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According to Meno s paradox we cannot inquire into what we do not know because we do not know what we are inquiring into. There are many ways to interpret the paradox but the central issue about our ability to reach truth is a profound one. In the dialogue Meno, Plato presents the paradox and an outline of a solution which enables us to reach knowledge (epistēmē) through philosophical discussion. During the last century Meno has often been considered transitional between Socratic thinking and Plato s own philosophy, and thus the dialogue has not been adequately interpreted as an integrated whole. Therefore the distinctive epistemology of the dialogue has not gained due notice. In this thesis the dialogue is analysed as an integrated whole and the philosophical interpretation also takes into account its dramatic features. The thesis emphasises the role of language and definitions in acquiring knowledge. Among the results concerning these subjects is a new interpretation of Socrates s defintion of shape (schēma). The theory of anamnēsis all learning is recollection in the Meno is argued to answer the paradox philosophically although Plato s presentation also contains playful and ironic elements. The background of the way Plato presents his case is that he appreciated the fact that no argument can plausibly demonstrate that argumentation is able to reach truth. In the Meno, Plato makes the earliest explicit distinction between knowledge and true belief in the history of Western philosophy. He also gives a definition of knowledge which is the basis of the so called classical definition of knowledge as justified true belief. In the Meno, true beliefs become knowledge when someone ties them down by reasoning about the explanation. The analysis of the epistemology of the dialogue from this perspective gives an interpretation which integrates the central concepts of the epistemology in the dialogue elenchos, anamnēsis and hypothetical inquiry into a unified whole which contains a plausible argument according to which the ignorant can reach knowledge through discussion. The conception that emerges by such an analysis is interesting both from the point of view of current interests and that of the history of philosophy. The method of knowledge acquisition in the Meno can, for example, be seen as a predecessor of modern scientific methods. The Meno is the earliest Greek mathematical text that has survived in its original form. The analysis presented in the thesis of the geometric passages in the dialogue provides new results both concerning Socrates s geometry lesson with the slave and the example presenting the hypothetical method. Concerning the latter, a new interpretation is presented. Keywords: anamnēsis, epistēmē, knowledge, Meno s paradox, Plato


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The magnetic field of the Earth is 99 % of the internal origin and generated in the outer liquid core by the dynamo principle. In the 19th century, Carl Friedrich Gauss proved that the field can be described by a sum of spherical harmonic terms. Presently, this theory is the basis of e.g. IGRF models (International Geomagnetic Reference Field), which are the most accurate description available for the geomagnetic field. In average, dipole forms 3/4 and non-dipolar terms 1/4 of the instantaneous field, but the temporal mean of the field is assumed to be a pure geocentric axial dipolar field. The validity of this GAD (Geocentric Axial Dipole) hypothesis has been estimated by using several methods. In this work, the testing rests on the frequency dependence of inclination with respect to latitude. Each combination of dipole (GAD), quadrupole (G2) and octupole (G3) produces a distinct inclination distribution. These theoretical distributions have been compared with those calculated from empirical observations from different continents, and last, from the entire globe. Only data from Precambrian rocks (over 542 million years old) has been used in this work. The basic assumption is that during the long-term course of drifting continents, the globe is sampled adequately. There were 2823 observations altogether in the paleomagnetic database of the University of Helsinki. The effect of the quality of observations, as well as the age and rocktype, has been tested. For comparison between theoretical and empirical distributions, chi-square testing has been applied. In addition, spatiotemporal binning has effectively been used to remove the errors caused by multiple observations. The modelling from igneous rock data tells that the average magnetic field of the Earth is best described by a combination of a geocentric dipole and a very weak octupole (less than 10 % of GAD). Filtering and binning gave distributions a more GAD-like appearance, but deviation from GAD increased as a function of the age of rocks. The distribution calculated from so called keypoles, the most reliable determinations, behaves almost like GAD, having a zero quadrupole and an octupole 1 % of GAD. In no earlier study, past-400-Ma rocks have given a result so close to GAD, but low inclinations have been prominent especially in the sedimentary data. Despite these results, a greater deal of high-quality data and a proof of the long-term randomness of the Earth's continental motions are needed to make sure the dipole model holds true.


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Hantaviruses, members of the genus Hantavirus in the Bunyaviridae family, are enveloped single-stranded RNA viruses with tri-segmented genome of negative polarity. In humans, hantaviruses cause two diseases, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), which vary in severity depending on the causative agent. Each hantavirus is carried by a specific rodent host and is transmitted to humans through excreta of infected rodents. The genome of hantaviruses encodes four structural proteins: the nucleocapsid protein (N), the glycoproteins (Gn and Gc), and the polymerase (L) and also the nonstructural protein (NSs). This thesis deals with the functional characterization of hantavirus N protein with regard to its structure. Structural studies of the N protein have progressed slowly and the crystal structure of the whole protein is still not available, therefore biochemical assays coupled with bioinformatical modeling proved essential for studying N protein structure and functions. Presumably, during RNA encapsidation, the N protein first forms intermediate trimers and then oligomers. First, we investigated the role of N-terminal domain in the N protein oligomerization. The results suggested that the N-terminal region of the N protein forms a coiled-coil, in which two antiparallel alpha helices interact via their hydrophobic seams. Hydrophobic residues L4, I11, L18, L25 and V32 in the first helix and L44, V51, L58 and L65 in the second helix were crucial for stabilizing the structure. The results were consistent with the head-to-head, tail-to-tail model for hantavirus N protein trimerization. We demonstrated that an intact coiled-coil structure of the N terminus is crucial for the oligomerization capacity of the N protein. We also added new details to the head-to-head, tail-to-tail model of trimerization by suggesting that the initial step is based on interaction(s) between intact intra-molecular coiled-coils of the monomers. We further analyzed the importance of charged aa residues located within the coiled-coil for the N protein oligomerization. To predict the interacting surfaces of the monomers we used an upgraded in silico model of the coiled-coil domain that was docked into a trimer. Next the predicted target residues were mutated. The results obtained using the mammalian two-hybrid assay suggested that conserved charged aa residues within the coiled-coil make a substantial contribution to the N protein oligomerization. This contribution probably involves the formation of interacting surfaces of the N monomers and also stabilization of the coiled-coil via intramolecular ionic bridging. We proposed that the tips of the coiled-coils are the first to come into direct contact and thus initiate tight packing of the three monomers into a compact structure. This was in agreement with the previous results showing that an increase in ionic strength abolished the interaction between N protein molecules. We also showed that residues having the strongest effect on the N protein oligomerization are not scattered randomly throughout the coiled-coil 3D model structure, but form clusters. Next we found evidence for the hantaviral N protein interaction with the cytoplasmic tail of the glycoprotein Gn. In order to study this interaction we used the GST pull-down assay in combination with mutagenesis technique. The results demonstrated that intact, properly folded zinc fingers of the Gn protein cytoplasmic tail as well as the middle domain of the N protein (that includes aa residues 80 248 and supposedly carries the RNA-binding domain) are essential for the interaction. Since hantaviruses do not have a matrix protein that mediates the packaging of the viral RNA in other negatve stranded viruses (NSRV), hantaviral RNPs should be involved in a direct interaction with the intraviral domains of the envelope-embedded glycoproteins. By showing the N-Gn interaction we provided the evidence for one of the crucial steps in the virus replication at which RNPs are directed to the site of the virus assembly. Finally we started analysis of the N protein RNA-binding region, which is supposedly located in the middle domain of the N protein molecule. We developed a model for the initial step of RNA-binding by the hantaviral N protein. We hypothesized that the hantaviral N protein possesses two secondary structure elements that initiate the RNA encapsidation. The results suggest that amino acid residues (172-176) presumably act as a hook to catch vRNA and that the positively charged interaction surface (aa residues 144-160) enhances the initial N-RNA interacation. In conclusion, we elucidated new functions of hantavirus N protein. Using in silico modeling we predicted the domain structure of the protein and using experimental techniques showed that each domain is responsible for executing certain function(s). We showed that intact N terminal coiled-coil domain is crucial for oligomerization and charged residues located on its surface form a interaction surface for the N monomers. The middle domain is essential for interaction with the cytoplasmic tail of the Gn protein and RNA binding.


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The rise of Special education numbers in Finland has caused a situation where Finland s ten largest LEA s so called kymppikunnat (ten communes) have expressed their growing concern of organizing the special education in the current institutional settings. The LEA s started the conversation of redefining special education system in 2004. Their aim was to target the governments attention to the problematics of special education. By the request of the Ministry of Education the LEA s prepared a final report concerning the central questions in the Finnish special education system. On the basis of the LEA s survey it became even clearer that the legislation, funding system and curriculum are tightly linked together. The following LEA s took part into the writing process Espoo, Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Tampere, Turku and Vantaa. The report was hand over to the Ministry of Education at 18.8.2006. After the delivery the Ministry organized special education development group meetings 17 times in the year 2007. The result of the LEA s report and the development meetings was a new Special Education Strategy 2007. I am observing the dialogue between administrational levels in governmental institutions change process. The research is a content analysis where I compare the Erityistä tukea tarvitsevan oppilaan opetuksen järjestämisen uudistaminen osana yhtenäistä perusopetusta- kohti laatua ja joustavuutta (The renewal of the organization of teaching for student with special educational needs as part of unified education for all - towards quality and flexibility) document to Erityisopetuksen strategia (Special education strategy) document. My aim was to find out how much of their own interests have the LEA s been able to integrate into the official governmental documentation. The data has been organized and analyzed quantitatively with Macros created as additional parts in Microsoft Excel software. The document material has also been arranged manually on sentence based categorization into an Excel matrix. The results have been theoretically viewed from the special education reform dialogue perspective, and from the angle of the change process of a bureaucratic institution. My target has been to provide a new viewpoint to the change of special education system as a bureaucratic institution. The education system has traditionally been understood as a machine bureaucracy. By the review provided in my pro gradu analysis it seems however that the administrational system in special education is more of a postmodern network bureaucracy than machine bureaucracy. The system appears to be constructed by overlapping, crossing and complex networks where things are been decided. These kinds of networks are called "governance networks . It seems that the governmental administrational - and politic levels, the third sector actors and other society s operators are mixed in decision making.


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The use of animals in scientific experiments tends to arouse strong emotional reactions among the general public, the most essential concern being the pain and suffering they cause. It is felt that suffering inflicted on other beings, including animals, is not morally acceptable. Is the function of a researcher who uses animals morally acceptable and beneficial for humans and animals? May such a researcher him/herself decide what animal experiments he/she can perform or should some outsider have the right to decide what kind of experiments a researcher can or cannot perform? The research material comprises the legislation of Finland and that of some member and non-member states of the European Union, together with European Union directives and pertinent preparatory parliamentary documents. The author has likewise studied the vast literature on animal rights, both pro and contra writings and opinions. The opinions of philosophers on the moral and legal rights of animals are markedly conflicting. Some strongly support the existence of rights, while others totally refute such an opinion, claiming that the question is only of the moral principles of man himself which imply that animals must be treated in a human manner. Speaking of animal rights only tends to muddle ideas on the one hand in philosophical considerations and in legal analyses on the other. The development of legislation in Finland and some other member states of the European Union has in principle been similar. In Finland, the positive laws on animal experiments nowadays comply with the EU directive 86/609/EEC. However, there are marked differences between member states in respect of the way they have in practice implemented the principles of the EU directive. No essential alterations have in practice been discernible in the actual performance of animal experiments during the decades when legislation has been developed in different countries. Self-regulation within the scientific community has been markedly more effectual than legislative procedures. Legal regulation has nevertheless clearly influenced the quality of breeding and life conditions of experimental laboratory animals, cages for example being nowadays larger than hitherto. EU parliament and council have now accepted in September 2010 a new directive on animal experiments which must be implemented in the national legislations by January 1, 2013.


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Lipid analysis is commonly performed by gas chromatography (GC) in laboratory conditions. Spectroscopic techniques, however, are non-destructive and can be implemented noninvasively in vivo. Excess fat (triglycerides) in visceral adipose tissue and liver is known predispose to metabolic abnormalities, collectively known as the metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance is the likely cause with diets high in saturated fat known to impair insulin sensitivity. Tissue triglyceride composition has been used as marker of dietary intake but it can also be influenced by tissue specific handling of fatty acids. Recent studies have shown that adipocyte insulin sensitivity correlates positively with their saturated fat content, contradicting the common view of dietary effects. A better understanding of factors affecting tissue triglyceride composition is needed to provide further insights into tissue function in lipid metabolism. In this thesis two spectroscopic techniques were developed for in vitro and in vivo analysis of tissue triglyceride composition. In vitro studies (Study I) used infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), a fast and cost effective analytical technique well suited for multivariate analysis. Infrared spectra are characterized by peak overlap leading to poorly resolved absorbances and limited analytical performance. In vivo studies (Studies II, III and IV) used proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS), an established non-invasive clinical method for measuring metabolites in vivo. 1H-MRS has been limited in its ability to analyze triglyceride composition due to poorly resolved resonances. Using an attenuated total reflection accessory, we were able to obtain pure triglyceride infrared spectra from adipose tissue biopsies. Using multivariate curve resolution (MCR), we were able to resolve the overlapping double bond absorbances of monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. MCR also resolved the isolated trans double bond and conjugated linoleic acids from an overlapping background absorbance. Using oil phantoms to study the effects of different fatty acid compositions on the echo time behaviour of triglycerides, it was concluded that the use of long echo times improved peak separation with T2 weighting having a negligible impact. It was also discovered that the echo time behaviour of the methyl resonance of omega-3 fats differed from other fats due to characteristic J-coupling. This novel insight could be used to detect omega-3 fats in human adipose tissue in vivo at very long echo times (TE = 470 and 540 ms). A comparison of 1H-MRS of adipose tissue in vivo and GC of adipose tissue biopsies in humans showed that long TE spectra resulted in improved peak fitting and better correlations with GC data. The study also showed that calculation of fatty acid fractions from 1H-MRS data is unreliable and should not be used. Omega-3 fatty acid content derived from long TE in vivo spectra (TE = 540 ms) correlated with total omega-3 fatty acid concentration measured by GC. The long TE protocol used for adipose tissue studies was subsequently extended to the analysis of liver fat composition. Respiratory triggering and long TE resulted in spectra with the olefinic and tissue water resonances resolved. Conversion of the derived unsaturation to double bond content per fatty acid showed that the results were in accordance with previously published gas chromatography data on liver fat composition. In patients with metabolic syndrome, liver fat was found to be more saturated than subcutaneous or visceral adipose tissue. The higher saturation observed in liver fat may be a result of a higher rate of de-novo-lipogenesis in liver than in adipose tissue. This thesis has introduced the first non-invasive method for determining adipose tissue omega-3 fatty acid content in humans in vivo. The methods introduced here have also shown that liver fat is more saturated than adipose tissue fat.


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The in vivo conversion of radioactive tryptophan to anthranilic acid and 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid by submerged cultures of Claviceps paspali was shown by Groeger and his co-workers (1965). More recently, Subba Rao et al. (1967a) reported that washed mycelial felts of Aspergillus niger incorporate the radioactivity from DL-tryptophan-C14 (benzene ring-labeled) into anthranilic acid, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid and catechol. However, the conversion of anthranilic acid to 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid by cell-free preparations has not been demonstrated. In the present paper we report the demonstration of a soluble anthranilic acid hydroxylase from Aspergillus niger which is different from the anthranilic acid hydroxylases reported so far from microbes and higher plants.


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The study seeks to find out whether the real burden of the personal taxation has increased or decreased. In order to determine this, we investigate how the same real income has been taxed in different years. Whenever the taxes for the same real income for a given year are higher than for the base year, the real tax burden has increased. If they are lower, the real tax burden has decreased. The study thus seeks to estimate how changes in the tax regulations affect the real tax burden. It should be kept in mind that the progression in the central government income tax schedule ensures that a real change in income will bring about a change in the tax ration. In case of inflation when the tax schedules are kept nominally the same will also increase the real tax burden. In calculations of the study it is assumed that the real income remains constant, so that we can get an unbiased measure of the effects of governmental actions in real terms. The main factors influencing the amount of income taxes an individual must pay are as follows: - Gross income (income subject to central and local government taxes). - Deductions from gross income and taxes calculated according to tax schedules. - The central government income tax schedule (progressive income taxation). - The rates for the local taxes and for social security payments (proportional taxation). In the study we investigate how much a certain group of taxpayers would have paid in taxes according to the actual tax regulations prevailing indifferent years if the income were kept constant in real terms. Other factors affecting tax liability are kept strictly unchanged (as constants). The resulting taxes, expressed in fixed prices, are then compared to the taxes levied in the base year (hypothetical taxation). The question we are addressing is thus how much taxes a certain group of taxpayers with the same socioeconomic characteristics would have paid on the same real income according to the actual tax regulations prevailing in different years. This has been suggested as the main way to measure real changes in taxation, although there are several alternative measures with essentially the same aim. Next an aggregate indicator of changes in income tax rates is constructed. It is designed to show how much the taxation of income has increased or reduced from one year to next year on average. The main question remains: How aggregation over all income levels should be performed? In order to determine the average real changes in the tax scales the difference functions (difference between actual and hypothetical taxation functions) were aggregated using taxable income as weights. Besides the difference functions, the relative changes in real taxes can be used as indicators of change. In this case the ratio between the taxes computed according to the new and the old situation indicates whether the taxation has become heavier or easier. The relative changes in tax scales can be described in a way similar to that used in describing the cost of living, or by means of price indices. For example, we can use Laspeyres´ price index formula for computing the ratio between taxes determined by the new tax scales and the old tax scales. The formula answers the question: How much more or less will be paid in taxes according to the new tax scales than according to the old ones when the real income situation corresponds to the old situation. In real terms the central government tax burden experienced a steady decline from its high post-war level up until the mid-1950s. The real tax burden then drifted upwards until the mid-1970s. The real level of taxation in 1975 was twice that of 1961. In the 1980s there was a steady phase due to the inflation corrections of tax schedules. In 1989 the tax schedule fell drastically and from the mid-1990s tax schedules have decreased the real tax burden significantly. Local tax rates have risen continuously from 10 percent in 1948 to nearly 19 percent in 2008. Deductions have lowered the real tax burden especially in recent years. Aggregate figures indicate how the tax ratio for the same real income has changed over the years according to the prevailing tax regulations. We call the tax ratio calculated in this manner the real income tax ratio. A change in the real income tax ratio depicts an increase or decrease in the real tax burden. The real income tax ratio declined after the war for some years. In the beginning of the 1960s it nearly doubled to mid-1970. From mid-1990s the real income tax ratio has fallen about 35 %.


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A direct observation of ferroelectric domains in x-irradiated KH2AsO4 and KD2AsO4 using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and in the case of KH2AsO4 also using electron-nuclear double-resonance (ENDOR), is reported. The nature of the observed domain splittings and consequently the effects of an externally applied electric field on the EPR and ENDOR spectra are explained. Moreover, the higher resolution possible with the ENDOR technique, has, for the first time, made it possible to use protons as microscopic probes and to identify in general lines from individual domains in all directions.


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Although several authors have implicated 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-OHA) as an intermediate in tryptophaniacin pathway in animals (Kaplan, 1961), alternative pathways of metabolism of this compound have not been fully explored. Madhusudanan Nair obtained an enzyme from spinach leaves which could convert 3-OHA to cinnabarinic acid (private communication). Viollier and Süllmann (1950) reported the conversion of 3-OHA to an unidentified red compound by rat liver homogenates. The present investigation describes the identification of this product as cinnabarinic acid (2-amino-3-H-isophenoxazine-3-one-1,9-dicarboxylic acid). Cinnabarinic acid is known to occur in nature along with cinnabarin is olated from the fungus Polystictus sanguineus (Gripenberg et al., 1957; Gripenberg, 1958).


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This dissertation deals with the notions of sacrifice and violence in connection with the Fin¬nish flag struggles between 1917 and 1945. The study begins with the basic idea that sacrificial thinking is a key element in nationalism and the social cohesion of large groups. The method used in the study combines anthropological notions of totemism with psychoanalytical object relation theory. The aim is to explore the social and psychological elements of the Finnish national flag and the workers flags during the times of crisis and nation building. The phenomena and concepts addressed include self-sacrifice, scapegoating, remembrance of war, inclusion, and exclusion. The research is located at the intersection of nationalism studies and the cultural history of war. The analysis is based primarily on the press debates, public speeches and archival sources of the civic organizations that promoted the Finnish flag. The study is empirically divided into three sections: 1) the years of the Revolution and the Civil War (1917 1918), 2) the interwar period (1919 1938), and 3) the Second World War (1939 1945). The research demonstrates that the modern national flags and workers flags in Finland maintain certain characteristics of primitive totems. When referred to as a totem the flag means an emotionally charged symbol, a reservoir of the collective ideals of a large group. Thus the flag issue offers a path to explore the perceptions and memory of sacrifice and violence in the making of the First Republic . Any given large group, for example a nation, must conceptually pursue a consensus on its past sacrifices. Without productive interpretation sacrifice represents only meaningless violence. By looking at the passions associated with the flag the study also illuminates various group identities, boundaries and crossings of borders within the Finnish society at the same time. The study shows further that the divisive violence of the Civil War was first overcome in the late 1930s when the social democrats adopted a new perception of the Red victims of 1918 they were seen as part of the birth pains of the nation, and not only the martyrs of class struggle. At the same time the radical Right became marginalized. The study also illuminates how this development made the Spirit of the Winter War possible, a genuine albeit brief experience of horizontal brother and sisterhood, and how this spirit was reflected in the popular adoption of the Finnish flag. The experience was not based only on the external and unifying threat posed by the Soviet Union: it was grounded in a sense of unifying sacrifice which reflected a novel way of understanding the nation and its past sacrifices. Paradoxically, the newly forged consensus over the necessity and the rewards of the common sacrifices of the Winter War (1939 1940) made new sacrifices possible during the Continuation War (1941 1944). In spite of political discord and war weariness, the concept of a unified nation under the national flag survived even the absurdity of the stationary war phase. It can be said that the conflict between the idea of a national community and parliamentary party politics dissolved as a result of the collective experience of the Second World War.


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Pro gradu -työssä tarkastelen tšekin ja suomen kielessä esiintyviä eläinten nimityksistä johdettuja fraseologisia ilmauksia ja sanontoja. Eläinfraseologia muodostaa kielessä keskeisen osan, jolle ovat tyypillisiä voimakas tunnelataus, rajoittunut, sovinnainen käyttö ja puhekielenomaisuus. Tarkastelen eläinilmauksia morfologisesti ja semanttis-leksikaalisesti, mutta muitakin piirteitä esiintyy. Vertailen kumpaakin kieltä ja selvitän kielten fraasien, idiomien ja muiden sanontojen yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja. Sanonnat (ynnä johdokset ja sanaparit) jaan neljään eri ryhmään seuraavasti: 1. kummassakin kielessä olevat samanlaiset ilmaukset, 2. kummassakin kielessä olevat osittain samanlaiset ilmaukset, 3. tsekkiläiset ilmaukset ja 4. suomalaiset ilmaukset. Työni materiaali on peräisin tsekkiläisistä, suomalaisista ja muunkielisistä sanakirjoista (lähinnä fraseologisista). Selvittelen erityisesti keskeisimpien kotieläinten nimistä (koira, kissa, hevonen, lehmä, lammas, sika, kana), joidenkin muiden eläinten nimistä (karhu, susi, karppi, käärme) ja joidenkin ulkomaisten eläinten nimistä (leijona, elefantti, apina) johdettuja fraseologisia ilmauksia. Materiaali käsittää yhteensä 145 eri eläintä, 163 eläimen nimitystä ja 585 eläinilmausta. Aineistoni pohjalta voi todeta, että tšekin ja suomen kielessä on yllättävän paljon samantyyppisiä eläinilmauksia, vaikka kielet poikkeavat huomattavasti toisistaan. Korpuksessani olevista ilmauksista on täysin symmetrisiä 119/20,3 %, osittain samanlaisia (epäsymmetrisiä) 127/21,7 %, pelkästään tsekkiläisiä 161/27,5 % ja pelkästään suomalaisia 146/25,0 %. Sanaparit ja sananlaskut, joita käsittelin erillisenä ryhmänä (32 kpl) muodostivat aineistosta 5,5 % (niistäkin löytyi yhtäläisyyksiä). Yleisimmin esiintyvät eläimet ovat koira ja kissa. Koira on kuitenkin tšekin fraseologiassa yleisempi eläin kuin suomessa, jossa taas kissa on yleisimmin esiintyvä eläimen nimi. Yleisiä ovat myös mm. hevonen, sika, lintu, kala ja kana. Karitsa, hanhi ja vuohi esiintyvät paljon useammin tšekin fraseologiassa, suomessa esiintyy taas usein sika silloin, kun tšekissä on porsas. Joillakin eläinten nimillä on selvästi negatiivisempi tunnelataus (susi, käärme) kuin toisilla (koira, kissa). Toisin kuin suomessa, kissa on tšekissä valheellinen, vuohi herkuttelee, pöllö ja apina edustavat viisautta ja oppivaisuutta ja kovakuoriainen hellyttää. Yhteisiä eläinten nimityksiä kummassakin kielessä on aineistossani 106/163 (65,03 %). Tšekin fraseologiassa on lähes kaksi kertaa enemmän (37/163 = 22,7 %) sellaisia eläinten nimiä, joita ei esiinny suomen fraseologiassa verrattuna pelkästään suomen fraseologiassa esiintyviin eläinten nimiin (20/163 = 12,27 %). Pelkästään tšekissä esiintyviä eläimiä ovat mm. lumikko, majava, murmeli, mäyrä, näätä ja riikinkukko; pelkästään suomen fraseologiassa esiintyvät puolestaan mm. kiiski, muikku, peippo, poro, sopuli ja telkkä. Vertauskuvat ovat kummassakin kielessä erittäin tyypillisiä. Eläinten nimet viittaavat useimmiten ihmisen kielteisiin luonteenpiirteisiin tai ominaisuuksiin (mazaný jako liška ja viekas kuin kettu). Aineistoni pohjalta vaikuttaa siltä, että tšekissä on enemmän vaihtoehtoisia ja eri eläinten lajeista muodostettuja ilmauksia (mm. lintu- ja kalalajeista). Kummassakin kielessä on myös huudahduslauseita (Ty jsi ale liška pod itá! ja Senkin vanha kettu!), kansainvälisiä ilmauksia (jádro pudla ja villakoiran ydin) ja ns. petollisia ystäviä toisiaan erehdyttävästi muistuttavia, mutta eri asiaa merkitseviä sanontoja (tsekin kočičí život kissanelämä tarkoittaa ´sitkeähenkisyyttä´ − ei suomen kissanpäiviä). Kansallisista erityispiirteistä ovat esimerkkeinä mm. tšekin ilmaus mít se jako husa o Martině "voida kuin hanhi Martinpäivänä" (suomeksi ´voida kurjasti´; viittaus Martinpäivän hanhensyömisperinteeseen) tai suomen ilmaukset kuin hyttysen liraus Itämereen ja sopulilauma.


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Normal growth and development require the precise control of gene expression. Transcription factors are proteins that regulate gene expression by binding specific sequences of DNA. Abnormalities in transcription are implicated in a variety of human diseases, including cancer, endocrine disorders and birth defects. Transcription factor GATA4 has emerged as an important regulator of normal development and function in a variety of endoderm- and mesoderm- derived tissues, including gut, heart and several endocrine organs, such as gonads. Mice harboring a null mutation of Gata4 gene die during embryogenesis due to failure in heart formation, complicating the study of functional role of GATA4 in other organs. However, the expression pattern of GATA4 suggests it may play a role in the regulation of ovarian granulosa cell development, function and apoptosis. This premise is supported by in vitro studies showing that GATA4 regulates several steroidogenic enzymes as well as auto-, para- and endocrine signaling molecules important for granulosa cell function. This study assessed the in vivo role of GATA4 for granulosa cell function by utilizing two genetically modified mouse strains. The findings in the GATA4 deficient mice included delayed puberty, impaired fertility and signs of diminished estrogen production. At the molecular level, the GATA4 deficiency leads to attenuated expression of central steroidogenic genes, Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), Side-chain cleavage (SCC), and aromatase as a response to stimulations with exogenous gonadotropins. Taken together, these suggest GATA4 is necessary for the normal ovarian function and female fertility. Programmed cell death, apoptosis, is a crucial part of normal ovarian development and function. In addition, disturbances in apoptosis have been implicated to pathogenesis of human granulosa cell tumors (GCTs). Apoptosis is controlled by extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. The intrinsic pathway is regulated by members of Bcl-2 family, and its founding member, the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2, is known to be important for granulosa cell survival. This study showed that the expression levels of GATA4 and Bcl-2 correlate in the human GCTs and that GATA4 regulates Bcl-2 expression, presumably by directly binding to its promoter. In addition, disturbing GATA4 function was sufficient to induce apoptosis in cultured GCT- derived cell line. Taken together, these results suggest GATA4 functions as an anti-apoptotic factor in GCTs. The extrinsic apoptotic pathway is controlled by the members of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily. An interesting ligand of this family is TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), possessing a unique ability to selectively induce apoptosis in malignant cells. This study characterized the previously unknown expression of TRAIL and its receptors in both developing and adult human ovary, as well as in malignant granulosa cell tumors. TRAIL pathway was shown to be active in GCTs suggesting it may be a useful tool in treating these malignancies. However, more studies are required to assess the function of TRAIL pathway in normal ovaries. In addition to its ability to induce apoptosis in GCTs, this study revealed that GATA4 protects these malignancies from TRAIL-induced apoptosis. GATA4 presumably exerts this effect by regulating the expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2. This is of particular interest as high expression of GATA4 is known to correlate to aggressive GCT behavior. Thus, GATA4 seems to protect GCTs from endogenous TRAIL by upregulating anti-apoptotic factors such as Bcl-2.


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Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the second most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is an indolent and clinically heterogeneous disease, which is generally considered incurable. Currently, immunochemotherapy has significantly improved the outcome of FL patients. This is based on the combination of rituximab, a monoclonal anti-CD20 antibody, with chemotherapy, and is used at present as a standard first-line therapy in FL. Thus far, however, patients have been selected for treatment based on clinical risk factors and indices that were developed before the rituximab era. Therefore, there is a growing need to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease, which would not only provide information to predict survival in the rituximab era, but also enable the design of more targeted therapeutic strategies. In this study, our aim was to identify genes predicting the outcome in FL patients treated with immunochemotherapy. Thus, we performed a cDNA microarray with 24 FL patients. When gene expression differences from diagnostic tumour samples were related to the clinical outcome, we identified novel genes with a prognostic impact on survival. The expression of selected genes was further characterized with quantitative PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Interestingly, the prognostic influence of these genes was often associated with their expression in non-malignant cells instead of tumour cells. Based on the observed gene expression patterns, we analyzed the abundance and prognostic value of non-malignant immune cells in 95-98 FL patients treated with immunochemotherapy. We observed that a high content of tumour-associated macrophages was a marker of a favourable prognosis. In contrast, the accumulation of mast cells correlated with a poor outcome and was further associated with tumour vascularity. Increased microvessel density also correlated with an inferior outcome. In addition, we used the same microarray data with a systems biology approach to identify signalling pathways or groups of genes capable of separating patients with favourable or adverse outcomes. Among the transcripts, there were many genes associated with signal transducers and activators of the transcription (STAT5a) pathway. When IHC was used as validation, STAT5a expression was mostly observed in T-cells and follicular dendritic cells, and expression was found to predict a favourable outcome. In cell cultures, rituximab was observed to induce the expression of STAT5a-associated interleukins in human lymphoma cell lines, which might provide a possible link for the cross-talk between rituximab-induced FL cells and their microenvironment. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the microenvironment has a prognostic role in FL patients treated with immunochemotherapy. The results also address the importance of re-evaluating the prognostic markers in the rituximab era of lymphoma therapies.


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Tutkielmassa arvioidaan taajuushuutokauppojen taloudellista tehokkuutta. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan erityisesti huutokaupan allokatiivista tehokkuutta ja sen toteutumista kahdessa huutokauppatapauksessa. Työn metodeina on historiallinen tarkastelu taajuushuutokauppojen kehityshistoriasta, toimialatarkastelu teletoimialasta, peliteoreettinen analyysi monen kohteen huutokaupan taloudellisesta tehokkuudesta sekä huutokaupassa asetettujen huutojen suuruuksien sekä määrien analysointi Suomen ja Ruotsin 2,6 GHz:n huutokauppojen osalta. Historiallisen tarkastelun tuloksena esitetään, että huutokaupat ovat taloudellisesti tehokkaampi menetelmä kuin muut taajuusjakomenetelmät: arpajaiset, hallinnollinen arviointi tai ns. ”first come first serve” –menetelmä. Matemaattisen analyysin avulla määritellään tarkasti huutokaupan tehokkuus monen kohteen huutokaupassa ja miten huutokauppamekanismilla voidaan ohjata huutokauppa tehokkaaseen lopputulemaan. 2,6 GHz:n Suomen ja Ruotsin huutokauppojen osalta johtopäätöksinä esitetään, että Ruotsin huutokaupassa todennäköisesti saavutettiin tehokas lopputulema. Suomen huutokaupan osalta esitetään, että huutokaupan taloudelliset mekanismit eivät välttämättä ohjanneet huutokauppaa tehokkaaseen lopputulemaan. Suurimpana syynä Suomen huutokaupan mahdollisesti tehottomaan lopputulemaan voitaneen pitää huutokaupassa ilmennyttä, osittain mekanismista johtunutta, vähäistä kysyntää.