A number of studies indicated that lineages of animals with high rates of mitochondrial (mt) gene rearrangement might have high rates of mt nucleotide substitution. We chose the hemipteroid assemblage and the Insecta to test the idea that rates of mt gene rearrangement and mt nucleotide substitution are correlated. For this purpose, we sequenced the mt genome of a lepidopsocid from the Psocoptera, the only order of hemipteroid insects for which an entire mtDNA sequence is not available. The mt genome of this lepidopsocid is circular, 16,924 bp long, and contains 37 genes and a putative control region; seven tRNA genes and a protein-coding gene in this genome have changed positions relative to the ancestral arrangement of mt genes of insects. We then compared the relative rates of nucleotide substitution among species from each of the four orders of hemipteroid insects and among the 20 insects whose mt genomes have been sequenced entirely. All comparisons among the hernipteroid insects showed that species with higher rates of gene rearrangement also had significantly higher rates of nucleotide substitution statistically than did species with lower rates of gene rearrangement. In comparisons among the 20 insects, where the mt genomes of the two species differed by more than five breakpoints, the more rearranged species always had a significantly higher rate of nucleotide substitution than the less rearranged species. However, in comparisons where the mt genomes of two species differed by five or less breakpoints, the more rearranged species did not always have a significantly higher rate of nucleotide substitution than the less rearranged species. We tested the statistical significance of the correlation between the rates of mt gene rearrangement and mt nucleotide substitution with nine pairs of insects that were phylogenetically independent from one 2 another. We found that the correlation was positive and statistically significant (R-2 = 0.73, P = 0.01; R-s = 0.67, P < 0.05). We propose that increased rates of nucleotide substitution may lead to increased rates of gene rearrangement in the mt genomes of insects.
Three new peptidomimetics (1-3) have been developed with highly stable and conformationally constrained macrocyclic components that replace tripeptide segments of protease substrates. Each compound inhibits both HIV-1 protease and viral replication (HIV-I, HIV-2) at nanomolar concentrations without cytotoxicity to uninfected cells below 10 mu M. Their activities against HIV-1 protease (K-i 1.7 nM (1), 0.6 nM (2), 0.3 nM (3)) are 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than their antiviral potencies against HIV-1-infected primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells (IC50 45 nM (1), 56 nM (2), 95 nM (3)) or HIV-1-infected MT2 cells (IC50 90 nM (1), 60 nM (2)), suggesting suboptimal cellular uptake. However their antiviral potencies are similar to those of indinavir and amprenavir under identical conditions. There were significant differences in their capacities to inhibit the replication of HIV-1 and HIV-2 in infected MT2 cells, 1 being ineffective against HIV-2 while 2 was equally effective against both virus types. Evidence is presented that 1 and 2 inhibit cleavage of the HIV-1 structural protein precursor Pr55(gag) to p24 in virions derived from chronically infected cells, consistent with inhibition of the viral protease in cells. Crystal structures refined to 1.75 Angstrom (1) and 1.85 Angstrom (2) for two of the macrocyclic inhibitors bound to HIV-1 protease establish structural mimicry of the tripeptides that the cycles were designed to imitate. Structural comparisons between protease-bound macrocyclic inhibitors, VX478 (amprenavir), and L-735,524 (indinavir) show that their common acyclic components share the same space in the active site of the enzyme and make identical interactions with enzyme residues. This substrate-mimicking minimalist approach to drug design could have benefits in the context of viral resistance, since mutations which induce inhibitor resistance may also be those which prevent substrate processing.
Peer support interventions for people with cancer, their families, and friends have been widely used throughout the world. The present study reviewed the research literature on psychosocial oncology over the past decade to assess the prevalence and contribution of articles on peer support. Using CD-Rom databases, 25 articles were retrieved for review. In each article, patients or their family members were the target group for supportive interventions, which were primarily for the delivery of peer support and included either a qualitative or quantitative evaluation of the program. A definitional taxonomy for peer support interventions, which identified eight discrete settings, was derived from three key dimensions: style of supervision, interpersonal context, and mode of delivery. The studies suggested that peer support programs help by providing emotional and informational support from the perspective of shared personal experience. However, a paucity of research-particularly randomized controlled trials-was noted. The reasons may include inherent difficulties in isolating for study what is essentially a naturalistically occurring interpersonal dynamic from the complex social and community contexts from which it emanates. The authors discuss the gap between practice and theory in this area and recommend a broader and more inclusive view of supportive care for people with cancer. (C) 2003 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.
We have recently developed a scaleable Artificial Boundary Inhomogeneity (ABI) method [Chem. Phys. Lett.366, 390–397 (2002)] based on the utilization of the Lanczos algorithm, and in this work explore an alternative iterative implementation based on the Chebyshev algorithm. Detailed comparisons between the two iterative methods have been made in terms of efficiency as well as convergence behavior. The Lanczos subspace ABI method was also further improved by the use of a simpler three-term backward recursion algorithm to solve the subspace linear system. The two different iterative methods are tested on the model collinear H+H2 reactive state-to-state scattering.
Despite the strong influence of plant architecture on crop yield, most crop models either ignore it or deal with it in a very rudimentary way. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of linking a model that simulates the morphogenesis and resultant architecture of individual cotton plants with a crop model that simulates the effects of environmental factors on critical physiological processes and resulting yield in cotton. First the varietal parameters of the models were made concordant. Then routines were developed to allocate the flower buds produced each day by the crop model amongst the potential positions generated by the architectural model. This allocation is done according to a set of heuristic rules. The final weight of individual bolls and the shedding of buds and fruit caused by water, N, and C stresses are processed in a similar manner. Observations of the positions of harvestable fruits, both within and between plants, made under a variety of agronomic conditions that had resulted in a broad range of plant architectures were compared to those predicted by the model with the same environmental inputs. As illustrated by comparisons of plant maps, the linked models performed reasonably well, though performance of the fruiting point allocation and shedding algorithms could probably be improved by further analysis of the spatial relationships of retained fruit. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The surgical cure rate for primary hyperparathyroidism is greater than 95%. For those who have recurrent or persistent disease, preoperative localization improves reoperation success rates. Selective parathyroid venous sampling (SPVS) for intact parathyroid hormone is particularly useful when non-invasive localization techniques are negative or inconclusive. Methods: We present all known cases (n = 13) between 1994 and 2002 who had venous sampling for localization at our institution prior to reoperation for recurrent or persistent primary hyperparathyroidism. Comparison was made with non-invasive localization procedures. Results of invasive and non-invasive localization were correlated with surgical findings. Results: Of the nine reoperated cases, eight had positive correlations between SPVS and operative findings and histopathology. SPVS did not reveal the parathyroid hormone source in one case with negative non-invasive localization procedures. Comparisons between SPVS, computerized tomography (CT), and parathyroid scintigraphy (MIBI) as expressed in terms of true positive (TP), false positive (FP) and false negative (FN) were: SPVS - TP 88.8%, FP 0%, FN 11.1%; CT - TP 22.2%, FP 22.2%, FN 55.5%; and MIBI - TP 33.3%, FP 0%, FN 66.6%. At least seven of the nine operated cases have been cured; another remained normocalcaemic 2 weeks after subtotal parathyroidectomy. Conclusion: In our institution SPVS has proven to be a valuable tool in cases with recurrent or persistent primary hyperparathyroidism and negative non-invasive localization procedures.
In this paper we investigate the concepts of 'face' and 'politeness'. We introduce a metalanguage which we believe is a framework for simplifying the analysis of 'face' and 'politeness'. This metalanguage is based on the observation that both 'face' and 'politeness' involve external evaluations of people. This common element is represented in the metalanguage as B what A shows A thinks of B and what B thinks A thinks of B. The implications of the metalanguage for the analysis of Chinese mian and lion ('face') and English face are then discussed. This is followed by an analysis of examples of politeness in English and teineisa ('politeness') in Japanese. We conclude that the metalanguage may be further developed for use in comparisons of 'face' and 'politeness' across cultures. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lifter use in dryers improves mass transfer by increasing the amount of surface area available for transfer and also by increasing the velocity of gas over the particle surface. An even cross-sectional distribution of particles in a dryer improves the efficiency of operation by ensuring that evaporation from falling particles is taking place for the maximum fraction of the rotation period of the drier. Studies on lifter design to improve the cross-sectional particle distribution were performed on angled lifters. A single lifter was used and the mass-transfer rate examined as a function of angular lifter displacement. Analysis of the mass transfer characteristics of single lifters allowed performance comparisons and recommendations for lifter design.
Recent studies have revealed regional variation in the density and distribution of inhibitory neurons in different cortical areas, which are thought to reflect area-specific specializations in cortical circuitry. However, there are as yet few standardized quantitative data regarding how the inhibitory circuitry in prefrontal cortex (PFC), which is thought to be involved in executive functions such as cognition, emotion and decision making, compares to that in other cortical areas. Here we used immunohistochemical techniques to determine the density and distribution of parvalbumin (PV)-, calbindin (CB)-, and calretinin (CR)-immunoreactive (ir) neurons and axon terminals in the dorsolateral and orbital PFC of the owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus), and compared them directly with data obtained using the same techniques in 11 different visual, somatosensory and motor areas. We found marked differences in the density of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir interneurons in several cortical areas. One hundred and twenty eight of all 234 possible between-area pairwise comparisons were significantly different. The density of specific subpopulations of these cells also varied among cortical areas, as did the density of axon terminals. Comparison of PFC with other cortical areas revealed that 40 of all 66 possible statistical comparisons of the density of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir cells were significantly different. We also found evidence for heterogeneity in the pattern of labeling of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir cells and axon terminals between the dorsolateral and orbital subdivisions of PFC. These data are likely to reflect basic differences in interneuron circuitry, which are likely to influence inhibitory function in the cortex. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.
This paper describes the modification of a two-dimensional finite element long wave hydrodynamic model in order to predict the net current and water levels attributable to the influences of waves. Tests examine the effects of the application of wave induced forces, including comparisons to a physical experiment. An example of a real river system is presented with comparisons to measured data, which demonstrate the importance of simulating the combined effects of tides and waves upon hydrodynamic behavior. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Este estudo investiga a intera????o dos humanos com os computadores pessoais. A partir dos inc??modos produzidos por esses encontros, na primeira parte estuda-se a produ????o da m??quina ???amig??vel??? ??? que insinua compara????es com a mente humana ??? e seus fortes efeitos nas transforma????es culturais do final do s??culo XX. Na segunda parte do trabalho, a partir de entrevistas de trabalhadores falando sobre sua aprendizagem b??sica do uso de computadores pessoais, faz-se uma an??lise das principais concep????es sobre a rela????o homem-t??cnica que est??o influenciando a intera????o humano-computador. Com isso fica evidenciado o papel do computador na crise do sujeito moderno, e afirma-se a necessidade de se pensar a subjetividade para al??m da cl??ssica divis??o sujeito-objeto, homem m??quina, natureza-artif??cio... o que aponta para a id??ia de acoplamentos flex??veis entre humanos e computadores e pede por uma no????o de aprendizagem que acolha a cria????o de problemas como seu aspecto mais rico.
Este artigo apresenta diversas caracter??sticas dos mercados de trabalho do setor p??blico e privado, ressaltando as disparidades entre ambos e, mais especificamente, as distor????es observadas no setor p??blico, a fim de demonstrar o grau de segmenta????o entre ambos. As compara????es se d??o em torno do comportamento do emprego, do perfil dos trabalhadores e da din??mica das remunera????es. A an??lise evidencia que a crise fiscal e a rigidez da legisla????o s??o determinantes fundamentais das caracter??sticas e distor????es (e conseq??entemente da segmenta????o) observadas no setor p??blico e que a flexibiliza????o das regras atuais, assim como as reformas constitucionais em curso, constituem importante condi????o para a aproxima????o entre os dois mercados e a melhoria da gest??o de recursos humanos na administra????o p??blica.
O objetivo deste trabalho ?? o de construir um ??ndice de gest??o municipal em cultura, com o potencial de servir de balizador para as a????es nesta ??rea tanto no ??mbito municipal quanto no das esferas estaduais e federal. Para tanto s??o utilizados dados do ???Perfil dos Munic??pios Brasileiros ??? Cultura 2006???, publicado pelo IBGE, o qual disp??e das respostas de 5.562 munic??pios sobre cultura e gest??o cultural. As respostas foram tabuladas e combinadas de forma a produzir vari??veis espec??ficas para a constru????o do ??ndice. O m??todo utilizado para a constru????o do ??ndice de Gest??o Municipal em Cultura (IGMC) foi o de an??lise de componentes principais, que permite ?? pr??pria amostra definir os pesos que cada vari??vel exercer?? na computa????o do ??ndice final. Al??m do IGMC geral, foram computados no processo tr??s sub??ndices, cada um deles procurando refletir um aspecto espec??fico da gest??o municipal em cultura, a saber: fortalecimento institucional e gest??o democr??tica, infraestrutura e recursos humanos, e a????o cultural. Os resultados obtidos permitem diversos tipos de compara????es intermunicipais e regionais, bem como a prescri????o de a????es locais na ??rea de gest??o que visem ?? melhoria da administra????o cultural dos munic??pios.
A investigação da origem ontogenética da amizade apresenta dificuldades conceituais e metodológicas. O presente artigo investigou como mães de crianças entre um e três anos percebiam as primeiras amizades de seus filhos. Vinte mães entre 24 e 48 anos foram entrevistadas com base em um roteiro pré-estabelecido. Os resultados indicaram que o conceito de amizade das mães era muito positivo. A rede de amigos dos filhos era formada por crianças da família, da vizinhança ou de comunidades religiosas. A principal atividade compartilhada com amigos foi o brincar. As mães facilitavam o encontro dos filhos com amigos ou amigos em potencial e serviam de mediadoras entre os padrões sócio-culturais e essas amizades, contribuindo para a sua construção de acordo com as expectativas sócio-culturais. As primeiras amizades foram identificadas por volta dos 18 meses. Pode-se concluir que as mães participavam ativamente da formação das primeiras amizades dos filhos.
Animais híbridos representam um desafio à taxonomia e sistemática, pois correspondem a unidades evolutivas geralmente sem clara delimitação morfológica, comportamental e genética. Híbridos podem ser morfologicamente intermediários aos parentais ou, devido à introgressão e retrocruzamentos, suas características podem se misturar tornando difícil sua identificação. Uma das formas de identificação de híbridos é por meio de ferramentas de biologia molecular, que ao utilizarem marcadores de DNA mitocondrial (herança exclusiva materna) e DNA nuclear (herança materna e paterna), permitem a comparação entre informações genéticas. Além da hibridização existem outras fontes de conflito entre dados moleculares provenientes do DNA mitocondrial e DNA nuclear, como por exemplo a retenção de polimorfismos ancentrais. Em localidades do Espírito Santo, Brasil, foram coletados indivíduos de morfologia distinta de Trachycephalus mesophaeus e T. nigromaculatus, que são as únicas espécies do gênero conhecidas nesse estado. Porém, estudos piloto usando o gene mitocondrial Citocromo Oxidase subunidade I (COI) agruparam esses espécimes com amostras de T. typhonius. Devido a estas incongruências, foram sequenciados fragmentos de dois genes mitocondriais - COI e Nicotinamida Desidrogenase subunidade 2 (ND2) e um exon nuclear (tirosinase) de 173 indivíduos de Trachycephalus, de forma a esclarecer as identificações taxonômicas e investigar a correspondência entre caracteres morfológicos e genéticos nesta linhagem, na sua área de ocorrência As filogenias moleculares, divergências genéticas, redes de haplótipos e polimorfismos de nucleotídeos únicos (SNPs) confirmaram as três espécies acima mencionadas como linhagens evolutivas distintas e revelaram mais sete indivíduos potencialmente híbridos, mas morfologicamente assinalados a T. mesophaeus, T. nigromaculatus ou T. typhonius.. Devido à taxa de evolução lenta da tirosinase, as espécies mais recentes T. typhonius e T. nigromaculatus parecem não terem sido sorteadas completamente nesse gene. Já T. mesophaeus, que é a espécie mais antiga das três, foi recuperada inequivocamente em todas as análises. De forma inédita, as análises moleculares evidenciaram a ocorrência de introgressão bidirecional entre T. nigromaculatus e T. typhonius e entre T. nigromaculatus e T. mesophaeus, sendo que há indícios de indivíduos F1 (cruzamentos entre espécies parentais puras gerando híbridos). A utilização do gene ND2 mostrou-se mais eficiente do que o gene COI nas filogenias e, apesar da tirosinase ser um gene nuclear de evolução lenta, contribuiu para a identificação de incongruências citonucleares. Nossos resultados mostram que a história filogenética de Trachycephalus é complexa e que o uso de marcadores nucleares de evolução mais rápida e ampliação dessas análises para outras espécies do gênero podem revelar mais eventos de hibridização.