爱德华菌(Edwardsiella tarda)LSE40克隆并表达eseB,将所得蛋白分别通过腹腔注射途径免疫大菱鲆,检测蛋白的免疫原性和免疫保护。结果在免疫后7天就可以检测到AhaI、GapA蛋白免疫组大菱鲆产生的抗体,至第40天可以检测到明显的保护性抗体,之后抗体效价增加明显,直至第60天时达到最高值。EseB免疫的大菱鲆第一次免疫后15天就有较高的抗体效价产生,明显高于对照组大菱鲆血清抗体效价,到距第一次免疫60天时,抗体效价达到最高值。攻毒实验显示,与对照组相比,AhaI免疫组和GapA免疫组对LSA34感染的免疫保护力分别为80%和100%;AhaI免疫组和GapA免疫组对LSE40感染的免疫保护力分别为30%和10%。,而对照组牙鲆对人工攻毒不具有保护力。以AhaI和GapA作为疫苗免疫大菱鲆,使大菱鲆获得了对嗜水气单胞菌LSA34较高的免疫保护;而对迟缓爱德华氏菌LSE40的交叉保护能力没有明显提高。EseB免疫的大菱鲆在攻毒实验中并没有显示出较好的保护效果,与对照组相比,只是在死亡时间上有所延迟。 以从致病性嗜水气单胞菌中克隆的ahaI和gapA基因表达出的蛋白为蛋白抗原制备油乳化疫苗,用饵料包埋后以口服途径免疫养殖牙鲆,评价免疫牙鲆的免疫应答和疫苗的保护效果。结果显示,以油乳化和未油乳化疫苗分别免疫牙鲆一周后,在后肠组织,AhaI和GapA乳化疫苗免疫组牙鲆检测到抗体,且分别高于AhaI和GapA未乳化疫苗免疫的牙鲆;而在血清,GapA的两种疫苗引起的GapA抗体水平没有变化;但在AhaI乳化疫苗免疫的牙鲆第21天和第35天的血清中检测到高于未免疫对照牙鲆的AhaI抗体水平,AhaI未乳化疫苗免疫牙鲆血清对照组相比没有检测到AhaI抗体水平的变化。


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Galina V. Mukamolova, Obolbek A. Turapov, Konstantin Kazarian, Miroslav Telkov, Arseny S. Kaprelyants, Douglas B. Kell and Michael Young (2002). The rpf gene of Micrococcus luteus encodes an essential secreted growth factor. Molecular Microbiology, 46 (3), 611-621. Sponsorship: BBSRC / Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 00-04-48691)/ WHO Global Programme for Vaccines and Immunization / Wellcome Trust RAE2008


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El cáncer de cuello de útero o cáncer de cérvix es el segundo tumor más frecuente en las mujeres del mundo después del de mama y el quinto de todos los canceres. En España, es el sexto más frecuente, constituyendo el 4,8% de los canceres en la mujer. Este tipo de cáncer es el resultado final de una infección no resuelta por el virus del papiloma humano (VPH). Hoy en día, el VPH representa una de las infecciones de trasmisión sexual más común. El 70-80 % de hombres y mujeres sexualmente activos están o han estado expuestos al VPH. El cambio en la conducta sexual de las mujeres ha llevado a que las infecciones de trasmisión sexual sean ahora más frecuentes que en las generaciones anteriores. Hay un inicio más precoz de las primeras relaciones sexuales y un número más elevado de compañeros sexuales. Estos cambios han hecho aumentar la prevalencia del VPH en los últimos años en las mujeres jóvenes de España. La combinación de estrategias de prevención primaria (vacunación contra el VHP) y secundaria (cribado) permitiría reducir la incidencia y la mortalidad del cáncer de cuello de útero. Existen dos vacunas frente al VPH que son Gardasil ® y Cervarix ®. Al tratarse de dos vacunas nuevas, el éxito de la introducción dependerá de la comprensión apropiada de los riesgos y beneficios de la vacuna para prevenir la infección del VPH. Esto se consigue mediante programas efectivos de educación y formación sobre el VPH.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Cancer is a global problem. Despite the significant advances made in recent years, a definitively effective therapeutic has yet to be developed. Oncolytic virology has fallen back into favour for the treatment of cancer with several viruses and viral vectors currently under investigation including vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), adenovirus vectors and herpes simplex virus (HSV) vectors. Reovirus has an advantage over many viral vectors in that its wild-type form is non-pathogenic and will selectively infect transformed cells, particularly those mutated in the Ras pathway. These advantages make Reovirus an ideal candidate as a safe and non-toxic therapeutic. The aim of the first part of this study was to determine the effect, if any, of Reovirus on cell lines derived from cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. These cancers, particularly those of the oesophagus and stomach, have extremely poor prognoses and little improvement has been seen in survival of these patients in recent years. Reovirus as a single therapy showed promising results in cell lines of oesophageal, gastric and colorectal origin. Further study of partially resistant cell lines using a combination of Reovirus and conventional therapies, either chemotherapy or radiation, showed that a multi-modal approach to therapy is possible with Reovirus and no antagonism between Reovirus and other treatments was observed. The second part of this study focused on investigating a novel use of Reovirus in an in vivo setting. Cancer vaccination or the use of vaccines in cancer therapy is gaining momentum and success has been seen both in a prophylactic approach and a therapeutic approach. A cell-based Reovirus vaccine was used in both these approaches with encouraging success. When used as a prophylactic vaccine tumour development was subsequently inhibited even upon exposure to a tumorigenic dose of cells. The use of the cell-based Reovirus vaccine as a therapeutic for established tumours showed significant delay in tumour growth and a prolongation of survival in all models. This study has proven that Reovirus is an effective therapeutic in a range of cancers and the successful use of a cell-based Reovirus vaccine leads the way for new advancements in cancer immunotherapy.


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The Gastro-Intestinal (GI) tract is a unique region in the body. Our innate immune system retains a fine homeostatic balance between avoiding inappropriate inflammatory responses against the myriad commensal microbes residing in the gut while also remaining active enough to prevent invasive pathogenic attack. The intestinal epithelium represents the frontline of this interface. It has long been known to act as a physical barrier preventing the lumenal bacteria of the gastro-intestinal tract from activating an inflammatory immune response in the immune cells of the underlying mucosa. However, in recent years, an appreciation has grown surrounding the role played by the intestinal epithelium in regulating innate immune responses, both in the prevention of infection and in maintaining a homeostatic environment through modulation of innate immune signalling systems. The aim of this thesis was to identify novel innate immune mechanisms regulating inflammation in the GI tract. To achieve this aim, we chose several aspects of regulatory mechanisms utilised in this region by the innate immune system. We identified several commensal strains of bacteria expressing proteins containing signalling domains used by Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) of the innate immune system. Three such bacterial proteins were studied for their potentially subversive roles in host innate immune signalling as a means of regulating homeostasis in the GI tract. We also examined differential responses to PRR activation depending on their sub-cellular localisation. This was investigated based on reports that apical Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) 9 activation resulted in abrogation of inflammatory responses mediated by other TLRs in Intestinal Epithelial Cells (IECs) such as basolateral TLR4 activation. Using the well-studied invasive intra-cellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes as a model for infection, we also used a PRR siRNA library screening technique to identify novel PRRs used by IECs in both inhibition and activation of inflammatory responses. Many of the PRRs identified in this screen were previously believed not to be expressed in IECs. Furthermore, the same study has led to the identification of the previously uncharacterised TLR10 as a functional inflammatory receptor of IECs. Further analysis revealed a similar role in macrophages where it was shown to respond to intracellular and motile pathogens such as Gram-positive L.monocytogenes and Gram negative Salmonella typhimurium. TLR10 expression in IECs was predominantly intracellular. This is likely in order to avoid inappropriate inflammatory activation through the recognition of commensal microbial antigens on the apical cell surface of IECs. Moreover, these results have revealed a more complex network of innate immune signalling mechanisms involved in both activating and inhibiting inflammatory responses in IECs than was previously believed. This contribution to our understanding of innate immune regulation in this region has several direct and indirect benefits. The identification of several novel PRRs involved in activating and inhibiting inflammation in the GI tract may be used as novel therapeutic targets in the treatment of disease; both for inducing tolerance and reducing inflammation, or indeed, as targets for adjuvant activation in the development of oral vaccines against pathogenic attack.


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Specific anti-polysaccharide antibody deficiency (SPAD) is an immune disorder. Diagnostic criteria have not yet been defined clearly. One hundred and seventy-six children evaluated for recurrent respiratory tract infections were analysed retrospectively. For each subject, specific anti-pneumococcal antibodies had been measured with two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), one overall assay (OA) using the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (23-PPSV) as detecting antigen and the other purified pneumococcal polysaccharide serotypes (serotype-specific assay, SSA) (serotypes 14, 19F and 23F). Antibody levels were measured before (n = 176) and after (n = 93) immunization with the 23-PPSV. Before immunization, low titres were found for 138 of 176 patients (78%) with OA, compared to 20 of 176 patients (11%) with the SSA. We found a significant correlation between OA and SSA results. After immunization, 88% (71 of 81) of the patients considered as responders in the OA test were also responders in the SSA; 93% (71 of 76) of the patients classified as responders according to the SSA were also responders in the OA. SPAD was diagnosed in 8% (seven of 93) of patients on the basis of the absence of response in both tests. Thus, we propose to use OA as a screening test for SPAD before 23-PPSV immunization. After immunization, SSA should be used only in case of a low response in OA. Only the absence of or a very low antibody response detected by both tests should be used as a diagnostic criterion for SPAD.


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We describe here a patient with a clinical and molecular diagnosis of recombinase activating gene 1-deficient (RAG1-deficient) SCID, who produced specific antibodies despite minimal B cell numbers. Memory B cells were detected and antibodies were produced not only against some vaccines and infections, but also against autoantigens. The patient had severely reduced levels of oligoclonal T cells expressing the alphabeta TCR but surprisingly normal numbers of T cells expressing the gammadelta TCR. Analysis at a clonal level and TCR complementarity-determining region-3 spectratyping for gammadelta T cells revealed a diversified oligoclonal repertoire with predominance of cells expressing a gamma4-delta3 TCR. Several gammadelta T cell clones displayed reactivity against CMV-infected cells. These observations are compatible with 2 non-mutually exclusive explanations for the gammadelta T cell predominance: a developmental advantage and infection-triggered, antigen-driven peripheral expansion. The patient carried the homozygous hypomorphic R561H RAG1 mutation leading to reduced V(D)J recombination but lacked all clinical features characteristic of Omenn syndrome. This report describes a new phenotype of RAG deficiency and shows that the ability to form specific antibodies does not exclude the diagnosis of SCID.


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BACKGROUND: Persistent polyclonal B cell lymphocytosis (PPBL) is a rare condition characterized by increased IgM and large excess of B cells with an IgD(+) CD27(+) phenotype. In normal individuals, these cells play a central role in the defense against pneumococcal infection. So far, few studies have characterized humoral immune responses in PPBL patients. We therefore measured IgG directed against S. pneumoniae antigens in a 51 yr-old woman with PPBL before and after vaccination with a pneumococcal 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine. METHODS: Antibodies against pneumococcal antigens were measured first with an overall immunoassay using microplates coated with the 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine. A serotype-specific test was also performed according to the WHO consensus protocol. RESULTS: Despite a large number of IgD(+) CD27(+) cells, our patient had low baseline titers of IgG directed against pneumococcal antigens and did not significantly respond to a 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine against S. pneumoniae. On the contrary, she had good titers of IgG directed against tetanus toxoid. CONCLUSION: IgM(+) IgD(+) CD27(+) cells which accumulate in this patient with typical PPBL patient failed to perform IgG isotype switch after a polysaccharide vaccine. The potential mechanisms and relationships with the main features of PPBL are discussed. Further studies on a larger number of similar patients are needed.


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To evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of a 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-seropositive patients, 80 men and 18 women received 1 dose of the vaccine (Pneumo 23; Pasteur Mérieux MSD, Brussels). The total IgG antibody response against all 23 Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular antigens was measured. Antibody levels were expressed in arbitrary units per microliter, referring to a standard curve. Geometric mean titers of the total IgG capsular antibodies on the day of vaccination and 30-45 days later were compared. The ratios of titers after and before vaccination in patients with > 500, 200-500, and < 200 CD4 lymphocytes/microL were 10, 10, and 12.6, respectively. Nonresponse (ratio < 4) occurred in 17% of patients and was unrelated to CD4 cell count. The vaccine was well tolerated; no serious side effects occurred. In 83% of the patients with HIV infection, the total antipneumococcal IgG level was higher after vaccination.


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Consensus HIV-1 genes can decrease the genetic distances between candidate immunogens and field virus strains. To ensure the functionality and optimal presentation of immunologic epitopes, we generated two group-M consensus env genes that contain variable regions either from a wild-type B/C recombinant virus isolate (CON6) or minimal consensus elements (CON-S) in the V1, V2, V4, and V5 regions. C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice were primed twice with CON6, CON-S, and subtype control (92UG37_A and HXB2/Bal_B) DNA and boosted with recombinant vaccinia virus (rVV). Mean antibody titers against 92UG37_A, 89.6_B, 96ZM651_C, CON6, and CON-S Env protein were determined. Both CON6 and CON-S induced higher mean antibody titers against several of the proteins, as compared with the subtype controls. However, no significant differences were found in mean antibody titers in animals immunized with CON6 or CON-S. Cellular immune responses were measured by using five complete Env overlapping peptide sets: subtype A (92UG37_A), subtype B (MN_B, 89.6_B and SF162_B), and subtype C (Chn19_C). The intensity of the induced cellular responses was measured by using pooled Env peptides; T-cell epitopes were identified by using matrix peptide pools and individual peptides. No significant differences in T-cell immune-response intensities were noted between CON6 and CON-S immunized BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. In BALB/c mice, 10 and eight nonoverlapping T-cell epitopes were identified in CON6 and CON-S, whereas eight epitopes were identified in 92UG37_A and HXB2/BAL_B. In C57BL/6 mice, nine and six nonoverlapping T-cell epitopes were identified after immunization with CON6 and CON-S, respectively, whereas only four and three were identified in 92UG37_A and HXB2/BAL_B, respectively. When combined together from both mouse strains, 18 epitopes were identified. The group M artificial consensus env genes, CON6 and CON-S, were equally immunogenic in breadth and intensity for inducing humoral and cellular immune responses.


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BACKGROUND: A candidate vaccine consisting of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subunit gp120 protein was found previously to be nonprotective in an efficacy trial (Vax004) despite strong antibody responses against the vaccine antigens. Here we assessed the magnitude and breadth of neutralizing antibody responses in Vax004. METHODS: Neutralizing antibodies were measured against highly sensitive (tier 1) and moderately sensitive (tier 2) strains of HIV-1 subtype B in 2 independent assays. Vaccine recipients were stratified by sex, race, and high versus low behavioral risk of HIV-1 acquisition. RESULTS: Most vaccine recipients mounted potent neutralizing antibody responses against HIV-1(MN) and other tier 1 viruses. Occasional weak neutralizing activity was detected against tier 2 viruses. The response against tier 1 and tier 2 viruses was significantly stronger in women than in men. Race and behavioral risk of HIV-1 acquisition had no significant effect on the response. Prior vaccination had little effect on the neutralizing antibody response that arose after infection. CONCLUSIONS: Weak overall neutralizing antibody responses against tier 2 viruses is consistent with a lack of protection in this trial. The magnitude and breadth of neutralization reported here should be useful for identifying improved vaccines.