990 resultados para welfare sector


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Tourism is one of the most important sectors in the global economy and is considered an efficient tool with which to promote economic growth. The case of Spain¿s economy is well known in this respect; in fact, widespread consensus exists on the part played by tourism in enhancing the industrialisation process in Spain and the part played by foreign currency receipts from tourism in financing the imports of capital goods, which made the expansion of manufacturing possible. This paper aims to assess the real role of foreign currency receipts from tourism in Spain¿s economy from 1960 to the present. The results of Spain¿s experience may well help to guide policy decisions in developing countries in similar circumstances.


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Tourism is one of the most important sectors in the global economy and is considered an efficient tool with which to promote economic growth. The case of Spain¿s economy is well known in this respect; in fact, widespread consensus exists on the part played by tourism in enhancing the industrialisation process in Spain and the part played by foreign currency receipts from tourism in financing the imports of capital goods, which made the expansion of manufacturing possible. This paper aims to assess the real role of foreign currency receipts from tourism in Spain¿s economy from 1960 to the present. The results of Spain¿s experience may well help to guide policy decisions in developing countries in similar circumstances.


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Sixty-one animals with different Halothane genes (homozygous halothane positive, n=34; and homozygous halothane negative, n=27) were fed with three diets (controlgroup, with no supplement; magnesium (Mg) group with 1.28g MgCO3/kg and tryptophan (Trp) group with 5g L-Trp/kg) during the last 5 days before slaughter. Animals were submitted to minimal stress ante mortem conditions. Pig behaviour was recorded at the experimental farm, raceway to the CO2 stunning system and during the stunning period. Corneal reflexes were recorded after stunning as well. There were no differences in feed intake among diets (p>0.05) during the 5 days of treatment. Thehalothane positive (nn) group had lower intake than the halothane negative (NN) group(p<0.01). The behaviour of the pigs in the raceway did not differ (p>0.05) among treatments or halothane genotype. A significant (p<0.001) interaction diet*halothane was found in the time to appear the first retreat attempt during the exposure to the CO2 system. In the nn group, the time of performing the first retreat attempt was later in the Mg (p<0.05) than the Control group. Moreover, in the Mg group, the nn had a later (p<0.05) first retreat attempt than the NN. Thus, Mg supplementation could have a positive effect on welfare of nn pigs. The nn had a lower proportion of animals thatshowed corneal reflexes after stunning than NN, indicating a higher effectiveness of thestunning method in nn pigs. Neither Mg nor Trp affected carcass quality and meat quality parameters, although significant differences were found between genotypes


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The large hadron collider constructed at the European organization for nuclear research, CERN, is the world’s largest single measuring instrument ever built, and also currently the most powerful particle accelerator that exists. The large hadron collider includes six different experiment stations, one of which is called the compact muon solenoid, or the CMS. The main purpose of the CMS is to track and study residue particles from proton-proton collisions. The primary detectors utilized in the CMS are resistive plate chambers (RPCs). To obtain data from these detectors, a link system has been designed. The main idea of the link system is to receive data from the detector front-end electronics in parallel form, and to transmit it onwards in serial form, via an optical fiber. The system is mostly ready and in place. However, a problem has occurred with innermost RPC detectors, located in sector labeled RE1/1; transmission lines for parallel data suffer from signal integrity issues over long distances. As a solution to this, a new version of the link system has been devised, a one that fits in smaller space and can be located within the CMS, closer to the detectors. This RE1/1 link system has been so far completed only partially, with just the mechanical design and casing being done. In this thesis, link system electronics for RE1/1 sector has been designed, by modifying the existing link system concept to better meet the requirements of the RE1/1 sector. In addition to completion of the prototype of the RE1/1 link system electronics, some testing for the system has also been done, to ensure functionality of the design.


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El éxito del comercio electrónico, el manejo de nuevas plataformas para llevar a cabo campañas de marketing online, la aparición de influenciadores como los blogs y las redes sociales o los nuevos formatos de publicidad de moda en la red son algunos de los puntos que se analizarán en esta disertación.


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En aquesta investigació avaluem principalment la relació que hi ha entre les diferents empreses turístiques de la comarca del Pla d’Urgell. D’aquest estudi extraurem diferents connotacions sociològiques per tal d’establir quin paper té cadascun dels agents (empreses) dins d’una xarxa relacional, i quin grau d’implicació i rellevància assoleixen


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Entenent el context global en el que estem amb les pertorbacions com són el pic del petroli o el canvi climàtic, el projecte ha treballa el vector alimentació de Granollers des de la perspectiva de les ciutats en Transició. Primer per entendre les iniciatives en Transició i com s'implementen s'ha elaborat unes entrevistes semiestrucutrades a 4 iniciatives en Transició. S'ha observat que totes les iniciatives depenen dels contextos objectius en que estant tot i que busquen la resiliència. Per treballar el vector alimentació s'ha portat a terme un model participatiu on s'han extret un conjunt de propostes i preocupacions per part d'actors relacionats amb el sistema alimentari de Granollers. Aquest treball serveix com una eina per entendre més bé les iniciatives en Transició i per començar a treballar el vector alimentació a partir de les conclusions extretes del model participatiu.


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The private sector plays an increasing and relevant role in highway funding and management. For that reason, the regulation designed and enforced by public authorities becomes even more important for the social welfare results generated by this process. In this study, we analyze the current trends in highway funding and management paying special attention on the recent process of privatization and its motivations. Since public ownership and regulation are substitutes for government intervention, we check the hypothesis that highways privatization induces more strict regulation. Indeed, we observe that as the private sector increases its size, toll regulation becomes more detailed.


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Si ens fixem en la recerca bàsica, Catalunya és, sens dubte, líder a l'Estat. És el resultat d'una encertada tasca encetada a principi del decenni passat i que, malgrat les vicissituds pressupostàries negatives, s'ha mantingut i ha donat fruits. Tanmateix, les coses no són iguals quan ens referim al percentatge del PIB invertit pel conjunt de la societat catalana. Segons les darreres dades publicades per l'INE, referides al 2009, Catalunya hi va destinar l'1,68% del PIB regional. A una distància considerable trobem Navarra (2,13%), el País Basc (2,06%) i la Comunitat de Madrid (2,06%).


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Objecte: El present treball reflecteix l'anàlisi econòmica financera de les grans indústries elaboradores de vi a Catalunya en el període 2008-2012. S'ha considerat la indústria vinícola per ser un sector estratègic dintre de l'agroalimentació catalana, considerada primer clúster agroalimentari d'Europa segons dades de l'observatori de clústers de l'Stockholm School of Economics. L'estudi posiciona aquestes indústries dintre del sector agroalimentari català i espanyol i presenta els principals indicadors econòmics i financers per tal de diagnosticar la salut d'aquestes empreses en el període 2008-2012 mitjançant una anàlisi a curt i llarg termini, una anàlisi de resultats i una anàlisi dels canvis patrimonials i dels fluxos d'efectiu de les empreses vinícoles. Disseny/metodologia: Les dades utilitzades provenen dels estats comptables de les indústries vinícoles en el període 2008-2012, en concret, es recull una mostra d'empreses catalanes que elaboren vi amb uns ingressos d'explotació mínims de 5.700.000 € i uns actius mínims de 2.850.000 €, que presenten comptes anuals normals seguint el que disposa el Pla General Comptable en aquest període, i que majoritàriament són grans empreses sobre les que es porta a terme l'anàlisi econòmic financer mitjançant l'estadística descriptiva oportuna arribant a uns resultats i conclusions. Aportacions i resultats: L'estudi permet assenyalar que les empreses vinícoles en aquest període gaudeixen d'una bona salut econòmica i financera, amb un reduït nombre d'empreses que concentren gran part de les vendes. Tot i que les vendes hanaugmentat, s'experimenta una reducció dels resultats econòmics per l'augment de les despeses d'explotació en aquest període. Per tant, no gaudeixen d'una gestió eficient de les despeses. Limitacions: Seria convenient estendre la mostra a petites empreses vinícoles i arribar fins a dades actuals per confirmar els canvis de tendència en l'anàlisi econòmica i financera. Implicacions pràctiques: Permet valorar la projecció d'aquest sector en els últims anys a Catalunya, per prendre les oportunes decisions econòmiques al respecte. Implicacions socials: Els resultats permeten posar de manifest canvis que cal fer en el sector, per tal de que les empreses segueixin ben posicionades. Valor afegit: Per les associacions, cooperatives i empreses vinícoles en general, dóna informacions econòmiques i financeres rellevants de la salut empresarial de les empreses del vi en aquest difícil període, amb indicacions a seguir per assolir els reptes de futur.


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The article examines public-private sector wage differentials in Spain using microdata from the Structure of Earnings Survey (Encuesta de Estructura Salarial). When applying various decomposition techniques, we find that it is important to distinguish by gender and type of contract. Our results also highlight the presence of a positive wage premium for public sector workers that can be partially explained by their better endowment of characteristics, in particular by the characteristics of the establishment where they work. The wage premium is greater for female and fixed-term employees and falls across the wage distribution, being negative for more highly skilled workers.


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In the last few years, the Ukrainian investment market has constantly shown strong performance and significant growth. This is primarily due to the investment attractiveness of Ukraine. From the perspective of investments in energy sector, Ukraine can be described as a country providing significant number of opportunities to multiply invested funds. But there are numbers of risks which hamper large investments. The work objective was to discover opportunities in small-scale hydropower and wind power sectors of Ukraine and more importantly to prove economic expediency of such investments. Thesis covers major of issues, concerning entering the Ukrainian power market as a foreign investor. It provides basic information about the structure of power market, the state of renewables sector in Ukraine, development of power sector in the regions, functioning of Wholesale Electricity Market, formation of electricity prices, possibilities for implementing joint Implementation mechanism, while the most attention, nevertheless, is concentrated on the opportunities in small-scale hydro and wind power sectors. Theoretical part of the study disclosed that Crimea peninsula has perfect wind conditions and could be a prospective area for wind project development. Investment analysis revealed that project profits will be excellent if green tariff for renewable energy is adopted. By the moment uncertainties about green law adoption bring additional risk to the projects and complicate any investment decision.