867 resultados para Psychology of Sports


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Traditionally, Live High-Train High (LHTH) interventions were adopted when athletes trained and lived at altitude to try maximising the benefits offered by hypoxic exposure and improving sea level performance. Nevertheless, scientific research has proposed that the possible benefits of hypoxia would be offset by the inability to maintain high training intensity at altitude. However, elite athletes have been rarely recruited as an experimental sample, and training intensity has almost never been monitored during altitude research. This case study is an attempt to provide a practical example of successful LHTH interventions in two Olympic gold medal athletes. Training diaries were collected and total training volumes, volumes at different intensities, and sea level performance recorded before, during and after a 3-week LHTH camp. Both athletes successfully completed the LHTH camp (2090 m) maintaining similar absolute training intensity and training volume at high-intensity (> 91% of race pace) compared to sea level. After the LHTH intervention both athletes obtained enhancements in performance and they won an Olympic gold medal. In our opinion, LHTH interventions can be used as a simple, yet effective, method to maintain absolute, and improve relative training intensity in elite endurance athletes. Key PointsElite endurance athletes, with extensive altitude training experience, can maintain similar absolute intensity during LHTH compared to sea level.LHTH may be considered as an effective method to increase relative training intensity while maintaining the same running/walking pace, with possible beneficial effects on sea level performance.Training intensity could be the key factor for successful high-level LHTH camp.


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Digital art interfaces presents cognitiveparadigms that deals with the recognition of the symbols and representations through interaction.What is presented in this paper is anapproximation of the bodily experience in that particular scenario and a new proposal which has the aim to contribute more ideas and criteria in the analysis of the learning process of aparticipant discovering an interactive space or interface. For that I propose a first new approach where metaphorically I tried to extrapolate the stages of the psychology of development stated byJean Piaget in the interface design domain.


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We report an experiment where participants observed an attack on their virtual body as experienced in an immersive virtual reality (IVR) system. Participants sat by a table with their right hand resting upon it. In IVR, they saw a virtual table that was registered with the real one, and they had a virtual body that substituted their real body seen from a first person perspective. The virtual right hand was collocated with their real right hand. Event-related brain potentials were recorded in two conditions, one where the participant"s virtual hand was attacked with a knife and a control condition where the knife only struck the virtual table. Significantly greater P450 potentials were obtained in the attack condition confirming our expectations that participants had a strong illusion of the virtual hand being their own, which was also strongly supported by questionnaire responses. Higher levels of subjective virtual hand ownership correlated with larger P450 amplitudes. Mu-rhythm event-related desynchronization in the motor cortex and readiness potential (C3C4) negativity were clearly observed when the virtual hand was threatened as would be expected, if the real hand was threatened and the participant tried to avoid harm. Our results support the idea that event-related potentials may provide a promising non-subjective measure of virtual embodiment. They also support previous experiments on pain observation and are placed into context of similar experiments and studies of body perception and body ownership within cognitive neuroscience.


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Durant la darrera dècada s'han multiplicat les investigacions sobre les idees que tenen els nens i els estudiants en general de diversos aspectes que s'estudien a les classes de Ciències i de !'impacte que les classes de Ciències fan 'Sobre aquestes idees ( Driver i Erickson, 1983, Gilbert i Watts, 1983, Osborne i Freyberg, 1985, etc. )...


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Tutkimus on perheyrittäjyystutkimusta, se käsittelee perheyrityksessä tapahtunutta sukupolvenvaihdosta sekä siihen liittyvää luopumisen prosessia. Poikkitieteellisenä lähestymistapana käytetään sosiologisia ja psykologisia katsantokantoja identiteetin rakentumisesta ja sen muuttumisesta. Luopumiskäsitettä lähestytään perheyrittäjän identiteetin rakentumisen ja muuttumisen kautta. Tutkimus etsii vastausta neljään kysymykseen: 1. Millainen on perheyrittäjän identiteetti? 2. Miten perheyrityksen sukupolvenvaihdos vaikuttaa identiteettiin? 3. Mitä luopuminen tarkoittaa sukupolvenvaihdoksessa? 4. Mitä sukupolvenvaihdoksessa todellisuudessa tapahtuu? Tutkimuksessa paneudutaan luopujan ja jatkajan näkökulmiin, joita tarkastellaan elämänkertatarinoiden avulla. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu viidestä yrityksestä, joissa jollakin tasolla on sukupolvenvaihdos toteutettu. Tutkimuksessa on haastateltu kolmeatoista henkilöä. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että perheyrittäjän identiteetti on hyvin kompleksinen ja vaikeasti lähestyttävä asia. Perheyrittäjän persoona on vahva ja perhe sekä yritys vaikuttavat oleellisesti sen muotoutumiseen. Individuaalisuus jää usein familistisen näkemyksen jalkoihin. Sukupolvenvaihdos vaikutti sekä luopujan että jatkajan identiteettiin ratkaisevasti. Luopujat kohtasivat kriisin miettiessään yrityksensä tulevaisuutta ja moni jatkaja puolestaan muutti elämäänsä radikaalisti siirtyessään perheyrityksen jatkajaksi. Työstä luopuminen osoittautui tutkimuksessa kriittisimmäksi tekijäksi, etenkin luopujien näkökulmasta katsottuna. Jatkajille se merkitsi oman jo mahdollisen muun uran ja työpaikan vaihtumista perheyritykseen. Luopujille se teoriassa tarkoitti eläkkeelle siirtymistä. Tutkituissa yrityksissä kukaan luopujista ei kuitenkaan ole lopettanut työn tekoa. He ovat jokapäiväinen näky yrityksessä ja enemmän tai vähemmän aktiivisesti mukana yrityksen toiminnoissa. Tämä aiheuttaa sukupolvien yhteentörmäystä ja konflikteja, tämä seikka vie paljon energiaa yrityksessä tehtävältä työltä. Työ on yrittäjälle erittäin vahva ja merkitsevä identiteetin perusta, jonka muuttaminen tai siitä luopuminen on vaikeaa.


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Exercising in the heat induces thermoregulatory and other physiological strain that can lead to impairments in endurance exercise capacity. The purpose of this consensus statement is to provide up-to-date recommendations to optimise performance during sporting activities undertaken in hot ambient conditions. The most important intervention one can adopt to reduce physiological strain and optimise performance is to heat acclimatise. Heat acclimatisation should comprise repeated exercise-heat exposures over 1-2 weeks. In addition, athletes should initiate competition and training in a euhydrated state and minimise dehydration during exercise. Following the development of commercial cooling systems (eg, cooling-vest), athletes can implement cooling strategies to facilitate heat loss or increase heat storage capacity before training or competing in the heat. Moreover, event organisers should plan for large shaded areas, along with cooling and rehydration facilities, and schedule events in accordance with minimising the health risks of athletes, especially in mass participation events and during the first hot days of the year. Following the recent examples of the 2008 Olympics and the 2014 FIFA World Cup, sport governing bodies should consider allowing additional (or longer) recovery periods between and during events, for hydration and body cooling opportunities, when competitions are held in the heat.


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Brief addiction treatments, including motivational interviewing (MI), have shown promise with youth. One underexamined factor in this equation is the role of therapist behaviors. We therefore sought to assess whether and how therapist behaviors differ for Hispanic versus non-Hispanic youth and how that may be related to treatment outcome. With 80 substance-using adolescents (M age = 16 years; 65% male; 59% Hispanic; 41% non-Hispanic), we examined the relationship between youth ethnicity and therapist behaviors across two brief treatments (MI and alcohol/marijuana education [AME]). We then explored relationships to youth 3-month treatment response across four target outcomes: binge drinking days, alcohol-related problems, marijuana use days, and marijuana-related problems. In this study, therapists showed significantly more MI skills within the MI condition and more didactic skills in the AME condition. With respect to youth ethnicity, across both conditions (MI and AME), therapists used less MI skills with Hispanic youth. Contrary to expectations, therapists' use of MI skills was not connected to poorer outcomes for Hispanic youth across the board (e.g., for binge drinking days, marijuana use days, or marijuana-related problems). Rather, for Hispanic youth, therapists' use of lower MI skills was related only to poorer treatment outcomes in the context of alcohol-related problems. The observed relationships highlight the importance of investigating salient treatment interactions between therapist factors and youth ethnicity to guide improvements in youth treatment response. (PsycINFO Database Record


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La religiositat pot actuar de mecanisme de cohesió, però sobretot a nivell de societats tribals on tots pertanyen a la mateixa comunitat


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[SPA] OBJETIVO: El artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos en la investigación que dio origen a la tesis doctoral defendida por la autora en la Universitat de Lleida (España), cuyo objetivo fue identificar las Competencias Profesionales de los nutricionistas que trabajan en el ámbito de la Nutrición Deportiva. MÉTODOS: Fueron investigados 14 expertos provenientes de Australia (n=1), Brasil (n=7), España (n=3) y Estados Unidos (n=3). La herramienta metodológica utilizada fue la técnica Delphi, compuesta de tres rondas de cuestionarios. En la primera ronda los expertos proporcionaron, a través de sus discursos, la identificación de un listado de Competencias Profesionales, información que en la segunda y tercera ronda pudieron ser evaluadas y posteriormente analizadas a través de cálculos estadísticos descriptivos (media, moda, mediana y desviación Standard). RESULTADOS: De esta manera, se llegó al consenso entre los expertos sobre 147 competencias profesionales identificadas. Las competencias fueron clasificadas en cuatro macro categorías de Competencias Profesionales: Competencias Técnicas (38), Metodológicas (62), Participativas (24) y Personales (23). CONCLUSIÓN: Los resultados demostraron que el estudio sistematizado de las Competencias Profesionales del Nutricionista Deportivo contribuye para el establecimiento de los contenidos que deben componer la disciplina de Nutrición Deportiva a ser incorporada en los itinerarios curriculares de las carreras de Nutrición Humana y Dietética.


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Here we present results of studies conducted by the Research Unit of Legal Psychiatry and Psychology of Lausanne about risk assessment and protective factors in the evaluation of violence recidivism. It aims to help experts in considering the relevance and use of tools at their disposal. Particular attention is given to the significance of protective factors and impulsive dimensions, as to the inter-raters process that leads to the final deliberations.


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Muscular function of the neck region may be of importance for the etiology of headache, especially of tension-type headache. However, very few data exist on the association of neck muscle function with different types of headache in adolescents. The main aim of the study was to examine the association of neck muscle function with adolescent headache. The associations between leisure time activities, endurance strength of the upper extremities (UE endurance) and mobility of the neck-shoulder region and adolescent headache were studied. In addition, the associations of force production, EMG/force ratio, co-activation and fatigue characteristics, and cross-sectional area (CSA) of neck muscles with adolescent headache were studied. The study is part of a population-based cohort study of 12-year-old children with and without headache. The study had five phases (years 1998-2003). At the age of 13 years, a sample of 183 adolescents (183/311) participated in endurance strength and mobility measurements of the neck-shoulder region. In addition, the type and level of physical and other leisure activity were elicited with open and structured questions. At the age of 17 years, a random sample of 89 adolescents (89/202) participated in force and EMG measurements of the neck-shoulder muscles. In addition, at the age of 17 years, a sample of 65 adolescents (65/89) participated in CSA measurements of the neck muscles. At the age of 13 years, intensive participation in overall sports activity was associated with migraine. Frequent computer use was associated both with migraine and tension-type headache. The type of sports or other leisure activity classified them on the basis of body loading was not associated with headache type. In girls, low UE endurance of both sides, and low cervical rotation of the dominant side, were associated with tension-type headache, and low UE endurance of non-dominant side with migraine. In boys, no associations occurred between UE endurance and mobility variables and headache types. At the age of 17 years, in girls, high EMG/force ratios between the EMG of the left agonist sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) and maximal neck flexion and neck rotation force to the right side as well as high co-activation of right antagonist cervical erector spinae (CES) muscles during maximal neck flexion force were associated with migraine-type headache. In girls, neck force production was not associated with headache types but low left shoulder flexion force was associated with tension-type headache. In boys, no associations were found between EMG and force variables and headache. Increased SCM muscles fatigue of both sides was associated with tension-type headache. In boys, the small CSA of the right SCM muscle and, in girls, of combined right SCM and scalenus muscles was associated with tension-type headache. Similarly, in boys, the large CSA of the right SCM muscle, of the combined right SCM and scalenus muscles, of the left semispinalis capitis muscle, of the combined left semispinalis and splenius muscles was associated with migraine. No other differences in the CSA of neck flexion or extension muscles were found. Differences in the neuromucular function of the neck-shoulder muscles were associated with adolescent headache, especially in girls. Differences in the cross-sectional area of unilateral neck muscles were associated with headache, especially in boys. Differences in the neuromuscular function and in the cross-sectional area of the neck muscles also occurred between different types of headache. It remains to be established whether the findings are primary or secondary to adolescent migraine and tension headache. Keywords: adolescent, cross-sectional area, electromyography, endurance strength, fatigue, force, headache, leisure time activity, migraine, mobility, neck muscles, tension-type headache


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The visual angle that is projected by an object (e.g. a ball) on the retina depends on the object's size and distance. Without further information, however, the visual angle is ambiguous with respect to size and distance, because equal visual angles can be obtained from a big ball at a longer distance and a smaller one at a correspondingly shorter distance. Failure to recover the true 3D structure of the object (e.g. a ball's physical size) causing the ambiguous retinal image can lead to a timing error when catching the ball. Two opposing views are currently prevailing on how people resolve this ambiguity when estimating time to contact. One explanation challenges any inference about what causes the retinal image (i.e. the necessity to recover this 3D structure), and instead favors a direct analysis of optic flow. In contrast, the second view suggests that action timing could be rather based on obtaining an estimate of the 3D structure of the scene. With the latter, systematic errors will be predicted if our inference of the 3D structure fails to reveal the underlying cause of the retinal image. Here we show that hand closure in catching virtual balls is triggered by visual angle, using an assumption of a constant ball size. As a consequence of this assumption, hand closure starts when the ball is at similar distance across trials. From that distance on, the remaining arrival time, therefore, depends on ball's speed. In order to time the catch successfully, closing time was coupled with ball's speed during the motor phase. This strategy led to an increased precision in catching but at the cost of committing systematic errors.