997 resultados para Florian, 1755-1794.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Praca odznaczona nagroda̧ im. J.U. Niemciewicza."
Mode of access: Internet.
Thesis (doctoral)--Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Berlin.
Thesis (doctoral)--Universitat Bern.
Vols. 1-3: 2. edition.
El presente artículo analiza la deducción fichteana de la categorías en el Fundamento de toda la doctrina de la ciencia de 1794/95 a la luz de la comprensión que tiene Fichte, durante los años de la génesis y publicación de esta obra, acerca de su relación con la filosofía kantiana con respecto a la cuestión de las categorías. Se argumenta que la deducción fichteana de las categorías en esta obra de 1794/95 transforma la tabla kantiana de las categorías en una tríada de tríadas (nueve categorías reunidas en los grupos de relación, cantidad, cualidad) en la que la determinación recíproca es la categoría fundamental, el grupo de la modalidad queda excluido y la distinción entre categorías matemáticas y dinámicas desaparece. El análisis de la deducción fichteana es seguido de una revisión crítica de las interpretaciones habituales sobre este tema.
Imprimatur: J. M. af Tengström.
Sturgeons are important because of producing the expensive caviar. With regard to decreasing of natural stocks of these fishes, cultured sturgeons farms are expanding, so infectious or non-infectious agents can cause problems in this industry. One of the most important infectious diseases, are parasitic diseases, like gill parasites. In this study from March 2007 to June 2008, gills of 122 sturgeons of south west of Caspian Sea, 44 samples of juveniles from freshwater farms and 25 samples of cultured fishes in freshwater were collected and examined. Parasites were separated and determination of species and prevalence of them were done. Nitzschia sturionis and Diclybothrium armatum (monogenea) with general prevalence 8.7% in Acipenser persicus and 25.6% in Acipenser stellatus from sea sturgeons and Trichodina (sp.1, sp.2) and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis from freshwater sturgeons, were separated. Statistical analysis was done according to species, sex, length and weight of fishes. Pathology, morphometric and morphological characters of Nitzschia sturionis were also studied. At the end, we have suggested ways for health management of farms for prevention of parasites entry.
Rezension von: Frank-Michael Kuhlemann: Modernisierung und Disziplinierung. Sozialgeschichte des preußischen Volksschulwesens 1794-1872. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft. Bd. 96.) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1992. 468 S.
A partir dos relatórios de contas, elaborados anualmente por cada Mesa da Inquisição no ato de prestar contas ao Conselho Geral do Santo Ofício, pretende-se esboçar, com este trabalho, uma análise comparativa da estrutura das receitas dos tribunais de Évora e de Lisboa. Será alvo de estudo a composição das receitas inquisitoriais afetas aos tribunais, na primeira metade do século XVIII, dando ênfase a uma questão central: em que medida o confisco de bens aos sentenciados pela Inquisição contribuía para a subsistência financeira do Santo Ofício? A historiografia tem sugerido que a Inquisição contribuía com réditos financeiros para o equilíbrio das contas públicas e ao mesmo tempo autofinanciava-se a partir daqui. Há casos pontuais em que a primeira situação se verificou, sendo que o enfoque central deste trabalho não reside aqui. Não se sabe, contudo, em que medida o confisco era importante para a vida saudável dos cofres inquisitoriais. Importará, assim, analisar a composição global das rendas afetas aos tribunais,com o objetivo de compreender qual o peso do fisco.
Tsunamis are highly energetic events that may destructively impact the coast. Resolving the degree of coastal resilience to tsunamis is extremely difficult and sometimes impossible. In part, our understanding is constrained by the limited number of contemporaneous examples and by the high dynamism of coastal systems. In fact, longterm changes of coastal systems can mask the evidence of past tsunamis, leaving us a short or incomplete sedimentary archive. Here, we present a multidisciplinary approach involving sedimentological, geomorphological and geophysical analyses and numerical modelling of the AD 1755 tsunami flood on a coastal segment located within the southern coast of Portugal. In particular, the work focuses on deciphering the impact of the tsunami waves over a coastal sand barrier enclosing two lowlands largely inundated by the tsunami flood. Erosional features documented by geophysical data were assigned to the AD 1755 eventwith support of sedimentological and age estimation results. Furthermore, these features allowed the calibration of the simulation settings to reconstruct the local conditions and establish the run-up range of the AD 1755 tsunami when it hit this coast (6– 8 m above mean sea level). Our work highlights the usefulness of erosional imprints preserved in the sediment record to interpret the impact of the extreme events on sand barriers