997 resultados para complex thinking
Objectives: To determine the epidemiology and describe the clinical and radiographic characteristics, the type of treatment, and the possible delayed appearance of new supernumerary teeth in patients with non-syndromic multiple hyperdontia. Patients and Methods: We conducted a small retrospective observational study of 8 patients diagnosed with nonsyndromic multiple hyperdontia. Multiple hyperdontia not associated to complex syndromes was defined as apparently generally healthy patients with one or more supernumerary teeth in two or more areas. Results: The average patient age was 16.23 years; males predominated (3:1). Multiple hyperodontia with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 9 supernumerary teeth was found (total: 34 mean: 4.25). The most frequent location was the upper jaw (76.47%). Eumorphic teeth were seen at lower premolar level, while the rest were all heteromorphic. There was altered eruption of the contiguous teeth of 4 of the impacted supernumerary teeth all the rest being asymptomatic. Extraction was the treatment in all patients, and in one of them the delayed appearance of 4 supernumerary teeth was detected. Conclusions: Multiple hyperodontia rarely occurs without being associated with complex syndromes. Prophylactic surgical removal of the supernumerary teeth is generally the treatment of choice.
CREB-binding protein (CBP) and p300 are transcriptional coactivators involved in numerous biological processes that affect cell growth, transformation, differentiation, and development. In this study, we provide evidence of the involvement of homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2) in the regulation of CBP activity. We show that HIPK2 interacts with and phosphorylates several regions of CBP. We demonstrate that serines 2361, 2363, 2371, 2376, and 2381 are responsible for the HIPK2-induced mobility shift of CBP C-terminal activation domain. Moreover, we show that HIPK2 strongly potentiates the transcriptional activity of CBP. However, our data suggest that HIPK2 activates CBP mainly by counteracting the repressive action of cell cycle regulatory domain 1 (CRD1), located between amino acids 977 and 1076, independently of CBP phosphorylation. Our findings thus highlight a complex regulation of CBP activity by HIPK2, which might be relevant for the control of specific sets of target genes involved in cellular proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis.
Informaatiotulva ja organisaation monimutkaisuus luoneet tarpeen tietämyksen hallinnalle. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tunnistaa muutostarpeet, jotka portaalin käyttöönotto tietämyksenhallintatyökaluna luo. Tutkimuksessa verrataan myös uusia työkaluja olemassa oleviin sekä arvioidaan organisaation kykyä siirtää tietämystä virtuaalisesti. Kirjallisuutta vastaavanlaisista projekteista ei ole ollut saatavilla, sillä käyttöönotettava teknologia on melko uutta. Samaa teknologiaa on käytössä hieman eri alueella, kuin tässä projektissa on tavoitteena. Tutkimus on tapaustutkimus, jonka pääasialliset lähteet ovat erilaisissa kokouksissa tuotettuja dokumentteja. Tutkija on osallistunut aktiivisesti projektityöhön, joten osa taustatiedoista perustuu tutkijan huomioihin sekä vielä keskusteluihin. Teoriaosassa käsitellään tietämyksen jakamista tietämyksen hallinnan ja virtuaalisuuden näkökulmasta. Muutoksen hallintaa on käsitelty lyhyesti tietämyksenhallintatyökalun käyttöönotossa. Tutkimus liittyy Stora Enso Consumer Boardsin tietämyksen hallintaprojektiin.
Nopea teknologian kehitys sekä kansainvälistymisen mukana tuoma kilpailupaine pakottavat yritykset jatkuvaan liiketoimintaprosessien kehittämiseen. Muutoksista organisaation rakenteissa sekä yrityksen prosesseissa on tullut yleisiä toimenpiteitä. Yksi näkyvimmistä toiminnallisista uudistuksesta on ollut toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönotto. Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän rakenne ja kehitys aiheuttaa yleensä suurimmat vaikeudet pyrittäessä rakentamaan liiketoimintaprosessien läpinäkyvyyttä esittävä tietojärjestelmäympäristö. Tässä tutkimuksessa liiketoiminnan sekä toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän prosessien yhdistäminen on tehty ns. toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä muutostyökaluilla. Kyseiset muutostyökalut on järjestetty yrityksissä tietojärjestelmä ympäristöön ja niiden avulla voidaan korjata teknisiä ongelmia sekä muuttaa itse prosesseja. Tutkimuksen empiria osuudessa on käytetty case-tutkimusmenetelmää Kone Oyj:n prosessien kehittämisosastolla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli parantaa toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän muutostyökalujen prosesseja, liiketoimintaprosessien sekä toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän yhdistämiseksi ja harmonisoimiseksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteiden täyttämiseksi, prosessijohtamisen käsitteitä käytettiin muutostyökaluprosessien parannusehdotusten löytymiseksi. Prosessijohtamisen käsitteet tarkoittavat prosessikartan, prosessin toimintojen, sekä prosessin kustannusten tutkimista ja hyväksikäyttöä. Prosessijohtamisen käsitteeseen kuuluu myös liiketoimintaprosessien jatkuvan parantamisen sekä uudelleenjärjestämisen mallien kuvaus. Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmäympäristön kuvaus teorian toisena osuutena antaa pohjaa muutostyökalujen prosessien käytölle. Tutkimuksen tuloksina voidaan todeta että tutkimusalue on hyvin monimutkainen ja vaikea. Toimintajärjestelmistä ei ole kirjoitettu teoriaa kovinkaan runsaasti, lukuunottamatta yritysten itse tekemiä tutkimuksia. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltaville prosesseille löytyi kuitenkin parannusehdotuksia sekä ns. optimaalisen prosessimallin ominaisuuksia.
Experimental animal models are essential to obtain basic knowledge of the underlying biological mechanisms in human diseases. Here, we review major contributions to biomedical research and discoveries that were obtained in the mouse model by using forward genetics approaches and that provided key insights into the biology of human diseases and paved the way for the development of novel therapeutic approaches.
The second scientific meeting of the European systems genetics network for the study of complex genetic human disease using genetic reference populations (SYSGENET) took place at the Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences in Bilbao, Spain, December 10-12, 2012. SYSGENET is funded by the European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technological Research (COST) and represents a network of scientists in Europe that use mouse genetic reference populations (GRPs) to identify complex genetic factors influencing disease phenotypes (Schughart, Mamm Genome 21:331-336, 2010). About 50 researchers working in the field of systems genetics attended the meeting, which consisted of 27 oral presentations, a poster session, and a management committee meeting. Participants exchanged results, set up future collaborations, and shared phenotyping and data analysis methodologies. This meeting was particularly instrumental for conveying the current status of the US, Israeli, and Australian Collaborative Cross (CC) mouse GRP. The CC is an open source project initiated nearly a decade ago by members of the Complex Trait Consortium to aid the mapping of multigenetic traits (Threadgill, Mamm Genome 13:175-178, 2002). In addition, representatives of the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium were invited to exchange ongoing activities between the knockout and complex genetics communities and to discuss and explore potential fields for future interactions.
Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean and, together with Corsica and nearby mainland areas, one of the top biodiversity hotspots in the region. The origin of Sardinia traces back to the opening of the western Mediterranean in the late Oligocene. This geological event and the subsequent Messinian Salinity Crisis and Pleistocene glacial cycles have had a major impact on local biodiversity. The Dysdera woodlouse hunter spiders are one of the most diverse ground-dweller groups in the Mediterranean. Here we describe the first two species of this genus endemic to Sardinia: Dysdera jana sp. n. and Dysdera shardana sp. n. The two species show contrasting allopatric distribution: D. jana sp. n. is a narrow endemic while D. shardana sp. n. is distributed throughout most of the island. A multi-gene DNA sequence phylogenetic analys based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes supports the close relationships of the new species to the type species of the genus Dysdera erythrina. Age estimates reject Oligocene origin of the new Dysdera species and identify the Messinian Salinity Crises as the most plausible period for the split between Sardinian endemics and their closest relatives. Phylogeographic analysis reveals deep genetic divergences and population structure in Dysdera shardana sp. n., suggesting that restriction to gene flow probably due to environmental factors could explain local speciation events. Taxonomy, phylogeny, DNA sequencing, Mediterranean biogeography, phylogeography
Extensive defects of the pelvis and genitoperineal region are a reconstructive challenge. We discuss a consecutive series of 25 reconstructions with the pedicled anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap including muscle part of the vastus lateralis (VL) in 23 patients from October 1999 to September 2012.Only surface defects larger than 100 cm and reconstructions by composite ALT + VL were included in this retrospective analysis. Of the 23 patients, 19 underwent oncologic resection, whereas 4 cases presented Fournier gangrene. Three patients did not reach 6 months of follow-up and were excluded from further data analysis. Among the remaining 20 patients (22 reconstructions), average follow-up period was 14 months (range, 10-18 months). Patient's average age was 60 years. Average size of the defect was 182 cm.Postoperative complications included 1 (4.5%) flap necrosis out of 22 raised flaps, 1 partial flap necrosis after venous congestion, and 2 cases where a complementary reconstructive procedure was performed due to remaining defect or partial flap failure. In 6 cases, peripheral wound dehiscence (27%) was treated by debridement followed by split-thickness skin graft or advancement local flaps. Defect size was significantly related to postoperative complications and increased hospital stay, especially in those patients who underwent preoperative radiotherapy. At the end of the follow-up period, a long-term and satisfactory coverage was obtained in all patients without functional deficits.This consecutive series of composite ALT + VL flap shows that, in case of extended defects, the flap provides an excellent and adjustable muscle mass, is reliable with minimal donor-site morbidity, and can even be designed as a sensate flap.
AIM: The study aimed to compare the rate of success and cost of anal fistula plug (AFP) insertion and endorectal advancement flap (ERAF) for anal fistula. METHOD: Patients receiving an AFP or ERAF for a complex single fistula tract, defined as involving more than a third of the longitudinal length of of the anal sphincter, were registered in a prospective database. A regression analysis was performed of factors predicting recurrence and contributing to cost. RESULTS: Seventy-one patients (AFP 31, ERAF 40) were analysed. Twelve (39%) recurrences occurred in the AFP and 17 (43%) in the ERAF group (P = 1.00). The median length of stay was 1.23 and 2.0 days (P < 0.001), respectively, and the mean cost of treatment was euro5439 ± euro2629 and euro7957 ± euro5905 (P = 0.021), respectively. On multivariable analysis, postoperative complications, underlying inflammatory bowel disease and fistula recurring after previous treatment were independent predictors of de novo recurrence. It also showed that length of hospital stay ≤ 1 day to be the most significant independent contributor to lower cost (P = 0.023). CONCLUSION: Anal fistula plug and ERAF were equally effective in treating fistula-in-ano, but AFP has a mean cost saving of euro2518 per procedure compared with ERAF. The higher cost for ERAF is due to a longer median length of stay.
Innovation is the word of this decade. According to innovation definitions, without positive sales impact and meaningful market share the company’s product or service has not been an innovation. Research problem of this master thesis is to find out what is the innovation process of complex new consumer products and services in new innovation paradigm. The objective is to get answers to two research questions: 1) What are the critical success factors what company should do when it is implementing the paradigm change in mass markets consumer business with complex products and services? 2) What is the process or framework one firm could follow? The research problem is looked from one company’s innovation creation process, networking and organization change management challenges point of views. Special focus is to look the research problem from an existing company perspective which is entering new business area. Innovation process management framework of complex new consumer products and services in new innovation paradigm has been created with support of several existing innovation theories. The new process framework includes the critical innovation process elements companies should take into consideration in their daily activities when they are in their new business innovation implementing process. Case company location based business implementation activities are studied via the new innovation process framework. This case study showed how important it is to manage the process, look how the target market and the competition in it is developing during company’s own innovation process, make decisions at right time and from beginning plan and implement the organization change management as one activity in the innovation process. In the end this master thesis showed that all companies need to create their own innovation process master plan with milestones and activities. One plan does not fit all, but all companies can start their planning from the new innovation process what was introduced in this master thesis.
The management and conservation of coastal waters in the Baltic is challenged by a number of complex environmental problems, including eutrophication and habitat degradation. Demands for a more holistic, integrated and adaptive framework of ecosystem-based management emphasize the importance of appropriate information on the status and changes of the aquatic ecosystems. The thesis focuses on the spatiotemporal aspects of environmental monitoring in the extensive and geomorphologically complex coastal region of SW Finland, where the acquisition of spatially and temporally representative monitoring data is inherently challenging. Furthermore, the region is subject to multiple human interests and uses. A holistic geographical approach is emphasized, as it is ultimately the physical conditions that set the frame for any human activity. Characteristics of the coastal environment were examined using water quality data from the database of the Finnish environmental administration and Landsat TM/ETM+ images. A basic feature of the complex aquatic environment in the Archipelago Sea is its high spatial and temporal variability; this foregrounds the importance of geographical information as a basis of environmental assessments. While evidence of a consistent water turbidity pattern was observed, the coastal hydrodynamic realm is also characterized by high spatial and temporal variability. It is therefore also crucial to consider the spatial and temporal representativeness of field monitoring data. Remote sensing may facilitate evaluation of hydrodynamic conditions in the coastal region and the spatial extrapolation of in situ data despite their restrictions. Additionally, remotely sensed images can be used in the mapping of many of those coastal habitats that need to be considered in environmental management. With regard to surface water monitoring, only a small fraction of the currently available data stored in the Hertta-PIVET register can be used effectively in scientific studies and environmental assessments. Long-term consistent data collection from established sampling stations should be emphasized but research-type seasonal assessments producing abundant data should also be encouraged. Thus a more comprehensive coordination of field work efforts is called for. The integration of remote sensing and various field measurement techniques would be especially useful in the complex coastal waters. The integration and development of monitoring system in Finnish coastal areas also requires further scientific assesement of monitoring practices. A holistic approach to the gathering and management of environmental monitoring data could be a cost-effective way of serving a multitude of information needs, and would fit the holistic, ecosystem-based management regimes that are currently being strongly promoted in Europe.
In terrestrial ecosystems, plants take up phosphate predominantly via association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). We identified loss of responsiveness to AMF in the rice (Oryza sativa) mutant hebiba, reflected by the absence of physical contact and of characteristic transcriptional responses to fungal signals. Among the 26 genes deleted in hebiba, DWARF 14 LIKE is, the one responsible for loss of symbiosis . It encodes an alpha/beta-fold hydrolase, that is a component of an intracellular receptor complex involved in the detection of the smoke compound karrikin. Our finding reveals an unexpected plant recognition strategy for AMF and a previously unknown signaling link between symbiosis and plant development.
La Llei 40/1960, de 21 de juliol, sobre la Compilació del dret civil especial de Catalunya, constitueix la fita més important de l'ordenament jurídic de Catalunya contemporani: sense Compilació no tindríem Codi civil.