822 resultados para Projective duality
A Geometria Projetiva é o ramo da matemática que estuda as propriedades geométricas invariantes de uma projeção. Ela surge no século XVII da tentativa de compreender matematicamente as técnicas de desenho em perspectiva empregadas pelos artistas da Renascença. Por outro lado, a Geometria Descritiva também se utiliza de projeções para representar objetos tridimensional em um plano bidimensional. Desta forma, a Geometria Projetiva dialoga com o desenho artístico através das regras de perspectiva, e com o desenho técnico através da Geometria Descritiva. A partir das relações entre estes três campos do conhecimento, elaboramos uma proposta didática para o ensino da Geometria Projetiva a alunos do 9 ∘ ano do ensino fundamental. Este trabalho apresenta esta proposta e busca embasá-la matematicamente, relacionando-a aos principais fundamentos da Geometria Projetiva.
The existence of genuinely non-geometric backgrounds, i.e. ones without geometric dual, is an important question in string theory. In this paper we examine this question from a sigma model perspective. First we construct a particular class of Courant algebroids as protobialgebroids with all types of geometric and non-geometric fluxes. For such structures we apply the mathematical result that any Courant algebroid gives rise to a 3D topological sigma model of the AKSZ type and we discuss the corresponding 2D field theories. It is found that these models are always geometric, even when both 2-form and 2-vector fields are neither vanishing nor inverse of one another. Taking a further step, we suggest an extended class of 3D sigma models, whose world volume is embedded in phase space, which allow for genuinely non-geometric backgrounds. Adopting the doubled formalism such models can be related to double field theory, albeit from a world sheet perspective.
We present a generalization of the complete intersection in products of projective space (CICY) construction of Calabi–Yau manifolds. CICY three-folds and four-folds have been studied extensively in the physics literature. Their utility stems from the fact that they can be simply described in terms of a ‘configuration matrix’, a matrix of integers from which many of the details of the geometries can be easily extracted. The generalization we present is to allow negative integers in the configuration matrices which were previously taken to have positive semi-definite entries. This broadening of the complete intersection construction leads to a larger class of Calabi–Yau manifolds than that considered in previous work, which nevertheless enjoys much of the same degree of calculational control. These new Calabi–Yau manifolds are complete intersections in (not necessarily Fano) ambient spaces with an effective anticanonical class. We find examples with topology distinct from any that has appeared in the literature to date. The new manifolds thus obtained have many interesting features. For example, they can have smaller Hodge numbers than ordinary CICYs and lead to many examples with elliptic and K3-fibration structures relevant to F-theory and string dualities.
A locational duality in port-related distribution activities is emerging. In some regions, distribution activities have moved from ports to inland locations, driven in part by ‘push factors’ such as port congestion and scarcity of land for container handling activities, or by ‘pull factors’ such as the growth of intermodal corridors, the influence of inland terminals and the changing economic geography in the hinterland. In other regions, ports retain their traditional role as centres of distribution and warehousing activity. More recently, the focus on ‘port-centric logistics’ is indicative that some regions are refocusing on ports as potential locations for large distribution centres. The result has been a growing competition, but also complementarity, between ports and inland locations concerning the location of distribution activities, driven not only by market forces but also by institutional settings and the governance relations between the actors involved. This report provides an overview of regional differences across the world in order to develop a framework identifying for which type of distribution activities ports are suitable locations and which activities are best suited to the hinterland, taking into account geographical, economic and logistics settings. Empirical evidence is derived from a variety of regions in Europe, North America, South America, Southern Africa and Asia.
Contemporary research on masculinities has focused on demonstrating how these are multiple, hierarchical, collective as well as individual, complex and contingent. In this article, I read Jonathan Franzen’s The Corrections in the light of such recent theorizations. I propose to focus on the negotiation of what Demetriou has termed a masculine bloc, which is a space in which hegemonic and non-hegemonic masculinities coexist and, therefore, a strict duality between both categories is transcended. Next, I suggest focusing on the construction of masculinities as subject positions that are interwoven with different geographical levels. It is my contention that St. Jude, the fictional city for the Lamberts’ home in the Midwest, conforms the symbolic arena in which hegemonic masculinity is staged.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Is phraseology the third articulation of language? Fresh insights into a theoretical conundrum Jean-Pierre Colson University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) Although the notion of phraseology is now used across a wide range of linguistic disciplines, its definition and the classification of phraseological units remain a subject of intense debate. It is generally agreed that phraseology implies polylexicality, but this term is problematic as well, because it brings us back to one of the most controversial topics in modern linguistics: the definition of a word. On the other hand, another widely accepted principle of language is the double articulation or duality of patterning (Martinet 1960): the first articulation consists of morphemes and the second of phonemes. The very definition of morphemes, however, also poses several problems, and the situation becomes even more confused if we wish to take phraseology into account. In this contribution, I will take the view that a corpus-based and computational approach to phraseology may shed some new light on this theoretical conundrum. A better understanding of the basic units of meaning is necessary for more efficient language learning and translation, especially in the case of machine translation. Previous research (Colson 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014), Corpas Pastor (2000, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2015), Corpas Pastor & Leiva Rojo (2011), Leiva Rojo (2013), has shown the paramount importance of phraseology for translation. A tentative step towards a coherent explanation of the role of phraseology in language has been proposed by Mejri (2006): it is postulated that a third articulation of language intervenes at the level of words, including simple morphemes, sequences of free and bound morphemes, but also phraseological units. I will present results from experiments with statistical associations of morphemes across several languages, and point out that (mainly) isolating languages such as Chinese are interesting for a better understanding of the interplay between morphemes and phraseological units. Named entities, in particular, are an extreme example of intertwining cultural, statistical and linguistic elements. Other examples show that the many borrowings and influences that characterize European languages tend to give a somewhat blurred vision of the interplay between morphology and phraseology. From a statistical point of view, the cpr-score (Colson 2016) provides a methodology for adapting the automatic extraction of phraseological units to the morphological structure of each language. The results obtained can therefore be used for testing hypotheses about the interaction between morphology, phraseology and culture. Experiments with the cpr-score on the extraction of Chinese phraseological units show that results depend on how the basic units of meaning are defined: a morpheme-based approach yields good results, which corroborates the claim by Beck and Mel'čuk (2011) that the association of morphemes into words may be similar to the association of words into phraseological units. A cross-linguistic experiment carried out for English, French, Spanish and Chinese also reveals that the results are quite compatible with Mejri’s hypothesis (2006) of a third articulation of language. Such findings, if confirmed, also corroborate the notion of statistical semantics in language. To illustrate this point, I will present the PhraseoRobot (Colson 2016), a computational tool for extracting phraseological associations around key words from the media, such as Brexit. The results confirm a previous study on the term globalization (Colson 2016): a significant part of sociolinguistic associations prevailing in the media is related to phraseology in the broad sense, and can therefore be partly extracted by means of statistical scores. References Beck, D. & I. Mel'čuk (2011). Morphological phrasemes and Totonacan verbal morphology. Linguistics 49/1: 175-228. Colson, J.-P. (2011). La traduction spécialisée basée sur les corpus : une expérience dans le domaine informatique. In : Sfar, I. & S. Mejri, La traduction de textes spécialisés : retour sur des lieux communs. Synergies Tunisie n° 2. Gerflint, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, p. 115-123. Colson, J.-P. (2012). Traduire le figement en langue de spécialité : une expérience de phraséologie informatique. In : Mogorrón Huerta, P. & S. Mejri (dirs.), Lenguas de especialidad, traducción, fijación / Langues spécialisées, figement et traduction. Encuentros Mediterráneos / Rencontres Méditerranéennes, N°4. Universidad de Alicante, p. 159-171. Colson, J.-P. (2013). Pratique traduisante et idiomaticité : l’importance des structures semi-figées. In : Mogorrón Huerta, P., Gallego Hernández, D., Masseau, P. & Tolosa Igualada, M. (eds.), Fraseología, Opacidad y Traduccíon. Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation (Herausgegeben von Gerd Wotjak). Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, p. 207-218. Colson, J.-P. (2014). La phraséologie et les corpus dans les recherches traductologiques. Communication lors du colloque international Europhras 2014, Association Européenne de Phraséologie. Université de Paris Sorbonne, 10-12 septembre 2014. Colson, J-P. (2016). Set phrases around globalization : an experiment in corpus-based computational phraseology. In: F. Alonso Almeida, I. Ortega Barrera, E. Quintana Toledo and M. Sánchez Cuervo (eds.), Input a Word, Analyse the World: Selected Approaches to Corpus Linguistics. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 141-152. Corpas Pastor, G. (2000). Acerca de la (in)traducibilidad de la fraseología. In: G. Corpas Pastor (ed.), Las lenguas de Europa: Estudios de fraseología, fraseografía y traducción. Granada: Comares, p. 483-522. Corpas Pastor, G. (2007). Europäismen - von Natur aus phraseologische Äquivalente? Von blauem Blut und sangre azul. In: M. Emsel y J. Cuartero Otal (eds.), Brücken: Übersetzen und interkulturelle Kommunikationen. Festschrift für Gerd Wotjak zum 65. Geburtstag, Fráncfort: Peter Lang, p. 65-77. Corpas Pastor, G. (2008). Investigar con corpus en traducción: los retos de un nuevo paradigma [Studien zur romanische Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation, 49], Fráncfort: Peter Lang. Corpas Pastor, G. (2013). Detección, descripción y contraste de las unidades fraseológicas mediante tecnologías lingüísticas. In Olza, I. & R. Elvira Manero (eds.) Fraseopragmática. Berlin: Frank & Timme, p. 335-373. Leiva Rojo, J. (2013). La traducción de unidades fraseológicas (alemán-español/español-alemán) como parámetro para la evaluación y revisión de traducciones. In: Mellado Blanco, C., Buján, P, Iglesias N.M., Losada M.C. & A. Mansilla (eds), La fraseología del alemán y el español: lexicografía y traducción. ELS, Etudes Linguistiques / Linguistische Studien, Band 11. München: Peniope, p. 31-42. Leiva Rojo, J. & G. Corpas Pastor (2011). Placing Italian idioms in a foreign milieu: a case study. In: Pamies Bertrán, A., Luque Nadal, L., Bretana, J. &; M. Pazos (eds), (2011). Multilingual phraseography. Second Language Learning and Translation Applications. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag (Colección: Phraseologie und Parömiologie, 28), p. 289-298. Martinet, A. (1966). Eléments de linguistique générale. Paris: Colin. Mejri, S. (2006). Polylexicalité, monolexicalité et double articulation. Cahiers de Lexicologie 2: 209-221.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de clínica
We consider the a posteriori error analysis and hp-adaptation strategies for hp-version interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin methods for second-order partial differential equations with nonnegative characteristic form on anisotropically refined computational meshes with anisotropically enriched elemental polynomial degrees. In particular, we exploit duality based hp-error estimates for linear target functionals of the solution and design and implement the corresponding adaptive algorithms to ensure reliable and efficient control of the error in the prescribed functional to within a given tolerance. This involves exploiting both local isotropic and anisotropic mesh refinement and isotropic and anisotropic polynomial degree enrichment. The superiority of the proposed algorithm in comparison with standard hp-isotropic mesh refinement algorithms and an h-anisotropic/p-isotropic adaptive procedure is illustrated by a series of numerical experiments.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica
Brazil is a country that is characterized by its low consumption of fish. With consumption records of 10.6 kg/ inhabitant/ year, it is lower than the recommended by the UN, that is 12 kg/ inhabitant/ year. The regular consumption of fish provides health gain for people and their introduction into the school feeding is an important strategy for the insertion of this food consumption habits in a population. In this context, the objective of this study was to understand the perception of fish with children from the public school system through the technical Projective Mapping (MP) and Association of Words (AP); and evaluate the acceptability of fish derivative in school meals. In the first instance with the intention to better understand the perception of children from different ages about the fish-based products, Projective Mapping techniques were applied through the use of food figures and word association. A total of 149 children from three public schools from Pato Branco, Paraná State, Brazil, took part in this study. Three groups of children aged 5-6, 7-8 and 9-10 years old were interviewed individually by six monitors experienced in applied sensory methods. Ten figures with healthy foods drawings (sushi, salad, fruit, fish, chicken), and less healthy foods (pizza, pudding, cake, hamburger, fries) were distributed to the children, who were asked to paste the figures in A3 sheet, so that the products they considered similar stayed near each other, and the ones considered very different stayed apart. After this, the children described the images and the image groups (Ultra Flash Profile). The results revealed that the MP technique was easily operated and understood by all the children and the use of images made its implementation easier. The results analysis also revealed different perceptions came from children from different ages and hedonic perceptions regarding the fish-based products had a greater weight in the percentage from older children. AP technique proved to be an important tool to understand the perception of fish by children, and strengthened the results previously obtained by the MP. In a second step it was evaluated the acceptance of fish burger (tilapia) in school meals. For this task, the school cooks were trained to prepare the hamburgers. For the evaluation of acceptance, the hedonic scale was used with 5 facial ratings (1 = disliked very much to 5 = liked a lot). Students from both genders, between 5 to 10 years old (n = 142) proved the burgers at lunchtime, representing the protein portion of the meal. The tilapia derivative products shown to be foods with important nutritional value and low calorie value. For the application of the multinomial logistic regression analysis there was no significant effect from the age and gender variation in the acceptance by children. However, statistical significance was determined in the interaction between these two variables. With 87 % acceptance rate there was potential for consumption of fish burgers in school meals.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica
In the last years, heparin has become target of many studies related to inflammation due its ability of biding to proteins involved on immune response. Recently, it was demonstrated, at our laboratory, using a thIoglycollate-induced peritonitis model, heparin s capacity of reduce cellular influx into the peritoneal cavity, 3 hours after the inflammatory stimulus. Once neutrophilic infiltration is highest around 8 hours after the inflammatory stimulus, at the present work, using the same peritonitis model, it was assessed heparin s ability of keeping the interference on leukocyte infiltration, 8 hours after inflammation induction. Moreover, using cellular differential count, it was evaluated how the cellular populations involved in the inflammatory process would be affected by the treatment. Eight hours after the inflammatory stimulus, only heparin dosage of 1 μg/Kg was able to reduce the cellular influx to peritoneum, 62.8% of reduction when compared to positive control (p < 0.001). Furthermore, heparin dosage of 15 μg/Kg presented a pro-inflammatory effect in whole blood verified by the increase of 60.9% (p < 0.001) and 117.8% (p < 0.001) on neutrophils and monocytes proportion, respectively, when compared to positive control. In addition, this dosage also presented a neutrophilic proportion on peritoneal fluid 27.3% higher than positive control (p < 0.05). This duality between anti- and pro-inflammatory effects at different times corroborates studies that attribute a pleiotropic immunomodulator role to heparin.
In this paper, we show that if X is a smooth variety of general type of dimension m≥3 for which the canonical map induces a triple cover onto Y, where Y is a projective bundle over P1 or onto a projective space or onto a quadric hypersurface, embedded by a complete linear series (except Q3 embedded in P4), then the general deformation of the canonical morphism of X is again canonical and induces a triple cover. The extremal case when Y is embedded as a variety of minimal degree is of interest, due to its appearance in numerous situations. For instance, by looking at threefolds Y of minimal degree we find components of the moduli of threefolds X of general type with KX3=3pg−9,KX3≠6, whose general members correspond to canonical triple covers. Our results are especially interesting as well because they have no lower dimensional analogues.