789 resultados para Latinoamerican philosophi, cristianity, critic.


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El presente artículo busca analizar, en un primer momento, la teología agustiniana presente en las Confesiones en torno al tema de la corporalidad-sexualidad, además de comprender las nociones de Concupiscencia, Carne e hybris, presentes en su teología y en el marco de la episteme medieval. En un segundo momento se plantea una crítica de la reflexión teológica de la corporalidad-sexualidad en la encíclica Deus Caritas Est del teólogo Joseph Ratzinger y al final se propondrán líneas para construir una crítica teológica que este dirigida a repensar las teologías latinoamericanas actuales en su tratamiento a la corporalidad-sexualidad.  Palabras clave Corporalidad, Carne, Hybris, Teología agustiniana, Teología Latinoamericana.   Abstract This article tries to analyze, in a first moment, the agustinian theology present in the Confessions, referred to the theme of corporality-sexuality, moreover, understands the concepts of Concupiscence, Flesh, and hybris, present in this theology and in the medieval epistemology. In a second moment, a critic of the theological reflection of corporality-sexuality is proposed in the encyclical Deus Caritas Est, wrote by Joseph Ratzinger, and finally tries to build a path of critical theology in order to reconsider the actual Latin-American theology in this comprehension of corporality-sexuality.   Keywords Corporality, Flesh, Hybris, Agustinian Theology, Latin-American Theology.


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The speech of romance, Death With Interruptions, play with the serious and the comic describing life, replete of conventions, of ten million habitants at an unnamed country. The characters are destituted of personal identity and assume collective identities. The artistic text shows itself fulfilled by a stubborn critic that denounces revolt, forged by the sensation of disaggregation and loss of values and the verification of a picture of misery, injustice and inconsequence, that results from a greedy run of interests. The narrator uses irony to personal and collective attitudes, the unused situations and the very idea of death and god. The text shows itself full of denounces, related to the general state of disaggregation. Split in two cores (the momentary interruption of death activities and the return to hers works), the narrative speech establish a reality, pervade by fantastic, that forces us to a metaphysics reflection about the insoluble enigmas that surrounds the human existence. Death suffers a humanization process, as a tentative to bring her closer to the human kind, to her exact place. Keywords: romance; death; identities.


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 This paper aims at reviewing literature regarding bilingualism, presenting some definitions in the field, specially highlighting the idea that this definition is linked to the question “In what degree is the individual bilingual?”. It will evidence the different ways of acquisition and the role family and school play in developing/ maintaining the children’s bilingualism. Therefore, attention will be given to the bilingual individual’s languages and their classification in relation to the concepts of mother language and second language. Finally, the role of education and the need to develop linguistic consciousness in the students will be discussed highlighting the importance of turning learners into individuals without linguistic prejudice and critic in relation to the role of languages in the society.


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In the late nineteenth century, the discoveries of the unconscious universe and the fondness for mysterious dimensions of existence have influenced a group of young artists to probe world mysteries through the incantatory power of words. From the opposition to scientific Realism and Naturalism, and also inspired by the revolutionary poetry of Charles Baudelaire, thus arose Decadentism. The novel À Rebours, by the French novelist and art critic Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848-1907), is an important expression of that spirit. In that work, there is a fruitful dialogue between painting and literature, which inaugurates a new style opposing the already exhausted realistic model. Duke Des Esseintes, the eccentric protagonist of the novel, struggles to modernity and emerging bourgeoisie’s unrefined taste of emerging bourgeoisie. In his searching for a new literary model, Huysmans bet on environment descriptions and art transpositions. The painting served as an aesthetic paradigm for the novel construction, not limited only to the frequent descriptions of Moreau or Redon’s paintings, but also encompassing the way Huysmans described the furniture, tapestries, artificial flowers and fishes, book covers etc... Being outstanding was his idea, things beyond the reach for the common man, devoted to trivialities of everyday life. The transposition of art, or the creation of an artistic work by language, acquires immeasurable value to the critical Huysmans engrossing him in À Rebours. There, the critical superimpose the writer. The decadent style of Huysmans opposes the analytical reason. In his work, the art aims to retake the passion, the dream, the mystery, fear, death, totally disengaged of the desire to represent the reality.


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This work presents an analysis of the short story El lobo, el bosque y el hombre nuevo, published in 1990 by the Cuban writer Senel Paz. The analysis approximates fiction to history, identifying how these questions occur in the short story and at what degree they constitute a critic of the revolutionary government established in Cuba in 1959.


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It is a critical consensus that one of the many tools of what we call literature is intertextuality. I’m using this concept in it’s broadest sense, including quotation, reference, parody, paraphrases: all different kinds of mechanisms that puts a text in contact whit another text. We propose, in the following article, to discuss if the way that the Portuguese writer Gonçalo Tavares deals with literature in the collection The Neighborhood puts us in front of a new form of approach to literary tradition and with a new form of critic. We also want to propose that the concept of intertextuality is amplified by his work.


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In this text I examine recent changes in how literature is being produced and circulated in Brazil. These shifts can be related, among other factors, to the growing use of the internet as a way of divulging literary works and to the expansion of national literary life and narrative space. My examination sets out from Silviano Santiago’s analysis of the ‘deliteraturization’ movement in his historical account of the written press. Taking an opposite tack to this writer and critic, though, I look to explore the diverse forms of ‘serialization’ and ‘literaturization’ found among contemporary media such as the internet and television. As I aim to show, the migration of newspaper serials and literary works to web sites, blogs and social networks poses diverse questions and challenges to the critic, including the emergence of new figures of author and reader, accompanied by different forms of mediating and legitimizing literary works. These changes are also essential to understanding the profile of the new generation of literary supplements circulating in Brazil today.


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In his famous essay, "An image of Africa: racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness", the late Nigerian writer, scholar and critic Chinua Achebe points out how the permanent place held by Joseph Conrad and his novel in the literary pantheon has contributed towards perpetuating "comforting myths" where Africa and its people serve as a coarse foil against which to show Western civilisation's refinement and achievements (ACHEBE In ARMSTRONG, 2006, p. 339). A ferocious "Ecce homo", this seems to be the bottom line of Achebe's unapologetically emotional criticism. Tainted by irredeemable eurocentrism and racism, Joseph Conrad should then be finally overthrown by critics and ostracised by the public. But, relevant and (always) timely as it is, should cultural criticism, especially when championed by an eminent, authoritative African scholar as Achebe, refuse Conrad the benefit of the doubt? Literature, genuine literature, we believe, won't pass the test of time unless it proves to be more than ideological prestidigitation and strikes a chord that is more than decorous compassion. It is by looking at Heart of Darkness as first and foremost a work of art that we attempt to outline an alternative image to the racist Conrad presented by Achebe.


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the critic bibliography concerning the writer Lima Barreto, from the time of publication, still in feuilleton, of his debut novel: Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha’s first pages. In this way, we’ll make an inventory of the official criticism about the writer's work as well to bring out the image of this criticism, at the 20th century beginning, created about Lima Barreto. Think about the reading of Lima Barreto’s work made by official literary criticism of 20th century is a productive way to redeem the literary criticism’s manner of performing, but also interesting way to show the creation of Lima Barreto’s stereotypes at that time.