1000 resultados para Wave Confinement


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Semiconductor nanostructures show many special physical properties associated with quantum confinement effects, and have many applications in the opto-electronic and microelectronic fields. However, it is difficult to calculate their electronic states by the ordinary plane wave or linear combination of atomic orbital methods. In this paper, we review some of our works in this field, including semiconductor clusters, self-assembled quantum dots, and diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dots. In semiconductor clusters we introduce energy bands and effective-mass Hamiltonian of wurtzite structure semiconductors, electronic structures and optical properties of spherical clusters, ellipsoidal clusters, and nanowires. In self-assembled quantum dots we introduce electronic structures and transport properties of quantum rings and quantum dots, and resonant tunneling of 3-dimensional quantum dots. In diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dots we introduce magnetic-optical properties, and magnetic field tuning of the effective g factor in a diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Quasi-continuous-wave operation of AlGaAs/GaAs-based quantum cascade lasers (lambda similar to 9 mu m) up to 165 K is reported. The strong temperature dependence of the threshold current density and its higher value in high duty cycle is investigated in detail. The self-heating effect in the active region is explored by changing the operating duty cycles. The degradation of lasing performance with temperature is explained. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Starting from the growth of high-quality 1.3 mu m GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well (QW), the QW emission wavelength has been extended up to 1.55 mu m by a combination of lowering growth rate, using GaNAs barriers and incorporating some amount of Sb. The photoluminescence properties of 1.5 mu m range GaInNAsSb/GaNAs QWs are quite comparable to the 1.3 mu m QWs, revealing positive effect of Sb on improving the optical quality of the QWs. A 1.59 mu m lasing of a GaInNAsSb/GaNAs single-QW laser diode is obtained under continuous current injection at room temperature. The threshold current density is 2.6 kA/cm(2) with as-cleaved facet mirrors. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The theoretical analysis of intersubband optical transitions for InAs/ InGaAs quantum dots-in-a-well ( DWELL ) detectors are performed in the framework of effective-mass envelope- function theory. In contrast to InAs/ GaAs quantum dot (QD) structures, the calculated band structure of DWELL quantitatively confirms that an additional InGaAs quantum well effectively lowers the ground state of InAs QDs relative to the conduction-band edge of GaAs and enhances the confinement of electrons. By changing the doping level, the dominant optical transition can occur either between the bound states in the dots or from the ground state in the dots to bound states in the well, which corresponds to the far-infrared and long-wave infrared (LWIR ) peaks in the absorption spectra, respectively. Our calculated results also show that it is convenient to tailor the operating wavelength in the LWIR atmospheric window ( 8 - 12 mu m ) by adjusting the thickness of the InGaAs layer while keeping the size of the quantum dots fixed. Theoretical predictions agree well with the available experimental data. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The subband structure and inter-subband transition as a function of gate voltage are determined by solving the Schrodinger and Poisson equations self-consistently in an AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure. Different aluminum mole fraction and thickness of AlxGa1-xN barrier are considered. Calculation results show that energy difference between the first and second subband covers a wide range (from several tens to hundreds milli-electron volt) by applying different gate voltage, which corresponds to the midinfrared and long-wave infrared wavelength scope. Furthermore, such a modulation on the subband transition energy is much more pronounced for the structure with thin barrier. When the applied positive gate voltage is increased, the triangle well formed at the interface turns to be deeper and narrower, which enhances the confinement for electrons. As a result, the overlap between electron wave function at two subbands increases, and thus the optical intersubband transition also enhances its intensity. This tendency is in good agreement with the available data in the literature. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structure, Zeeman splitting, and Stark shift of In1-yMnyAs1-xNx oblate quantum dots are studied using the ten-band k center dot p model including the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ion. The Zeeman splitting of the electron ground states is almost isotropic. The Zeeman splitting of the hole ground states is highly anisotropic, with an anisotropy factor of 918 at B=0.1 T. The Zeeman splittings of some of the electron and hole excited states are also highly anisotropic. It is because of the spin-orbit coupling which couples the spin states with the anisotropic space-wave functions due to the anisotropic shape. It is found that when the magnetic quantum number of total orbital angular momentum is nearly zero, the spin states couple with the space-wave functions very little, and the Zeeman splitting is isotropic. Conversely, if the magnetic quantum number of total orbital angular momentum is not zero, the space-wave functions in the degenerate states are different, and the Zeeman splitting is highly anisotropic. The electron and hole Stark shifts of oblate quantum dots are also highly anisotropic. The decrease of band gap with increasing nitrogen composition is much more obvious in the smaller radius case because the lowest conduction level is increased by the quantum confinement effect and is closer to the nitrogen level. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Passive mode locking of a solid-state Nd:GdVO4 laser is demonstrated. The laser is mode locked by use of a semiconductor absorber mirror (SAM). A low Nd3+ doped Nd:GdVO4 crystal is used to mitigate the thermal lens effect of the laser crystal at a high pump power. The maximum average output power is up to 6.5 W, and the pulse duration is as short as 6.2 ps. The optic-to-optic conversion efficiency is 32.5% and the repetition rate is about 110 MHz.


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Equilateral-triangle-resonator (ETR) microlasers with an output waveguide connected to one of the vertices of the ETR are suitable to be a light source for photonic integrated circuits. InP-GaInAsP ETR lasers with side length from 10 to 30 pm and the output-waveguide width of 1 or 2 pm are fabricated using standard photolithography and inductively coupled-plasma etching techniques. Continuous-wave electrically injected 1520-nm ETR laser with 20-mu m sides is realized with the maximum output power 0.17 and 0.067 mW and the threshold current 34 and 43 mA at 290 K and 295 K, respectively.


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Using the first-principles band-structure method and the special quasirandom structures approach, the authors have investigated the band structure of random AlxInyGa1-x-yN quaternary alloys. They show that the wave functions of the band edge states are more localized on the InN sites. Consequently, the photoluminescence transition intensity in the alloy is higher than that in GaN. The valence band maximum state of the quaternary alloy is also higher than GaN with the same band gap, indicating that the alloy can be doped more easily as p-type. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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A high-power continuous wave (cw) mode-locked Nd:YVO4 solid-state laser was demonstrated by use of a semiconductor absorber mirror (SAM). The maximum average output power was 8.1 W and the optic-to-optic conversion efficiency was about 41 %. At the maximum incident pump power, the pulse width was about 8.6 ps and the repetition rate was 130 MHz. Experimental results indicated that this absorber was suitable for high power mode-locked solid-state lasers. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The authors present an analysis of a plasmonic surface-wave splitter, simulated using a two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain technique. A single subwavelength slit is employed as a high-intensity nanoscale excitation source for plasmonic surface waves, resulting in a miniaturized light-surface plasmon coupler. With different surface structures located on the two sides of the slit, the device is able to confine and guide light waves of different wavelengths in opposite directions. Within the 15 mu m simulation region, it is found that the intensity of the guided light at the interface is roughly two to eight times the peak intensity of the incident light, and the propagation length can reach approximately 42 and 16 mu m and at the wavelengths of 0.63 and 1.33 mu m, respectively. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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An add-drop filter based on a perfect square resonator can realize a maximum of only 25% power dropping because the confined modes are standing-wave modes. By means of mode coupling between two modes with inverse symmetry properties, a traveling-wave-like filtering response is obtained in a two-dimensional single square cavity filter with cut or circular corners by finite-difference time-domain simulation. The optimized deformation parameters for an add-drop filter can be accurately predicted as the overlapping point of the two coupling modes in an isolated deformed square cavity. More than 80% power dropping can be obtained in a deformed square cavity filter with a side length of 3.01 mu m. The free spectral region is decided by the mode spacing between modes, with the sum of the mode indices differing by 1. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The time evolution of the ground state wave function of an exciton in an ideal bilayer system is investigated within the framework of the effective-mass approximation. All of the moduli squared of the ground state wave functions evolve with time as cosine functions after an in-plane electric field is applied to the bilayer system. The variation amplitude and period of the modulus squared of the ground state wave function increase with the in-plane electric field F-r for a fixed in-plane relative coordinate r and fixed separation d between the electron and hole layers. Moreover, the variation amplitude and period of the modulus squared of the ground state wave function increase with the separation d for a fixed r and fixed in-plane electric field. Additionally, the modulus squared of the ground state wave function decreases as r increases at a given time t for fixed values of d and F-r. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Time-resolved light-current curves, spectra, and far-field distributions of ridge structure InGaN multiple quantum well laser diodes grown on sapphire substrate are measured with a temporal resolution of 0.1 ns under a pulsed current condition. Results show that the thermal lensing effect clearly improves the confinement of the higher order modes. The thermal lens leads to a lower threshold current for the higher order modes, a higher slope efficiency, and a change in the lasing mode of the device. The threshold current for the higher modes decreases by about 5 mA in every 10 ns in a pulse, and the slope efficiency increases by 7.5 times on the average when higher modes lase. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, we focus on the dipole mode of the two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystal (PC) single point defect cavity (SPDC) lasers and we report the fabrication and characterization of 2D PC SPDC lasers with the structure of adjusted innermost air holes. The photonic band and cavity Q factors are simulated by means of plane wave expansion (PWE) and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD), respectively. In order to improve the optical confinement of the SPDC, the diameter of the innermost holes was adjusted. Different lasing performances are observed experimentally. The experimental results agree with the theoretical prediction very well. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.