990 resultados para Locomotor sensitization


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Revisar os artigos publicados recentemente na imprensa científica brasileira sobre o tema geral de exercício físico. Todos os artigos publicados em 2010/2011 encontrados por meio do descritor exercício foram coletados em 11 periódicos brasileiros. Eles foram filtrados manualmente de modo a excluir todos os artigos de pesquisa que não fossem originais. Foram agrupados de acordo com categorias e subcategorias de assunto. Foi elaborado um breve resumo de todos os artigos incluídos, comparando os similares entre si. As interações mais comuns referem-se a exercício e sistema cardiovascular e metabolismo e sistema locomotor, nessa ordem. O volume de pesquisa científica nesse campo é grande e de qualidade suficiente que justifica o destaque.


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Abstract Background Neonatal STZ treatment induces a state of mild hyperglycemia in adult rats that disrupts metabolism and maternal/fetal interactions. The aim of this study was investigate the effect of neonatal STZ treatment on the physical development, behavior, and reproductive function of female Wistar rats from infancy to adulthood. Methods At birth, litters were assigned either to a Control (subcutaneous (s.c.) citrate buffer, n = 10) or STZ group, (streptozotocin (STZ) - 100 mg/kg-sc, n = 6). Blood glucose levels were measured on postnatal days (PND) 35, 84 and 120. In Experiment 1 body weight, length and the appearance of developmental milestones such as eye and vaginal opening were monitored. To assess the relative contribution of the initial and long term effects of STZ treatment this group was subdivided based on blood glucose levels recorded on PND 120: STZ hyperglycemic (between 120 and 300 mg/dl) and STZ normoglycemic (under 120 mg/dl). Behavioral activity was assessed in an open field on PND 21 and 75. In Experiment 2 estrous cyclicity, sexual behavior and circulating gonadotropin, ovarian steroid, and insulin levels were compared between control and STZ-hyperglycemic rats. In all measures the litter was the experimental unit. Parametric data were analyzed using one-way or, where appropriate, two-way ANOVA and significant effects were investigated using Tukey’s post hoc test. Fisher’s exact test was employed when data did not satisfy the assumption of normality e.g. presence of urine and fecal boli on the open field between groups. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05 for all data. Results As expected neonatal STZ treatment caused hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia in adulthood. STZ-treated pups also showed a temporary reduction in growth rate that probably reflected the early loss of circulating insulin. Hyperglycemic rats also exhibited a reduction in locomotor and exploratory behavior in the open field. Mild hyperglycemia did not impair gonadotropin levels or estrous cylicity but ovarian steroid concentrations were altered. Conclusions In female Wistar rats, neonatal STZ treatment impairs growth in infancy and results in mild hyperglycemia/hypoinsulinemia in adulthood that is associated with changes in the response to a novel environment and altered ovarian steroid hormone levels.


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It is well established that female sex hormones have a pivotal role in inflammation. For instance, our group has previously reported that estradiol has proinflammatory actions during allergic lung response in animal models. Based on these findings, we have decided to further investigate whether T regulatory cells are affected by female sex hormones absence after ovariectomy. We evaluated by flow cytometry the frequencies of CD4+Foxp3+ T regulatory cells (Tregs) in central and peripheral lymphoid organs, such as the thymus, spleen and lymph nodes. Moreover, we have also used the murine model of allergic lung inflammation a to evaluate how female sex hormones would affect the immune response in vivo. To address that, ovariectomized or sham operated female Balb/c mice were sensitized or not with ovalbumin 7 and 14 days later and subsequently challenged twice by aerosolized ovalbumin on day 21. Besides the frequency of CD4+Foxp3+ T regulatory cells, we also measured the cytokines IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13 and IL-17 in the bronchoalveolar lavage from lungs of ovalbumine challenged groups. Our results demonstrate that the absence of female sex hormones after ovariectomy is able to increase the frequency of Tregs in the periphery. As we did not observe differences in the thymus-derived natural occurring Tregs, our data may indicate expansion or conversion of peripheral adaptive Tregs. In accordance with Treg suppressive activity, ovariectomized and ovalbumine-sensitized and challenged animals had significantly reduced lung inflammation. This was observed after cytokine analysis of lung explants showing significant reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 and IL-17, associated to increased amount of IL-10. In summary, our data clearly demonstrates that OVA sensitization 7 days after ovariectomy culminates in reduced lung inflammation, which may be directly correlated with the expansion of Tregs in the periphery and further higher IL-10 secretion in the lungs.


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Temperature dependent transient curves of excited levels of a model Eu3+ complex have been measured for the first time. A coincidence between the temperature dependent rise time of the 5D0 emitting level and decay time of the 5D1 excited level in the [Eu(tta)3(H2O)2] complex has been found, which unambiguously proves the T1→5D1→5D0 sensitization pathway. A theoretical approach for the temperature dependent energy transfer rates has been successfully applied to the rationalization of the experimental data.


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The knee joint is a key structure of the human locomotor system. The knowledge of how each single anatomical structure of the knee contributes to determine the physiological function of the knee, is of fundamental importance for the development of new prostheses and novel clinical, surgical, and rehabilitative procedures. In this context, a modelling approach is necessary to estimate the biomechanic function of each anatomical structure during daily living activities. The main aim of this study was to obtain a subject-specific model of the knee joint of a selected healthy subject. In particular, 3D models of the cruciate ligaments and of the tibio-femoral articular contact were proposed and developed using accurate bony geometries and kinematics reliably recorded by means of nuclear magnetic resonance and 3D video-fluoroscopy from the selected subject. Regarding the model of the cruciate ligaments, each ligament was modelled with 25 linear-elastic elements paying particular attention to the anatomical twisting of the fibres. The devised model was as subject-specific as possible. The geometrical parameters were directly estimated from the experimental measurements, whereas the only mechanical parameter of the model, the elastic modulus, had to be considered from the literature because of the invasiveness of the needed measurements. Thus, the developed model was employed for simulations of stability tests and during living activities. Physiologically meaningful results were always obtained. Nevertheless, the lack of subject-specific mechanical characterization induced to design and partially develop a novel experimental method to characterize the mechanics of the human cruciate ligaments in living healthy subjects. Moreover, using the same subject-specific data, the tibio-femoral articular interaction was modelled investigating the location of the contact point during the execution of daily motor tasks and the contact area at the full extension with and without the whole body weight of the subject. Two different approaches were implemented and their efficiency was evaluated. Thus, pros and cons of each approach were discussed in order to suggest future improvements of this methodologies. The final results of this study will contribute to produce useful methodologies for the investigation of the in-vivo function and pathology of the knee joint during the execution of daily living activities. Thus, the developed methodologies will be useful tools for the development of new prostheses, tools and procedures both in research field and in diagnostic, surgical and rehabilitative fields.


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The aim of this Ph.D. project has been the design and characterization of new and more efficient luminescent tools, in particular sensors and labels, for analytical chemistry, medical diagnostics and imaging. Actually both the increasing temporal and spatial resolutions that are demanded by those branches, coupled to a sensitivity that is required to reach the single molecule resolution, can be provided by the wide range of techniques based on luminescence spectroscopy. As far as the development of new chemical sensors is concerned, as chemists we were interested in the preparation of new, efficient, sensing materials. In this context, we kept developing new molecular chemosensors, by exploiting the supramolecular approach, for different classes of analytes. In particular we studied a family of luminescent tetrapodal-hosts based on aminopyridinium units with pyrenyl groups for the detection of anions. These systems exhibited noticeable changes in the photophysical properties, depending on the nature of the anion; in particular, addition of chloride resulted in a conformational change, giving an initial increase in excimeric emission. A good selectivity for dicarboxylic acid was also found. In the search for higher sensitivities, we moved our attention also to systems able to perform amplification effects. In this context we described the metal ion binding properties of three photoactive poly-(arylene ethynylene) co-polymers with different complexing units and we highlighted, for one of them, a ten-fold amplification of the response in case of addition of Zn2+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions. In addition, we were able to demonstrate the formation of complexes with Yb3+ an Er3+ and an efficient sensitization of their typical metal centered NIR emission upon excitation of the polymer structure, this feature being of particular interest for their possible applications in optical imaging and in optical amplification for telecommunication purposes. An amplification effect was also observed during this research in silica nanoparticles derivatized with a suitable zinc probe. In this case we were able to prove, for the first time, that nanoparticles can work as “off-on” chemosensors with signal amplification. Fluorescent silica nanoparticles can be thus seen as innovative multicomponent systems in which the organization of photophysically active units gives rise to fruitful collective effects. These precious effects can be exploited for biological imaging, medical diagnostic and therapeutics, as evidenced also by some results reported in this thesis. In particular, the observed amplification effect has been obtained thanks to a suitable organization of molecular probe units onto the surface of the nanoparticles. In the effort of reaching a deeper inside in the mechanisms which lead to the final amplification effects, we also attempted to find a correlation between the synthetic route and the final organization of the active molecules in the silica network, and thus with those mutual interactions between one another which result in the emerging, collective behavior, responsible for the desired signal amplification. In this context, we firstly investigated the process of formation of silica nanoparticles doped with pyrene derivative and we showed that the dyes are not uniformly dispersed inside the silica matrix; thus, core-shell structures can be formed spontaneously in a one step synthesis. Moreover, as far as the design of new labels is concerned, we reported a new synthetic approach to obtain a class of robust, biocompatible silica core-shell nanoparticles able to show a long-term stability. Taking advantage of this new approach we also showed the synthesis and photophysical properties of core-shell NIR absorbing and emitting materials that proved to be very valuable for in-vivo imaging. In general, the dye doped silica nanoparticles prepared in the framework of this project can conjugate unique properties, such as a very high brightness, due to the possibility to include many fluorophores per nanoparticle, high stability, because of the shielding effect of the silica matrix, and, to date, no toxicity, with a simple and low-cost preparation. All these features make these nanostructures suitable to reach the low detection limits that are nowadays required for effective clinical and environmental applications, fulfilling in this way the initial expectations of this research project.


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Allergies are a complex of symptoms derived from altered IgE-mediated reactions of the immune system towards substances known as allergens. Allergic sensibilization can be of food or respiratory origin and, in particular, apple and hazelnut allergens have been identified in pollens or fruits. Allergic cross-reactivity can occur in a patient reacting to similar allergens from different origins, justifying the research in both systems as in Europe a greater number of people suffers from apple fruit allergy, but little evidence exists about pollen. Apple fruit allergies are due to four different classes of allergens (Mal d 1, 2, 3, 4), whose allergenicity is related both to genotype and tissue specificity; therefore I have investigated their presence also in pollen at different time of germination to clarify the apple pollen allergenic potential. I have observed that the same four classes of allergens found in fruit are expressed at different levels also in pollen, and their presence might support that the apple pollen can be considered allergenic as the fruit, deducing that apple allergy could also be indirectly caused by sensitization to pollen. Climate changes resulting from increases in temperature and air pollution influence pollen allergenicity, responsible for the dramatic raise in respiratory allergies (hay fever, bronchial asthma, conjunctivitis). Although the link between climate change and pollen allergenicity is proven, the underlying mechanism is little understood. Transglutaminases (TGases), a class of enzymes able to post-translationally modify proteins, are activated under stress and involved in some inflammatory responses, enhancing the activity of pro-inflammatory phospholipase A2, suggesting a role in allergies. Recently, a calcium-dependent TGase activity has been identified in the pollen cell wall, raising the possibility that pollen TGase may have a role in the modification of pollen allergens reported above, thus stabilizing them against proteases. This enzyme can be involved also in the transamidation of proteins present in the human mucosa interacting with surface pollen or, finally, the enzyme itself can represent an allergen, as suggested by studies on celiac desease. I have hypothesized that this pollen enzyme can be affected by climate changes and be involved in exhacerbating allergy response. The data presented in this thesis represent a scientific basis for future development of studies devoted to verify the hypothesis set out here. First, I have demonstrated the presence of an extracellular TGase on the surface of the grain observed either at the apical or the proximal parts of the pollen-tube by laser confocal microscopy (Iorio et al., 2008), that plays an essential role in apple pollen-tube growth, as suggested by the arrest of tube elongation by TGase inhibitors, such as EGTA or R281. Its involvement in pollen tube growth is mainly confirmed by the data of activity and gene expression, because TGase showed a peak between 15 min and 30 min of germination, when this process is well established, and an optimal pH around 6.5, which is close to that recorded for the germination medium. Moreover, data show that pollen TGase can be a glycoprotein as the glycosylation profile is linked both with the activation of the enzyme and with its localization at the pollen cell wall during germination, because from the data presented seems that the active form of TGase involved in pollen tube growth and pollen-stylar interaction is more exposed and more weakly bound to the cell wall. Interestingly, TGase interacts with fibronectin (FN), a putative SAMs or psECM component, inducing possibly intracellular signal transduction during the interaction between pollen-stylar occuring in the germination process, since a protein immunorecognised by anti-FN antibody is also present in pollen, in particular at the level of pollen grain cell wall in a punctuate pattern, but also along the shank of the pollen tube wall, in a similar pattern that recalls the signal obtained with the antibody anti TGase. FN represents a good substrate for the enzyme activity, better than DMC usually used as standard substrate for animal TGase. Thus, this pollen enzyme, necessary for its germination, is exposed on the pollen surface and consequently can easily interact with mucosal proteins, as it has been found germinated pollen in studies conducted on human mucus (Forlani, personal communication). I have obtained data that TGase activity increases in a very remarkable way when pollen is exposed to stressful conditions, such as climate changes and environmental pollution. I have used two different species of pollen, an aero allergenic (hazelnut, Corylus avellana) pollen, whose allergenicity is well documented, and an enthomophylus (apple, Malus domestica) pollen, which is not yet well characterized, to compare data on their mechanism of action in response to stressors. The two pollens have been exposed to climate changes (different temperatures, relative humidity (rH), acid rain at pH 5.6 and copper pollution (3.10 µg/l)) and showed an increase in pollen surface TGase activity that is not accompanied to an induced expression of TGase immunoreactive protein with AtPNG1p. Probably, climate change induce an alteration or damage to pollen cell wall that carries the pollen grains to release their content in the medium including TGase enzyme, that can be free to carry out its function as confirmed by the immunolocalisation and by the in situ TGase activity assay data; morphological examination indicated pollen damage, viability significantly reduced and in acid rain conditions an early germination of apple pollen, thus possibly enhancing the TGase exposure on pollen surface. Several pollen proteins were post-translationally modified, as well as mammalian sPLA2 especially with Corylus pollen, which results in its activation, potentially altering pollen allergenicity and inflammation. Pollen TGase activity mimicked the behaviour of gpl TGase and AtPNG1p in the stimulation of sPLA2, even if the regulatory mechanism seems different to gpl TGase, because pollen TGase favours an intermolecular cross-linking between various molecules of sPLA2, giving rise to high-molecular protein networks normally more stable. In general, pollens exhibited a significant endogenous phospholipase activity and it has been observed differences according to the allergenic (Corylus) or not-well characterized allergenic (Malus) attitude of the pollen. However, even if with a different intensity level in activation, pollen enzyme share the ability to activate the sPLA2, thus suggesting an important regulatory role for the activation of a key enzyme of the inflammatory response, among which my interest was addressed to pollen allergy. In conclusion, from all the data presented, mainly presence of allergens, presence of an extracellular TGase, increasing in its activity following exposure to environmental pollution and PLA2 activation, I can conclude that also Malus pollen can behave as potentially allergenic. The mechanisms described here that could affect the allergenicity of pollen, maybe could be the same occurring in fruit, paving the way for future studies in the identification of hyper- and hypo- allergenic cultivars, in preventing environmental stressor effects and, possibly, in the production of transgenic plants.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Wirkung von Hyperforin, einem Johanniskraut-Inhaltsstoff, auf das zentrale cholinerge System. Da der HACU Na+-abhängig operiert und Hyperforin den transmembranären Na+-Gradienten verringert, wurde an Rattenkortex-Synaptosomen in vitro geprüft, ob der HACU durch Hyperforin gehemmt wird. Es wurde gefunden, dass Hyperforin den HACU mit einer Hemmkonstante IC50 von 8.5 µM inhibiert. Da die de novo-ACh-Synthese direkt HACU-Aktivitäts-abhängig ist, wurde in vivo mittels Mikrodialyse-Technik verifziert, ob die cholinerge Transmission beeinflusst wird. Lokale Infusionen von 100 µM Hyperforin in das Striatum resultierten in einer Reduktion der ACh-Freisetzung bei parallelem Ch-Spiegel-Anstieg bedingt durch die HACU-Inhibition. Infusionen niedrigerer Konzentration (10 und 30 µM) führten hingegen zu einer konzentrations-abhängigen Stimulation der ACh-Freisetzung bei simultaner Ch-Spiegel-Senkung. Systemische Applikation von 1 und 10 mg/kg i.p. resultierten in einer verstärkten ACh-Freisetzung im Striatum und im Hippokampus; diese Dosen führen zu therapeutisch relevanten Plasmaspiegeln. Die Ergebnisse im Striatum und im Hippokampus erklären die motilitätsverringernden Effekte im Tierexperiment bzw. die benignen Effekte in Verhaltensmodellen für Lernen und Gedächtnis. Die vergleichende Analyse der Mikrodialyse-Experimente ergab, dass eine antidepressive Johanniskraut-Begleitmedikation bei Parkinson ungünstig, jedoch Alzheimer günstig zu bewerten ist.


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Aufgaben der vorliegenden Untersuchungen waren die Etablierung von planaren Multilayern aus mensch­lichen Tumorzellen (WiDr und SiHa) und die Testung dieses Zellsystems als Bestrahlungsmodell solider Tumoren. Neben der konventionellen Röntgenbestrahlung (250 kV) wurde auch das Überle­ben nach Schwerionenbestrahlung (12C6+) und nach Behandlung mit dem Chemotherapeutikum Etoposid unter­sucht. Multilayer aus beiden Zelllinien zeigten ein geringeres Überleben nach Röntgen- und Schwerionenbestrah­lung als die entsprechenden Monolayer. Die hier beschriebene multizelluläre Sensitivierung steht aller­dings im Ge­gensatz zu der in der Literatur beschriebenen multizellulären Resistenz der Sphäroide, dem sog. Kontakteffekt. Nach durchflußzytometrischen Mes­sungen arretierten die bestrahlten SiHa-Zellen in der G2/M-Phase. Im Gegen­satz zum transienten Block der Monolayer verweilten die Multilayer in einem per­manenten Arrest. Im Vergleich zur Röntgenbe­strahlung verlän­gerte sich die Arrestzeit der Mono­layer nach Schwerionenbestrahlung im Bragg-Peak um 12-24 h. Auch waren mehr Zellen betroffen. Im Gegensatz dazu war kein Unterschied zwischen beiden Bestrahlungsmo­dalitäten bei den Multi­layern bis zum Ende des Beobachtungszeit­raumes zu verzeichnen. Nach Etoposid-Behandlung verhielten sich die Multilayer deutlich resistenter als die Monolayer. Somit zeigten Multilayer interessan­terweise nach Bestrahlung eine Sensitivierung und nach Etoposid-Behandlung eine Resistenz. Die Unterschiede im Überleben der beiden Kultivierungs­formen beruhen zum Großteil auf den Differenzen in der Zellzyk­lusverteilung. Besonders deutlich wurde dieser Zusam­men­hang zwischen Überleben und Zell­zyklusvertei­lung durch Wie­deraussaat- und Synchronisations-Experi­mente.


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The aim of this Ph.D. project has been the photophysical and photochemical characterization of new photo- and redox-active supramolecular systems. In particular we studied two different classes of compounds: metal complexes and dendrimers. Two different families of bis-cyclometalated neutral Ir(III) complexes are presented and their photophysical properties are discussed. The first family of complexes contains two 2-phenylpyridyl (ppy) or 2-(4,6-difluorophenyl)pyridyl (F2ppy) cyclometalated ligands and an ancillary ligand constituted by a phenol-oxazoline (phox), which can be substituted in the third position with a fluorine group (Fphox). In the second part of this study, we present another family of bis-cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes in which the ancillary ligand could be a chiral or an achiral bis-oxazoline (box). We report on their structural, electrochemical, photophysical, and photochemical properties. Complexes containing phox and Fphox ancillary ligands show blue luminescence with very high quantum yield, while complexes with box ligands do not show particularly interesting photophysical properties. Surprisingly these complexes give an unexpected photoreaction when irradiated with UV light in presence of dioxygen. This photoreaction originates a stable, strong blue emitting and particularly interesting photoproduct. Three successive generations of a family of polyethyleneglycol (PEG)-coated Pd(II) tetrabenzoporphyrin (PdTBP)-based dendritic nanoprobes are presented, and their ability to sensitize singlet oxygen and inflict cellular photodamage are discussed. It was found that the size of the dendrimer has practically no effect on the singlet oxygen sensitization efficiency, that approximate the unity, in spite of the strong attenuation of the triplet quenching rate with an increase in the dendrimer generation. Nevertheless, when compared against a commonly used singlet oxygen sensitizer, as Photofrin, the phosphorescent probes were found to be non-phototoxic. The lack of phototoxicity is presumably due to the inability of PEGylated probes to associate with cell surfaces and/or penetrate cellular membranes. The results suggest that protected phosphorescent probes can be safely used for oxygen measurements in biological systems in vivo. A new family of two photoswitchable (G0(Azo) and G1(Azo)) dendrimers with an azobenzene core, two cyclam units as coordination sites for metal ions, and luminescent naphthalene units at the periphery have been characterized and their coordination abilities have been studied. Because of their proximity, the various functional groups of the dendrimer may interact, so that the properties of the dendrimers are different from those exhibited by the separated functional units. Both the naphthalene fluorescence and the azobenzene photoisomerization can be observed in the dendrimer, but it has been shown that (i) the fluorescent excited state of the naphthalene units is substantially quenched by excimer and exciplex formation and by energy transfer to the azobenzene units, and (ii) in the latter case the fluorescence quenching is accompanied by the photosensitized isomerization of the trans → cis, and, with higher efficiency, the cis → trans reaction. Complexation of these dendrimers, both trans and cis isomers, with Zn(II) ions shows that complexes of 1:1 and 2:1 metal per dendrimer stoichiometry are formed showing different photophysical and photochemical properties compared to the corresponding free ligands. Practically unitary efficiency of the sensitized isomerization of trans → cis and cis → trans reaction is observed, as well as a slight increase in the naphthalene monomer emission. These results are consistent with the coordination of the cyclam amine units with Zn(II), which prevents exciplex formation. No indication of a concomitant coordination of both cyclam to a single metal ion has been obtained both for trans and cis isomer.


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Humane Nierenzellkarzinom-(NZK)-Zelllinien wurden etabliert, um sie zur Generierung von autologen zytotoxischen T-Zelllinien einzusetzen. Erst nach Modifikation mit dem kostimulierenden B7-1-Molekül wurden mit der NZK-Zelllinie MZ1257RC autologe, tumorspezifische T-Zelllinien generiert und charakterisiert. Die Aufklärung eines T-Zell-definierten TAA eines autologen, zytotoxischen T Zellklons wurde mittels Expressionsklonierung einer hergestellten cDNS-Expressionsbank begonnen. Nach in vitro-Sensibilisierung von peripheren Blutmonozyten mit der autologen NZK-Zelllinie MZ2733RC wurde die HLA-Klasse I-restringierte T Zelllinie XIE6 generiert, die die autologe und verschiedene allogene NZK- sowie Zervixkarzinom-Zelllinien, jedoch nicht autologe Nierenzellen lysiert. Die T Zellen exprimieren TZR Vβ13.6-Ketten und sezernieren GM-CSF und IL-10 nach Antigenstimulation. Jedoch ist die NZK-Zelllinie MZ2733RC wenig sensitiv gegenüber autologen und allogenen Effektorzellen. Erst die Blockade ihrer HLA Klasse I-Moleküle auf der Zelloberfläche erhöht ihre Sensitivität gegenüber allogenen lymphokin-aktivierten Killer-Zellen. Verantwortlich dafür können nicht-klassische HLA Klasse Ib-Moleküle, insbesondere HLA-G sein, dessen Transkripte in der RNS der NZK-Zellen, jedoch nicht in Nierenzellen detektiert wurden. In einer detaillierten Studie wurden HLA-G-Transkripte in NZK-Zelllinien (58%), in NZK-Biopsien (80%), und nur in wenigen Nierenepithelbiopsien (10%) nachgewiesen. In der NZK-Zelllinie MZ2733RC wurde eine konstitutive HLA-G1-Proteinexpression beobachtet, die durch eine IFN-γ-Behandlung induzierbar ist.


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In the marine Jurassic deposits of Europe, a group of marine crocodilians, the Thalattosuchia, belongs to the frequently found reptiles. Thalattosuchia are widely spread in Central Europe from the Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous, and some taxa are also distributed worldwide. The task of the work was to examine all taxa known from the Liassic of Europe. The most frequently known taxa Steneosaurus bollensis and Pelagosaurus typus are anatomically revised. New discoveries at the skull of Pelagosaurus typus e.g., the fact of a partly paired frontal are described by means of computed tomography investigations. In addition, juvenile specimens of this taxon are studied in detail for the first time. The rarely occurring taxon Platysuchus multiscrobiculatus is anatomically described in detail for the first time. It shows both in the skull and in the postcranial material morphological differences to Steneosaurus bollensis and Pelagosaurus typus. Thus Pl. multiscrobiculatus possesses, e.g., an ilium with a deeper acetabulum and a femur with a distinctly flexed femoral head. A juvenile specimen of Pl. multiscrobiculatus is now discovered and is described in parts for the first time, too. Furthermore, Steneosaurus gracilirostris and Steneosaurus brevior known from Lower Jurassic deposits of England are examined and in parts revised. In this work, Steneosaurs brevior is discovered with one specimen from the Upper Liassic of Holzmaden, Germany for the first time, and provides new evidence for the palaeobiogeographical distribution of the taxon. Because of the high number of investigated specimens, it is possible to study ontogenetic development from juvenile to adult stage in Steneosaurus bollensis, Pelagosaurus typus, and Platysuchus multiscrobiculatus. Biometric data are collected from thalattosuchians and extant crocodilians (e.g. Gavialis gangeticus) to investigate intraspecific variation, ontogenetic development, and taxa differentiation. The skulls of Platysuchus multiscrobiculatus and Steneosaurus bollensis are reconstructed three-dimensionally as wax models. The skull reconstructions form the basis of the jaw muscle restoration of Steneosaurus bollensis in connection with comparative studies at extant crocodilians. By means of functional morphologic analysis of the jaw musculature, the dentition, and the locomotor system of S. bollensis, possible conclusions are drawn for the prey options and the hunting behaviour. To clarify the relationships within the Thalattosuchia, a computer-based cladistic phylogenetic in-group analyse of 25 Thalattosuchia taxa is performed. For the analysis, following Thalattosuchia taxa are studied likewise at original material for comparisons: Metriorhynchus superciliosus, Metriorhynchus hastifer, Metriorhynchus leedsi, Geosaurus gracilis, Geosaurus giganteus, Teleidosaurus calvadosi, Teleidosaurus gaudryi, Teleosaurus cadomensis, Teleosaurus geoffroyi, Steneosaurus priscus, Steneosaurus edwardsi, Steneosaurus heberti, Steneosaurus leedsi, Steneosaurus boutilieri, Steneosaurus megarhinus, Steneosaurus obtusidens, and Machimosaurus hugii. The phylogenetic in-group analyse based on 115 characters, reveals a sister-group relationship of the monophyletic Teleosauridae and monophyletic Metriorhynchidae. Within the groups, some taxa are probably paraphyletic. The taxon Pelagosaurus typus is nested inside the Teleosauridae and not outside or within the Metriorhynchidae, as many authors suggested it so far. Based on these results, a tentative palaeobiogeographical-evolutionary scenario is developed.


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Die Induktion regulatorischer T-Zellen (Treg) spielt im Zusammenhang mit der Kontrolle allergenspezifischer Reaktionen, insbesondere auch im Rahmen einer erfolgreichen Hyposensibilisierung mit hohen Allergendosen, eine zentrale Rolle. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Mechanismen der Rekrutierung allergenspezifischer Treg daher in einem Mausmodell untersucht, in dem analog zur spezifischen Immuntherapie (SIT) die repetitive Verabreichung von hohen Antigendosen einen IgE-spezifischen Suppressionsmechanismus aktiviert, während die Injektion niedriger Antigendosen eine potente IgE-Antwort induziert. Th1-Zellen sowie konventionelle CD4+CD25+ oder CD8+CD28- Treg konnten als Vermittlerpopulationen des suppressiven Effektes in hochdosig immunisierten Mäusen ausgeschlossen werden. Mittels Transferexperimenten wurden erstmals CD4-CD8- doppelt negative Treg als eine die IgE-Suppression vermittelnde Zellpopulation identifiziert. Desweiteren wurden DNA-Transferexperimente durchgeführt, mit dem Ziel, adaptive Treg zum Zwecke der Inhibition allergenspezifischer Immunreaktionen zu induzieren. Dazu wurden IL-10- bzw. TGF-ß-kodierende Plasmide (pCMV-IL-10, pCMV-TGF-ß) hergestellt und in Kombination mit einem Plasmid, welches das Modellallergen ß-Galaktosidase (ßGal) unter der Kontrolle des DC-spezifischen Fascin-Promotors (pFascin-ßGal) kodierte, Mäusen mit der Genpistole appliziert. Die Expression des Modellallergens in Verbindung mit der konstitutiven Produktion von immunsuppressiven Zytokinen sollte bei den mit den transfizierten DC interagierenden antigenspezifischen T-Zellen zu einer verstärkten Differenzierung von Treg führen. Die Experimente zeigten, dass die Koapplikation von IL-10-kodierenden Plasmiden eine Immunsuppression induziert, die sich in einer verminderten antigenspezifischen Antikörperproduktion, Zytokinproduktion und CTL-Induktion zeigt, die jedoch bei nachfolgender Sensibilisierung mit ßGal-Protein nicht aufrechterhalten werden kann. Dahingegen führte die Koapplikation von TGF-ß-kodierenden Plasmiden verbunden mit einer nachfolgenden Sensibilisierung zu einer leichten Inhibition der IgG1- und IgG2a-Produktion verglichen mit der Vakzinierung mit pFascin-ßGal allein. Dieser inhibitorische Effekt von pCMV-TGF-ß wurde interessanterweise nicht bereits nach der DNA-Immunisierung, sondern erst nach Sensibilisierung mit dem Protein beobachtet.


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Introduzione: La sindrome delle gambe senza riposo (RLS) è un disturbo caratterizzato da sensazione spiacevole disestesica generalmente agli arti inferiori, che si presenta o peggiora nelle ore serali-notturne e che migliora con il movimento. Studi clinici hanno mostrato una maggiore prevalenza di RLS negli emicranici, mentre mancano studi condotti su popolazione generale non selezionata. Lo scopo di questo studio era quello di valutare la associazione tra emicrania e RLS in una popolazione italiana adulta. Inoltre è stata valutata l’associazione tra RLS e cefalea fenotipizzata attraverso metodica di principal components analysis (PCA). Materiali e metodi: la presenza di RLS e di emicrania è stata determinata attraverso questionari basati sui criteri diagnostici correnti in un campione di 1567 partecipanti di un fase preliminare di uno studio in corso sulla popolazione adulta della Val Venosta (BZ). Risultati: gli emicranici hanno presentato un significativo maggior rischio di soffrire di RLS rispetto ai non emicranici, anche dopo aggiustamento per fattori confondenti come età, sesso, depressione, ansia e qualità del sonno (p = 0.049). Questa associazione non era modificata dalla presenza di aura emicranica, di cause possibili di RLS secondaria e dalla frequenza di attacchi emicranici. Inoltre la RLS non era risultata significativamente associata alla cefalea di tipo tensivo (TTH). Dall’analisi di associazione tra RLS e cefalea fenotipizzata attraverso PCA era emerso che la componente 1, caratterizzata da sintomi di sensitivizzazione del sistema nervoso centrale (SNC), correlava significativamente con la presenza di RLS (p = 0.021). Conclusioni: RLS ed emicrania sono risultate associate nel nostro campione di popolazione adulta; inoltre la RLS ha mostrato una correlazione significativa con i sintomi di sensitivizzazione del SNC legati agli attacchi di cefalea. Questa associazione potrebbe risiedere in una possibile base patogenetica comune.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Rolle der Mastzelle und deren Mediatoren für die Entstehung einer allergischen Atemwegsentzündung untersucht. Anhand von zwei mastzelldefizienten Mausstämmen (C57BL/6-KitWsh/Wsh und WBB6FI-KitW/Wv), konnte gezeigt werden, dass Mastzellen an der Entstehung einer allergischen Entzündung und Atemwegsüberempfindlichkeit beteiligt sind. Durch die Rekonstitution von mastzelldefizienten Tieren mit aus Knochenmark gewonnenen Mastzellen (BMMC) von Wildtyp-Spendern konnte die wichtige Funktion der Mastzelle in diesem Model bestätigt werden. Überdies konnte durch die Rekonstitution mit TNF-defizienten BMMC eine wichtige Rolle für diesen mastzellproduzierten Mediator im allergischen Modell demonstriert werden. Weiterhin konnte die Arbeit zeigen, dass Mastzellen wichtig für die Migration von antigenbeladenen Dendritischen Zellen aus der Lunge in die regionalen Lymphknoten sind. Dieses stellt einen wichtigen Schritt für die Ausbildung einer lokalen allergischen Antwort dar. Im Gegensatz dazu war die Entstehung einer allergischen Atemwegserkrankung nach Transfer von in vitro generierten DC und Allergenprovokation nicht mastzellabhängig. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es auf die Wahl des Sensibilisierungs- und Provokationsmodels ankommt, um mastzellspezifische Effekte zu demonstrieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt die wichtige Rolle der Mastzelle und von mastzellproduziertem TNF bei der Ausbildung einer allergischen Entzündung der Atemwege. Die Mastzelle und deren Mediatoren stellen somit mögliche Ziele für die therapeutische Behandlung der allergischen Entzündung der Atemwege dar.