928 resultados para italiano, immigrati, L2


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As part of a long-term project aimed at designing classroom interventions to motivate language learners, we have searched for a motivation model that could serve as a theoretical basis for the methodological applications. We have found that none of the existing models we considered were entirely adequate for our purpose for three reasons: (1) they did not provide a sufficiently comprehensive and detailed summary of all the relevant motivational influences on classroom behaviour; (2) they tended to focus on how and why people choose certain courses of action, while ignoring or playing down the importance of motivational sources of executing goal-directed behaviour; and (3) they did not do justice to the fact that motivation is not static but dynamically evolving and changing in time, making it necessary for motivation constructs to contain a featured temporal axis. Consequently, partly inspired by Heckhausen and Kuhl's 'Action Control Theory', we have developed a new 'Process Model of L2 Motivation', which is intended both to account for the dynamics of motivational change in time and to synthesise many of the most important motivational conceptualisations to date. In this paper we describe the main components of this model, also listing a number of its limitations which need to be resolved in future research.


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This thesis focused on medical students’ language learning strategies for patient encounters. The research questions concerned the types of learning strategies that medical students use and the differences between the preclinical students and the clinical students, two groups who have had varying amounts of experience with patients. Additionally, strategy use was examined through activity systems to gain information on the context of language learning strategy use in order to learn language for patient encounters. In total, 130 first-year medical students (preclinical) and 39 fifth-year medical students (clinical) participated in the study by filling in a questionnaire on language learning strategies. In addition, two students were interviewed in order to create activity systems for the medical students at different stages of their studies. The study utilised both quantitative and qualitative research methods; the analysis of the results relies on Oxford’s Strategic Self-Regulation Model in the quantitative part and on activity theory in the qualitative part. The theoretical sections of the study introduced earlier research and theories regarding English for specific purposes, language learning strategies and activity theory. The results indicated that the medical students use affective, sociocultural-interactive and metasociocultural-interactive strategies often and avoid using negative strategies, which hinder language learning or cease communication altogether. Slight differences between the preclinical and clinical students were found, as clinical students appear to use affective and metasociocultural-interactive strategies more frequently compared to the preclinical students. The activity systems of the two students interviewed were rather similar. The students were at different stages of their studies, but their opinions were very similar. Both reported the object of learning to be mutual understanding between the patient and the doctor, which in part explains the preference for strategies that support communication and interaction. The results indicate that the nature of patient encounters affects the strategy use of the medical students at least to some extent.


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Il modulo (CAMP-BIOL) del programma nazionale Italiano per la raccolta dei dati alieutici, in applicazione della normativa prevista dai regolamenti comunitari n°1534/2000 e 1639/2001, si propone di campionare pesci, molluschi e crostacei sfruttati dalla pesca commerciale con l’obiettivo di acquisire informazioni riguardanti le caratteristiche biologiche del pescato.


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Il modulo (CAMP-BIOL) del programma nazionale Italiano (PNI), per la raccolta di dati alieutici, in applicazione della normativa prevista dai regolamenti comunitari n°1534/2000 e 1639/2001, ha l’obiettivo di studiare pesci, molluschi e crostacei sbarcati dalla pesca commerciale per acquisire informazioni riguardanti le caratteristiche biologiche del pescato. Tali informazioni, come lo scorso anno, riguardano la composizione in lunghezza e/o età del pescato italiano per le principali risorse da pesca (piccoli pelagici, grandi pelagici e demersali) e per le diverse tipologie di pesca che costituiscono la flotta peschereccia italiana (strascico, circuizione e attrezzi fissi).


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Nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la raccolta dati alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti CE Reg. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, il modulo H “Campionamento biologico delle catture” programma CAMPBIOL si propone di campionare pesci, molluschi e crostacei provenienti dagli sbarcati commerciali, al fine di conoscere come agisce l’impatto ed il prelievo dei diversi segmenti e dei diversi attrezzi della flotta sulla struttura di lunghezza e demografica delle principali risorse da pesca.


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Il campionamento biologico delle catture/sbarchi commerciali, modulo H, (Camp-Biol Risorse Demersali), nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la Raccolta Dati Alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti ex Reg CE. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, si propone di campionare pesci, molluschi e crostacei, provenienti dalle catture/sbarchi commerciali, al fine di conoscere il prelievo e l’impatto dei diversi segmenti e dei diversi sistemi di pesca della flotta sulle principali specie commerciali, in termini di struttura di lunghezza ed età delle risorse.


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Il campionamento biologico delle catture/sbarchi commerciali, modulo H, (Camp-Biol), nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la Raccolta Dati Alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti ex Reg CE. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, si propone di campionare pesci, molluschi e crostacei, provenienti dalle catture/sbarchi commerciali, al fine di conoscere il prelievo e l’impatto dei diversi segmenti e dei diversi sistemi di pesca della flotta sulle principali specie commerciali, in termini di struttura di lunghezza ed età delle risorse.


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Il campionamento biologico delle catture/sbarchi commerciali, modulo H, (Camp-Biol), nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la Raccolta Dati Alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti ex Reg CE. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, si propone di campionare pesci, molluschi e crostacei, provenienti dalle catture/sbarchi commerciali, al fine di conoscere il prelievo e l’impatto dei diversi segmenti e dei diversi sistemi di pesca della flotta sulle principali specie commerciali, in termini di struttura di lunghezza ed età delle risorse.


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Nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la raccolta dati alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti CE Reg. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, il modulo I “Altri campionamenti biologici”, ha l’obiettivo di acquisire informazioni riguardanti i principali parametri biologici del pescato commerciale. Più precisamente, tali informazioni riguardano la relazione lunghezza-peso; la crescita e la relazione lunghezza-maturità.


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Nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la raccolta dati alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti CE Reg. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, il Modulo I “Altri campionamenti biologici”, ha l’obiettivo di acquisire informazioni riguardanti i principali parametri biologici del pescato commerciale. Più precisamente, tali informazioni riguardano la relazione lunghezza-peso, il rapporto sessi complessivo e per classi di lunghezza, la crescita e la relazione lunghezza-maturità.


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This dissertation investigates the acquisition of oblique relative clauses in L2 Spanish by English and Moroccan Arabic speakers in order to understand the role of previous linguistic knowledge and its interaction with Universal Grammar on the one hand, and the relationship between grammatical knowledge and its use in real-time, on the other hand. Three types of tasks were employed: an oral production task, an on-line self-paced grammaticality judgment task, and an on-line self-paced reading comprehension task. Results indicated that the acquisition of oblique relative clauses in Spanish is a problematic area for second language learners of intermediate proficiency in the language, regardless of their native language. In particular, this study has showed that, even when the learners’ native language shares the main properties of the L2, i.e., fronting of the obligatory preposition (Pied-Piping), there is still room for divergence, especially in production and timed grammatical intuitions. On the other hand, reaction time data have shown that L2 learners can and do converge at the level of sentence processing, showing exactly the same real-time effects for oblique relative clauses that native speakers had. Processing results demonstrated that native and non-native speakers alike are able to apply universal processing principles such as the Minimal Chain Principle (De Vincenzi, 1991) even when the L2 learners still have incomplete grammatical representations, a result that contradicts some of the predictions of the Shallow Structure Hypothesis (Clahsen & Felser, 2006). Results further suggest that the L2 processing and comprehension domains may be able to access some type of information that it is not yet available to other grammatical modules, probably because transfer of certain L1 properties occurs asymmetrically across linguistic domains. In addition, this study also explored the Null-Prep phenomenon in L2 Spanish, and proposed that Null-Prep is an interlanguage stage, fully available and accounted within UG, which intermediate L2 as well as first language learners go through in the development of pied-piping oblique relative clauses. It is hypothesized that this intermediate stage is the result of optionality of the obligatory preposition in the derivation, when it is not crucial for the meaning of the sentence, and when the DP is going to be in an A-bar position, so it can get default case. This optionality can be predicted by the Bottleneck Hypothesis (Slabakova, 2009c) if we consider that these prepositions are some sort of functional morphology. This study contributes to the field of SLA and L2 processing in various ways. First, it demonstrates that the grammatical representations may be dissociated from grammatical processing in the sense that L2 learners, unlike native speakers, can present unexpected asymmetries such as a convergent processing but divergent grammatical intuitions or production. This conclusion is only possible under the assumption of a modular language system. Finally, it contributes to the general debate of generative SLA since in argues for a fully UG-constrained interlanguage grammar.


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The Pedagogy of Alternation (PA), it is a type of education designed to rural people, whose perspective on the idea of combining theory and practice, alternating different times and spaces. On the Brazil, this education modality act from the perspective of two movements: Italian and French. Because it is a distinct mode of traditional, recommends that educators who work in this context also have a different outline. In this sense, it is relevant that there is a training for the educators that meets their needs. It is in these by understand how is the training of these professionals that the study proposes to analyze the educators training processes of PA on Brazil in movements Italian and French, presenting differences and similarities between them. For this, part it of a bibliographic and documental research, which were make initially theoretical surveys about expansion context of method, as well as theirtheoreticalandmethodologicalfoundationsandthePublicPolicybyeducators training. Then, were analyzed educational documents of both movements, laws, ordinances, statutes and field diaries, in order to verify how occurs the educators training process, and from that were stablished differences and similarities between both. The results point that in both movements there were advances in training processes, and despite of there were many similarities in trajectory of the movement, a multitude of issues boosted significant differences. On the Italian movement notes a greater harmony with the original principles of the PA, more engagement and organization by the movement. Because keeps collaborate ships with public authorities and institutions, without, however, losing its autonomy in decision-making and referrals to preserve the principles and foundations of this educational modality. This has encouraged and strengthened the educator’s formation and consequently the quality of education. On the other hand, the French movement it is shown weakened, especially in the state of Paraná, in which the movement is weakened. The small number of students, among other factors, pushed the closure of classes and consequently schools, this has interfered with the continuity of the movement. Many are the limitations by which the French movement has passed, especially with regard to training of their teachers, however, the search for new partner ships, as well as the community and the redemption of the original principles and foundations can be a way to paralyze this retraction and strengthens it.


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El principal objetivo de este trabajo ha sido determinar la manera como se da la alternancia de las lenguas por parte de los docentes, en un contexto de ense?anza/aprendizaje del ingl?s como lengua extranjera, en dos grupos de grado quinto de una instituci?n privada de la ciudad de Cali. Partiendo de una investigaci?n previa realizada en el marco de la asignatura de Investigaci?n en el Aula se llev? a cabo un estudio etnogr?fico desde septiembre de 2013 hasta mayo de 2014 en el que a trav?s de observaciones y entrevistas se obtuvieron los datos de an?lisis. Para dichas observaciones se utilizaron grabaciones y registros textuales de las clases que permitieron obtener la informaci?n necesitada. Se observaron dos docentes durante sus clases de lengua extranjera en el grado quinto, cada grupo con un promedio de veinte estudiantes entre los 9 y 12 a?os. Una vez recolectada la informaci?n se procedi? a analizar a trav?s de una categorizaci?n de uso de L1, L2 y Alternancia en la que se transcribi? la frecuencia de cada uso. Este an?lisis permiti? concluir que tanto la lengua materna como la lengua extranjera cumplen funciones importantes en el proceso de aprendizaje por lo que no se debe excluir del aula el uso de la L1 pues ?sta es ?til siempre y cuando se utilice en momentos espec?ficos. Por otro lado, encontramos tambi?n que una mayor exposici?n a la lengua extranjera ayuda a que el estudiante sea capaz de producir en esta lengua meta.


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Abstract : CEGEPs are now reaping the ‘first fruits’ of the last Educational Reform in Quebec and as a result, ‘English as Second Language’ (ESL) teachers are noticing an improvement in fluency and a seemingly lower level of inhibition when it comes to production skills. However, this output is accompanied by a noticeable lack of accuracy. Keeping in mind that the purpose of language is communication, we need to find a way to reduce the number of basic common errors made by CEGEP ESL students, while maintaining a natural and motivating learning environment. Thanks to recent advances in computer-mediated communication (CMC), we now have the necessary tools to access peer native speakers throughout the world. Although this technology can be used for other language courses, this study explored the potential value of collaboration with native English speakers through the use of synchronous screen-sharing technology, in order to improve CEGEP ESL students’ accuracy in writing. The instrumentation used consisted of a questionnaire, tests, plus documents of collaborative tasks, using the ‘Google for Education’ screen-sharing tool. Fourteen Intermediate/Advanced ESL CEGEP students participated in this study. Despite the positive tendencies revealed, only a prolonged use of the innovative method yielded a significant positive impact. Moreover, a mixed linear regression for the group with more L1 intervention revealed a significant correlation between the number of errors in the task documents and the number of tasks accomplished. Thus, it could be inferred that ESL accuracy improves in proportion to the number of synchronous text-based screen-sharing tasks done with L1 collaboration.