924 resultados para Programmable Logic Array


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OBJECT Current data show a favorable outcome in up to 50% of patients with World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Grade V subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and a rather poor prediction of worst cases. Thus, the usefulness of the current WFNS grading system for identifying the worst scenarios for clinical studies and for making treatment decisions is limited. One reason for this lack of differentiation is the use of "negative" or "silent" diagnostic signs as part of the WFNS Grade V definition. The authors therefore reevaluated the WFNS scale by using "positive" clinical signs and the logic of the Glasgow Coma Scale as a progressive herniation score. METHODS The authors performed a retrospective analysis of 182 patients with SAH who had poor grades on the WFNS scale. Patients were graded according to the original WFNS scale and additionally according to a modified classification, the WFNS herniation (hWFNS) scale (Grade IV, no clinical signs of herniation; Grade V, clinical signs of herniation). The prediction of poor outcome was compared between these two grading systems. RESULTS The positive predictive values of Grade V for poor outcome were 74.3% (OR 3.79, 95% CI 1.94-7.54) for WFNS Grade V and 85.7% (OR 8.27, 95% CI 3.78-19.47) for hWFNS Grade V. With respect to mortality, the positive predictive values were 68.3% (OR 3.9, 95% CI 2.01-7.69) for WFNS Grade V and 77.9% (OR 6.22, 95% CI 3.07-13.14) for hWFNS Grade V. CONCLUSIONS Limiting WFNS Grade V to the positive clinical signs of the Glasgow Coma Scale such as flexion, extension, and pupillary abnormalities instead of including "no motor response" increases the prediction of mortality and poor outcome in patients with severe SAH.


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The logic PJ is a probabilistic logic defined by adding (noniterated) probability operators to the basic justification logic J. In this paper we establish upper and lower bounds for the complexity of the derivability problem in the logic PJ. The main result of the paper is that the complexity of the derivability problem in PJ remains the same as the complexity of the derivability problem in the underlying logic J, which is π[p/2] -complete. This implies that the probability operators do not increase the complexity of the logic, although they arguably enrich the expressiveness of the language.


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We present a probabilistic justification logic, PPJ, to study rational belief, degrees of belief and justifications. We establish soundness and completeness for PPJ and show that its satisfiability problem is decidable. In the last part we use PPJ to provide a solution to the lottery paradox.


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive technique that offers excellent soft tissue contrast for characterizing soft tissue pathologies. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an MRI technique that has shown to have the sensitivity to detect subtle pathology that is not evident on conventional MRI. ^ Rats are commonly used as animal models in characterizing the spinal cord pathologies including spinal cord injury (SCI), cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc. These pathologies could affect both thoracic and cervical regions and complete characterization of these pathologies using MRI requires DTI characterization in both the thoracic and cervical regions. Prior to the application of DTI for investigating the pathologic changes in the spinal cord, it is essential to establish DTI metrics in normal animals. ^ To date, in-vivo DTI studies of rat spinal cord have used implantable coils for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and spin-echo pulse sequences for reduced geometric distortions. Implantable coils have several disadvantages including: (1) the invasive nature of implantation, (2) loss of SNR due to frequency shift with time in the longitudinal studies, and (3) difficulty in imaging the cervical region. While echo planar imaging (EPI) offers much shorter acquisition times compared to spin-echo imaging, EPI is very sensitive to static magnetic field inhomogeneities and the existing shimming techniques implemented on the MRI scanner do not perform well on spinal cord because of its geometry. ^ In this work, an integrated approach has been implemented for in-vivo DTI characterization of rat spinal cord in the thoracic and cervical regions. A three element phased array coil was developed for improved SNR and extended spatial coverage. A field-map shimming technique was developed for minimizing the geometric distortions in EPI images. Using these techniques, EPI based DWI images were acquired with optimized diffusion encoding scheme from 6 normal rats and the DTI-derived metrics were quantified. ^ The phantom studies indicated higher SNR and smaller bias in the estimated DTI metrics than the previous studies in the cervical region. In-vivo results indicated no statistical difference in the DTI characteristics of either gray matter or white matter between the thoracic and cervical regions. ^


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The Laredo Epidemiology Project is a study of the patterns of degenerative disease, particularly cancer, in the families of Laredo, Texas. The genealogical history of Laredo was reconstructed by the grouping of 350,000 individual church and civil vital event records into multi-generational families, with record linkage based on matching names. Mortality data from death records are mapped onto these pedigrees for analysis. This dissertation describes the construction of the data base and the logic upon which decisions were based. ^


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After more than a decade of development work and hopes, the usage of mobile Internet has finally taken off. Now, we are witnessing the first signs of evidence of what might become the explosion of mobile content and applications that will be shaping the (mobile) Internet of the future. Similar to the wired Internet, search will become very relevant for the usage of mobile Internet. Current research on mobile search has applied a limited set of methodologies and has also generated a narrow outcome of meaningful results. This article covers new ground, exploring the use and visions of mobile search with a users' interview-based qualitative study. Its main conclusion builds upon the hypothesis that mobile search is sensitive to a mobile logic different than today's one. First, (advanced) users ask for accessing with their mobile devices the entire Internet, rather than subsections of it. Second, success is based on new added-value applications that exploit unique mobile functionalities. The authors interpret that such mobile logic involves fundamentally the use of personalised and context-based services.


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A compact planar array with parasitic elements is studied to be used in MIMO systems. Classical compact arrays suffer from high coupling which makes correlation and matching efficiency to be worse. A proper matching network improves these lacks although its bandwidth is low and may increase the antenna size. The proposed antenna makes use of parasitic elements to improve both correlation and efficiency. A specific software based on MoM has been developed to analyze radiating structures with several feed points. The array is optimized through a Genetic Algorithm to determine parasitic elements position in order to fulfill different figures of merit. The proposed design provides the required correlation and matching efficiency to have a good performance over a significant bandwidth.


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A planar antenna is introduced that works as a portable system for X-band satellite communications. This antenna is low-profile and modular with dimensions of 40 × 40 × 2.5 × cm. It is composed of a square array of 144 printed circuit elements that cover a wide bandwidth (14.7%) for transmission and reception along with dual and interchangeable circular polarization. A radiation efficiency above 50% is achieved by a low-loss stripline feeding network. This printed antenna has a 3 dB beamwidth of 5°, a maximum gain of 26 dBi and an axial ratio under 1.9 dB over the entire frequency band. The complete design of the antenna is shown, and the measurements are compared with simulations to reveal very good agreement.


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In this paper, a new countermeasure against power and electromagnetic (EM) Side Channel Attacks (SCA) on FPGA implemented cryptographic algorithms is proposed. This structure mainly focuses on a critical vulnerability, Early Evaluation, also known as Early Propagation Effect (EPE), which exists in most conventional SCA-hardened DPL (Dual-rail with Precharge Logic) solutions. The main merit of this proposal is that the EPE can be effectively prevented by using a synchronized non regular precharge network, which maintains identical routing between the original and mirror parts, where costs and design complexity compared with previous EPE-resistant countermeasures are reduced, while security level is not sacrificed. Another advantage for our Precharge Absorbed(PA) - DPL method is that its Dual-Core style (independent architecture for true and false parts) could be generated using partial reconfiguration. This helps to get a dynamic security protection with better energy planning. That means system only keeps the true part which fulfills the normal en/decryption task in low security level, and reconfigures the false parts once high security level is required. A relatively limited clock speed is a compromise, since signal propagation is restricted to a portion of the clock period. In this paper, we explain the principles of PA-DPL and provide the guidelines to design this structure. We experimentally validate our methods in a minimized AES co-processor on Xilinx Virtex-5 board using electromagnetic (EM) attacks.


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Publicación de la Sede del Consejo Consultor de Castilla y León en Zamora en la revista de arquitectura IA&B (Mumbai). El proyecto de Zamora se centra en el diálogo entre una pieza cristina de vidrio y el grueso muro de piedra perimetral. Estas dos fachadas entran en relación gracias a un patio perimetral que tensa el contacto entre entre el vidrio y la piedra. Se hace especial mención de la estricta precisión y racionalidad del proyecto. La publicación contiene textos, dibujos planimétricos, fotografías y materiales del proceso de investigación en el proyecto (croquis y fotografías de maquetas).


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This paper presents a general systems that can be taken into account to control between elements in an antenna array. Because the digital phase shifter devices have become a strategic element and also some steps have been taken for their export by U.S. Government, this element has increased its price to the low supply in the market. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt some solutions that allow us to deal with the design and construction of antenna arrays. system based on a group of a staggered phase shift with external switching is shown, which is extrapolated array.


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El cálculo de relaciones binarias fue creado por De Morgan en 1860 para ser posteriormente desarrollado en gran medida por Peirce y Schröder. Tarski, Givant, Freyd y Scedrov demostraron que las álgebras relacionales son capaces de formalizar la lógica de primer orden, la lógica de orden superior así como la teoría de conjuntos. A partir de los resultados matemáticos de Tarski y Freyd, esta tesis desarrolla semánticas denotacionales y operacionales para la programación lógica con restricciones usando el álgebra relacional como base. La idea principal es la utilización del concepto de semántica ejecutable, semánticas cuya característica principal es el que la ejecución es posible utilizando el razonamiento estándar del universo semántico, este caso, razonamiento ecuacional. En el caso de este trabajo, se muestra que las álgebras relacionales distributivas con un operador de punto fijo capturan toda la teoría y metateoría estándar de la programación lógica con restricciones incluyendo los árboles utilizados en la búsqueda de demostraciones. La mayor parte de técnicas de optimización de programas, evaluación parcial e interpretación abstracta pueden ser llevadas a cabo utilizando las semánticas aquí presentadas. La demostración de la corrección de la implementación resulta extremadamente sencilla. En la primera parte de la tesis, un programa lógico con restricciones es traducido a un conjunto de términos relacionales. La interpretación estándar en la teoría de conjuntos de dichas relaciones coincide con la semántica estándar para CLP. Las consultas contra el programa traducido son llevadas a cabo mediante la reescritura de relaciones. Para concluir la primera parte, se demuestra la corrección y equivalencia operacional de esta nueva semántica, así como se define un algoritmo de unificación mediante la reescritura de relaciones. La segunda parte de la tesis desarrolla una semántica para la programación lógica con restricciones usando la teoría de alegorías—versión categórica del álgebra de relaciones—de Freyd. Para ello, se definen dos nuevos conceptos de Categoría Regular de Lawvere y _-Alegoría, en las cuales es posible interpretar un programa lógico. La ventaja fundamental que el enfoque categórico aporta es la definición de una máquina categórica que mejora e sistema de reescritura presentado en la primera parte. Gracias al uso de relaciones tabulares, la máquina modela la ejecución eficiente sin salir de un marco estrictamente formal. Utilizando la reescritura de diagramas, se define un algoritmo para el cálculo de pullbacks en Categorías Regulares de Lawvere. Los dominios de las tabulaciones aportan información sobre la utilización de memoria y variable libres, mientras que el estado compartido queda capturado por los diagramas. La especificación de la máquina induce la derivación formal de un juego de instrucciones eficiente. El marco categórico aporta otras importantes ventajas, como la posibilidad de incorporar tipos de datos algebraicos, funciones y otras extensiones a Prolog, a la vez que se conserva el carácter 100% declarativo de nuestra semántica. ABSTRACT The calculus of binary relations was introduced by De Morgan in 1860, to be greatly developed by Peirce and Schröder, as well as many others in the twentieth century. Using different formulations of relational structures, Tarski, Givant, Freyd, and Scedrov have shown how relation algebras can provide a variable-free way of formalizing first order logic, higher order logic and set theory, among other formal systems. Building on those mathematical results, we develop denotational and operational semantics for Constraint Logic Programming using relation algebra. The idea of executable semantics plays a fundamental role in this work, both as a philosophical and technical foundation. We call a semantics executable when program execution can be carried out using the regular theory and tools that define the semantic universe. Throughout this work, the use of pure algebraic reasoning is the basis of denotational and operational results, eliminating all the classical non-equational meta-theory associated to traditional semantics for Logic Programming. All algebraic reasoning, including execution, is performed in an algebraic way, to the point we could state that the denotational semantics of a CLP program is directly executable. Techniques like optimization, partial evaluation and abstract interpretation find a natural place in our algebraic models. Other properties, like correctness of the implementation or program transformation are easy to check, as they are carried out using instances of the general equational theory. In the first part of the work, we translate Constraint Logic Programs to binary relations in a modified version of the distributive relation algebras used by Tarski. Execution is carried out by a rewriting system. We prove adequacy and operational equivalence of the semantics. In the second part of the work, the relation algebraic approach is improved by using allegory theory, a categorical version of the algebra of relations developed by Freyd and Scedrov. The use of allegories lifts the semantics to typed relations, which capture the number of logical variables used by a predicate or program state in a declarative way. A logic program is interpreted in a _-allegory, which is in turn generated from a new notion of Regular Lawvere Category. As in the untyped case, program translation coincides with program interpretation. Thus, we develop a categorical machine directly from the semantics. The machine is based on relation composition, with a pullback calculation algorithm at its core. The algorithm is defined with the help of a notion of diagram rewriting. In this operational interpretation, types represent information about memory allocation and the execution mechanism is more efficient, thanks to the faithful representation of shared state by categorical projections. We finish the work by illustrating how the categorical semantics allows the incorporation into Prolog of constructs typical of Functional Programming, like abstract data types, and strict and lazy functions.


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Nowadays, more a more base stations are equipped with active conformal antennas. These antenna designs combine phase shift systems with multibeam networks providing multi-beam ability and interference rejection, which optimize multiple channel systems. GEODA is a conformal adaptive antenna system designed for satellite communications. Operating at 1.7 GHz with circular polarization, it is possible to track and communicate with several satellites at once thanks to its adaptive beam. The antenna is based on a set of similar triangular arrays that are divided in subarrays of three elements called `cells'. Transmission/Receiver (T/R) modules manage beam steering by shifting the phases. A more accurate steering of the antenna GEODA could be achieved by using a multibeam network. Several multibeam network designs based on Butler network will be presented


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A multibeam antenna study based on Butler network will be undertaken in this document. These antenna designs combines phase shift systems with multibeam networks to optimize multiple channel systems. The system will work at 1.7 GHz with circular polarization. Specifically, result simulations and measurements of 3 element triangular subarray will be shown. A 45 element triangular array will be formed by the subarrays. Using triangular subarrays, side lobes and crossing points are reduced.


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A six inputs and three outputs structure which can be used to obtain six simultaneous beams with a triangular array of 3 elements is presented. The beam forming network is obtained combining balanced and unbalanced hybrid couplers and allows to obtain six main beams with sixty degrees of separation in azimuth direction. Simulations and measurements showing the performance of the array and other detailed results are presented