988 resultados para AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE


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This article is the result of a work of research conducted on the peri-urban interface of Popayan to detect its potential, restrictions and pathologies regarding the urbanization process. The Crucero Puelenje village, taken as a case study, is located in the south of the town center and it is recognized as one of the agricultural pantries of the city.The territory reading was focused on the macro-landscape as a result of the relationship between social groups and their physical and natural environment. Hence, this research process articulated technical and participatory methodologies that allowed determining the socio-cultural, environmental, physical-spatial, economic and political-administrative particularities of the territory with respect to urbanization and local development. Thus, the participatory component with the Crucero Puelenje community, both in the participatory workshops and in the census, gave feedback to the technical component considered as the guiding thread.This research found knowledge applicable to spatial planning and regional development from the study of the socio-environmental and territorial transformations impact caused by the urban sprawl of Popayán, and at the same time, it offered the Crucero Puelenje community the possibility of interpreting its territory and gaining insights about its planning.


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In this chapter we provide a summary description of Colombian Competition Policy with an emphasis on the agricultural sector. Key developments and recent changes in institutional arrangements affecting competition policy, as it applies to the agricultural sector, are highlighted. Illustrative case studies are depicted to show the richness and complexity of policy developments and enforcement. Some general conclusions are drawn from this examination.


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We aim to contribute to the assessment of poverty impacts on the rural sector arising from agricultural policy adjustments in Colombia. For this we use an agriculture specialized static CGE model, jointly (sequentially) with a microsimulation model that allows for effective job relocation. Results indicate that the sectoral impact of the program implemented tends to be small and has considerable variability across crops. They also show that the highest impacts come from the irrigation and land improvements component of the program. Lastly, although it reduces poverty, poverty impacts are small and tend to concentrate in rural households toward the middle of the income distribution ladder.


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Muestra las diferentes maneras que tienen los pintores de relacionarse con el paisaje y cómo lo expresan en sus obras a lo largo de distintas épocas y culturas. Ayuda a interpretar los estilos artísticos y entender el momento histórico en que fueron creados.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Els sistemes aquàtics continental representen un dels ecosistemes més amenaçats a nivell mundial, com a conseqüència de l'ús intensiu quel'home en fa. La conca del Guadiana no està lliure d'aquestes pressions antròpiques. Les grans infraestructures hidràuliques i l'escorrentia provinent de l'agricultura són només exemples dels greus problemes que pateix la conca. Aquests problemes es fan especialment palesos en la zona alta de la conca, on l'escassetat d'aigua no fa més que agreujar el problema.Tot això ha generat la necessitat urgent d'avaluar l'estat de conservació d'aquests ecosistemes aquàtics continentals, poder determinar la mesura i la magnitud de les pertorbacions que els estan afectant i així proposar mesures de gestió destinades a restaurar-ne la integritat ecològica. El principal objectiu que presenta aquest és determinar els patrons de distribució de les comunitats de algals (amb una menció especial en el grup de les diatomees) i de les seves causes en la conca del Guadiana i associades, amb la finalitat d'establir i proposar eines que permetin avaluar l'estat de conservació de les masses d'aigua d'aquestes conques.