991 resultados para Tierra del Fuego (Argentina and Chile)
Until the mid-1990s, gastric cancer has been the first cause of cancer death worldwide, although rates had been declining for several decades and gastric cancer has become a relatively rare cancer in North America and in most Northern and Western Europe, but not in Eastern Europe, Russia and selected areas of Central and South America or East Asia. We analyzed gastric cancer mortality in Europe and other areas of the world from 1980 to 2005 using joinpoint regression analysis, and provided updated site-specific incidence rates from 51 selected registries. Over the last decade, the annual percent change (APC) in mortality rate was around -3, -4% for the major European countries. The APC were similar for the Republic of Korea (APC = -4.3%), Australia (-3.7%), the USA (-3.6%), Japan (-3.5%), Ukraine (-3%) and the Russian Federation (-2.8%). In Latin America, the decline was less marked, but constant with APC around -1.6% in Chile and Brazil, -2.3% in Argentina and Mexico and -2.6% in Colombia. Cancers in the fundus and pylorus are more common in high incidence and mortality areas and have been declining more than cardia gastric cancer. Steady downward trends persist in gastric cancer mortality worldwide even in middle aged population, and hence further appreciable declines are likely in the near future.
The subject of communication between palliative care physicians and their patients regarding their diagnosis and prognosis has not been extensively researched. The purpose of this survey was to compare the attitudes and beliefs of palliative care specialists regarding communication with the terminally ill in Europe, South America, and Canada. A sample of palliative care physicians from South America (Argentina and Brazil), French-speaking Europe, and Canada were identified, and posted a questionnaire. Physicians who stated that they practised palliative care at least 30% of their time were considered evaluable as palliative care specialists. Of a total of 272 questionnaires, 228 were returned (84%); and 182/228 (81%) respondents were considered to be palliative care specialists. Palliative care physicians in all three regions believed that cancer patients should be informed of their diagnosis and the terminal nature of their illness. Physicians reported that at least 60% of their patients knew their diagnosis and the terminal stage of their illness in 52% and 24% of cases in South America, and 69% and 38% of cases in Europe, respectively. All physicians agreed that 'do not resuscitate' orders should be present, and should be discussed with the patient in all cases. While 93% of Canadian physicians stated that at least 60% of their patients wanted to know about the terminal stage of their illness, only 18% of South American, and 26% of European physicians said this (P < 0.001). Similar results were found when the physicians were asked the percentage of families who want patients to know the terminal stage of their illness. However, almost all of the physicians agreed that if they had terminal cancer they would like to know. There was a significant association between patient based decision-making and female sex (P = 0.007), older age (P = 0.04), and physicians from Canada and South America (P < 0.001). Finally, in their daily decision making, South American physicians were significantly more likely to support beneficence and justice as compared with autonomy. Canadian physicians were more likely to support autonomy as compared with beneficence. In summary, our findings suggest that there are major regional differences in the attitudes and beliefs of physicians regarding communication at the end of life. More research is badly needed on the attitudes and beliefs of patients, families, and health care professionals in different regions of the world.
Las teorías sobre la invención histórica de la infancia y la adolescencia se han basado casi exclusivamente en fuentes occidentales (más exactamente centroeuropeas y anglosajonas), por lo que es urgente una reconceptualización en una óptica diacrónica y transcultural. Una de las conclusiones del encuentro «A criança e o jovem na America Latina», que tuvo lugar en Marilia (Brasil) en noviembre del 2001, organizado por la International Sociological Association, fue la necesidad de reconceptualizar la infancia y la juventud desde una perspectiva latinoamericana (como ámbito geográfico, académico y cultural). En este artículo proponemos retomar, en una perspectiva comparativa y como ejemplo de la riqueza y complejidad de las tareas pendientes, dos casos documentales y etnográficos recabados en nuestras propias indagaciones en México (Feixa, 1998b) y Chile (González, 2004a, 2004b), en la idea de comenzar a cursar esta «asignatura pendiente».
This bachelor's thesis studies calendar anomalies in stock returns in five South American countries including Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico. The analysis in done using regression analysis and the OLS- method.
After the sedimentological study of the Sant Llorenc del Munt, Montserrat and Roda deltaic systems, a stratigraphic subdivision based on three different scale transgressiveregressive sequences has been developed. This subdivision has been established on the coastal facies belts from the deduced shoreline (and associated facies belts) migration. These transgressive-regressive sequences are formed by a lower transgressive part with a deepening-upwards trend and a retrogradational staclung pattern and an upper regressive part, with shallowing-upwards trend and a progradational stacking pattern. The lowest scale sequences (metrical) have been named 'fundamental sequences'. A series of 'composite sequences', intermediate scale (decametric to hectometric), have been defined afier the study of the staclung pattem of the fundamental sequences. After the study of the stacking pattem of composite sequences there have been defined a series of large-scale (decametric to kilometric) 'composite megasequences'.
The aim of this study is to measure the psychometric properties of a Catalan translation of the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST), and to analyse the different learning styles used by university students, considering the influence of gender and type of studies. The instrument was administered to 834 students at the University of Girona. The results showed that most students interviewed had a deep approach to learning, although the analysis by gender showed that females tended to use a more strategic approach, while males used a deep approach predominantly. As to whether the type of studies influenced learning styles, a prevalence of deep approach was found among Science and Technology students, while a more strategic approach was found among Humanities and Education students
The main objective of this study is to investigate whether the Finnish investors’ country-specific strategy concentrating on emerging markets provides diversification benefits. We also analyze whether the benefits of international diversification has been diminished after periods of high volatility caused by different market crisis. The objective is investigated with three methods: Correlation coefficients, rolling correlations added with OLS trend-lines and Box’s M statistic. All the empirical tests are analyzed and calculated with logarithmic returns of weekly time series data from Friday closing values between January 1995 and December 2007. The number of weekly observations is 678. The data type is total return indices of different countries. Data is collected from DataStream and provided by Datastream Financial. Countries investigated are Finland, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, India, Mexico, Poland, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand and Turkey. The current data is quoted both in U.S. Dollars and local currencies. The empirical results of this thesis show that the correlation coefficients are time-varying across Finland and 12 emerging market countries. Although the correlations have risen from 1995 to 2007, there can be found sub-periods where the correlation has declined from earlier period. The results also indicate that a Finnish investor constructing a portfolio of emerging market countries cannot rely on the correlation coefficients estimated from historical data because of the instability of correlation matrices.
Se analiza una muestra de envíos de libros remitidos en los barcos que realizaron la travesía atlántica a los puertos americanos. Se trata de envíos de títulos impresos europeos destinados al abastecimiento del virreinato del Perú. En este tráfico de libros jugaron un papel clave los mercaderes que compraron títulos que enviaron a particulares, mercaderes o libreros establecidos en Perú.
En los Estados de Derecho, gran parte de las decisiones son tomadas políticamente pero las instituciones no están suficientemente equipadas para tratar las demandas de la ciudadanía frente al Estado (3). En este marco, se han desarrollado las alternative dispute resolution que involucran, básicamente, diversas formas de arbitración para la resolución de conflictos. En el seno de estas transformaciones, una de las instituciones más importantes que se han incorporado a diversos ensayos constitucionales de todos los continentes es el Ombudsman, que se caracteriza por ser un órgano parlamentario, independiente y no partidista, establecido legalmente, con el objeto de supervisar la administración; recibir quejas específicas enviadas o presentadas por el público contra la administración; y funcionar como órgano con competencias para investigar, criticar y dar a la luz pública los actos administrativos, pero no para modificarlo
Using PCR-based assays with specific primers for amplification of the ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer region (IGS) and a portion of the mitochondrial DNA small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (mtDNA SSU rRNA), the genetic variability among Verticillium dahliae isolates from olive (Olea europaea) and other host species from Argentina and Brazil was estimated. The derived UPGMA-generated phenograms based upon the restriction fingerprinting data of rDNA IGS products revealed genetic differences, correlating with the host of origin. Isolates infecting olive genetically distinct from those from cocoa (Theobroma cacao) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Digestion of mitochondrial DNA SSU rRNA PCR products revealed less variability, distinguishing only one isolate from sunflower. Ribosomal DNA ITS restriction patterns were identical for all isolates of V. dahliae, irrespective of host of origin. These preliminary results may have relevance for Verticillium wilt control practices, possibly reflecting a different evolutionary origin, or reproductive isolation of the pathogen in olive, distinct from populations of other hosts.
Leaf scald of barley caused by Rhynchosporium secalis is an important disease in Argentina. The fungus is a necrotrophic pathogen which survives in stubble, seeds and weeds. Isolation of R. secalis from seeds on artificial media usually has not been successful due to the slow growth rate of the pathogen and strong inhibition by contaminants. The objective in this work was to detect R. secalis in different genotypes of barley seeds in Argentina using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic assay. Four barley genotypes were tested in 2004: Quilmes Ayelén, Quilmes Alfa, Barke and Maltería Pampa 1004. The previously described RS8 and RS9 primers were used for the detection of R. secalis in barley seeds. A 264-bp single band was obtained for each cultivar showing the presence of R. secalis. The use of specific primers was efficient in the detection of R. secalis in barley seeds in Argentina and could be used for routine diagnosis, epidemiology and seed transmission studies. This is the first report on the detection of R. secalis in barley seeds in Argentina.
Caryota mitis Loureiro (Arecaceae), es cultivada en Argentina como planta ornamental con fines comerciales. En el año 2003, muestras procedentes de la localidad de Castelli, provincia del Chaco, Argentina, presentaban atizonamiento de los ápices de las hojas, deteriorándolas considerablemente. Mediante métodos comunes de laboratorio se aisló un hongo Dematiaceae relacionado con los síntomas observados. Con base en las características culturales, morfométricas, pruebas de patogenicidad con resultados positivos, el agente causal fue identificado como Exserohilum rostratum (Drechsler) Leonard & Suggs. Esta es la primera información de E. rostratum afectando a C. mitis en Argentina.
RESUMENCon el objetivo de conocer la respuesta de Quercus magnoliifolia al fuego en mortalidad y rebrotación, se aplicó una quema prescrita intensa, en fajas a favor de viento y pendiente, a una parcela de 0.5 ha en el estado de Guerrero, México, en abril de 2009. La quema inició a las 10:20 y duró 1 h 26 min. Se midieron las variables meteorológicas temperatura (25-28 °C), humedad relativa (33-24%), y velocidad del viento (7-25 km/h); y de comportamiento del fuego (largo de llama, de 0.5 a 3 m).Seis meses después se midieron variables de la estructura del arbolado y de severidad de la quema. El análisis de datos involucró regresión logarítmica y regresión logística. Los valores estructurales medios fueron: altura (11.2 m), diámetro normal (12. 2 cm) y altura de copas (6.8 m). Se halló relación logarítmica directa entre el largo de llama y la velocidad del viento (R2=0.65). No hubo mortalidad producto de la quema, pero 33 % de los árboles rebrotaron. Las variables explicativas de la probabilidad de rebrotación fueron: altura (p=0.0159), diámetro normal (p=0.0394)y altura a la base de copas (p=0.0487). La cicatriz sobre el tronco alcanzó 2.6 m y el chamuscado de copas 62 %, en promedio. La especie muestra resistencia a fuego poco severo, gracias a su corteza, y tolerancia a fuego más severo. Las quemas prescritas contribuirían a reducir impactos negativos de incendios en el arbolado.
Knowledge transfer is a complex process. Knowledge transfer in the form of exporting education products from one system of education to another is particularly complicated, because each system has been developed in a particular context to meet the requirements seen as relevant at each time. National innovation systems are often seen to form an essential framework within which the development of a country, its economy and level of knowledge are considered and promoted. These systems are orientated towards the future, and as such they also provide a framework for the knowledge transfer related to the development of education. In the best of circumstances they are able to facilitate and boost this transfer both from the viewpoint of the provider and the recipient. The leading thought and the idea of the study is that education export is a form of knowledge transfer, which is illustrated by the existing models included. The purpose of this study is to explore, analyze and describe the factors and phenomena related to education export, and more specifically, those related to the experiences and potential of Finnish education export to Chile. For better understanding, of the multiplicity of the issue involved, the current status of education export between Finland and Chile and he existing efforts within the Finnish innovation network will be outlined as well as new forms of co-operation between Finland and Chile in educational matters explored. Several countries have started to commercialize their education system in order to establish themselves as emerging education exporters. Moreover, the demand for education reform is accurate in many developing countries. This offers a good match between Finland and Chile to be the example countries of the research. The main research findings suggest that there are several business areas in education export. These include degrees in education, training services and education technologies for example The factors that influence education export can be divided into four groups, including academic, cultural, political and economic aspects. Challenges to overcome include the lack of product or services to be sold, lack of market and cultural knowledge of the buyer country, financing and lack of suitable pricing model. National innovation systems could be seen as enabling entities for successful education export. The extensive networks that national innovation systems aim to form, could operate as a basis for joining the forces in selling knowledge as well as receiving knowledge in a constructive way.
Thirty-six specimens of Schizodon nasutus (Anostomidae-Characiformes) from the middle Paraná River (Posadas, Argentina) were analyzed cytogenetically. The karyotype of this species was similar to those described for this species in the literature. C-banding technique showed a rich heterochromatic pattern relative to other Anostomidae species. The NORs were located on one chromosome pair in terminal position and showed a very marked size heteromorphism. A microchromosome was observed with a frequency of about 20% in the sample studied. This additional element was punctiform, negative C-band, and constant in all metaphase plates of the seven carriers. The present study is the first karyotypic approach to Schizodon nasutus from Argentina and the first description of microchromosome in Anostomidae