840 resultados para marketing communication and brand story


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Sodium and potassium are the common alkalis present in fly ash. Excessive amounts of fly ash alkalis can cause efflorescence problems in concrete products and raise concern about the effectiveness of the fly ash to mitigate alkali-silica reaction (ASR). The available alkali test, which is commonly used to measure fly ash alkali, takes approximately 35 days for execution and reporting. Hence, in many instances the fly ash has already been incorporated into concrete before the test results are available. This complicates the job of the fly ash marketing agencies and it leads to disputes with fly ash users who often are concerned with accepting projects that contain materials that fail to meet specification limits. The research project consisted of a lab study and a field study. The lab study focused on the available alkali test and how fly ash alkali content impacts common performance tests (mortar-bar expansion tests). Twenty-one fly ash samples were evaluated during the testing. The field study focused on the inspection and testing of selected, well documented pavement sites that contained moderately reactive fine aggregate and high-alkali fly ash. A total of nine pavement sites were evaluated. Two of the sites were control sites that did not contain fly ash. The results of the lab study indicated that the available alkali test is prone to experimental errors that cause poor agreement between testing labs. A strong (linear) relationship was observed between available alkali content and total alkali content of Class C fly ash. This relationship can be used to provide a quicker, more precise method of estimating the available alkali content. The results of the field study failed to link the use of high-alkali fly ash with the occurrence of ASR in the various concrete sites. Petrographic examination of the pavement cores indicated that Wayland sand is an ASR-sensitive aggregate. This was in good agreement with Iowa DOT field service records. It was recommended that preventative measures should be used when this source of sand is used in concrete mixtures.


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Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social interaction and social communication, as well as by the presence of repetitive and stereotyped behaviors and interests. Brodmann areas 44 and 45 in the inferior frontal cortex, which are involved in language processing, imitation function, and sociality processing networks, have been implicated in this complex disorder. Using a stereologic approach, this study aims to explore the presence of neuropathological differences in areas 44 and 45 in patients with autism compared to age- and hemisphere-matched controls. Based on previous evidence in the fusiform gyrus, we expected to find a decrease in the number and size of pyramidal neurons as well as an increase in volume of layers III, V, and VI in patients with autism. We observed significantly smaller pyramidal neurons in patients with autism compared to controls, although there was no difference in pyramidal neuron numbers or layer volumes. The reduced pyramidal neuron size suggests that a certain degree of dysfunction of areas 44 and 45 plays a role in the pathology of autism. Our results also support previous studies that have shown specific cellular neuropathology in autism with regionally specific reduction in neuron size, and provide further evidence for the possible involvement of the mirror neuron system, as well as impairment of neuronal networks relevant to communication and social behaviors, in this disorder.


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The Iowa Disease Surveillance System (IDSS) was developed by the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) to streamline and enhance communication and collaboration between laboratory, hospital, and public health (local and state) personnel related to infectious disease surveillance and reporting (as required by Iowa Code 139A) throughout Iowa. IDSS is a tool that speeds communication regarding cases of reportable infectious disease to allow public health to respond sooner and reduce costs associated with disease reporting and surveillance.


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An animal's survival strongly depends on its ability to maintain homeostasis in response to the changing quality of its external and internal environment. This is achieved through intracellular and intercellular communication within and among different tissues. One of the organ systems that plays a major role in this communication and the maintenance of homeostasis is the nervous system. Here we highlight different aspects of the neuronal inputs and outputs of pathways that affect aging and longevity. Accordingly, we discuss how sensory inputs influence homeostasis and lifespan through the modulation of different types of neuronal signals, which reflects the complexity of the environmental cues that affect physiology. We also describe feedback, compensatory, and feed-forward mechanisms in these longevity-modulating pathways that are necessary for homeostasis. Finally, we consider the temporal requirements for these neuronal processes and the potential role of natural genetic variation in shaping the neurobiology of aging.


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Palveluiden tuotteistaminen on käytännössä osoittautunut haasteelliseksi teknillisellä suunnittelu- ja konsultointialalla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli perehtyä tuotteistamiseen ja tuottaa tietoa sekä ohjeistusta palveluiden tuotteistamisen tukemiseksi teknisellä suunnittelu- ja konsultointialalla. Palveluiden tuotteistaminen teknisellä suunnittelu- ja konsultointialalla on keskittynyt sisäisten työmenetelmien ja prosessien sekä ohjelmistojen kehittämiseen. Varsinaisia palvelupaketteja on kehitetty hyvin vähän ja se on keskittynyt enemmän tuki- ja lisäpalveluiden tuotteistamiseen kuin varsinaisen ydinosaamisen tuotteistamiseen. Lähtökohtaisesti tärkeäätuotteistuksessa on, että tuotteistus tehdään asiakastarpeen ohjaamana. Merkittäviä mahdollisuuksia yrityksille tuo palvelupakettien modulointi, uusien tuki- ja lisäpalveluiden tuotteistaminen, uusien palveluiden kehittäminen yhdessä muiden toimialojen yritysten kanssa sekä markkinointiviestinnän parantaminen.


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Tämän tutkielman päätavoitteena oli tarkastella tapahtumamarkkinoinnin roolia business-to-business asiakassuhteiden hoitamisessa. Tutkielma jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Teoriaosan lähdeaineistona käytettiin keskeisiä suhdemarkkinoinnin, markkinointiviestinnän ja tapahtumamarkkinoinnin teoksia sekä artikkeleja. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin suorittamalla kyselytutkimus valitulle harkintaotokselle sekä haastattelemalla tarkemmin kolmen yrityksen edustajaa. Teoriaosassa nousi esiin, että erityisesti tapahtuman valinta on kriittinen tekijä onnistumisen kannalta. Tapahtumamarkkinointi tarvitsee myös tuekseen muuta viestintää. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella tapahtumamarkkinoinnin rooli asiakassuhteiden hoitamisessa on melko pieni, mutta silti hyvin tärkeä. Tapahtumamarkkinointia sovelletaan pääosin parhaimmille ja suurimmille yritysasiakkaille. Tulevaisuudessa tapahtumien osuus suhdemarkkinoinnissa tulee tulosten mukaan kasvamaan.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka yrityksen Compeitive Intelligence (CI) yksikön palvelustrategia pitäisi rakentaa ja mitä tekijöitä ottaa huomioon palvelustrategian rakentamisessa, jotta se parhaiten tukisi CI-yksikön integrointia muuhun organisaatioon. Tutkimus suoritettiin laadullisena case tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin kirjallisuudesta, artikkeleista sekä suorittamalla teemahaastatteluja. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena pohjana käytettiin näkemyksiä markkina-, kilpailu- ja liiketoimintatiedosta, palveluiden markkinoinnista sekä tietojohtamisesta. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kymmenen CI-yksikön asiakasta kohdeyrityksestä. Niin teorialähteiden kuin kohdeyrityksessä kerätyn materiaalin pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että palvelustrategiaa suunniteltaessa oleellisia elementtejä, joilla voidaan parantaa CI:n integrointia muuhun organisaatioon, ovat palvelu/tuote, jakelu sekä viestintä ja vuorovaikutus. Palvelustrategian rakentamisessa erityisessä ja keskeisessä asemassa on vuorovaikutus. Vuorovaikutuksen merkitys korostuu, koska sillä on vaikutusta palvelustrategian muihin elementteihin, kuten tiedon laatuun ja proaktiiviseen tiedon jakeluun.


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Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli ymmärtää vahvojen brändien ja brändipääoman rakentamisprosessia, painottaen erityisesti sponsoroinnin roolia tässä prosessissa. Tutkimus suoritettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jossa käytettiintapaustutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin suurimmista online artikkelitietokannoista sekä kolmesta henkilökohtaisesta haastattelusta case-yrityksen edustajien kanssa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisen perustan muodosti brändipääoma-käsite ja sen osa-alueet, näiden liittyminen vahvoihin brändeihin ja brändien rakentamiseen, sekä sponsoroinnin strateginen käyttö brändien rakentamisessa. Lisäksi tutkimuksen empiirinen perusta arvio ja testasi näitä oletuksia ja aikaisemmin käsiteltyjä teorioita case-brändi Battery energiajuoman valossa. Tutkimus osoitti, että nykypäivänä kovan kilpailun markkinointiympäristössä, sponsorointi edustaa vaihtoehtoista tapaa rakentaa vahvoja, omalaatuisia ja suotuisia brändejä, joilla on korkea brändipääoma. Sponsoroinnista on tullut yhä tärkeämpi kommunikointiväline brändien rakentamisessa ja erityisesti siellä missä perinteiset menetelmät ovat muuttumassa tehottomiksi. Empiirisessä osassa selvisi, että sponsorointia on käytetty menestyksekkäästi strategisena keinona vahvan ja omalaatuisen Battery brändin ja sen korkean brändipääoman rakentamisessa.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kehittää SuomenKirjurituotteen tuottaman sähköisessä muodossa olevan Liikekirjuri-tietopalvelun markkinointia. Käyttäjät ovat taloushallinnon ammattilaisia, pääasiassa tilitoimistoja. Tavoitteeseen pyrittiin selvitämällä asiakasyrityksille tärkeimpiä tuotteen ominaisuuksia sekä niitä tekijöitä, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet nykyisten asiakkaiden hankintapäätökseen. Lisäksi pyrittiin selvittämään, miten tehokkaana asiakkaat ovat kokeneet markkinointiviestinnän. On myös haluttu selvittää,kuinka tyytyväisiä asiakkaat ovat palveluun ja sen ominaisuuksiin. Tutkielma koostuu teoria- ja empiriaosuuksista. Teoriaosassa esitellään innovaation diffuusiota, informaatiopalveluiden taloustiedettä sekä yritysmarkkinointia. Empiirisen osuuden muodostaa kvantitatiivinen tutkimus, joka suoritettiin kirjekyselynä. Tutkimuksen perusteella päädyttiin seuraaviin tuloksiin ja suosituksiin: Myyntityön tulisi olla aktiivisempaa. Markkinoinnissa on hyväkorostaa suhteelliseen hyötyyn lukeutuvia ominaisuuksia. Referenssien käyttöä tulisi tehostaa. Havaittiin myös, että nykyiset asiakkaat ovat olleet erittäin tyytyväisiä ohjelmistoon.


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Finnish food producers' trade with Russia has experienced profound changes since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Simultaneously, the distribution systems of foodstuffs have changed remarkably. This study sheds some light into these changes and analyses the current situation in distribution systems of foodstuffs in Russia. In addition, the study discusses the possibilities of Finnish food producers to get more of their products to the shelves of Russian food retail stores. Before the 1998 financial crisis, the import of foreign foodstuffs was booming in Russia due to the overvalued rouble. As a result of the financial crisis, food import collapsed. The export of Finnish foodstuffs to Russia has been slowly recovering during the past few years, but in the most important product categories the pre-crisis levels have so far not been reached and maybe will not be reached. In certain product categories the growth has been only marginal. It seems that starting localproduction will become increasingly important in the future. This is further encouraged by the fact that Russian consumers favour domestic food products. Russian consumers are very price conscious and demand quality in food products. The perceived price-quality ratio is an important criterion in the purchase decision.The majority of foodstuff retail is still conducted via unorganised forms of trade (e.g. kiosks and marketplaces) but modern retail chains are developing at a fast pace in Russia. They are also expected to dominate the retail trade in foodstuffs over the unorganised forms of trade in the future. This will change the distribution systems as well. The retail chains are trying to shorten the distribution chain, similarly to what has been seen in the Western countries. This together with the strengthening of retail chains is likely to shrink the role of wholesalers, as the chains increasingly want to work directly with the producers. Many large retail chains are acquiring or have already acquired a distribution centre or centres in order to boost efficiency and control the flow of products. The strengthening of the retail chains also gives them power in negotiations, which the producers and distributors have to adjust to. For example store entry fees and retail chains' own private label products pose challenges to the food producers. In the food production sector the competition is fierce, as large Russianand foreign producers want to ensure their piece of the market. The largest producers utilise their size: they invest in big marketing campaigns and are willing to pay high entry fees to retail chains in order to secure a place on the store shelves and to build a strong brand in Russia. This complicates the situation from the viewpoint of small producers. Currently, the most popular type of distribution system among the interviewed Finnish food producers is based on a network of local distributors. There is, however, a strong consensus on the importanceof starting local production in order to be a serious actor in Russia in the future. Factors that hinder the starting of local production include the lack of local infrastructure and qualified staff, and the low risk tolerance of Finnish firms. Major barriers for entry in Russia are the actions of authorities, fierce competition, fragmented market and Finnish producers' heavy production costs. The suggested strategies for increasing the market share include focusing geographically or segment-wise, introducing new products, starting local production, andcooperation between Finnish producers. Smallness was one reason why Finnish producers had to cut down their operations in Russia due to the 1998 crisis. Smaller producers had fewer resources to tolerate losses during the period of crisis. Smallness is reflected also on trade negotiations with retail chains and distributors. It makes it harder to cope with the store entry fees and to differentiatefrom the mass of products propped up by expensive advertising. Finally, it makes it harder for Finnish producers to start or expand local production, as it is more difficult for a small producer to get financing and to tolerate the increased risks. Compensating for the smallness might become the crucial factor determining the future success of Finnish food producers in the Russian market.


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VALOSADE (Value Added Logistics in Supply and Demand Chains) is the research project of Anita Lukka's VALORE (Value Added Logistics Research) research team inLappeenranta University of Technology. VALOSADE is included in ELO (Ebusiness logistics) technology program of Tekes (Finnish Technology Agency). SMILE (SME-sector, Internet applications and Logistical Efficiency) is one of four subprojects of VALOSADE. SMILE research focuses on case network that is composed of small and medium sized mechanical maintenance service providers and global wood processing customers. Basic principle of SMILE study is communication and ebusiness insupply and demand network. This first phase of research concentrates on creating backgrounds for SMILE study and for ebusiness solutions of maintenance case network. The focus is on general trends of ebusiness in supply chains and networksof different industries; total ebusiness system architecture of company networks; ebusiness strategy of company network; information value chain; different factors, which influence on ebusiness solution of company network; and the correlation between ebusiness and competitive advantage. Literature, interviews and benchmarking were used as research methods in this qualitative case study. Networks and end-to-end supply chains are the organizational structures, which can add value for end customer. Information is one of the key factors in these decentralized structures. Because of decentralization of business, information is produced and used in different companies and in different information systems. Information refinement services are needed to manage information flows in company networksbetween different systems. Furthermore, some new solutions like network information systems are utilised in optimising network performance and in standardizingnetwork common processes. Some cases have however indicated, that utilization of ebusiness in decentralized business model is not always a necessity, but value-add of ICT must be defined case-specifically. In the theory part of report, different ebusiness and architecture models are introduced. These models are compared to empirical case data in research results. The biggest difference between theory and empirical data is that models are mainly developed for large-scale companies - not for SMEs. This is due to that implemented network ebusiness solutions are mainly large company centered. Genuine SME network centred ebusiness models are quite rare, and the study in that area has been few in number. Business relationships between customer and their SME suppliers are nowadays concentrated more on collaborative tactical and strategic initiatives besides transaction based operational initiatives. However, ebusiness systems are further mainly based on exchange of operational transactional data. Collaborative ebusiness solutions are in planning or pilot phase in most case companies. Furthermore, many ebusiness solutions are nowadays between two participants, but network and end-to-end supply chain transparency and information systems are quite rare. Transaction volumes, data formats, the types of exchanged information, information criticality,type and duration of business relationship, internal information systems of partners, processes and operation models (e.g. different ordering models) differ among network companies, and furthermore companies are at different stages on networking and ebusiness readiness. Because of former factors, different customer-supplier combinations in network must utilise totally different ebusiness architectures, technologies, systems and standards.


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VVALOSADE is a research project of professor Anita Lukka's VALORE research team in the Lappeenranta University of Technology. The VALOSADE includes the ELO technology program of Tekes. SMILE is one of four subprojects of the VALOSADE. The SMILE study focuses on the case of the company network that is composed of small and micro-sized mechanical maintenance service providers and forest industry as large-scale customers. The basic principle of the SMILE study is the communication and ebusiness in supply and demand networks. The aim of the study is to develop ebusiness strategy, ebusiness model and e-processes among the SME local service providers, and onthe other hand, between the local service provider network and the forest industry customers in a maintenance and operations service business. A literature review, interviews and benchmarking are used as research methods in this qualitative case study. The first SMILE report, 'Ebusiness between Global Company and Its Local SME Supplier Network', concentrated on creating background for the SMILE study by studying general trends of ebusiness in supply chains and networks of different industries. This second phase of the study concentrates on case network background, such as business relationships, information systems and business objectives; core processes in maintenance and operations service network; development needs in communication among the network participants; and ICT solutions to respond needs in changing environment. In the theory part of the report, different ebusiness models and frameworks are introduced. Those models and frameworks are compared to empirical case data. From that analysis of the empirical data, therecommendations for the development of the network information system are derived. In process industry such as the forest industry, it is crucial to achieve a high level of operational efficiency and reliability, which sets up great requirements for maintenance and operations. Therefore, partnerships or strategic alliances are needed between the network participants. In partnerships and alliances, deep communication is important, and therefore the information systems in the network also are critical. Communication, coordination and collaboration will increase in the case network in the future, because network resources must be optimised to improve competitive capability of the forest industry customers and theefficiency of their service providers. At present, ebusiness systems are not usual in this maintenance network. A network information system among the forest industry customers and their local service providers actually is the only genuinenetwork information system in this total network. However, the utilisation of that system has been quite insignificant. The current system does not add value enough either to the customers or to the local service providers. At present, thenetwork information system is the infomediary that share static information forthe network partners. The network information system should be the transaction intermediary, which integrates internal processes of the network companies; the network information system, which provides common standardised processes for thelocal service providers; and the infomediary, which share static and dynamic information on right time, on right partner, on right costs, on right format and on right quality. This study provides recommendations how to develop this system in the future to add value to the network companies. Ebusiness scenarios, vision, objectives, strategies, application architecture, ebusiness model, core processes and development strategy must be considered when the network information system will be developed in the next development step. The core processes in the case network are demand/capacity management, customer/supplier relationship management, service delivery management, knowledge management and cash flow management. Most benefits from ebusiness solutions come from the electrifying of operational level processes, such as service delivery management and cash flow management.


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The past few decades have seen a considerable increase in the number of parallel and distributed systems. With the development of more complex applications, the need for more powerful systems has emerged and various parallel and distributed environments have been designed and implemented. Each of the environments, including hardware and software, has unique strengths and weaknesses. There is no single parallel environment that can be identified as the best environment for all applications with respect to hardware and software properties. The main goal of this thesis is to provide a novel way of performing data-parallel computation in parallel and distributed environments by utilizing the best characteristics of difference aspects of parallel computing. For the purpose of this thesis, three aspects of parallel computing were identified and studied. First, three parallel environments (shared memory, distributed memory, and a network of workstations) are evaluated to quantify theirsuitability for different parallel applications. Due to the parallel and distributed nature of the environments, networks connecting the processors in these environments were investigated with respect to their performance characteristics. Second, scheduling algorithms are studied in order to make them more efficient and effective. A concept of application-specific information scheduling is introduced. The application- specific information is data about the workload extractedfrom an application, which is provided to a scheduling algorithm. Three scheduling algorithms are enhanced to utilize the application-specific information to further refine their scheduling properties. A more accurate description of the workload is especially important in cases where the workunits are heterogeneous and the parallel environment is heterogeneous and/or non-dedicated. The results obtained show that the additional information regarding the workload has a positive impact on the performance of applications. Third, a programming paradigm for networks of symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) workstations is introduced. The MPIT programming paradigm incorporates the Message Passing Interface (MPI) with threads to provide a methodology to write parallel applications that efficiently utilize the available resources and minimize the overhead. The MPIT allows for communication and computation to overlap by deploying a dedicated thread for communication. Furthermore, the programming paradigm implements an application-specific scheduling algorithm. The scheduling algorithm is executed by the communication thread. Thus, the scheduling does not affect the execution of the parallel application. Performance results achieved from the MPIT show that considerable improvements over conventional MPI applications are achieved.


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The objective of the dissertation is to increase understanding and knowledge in the field where group decision support system (GDSS) and technology selection research overlap in the strategic sense. The purpose is to develop pragmatic, unique and competent management practices and processes for strategic technology assessment and selection from the whole company's point of view. The combination of the GDSS and technology selection is approached from the points of view of the core competence concept, the lead user -method, and different technology types. In this research the aim is to find out how the GDSS contributes to the technology selection process, what aspects should be considered when selecting technologies to be developed or acquired, and what advantages and restrictions the GDSS has in the selection processes. These research objectives are discussed on the basis of experiences and findings in real life selection meetings. The research has been mainly carried outwith constructive, case study research methods. The study contributes novel ideas to the present knowledge and prior literature on the GDSS and technology selection arena. Academic and pragmatic research has been conducted in four areas: 1) the potential benefits of the group support system with the lead user -method,where the need assessment process is positioned as information gathering for the selection of wireless technology development projects; 2) integrated technology selection and core competencies management processes both in theory and in practice; 3) potential benefits of the group decision support system in the technology selection processes of different technology types; and 4) linkages between technology selection and R&D project selection in innovative product development networks. New type of knowledge and understanding has been created on the practical utilization of the GDSS in technology selection decisions. The study demonstrates that technology selection requires close cooperation between differentdepartments, functions, and strategic business units in order to gather the best knowledge for the decision making. The GDSS is proved to be an effective way to promote communication and co-operation between the selectors. The constructs developed in this study have been tested in many industry fields, for example in information and communication, forest, telecommunication, metal, software, and miscellaneous industries, as well as in non-profit organizations. The pragmatic results in these organizations are some of the most relevant proofs that confirm the scientific contribution of the study, according to the principles of the constructive research approach.


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Työn tavoitteena oli uudistaa Rautaruukki Steelin terästuotteiden hinnasto päätuotteiden osalta. Rautaruukki Steelin päätuotteita ovat kuuma- ja kylmävalssatut, kuumasinkityt ja maalipinnoitetut Raahen ja Hämeenlinnan tehtaiden tuottamat terästuotteet. Ensin selvitettiin tuotantohyödykkeiden hinnoittelua ja eri hinnoittelumenetelmiä kirjallisuuden avulla. Tämän jälkeen selvitettiin hinnaston nykytilaa ja uudistetun hinnaston tavoitteita. Hinnaston uudistamisessa käytettiin apuna kilpailijaseurantaa kahden tärkeimmän kilpailijan osalta, paperiteollisuuden benchmarkingia sekä myyntihenkilöstön ja asiakkaiden haastatteluja. Lopuksi perehdyttiin tuotanto- ja kustannusrakenteeseen. Hinnaston uudistamisen taustalla ovat yrityksen strategia- ja teräsmarkkinoiden muutokset. Teräksen hinnoittelu voi olla nyt vapaampaa ja harmonisoiduista hinnastorakenteista ja yhtenevistä perushintaan perustuvista hinnoista voidaan siirtyä kohti Rautaruukin omia tuotanto- ja kustannusrakenteita vastaavaan hinnoitteluun. Hinnaston uudistuksella pyritään myös läpinäkyvyyden ja vertailtavuuden häivyttämiseen. Lisäksi taustalla on brandituotteiden aseman vahvistaminen ja kannattavuuden nostaminen. Perushintapohjaisesta hinnoittelusta kokonaan luopuminen kaatui suurimmaksi osaksi myyntihenkilöstön vastustukseen, jonka vuoksi hinnasto jaettiin kahteen osaan: standardituote- ja brandituotehinnastoihin. Standardituotteiden hinnoittelussa pitäydyttiin nykyisen kaltaisessa kilpailijasuuntautuneessa hinnoittelussa, kun taas brandituotteiden hinnoittelussa sovellettiin markkinalähtöistä efektiivihinnoittelua.