994 resultados para Oberlin, Johann Friedrich, 1740-1826
Schutzbrief and marriage permit for Bonuit Hayum, granted by Friedrich August, Herzog zu Nassau, Wiesbaden, manuscript and seal; includes English translation
Tutkimukseni tarkoitus on paikallistaa polkuja hyvän ja pahan tuolle puolen. Tutkimukseni termit hyvä ja paha määrittyvät moraalisesti. Täten tutkimusaiheeni on ihmisen ja moraalin välinen suhde. Tutkin ihmisen moraalista olotilaa, siinä tapahtuvaa muutosta ja tämän muutoksen ehtoja. Tutkimuksellani on kaksi pääkysymystä: kuinka on mahdollista päästä hyvän ja pahan tuolle puolen ja miksi meidän tulisi siirtyä hyvän ja pahan tuolle puolen. Polut hyvän ja pahan tuolle puolen vievät myös etiikan tuolle puolen. Tutkimukseni pyrkii selvittämään mitä vikaa etiikassa on ja kuinka on mahdollista perustella toimintaa ilman etiikkaa. Tutkimukseni metodi on systemaattinen analyysi. Johdanto-osassa käsittelen yleisesti moraalia, sen vaikutuspiiriä ja niitä syitä, joiden vuoksi se täytyy hylätä. Tarkastelen myös etiikkaa ja selvitän sitä laajempaa kontekstia mihin se liittyy. Ensimmäisessä luvussa käsittelen Martti Lutherin teologiaa. Lutherilla moraalia edustaa Jumalan laki, jonka alaisuudesta kristitty pääsee vapaaksi kun Jeesus ottaa ristinkuolemassaan ihmisten synnin itselleen ja kärsii Jumalan lain mukaisen kuolemanrangaistuksen. Uskon yhteydessä Kristukseen kristitty kohoaa lain ulkopuolelle tekemään rakkauden tekoja. Toinen luku on omistettu Søren Kierkegaardin kristilliselle eksistentialismille. Kierkegaardin eksistenssitasojen filosofiassa uskonnollinen olemisen taso paljastuu korkeammaksi kuin eettinen. Tässä nousee tärkeäksi Kierkegaardin kirja Pelko ja vavistus. Kierkegaard tutkii Raamatun kertomusta Aabrahamista, jolle Jumala antaa käskyn uhrata oma poikansa Iisak. Kierkegaardille tarina on esimerkki eettistä korkeammasta ja sitä tilapäisesti vastustavasta olemisen tavasta. Kolmannessa luvussa käsittelen Dietrich Bonhoefferin teologiaa. Bonhoefferin mukaan Jeesus kutsuu ihmisiä seuraamaan häntä. Tämä on kutsu hyvän ja pahan tuolle puolen paratiisin viattomuuteen, joka rikkoo eettisyyden ihmisen ja Jeesuksen välillä. Neljännessä luvussa tarkastelen Friedrich Nietzschen filosofiaa ja pyrin ymmärtämään mitä hänen ohjelmansa hyvän ja pahan tuolle puolen tarkoittaa. Nietzschen vallantahdon filosofiassa moraali on heikkojen keino alistaa vahvat. Tarkastelen Nietzschen käsitystä moraalin synnystä ja sen haitallisuudesta ja pyrin selvittämään kuinka herrat elävät hyvän ja pahan tuolla puolen. Viidennessä luvussa tutkin Jaques Derridan grammatologiaa. Derridan mukaan teksti on suljettu tila, jonka ulkopuolelle on mahdoton päästä. Derrida sanoittaa kuitenkin sanoittamatonta tilattomuutta tekstin tuolla puolen. Tästä ei-paikasta käsin hypereettinen dekonstruktio purkaa perinteistä etiikkaa. Kuudennessa luvussa tarkastelen Mark C. Taylorin epä/teologiaa. Taylorille olotilan muutosta kuvaa termi harhautuminen , joka vie ihmisen lainsuojattomuuteen hyvän ja pahan tuolle puolen. Selvitän mitä harhautuminen tarkoittaa ja miten se liittyy Taylorin Jumalan kuoleman epä/teologiaan. Johtopäätösluvussa tuon esiin tutkimustuloksia, nostan esille joitain pääluvuissa esiintyviä teemoja ja vertaan tutkimuskohteitteni näkemyksiä toisiinsa. Lutherin ja Nietzschen perinteissä on paljon yhteistä, mutta pohjimmiltaan ne sotivat toisiaan vastaan. Hyvän ja pahan tuolle puolen johtaa kaksi polkua. Toinen niistä vie paratiisiin, toinen tuhoon.
The image of Pietism a window to personal spirituality. The teachings of Johann Arndt as the basis of Pietist emblems The Pietist effect on spiritual images has to be scrutinised as a continuum initiating from the teachings of Johann Arndt who created a protestant iconography that defended the status of pictures and images as the foundation of divine revelation. Pietist artworks reveal Arndtian part of secret, eternal world, and God. Even though modern scholars do not regarded him as a founding father of Pietism anymore, his works have been essential for the development of iconography, and the themes of the Pietist images are linked with his works. For Arndt, the starting point is in the affecting love for Christ who suffered for the humankind. The reading experience is personal and the words point directly at the reader and thus appear as evidence of the guilt of the reader as well as of the love of God. Arndt uses bounteous and descriptive language which has partially affected promoting and picturing of many themes. Like Arndt, Philipp Jakob Spener also emphasised the heart that believes. The Pietist movement was born to oppose detached faith and the lack of the Holy Ghost. Christians touched by the teachings of Arndt and Spener began to create images out of metaphors presented by Arndt. As those people were part of the intelligentsia, it was natural that the fashionable emblematics of the 17th century was moulded for the personal needs. For Arndt, the human heart is manifested as a symbol of soul, personal faith or unbelief as well as an allegory of the burning love for Jesus. Due to this fact, heart emblems were gradually widely used and linked with the love of Christ. In the Nordic countries, the introduction of emblems emanated from the gentry s connections to the Central Europe where emblems were exploited in order to decorate books, artefacts, interiors, and buildings as well as visual/literal trademarks of the intelligentsia. Emblematic paintings in the churches of the castles of Venngarn (1665) and Läckö (1668), owned by Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie, are one of the most central interior paintings preserved in the Nordic countries, and they emphasise personal righteous life. Nonetheless, it was the books by Arndt and the Poet s Society in Nurnberg that bound the Swedish gentry and the scholars of the Pietist movement together. The Finnish gentry had no castles or castle churches so they supported county churches, both in building and in maintenance. As the churches were not private, their iconography could not be private either. Instead, people used Pietist symbols such as Agnus Dei, Cor ardens, an open book, beams, king David, frankincense, wood themes and Virtues. In the Pietist images made for public spaces, the attention is focused on pedagogical, metaphorical, and meaningful presentation as well as concealed statements.
Traz a composição das Mesas da Câmara dos Deputados desde a primeira, eleita em 1826.
Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo
Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)
Como pesquisar : Anais da Câmara dos Deputados : Período : 29 de abril de 1826 a 17 de junho de 1974
Discursos pronunciados pelos Imperadores D. Pedro I e D. Pedro II nas sessões de abertura e encerramento da Assembleia Nacional, no período de 1826 a 1856.
282 págs.Correo electrónico: bea.muro@gmail.com
A new concept for resource oriented federal research within the competence of the German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection was implemented in 2008. The Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries is one of 4 newly established large scale federal research institutions. It comprises the former Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, the Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products and large parts of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre. The institute is named after Johann Heinrich von Thünen, a famous national economist and social reformer of the 19th century. He developed the first serious treatment of spatial economics (the so-called Thünen rings) and the basics of the theory of the natural pay.
Observations of the Galactic center region black hole candidate 1E 1740.7-2942 have been carried out using the Caltech Gamma-Ray Imaging Payload (GRIP), the Röntgensatellit (ROSAT) and the Very Large Array (VLA). These multiwavelength observations have helped to establish the association between a bright emitter of hard X-rays and soft γ-rays, the compact core of a double radio jet source, and the X-ray source, 1E 1740.7-2942. They have also provided information on the X-ray and hard X-ray spectrum.
The Galactic center region was observed by GRIP during balloon flights from Alice Springs, NT, Australia on 1988 April 12 and 1989 April 3. These observations revealed that 1E 1740.7-2942 was the strongest source of hard X-rays within ~10° of the Galactic center. The source spectrum from each flight is well fit by a single power law in the energy range 35-200 keV. The best-fit photon indices and 100 keV normalizations are: γ = (2.05 ± 0.15) and K_(100) = (8.5 ± 0.5) x 10^(-5) cm^(-2) s^(-1) keV^(-1) and γ = (2.2 ± 0.3) and K_(100) = (7.0 ± 0.7) x 10^(-5) cm^(-2) s^(-1) keV^(-1) for the 1988 and 1989 observations respectively. No flux above 200 keV was detected during either observation. These values are consistent with a constant spectrum and indicate that 1E 1740.7-2942 was in its normal hard X-ray emission state. A search on one hour time scales showed no evidence for variability.
The ROSAT HRI observed 1E 1740.7-2942 during the period 1991 March 20-24. An improved source location has been derived from this observation. The best fit coordinates (J2000) are: Right Ascension = 17^h43^m54^s.9, Declination = -29°44'45".3, with a 90% confidence error circle of radius 8".5. The PSPC observation was split between periods from 1992 September 28- October 4 and 1993 March 23-28. A thermal bremsstrahlung model fit to the data yields a column density of N_H = 1.12^(+1.51)_(0.18) x cm^(-2) , consistent with earlier X- ray measurements.
We observed the region of the Einstein IPC error circle for 1E 1740.7-2942 with the VLA at 1.5 and 4.9 GHz on 1989 March 2. The 4.9 GHz observation revealed two sources. Source 'A', which is the core of a double aligned radio jet source (Mirabel et al. 1992), lies within our ROSAT error circle, further strengthening its identification with 1E 1740.7-2942.
Este trabalho visou a averiguação do status taxonômico das esponjas bioerosivas do complexo Cliona celata da América do Sul por meio de técnicas moleculares, utilizando como marcadores a subunidade I da Citocromo c oxidase (cox1) e os Espaçadores Internos Transcritos do RNAr nuclear (ITS1 e ITS2), além de testar outros marcadores. Igualmente, avaliou o grau de variabilidade morfológica encontrado nessas espécies, principalmente por meio da morfometria dos tilóstilos, a fim de estabelecer uma diagnose para elas. Ainda, tentou determinar as relações filogenéticas dessas espécies com as demais esponjas bioerosivas utilizando o gene 28S do RNAr nuclear. Foi possível determinar a existência de cinco clados de esponjas bioerosivas do complexo Cliona celata para a América do Sul, e dois outros clados não-sulamericanos, por meio dos marcadores moleculares utilizados. Embora seja discutida a validade desses clados como espécies distintas, continua impossível, por meio de caracteres morfológicos, distingui-los, e dessa forma, a proposição formal de novas espécies é evitada. Através da reconstrução filogenética do grupo, é possível verificar que as esponjas bioerosivas analisadas se apresentaram como um grupo monofilético, e se separa em três principais clados: Pione, Spirastrellidae, e Clionaidae. Por meio desta, é sugerida a alocação das espécies do complexo C. viridis e C. schimidti dentro de Spirastrella, além de ser necessária a criação de um novo gênero para alocar as espécies do novo complexo identificado aqui, o complexo C. delitrix.
Os objetos centrais do presente trabalho foram os áulicos do Primeiro Reinado (1824-1826), em específico, os quatorze Conselheiros de estado e Ministro vigentes no período determinado; seu projeto político e parte da imprensa destinada a veicular suas ideias. Os áulicos constituíram-se nos representantes que gravitavam em torno do imperador Pedro I, procurando dar sustentação e visibilidade a seu governo diante da opinião pública. O trabalho perpassou pela formação do grupo durante as discussões da Assembleia Constituinte de 1823, até o início da reabertura das atividades parlamentares em 1826, que ficou marcado pelo início do enfraquecimento dos áulicos. As principais metas dos áulicos, tanto na Assembleia de 1823, quanto na imprensa, foram a defesa contra os ataques perpetrados pelos partidos rivais ao imperador e a reafirmação de seus postulados políticos, que tinham como ideias basilares a manutenção da ordem pública, a presença uma Monarquia Constitucional com forte poder centralizador e a defesa da soberania legítima de d. Pedro I. Na convivência entre as ideias modernas Constitucionalistas e os fortes preceitos de Antigo Regime, forjou-se a facção áulica. Sob essas perspectivas entre o novo e o antigo, as continuidades e descontinuidades das práticas políticas, buscou-se o fio condutor para entender os princípios que norteavam o projeto político dos áulicos.