825 resultados para Fair Work Regulations 2009


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This paper reports the progress achieved in an anthropological investigation based on which there is now a more in depth understanding of some dimensions of the “kinship work” carried out by families in Chile. The main objective is to analyze the work of maintaining family links performed primarily by women within families and show how this work reproduces gender inequalities within them. On the basis of a longitudinal methodology based on semi-structured interviews, it is concluded that the work of maintaining family links performed by women is crucial but goes unnoticed because kinship obligations are seen as a naturally being part of women’s role in the family.


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A partir de un abordaje retórico-literario, nuestro objetivo es indagar las representaciones discursivas de los elementos supersticiosos en la biografía de Nicias y en la de Dión. Tomaremos como ejemplo el eclipse de luna narrado en Nicias 23 y reiterado en Dión 24, para demostrar que mediante la repetición del ejemplo en dos contextos distintos Plutarco nos invita a reflexionar sobre la superstición de un modo más atractivo que la mera exposición teórica de doctrinas filosóficas.


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Cette thèse porte sur les pratiques culturelles des Québécois et des Québécoises et, plus spécifiquement dans un premier temps, sur les facteurs qui les influencent. Elle traite ensuite des comparaisons entre les individus selon les générations et les cycles de vie. Finalement, elle porte sur les découpages territoriaux régionaux sur le plan des pratiques culturelles et sur les questions liées au territoire. Tous les résultats sont tirés des enquêtes sur les pratiques culturelles au Québec menées à tous les cinq ans depuis 1979 par les ministères en charge de la culture. Les deux principaux référents théoriques sont la théorie de la légitimité de Bourdieu et la figure de l’omnivore de Peterson. Dans la première partie, cette thèse a cherché à savoir si les usages d’Internet sont associés à une ouverture culturelle ou à un confinement. Les résultats montrent que l’âge, la scolarité et les usages culturels que l’on fait d’Internet sont des prédicteurs importants des visites des lieux culturels et des sorties au spectacle. Les modèles qui incluent les usages d’Internet et des variables sociodémographiques sont plus performants que ceux ne considérant que ces dernières. Dans la deuxième partie, les quasi-cohortes à l’étude ont été comparées afin de voir si leurs comportements culturels diffèrent selon les cycles de vie et si leur parcours culturel a varié dans le temps. Finalement, la diversification des pratiques des quasi-cohortes a été étudiée afin d’estimer si elles deviennent plus omnivores avec le temps et d’une quasi-cohorte à l’autre. Le modèle explicatif créé affiche des différences dans le parcours culturel selon les cycles de vie, de même qu’au fil du temps. Il met également en lumière des différences d’une génération à l’autre, de même que des différences entre les générations lorsqu’elles traversent un même cycle de vie. À la différence de ceux de Peterson (2004), les résultats ne permettent pas de conclure que les quasi-cohortes plus âgées sont plus omnivores qu’avant ni que les jeunes sont plus omnivores que leurs aînés. La troisième partie de ce travail avait un objectif comparatif : il s’agissait de voir si les régions administratives du Québec, lorsqu’elles sont étudiées sous l’angle des pratiques culturelles, se regroupent conformément à la typologie des espaces culturels régionaux développée par Harvey et Fortin (1995) sur la base de l’offre culturelle. Les résultats montrent que les regroupements ne sont pas toujours conformes à la typologie et que les pratiques sont très hétérogènes, ce qui permet difficilement d’établir une constance dans les regroupements. Aussi semble-t-il indiqué de fonder la comparaison des territoires sur la prise en compte de l’objet (p. ex. offre ou pratique culturelle), de l’échelle territoriale (p. ex. bibliothèque municipale ou musée national) et de la nature du produit ou de la pratique (p. ex. mobile ou immobile). En conclusion, la pertinence d’élargir l’horizon des pratiques culturelles mesurées dans les enquêtes et d’y inclure des phénomènes transcendants, comme les valeurs, les contraintes et la motivation a été remise en question. À titre d’exemple, l’étude de la motivation pourrait permettre de préciser la figure de l’omnivore au Québec. Il est également apparu pertinent de poursuivre la réflexion en étudiant la manière dont les pratiques culturelles sont consommées afin de voir si, et comment, le cas échéant, s’opère la distinction.


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Physical exercise programmes are routinely prescribed in clinical practice to treat impairments, improve activity and participation in daily life because of their known physiological, health and psychological benefits (RCP, 2009). Progressive resistance exercise is a type of exercise prescribed specifically to improve skeletal muscle strength (Latham et al., 2004). The effectiveness of progressive resistance exercise varies considerably between studies and populations. This thesis focuses on how training parameters influence the delivery of progressive resistance exercise. In order to appropriately evaluate the influence of training parameters, this thesis argues the need to record training performance and the total work completed by participants as prescribed by training protocols. In the first study, participants were taken through a series of protocols differentiated by the intensity and volume of training. Training intensity was defined as a proportion of the mean peak torque achieved during maximal voluntary contractions and was set at 80% and 40% respectively of the MVC mean peak torque. Training volume was defined as the total external work achieved over the training period. Measures of training performance were developed to accurately report the intensity, repetitions and work completed during the training period. A second study evaluated training performance of the training protocols over repeated sessions. These protocols were then applied to 3 stroke survivors. Study 1 found sedentary participants could achieve a differentiated training intensity. Participants completing the high and low intensity protocols trained at 80% and 40% respectively of the MVC mean peak torque. The total work achieved in the high intensity low repetition protocol was lower than the total work achieved in the low intensity high repetition protocol. With repeated practice, study 2 found participants were able to improve in their ability to perform manoeuvres as shown by a reduction in the variation of the mean training intensity achieving total work as specified by the protocol to a lower margin of error. When these protocols were applied to 3 stroke survivors, they were able to achieve the specified training intensity but they were not able to achieve the total work as expected for the protocol. This is likely to be due to an inability in achieving a consistent force throughout the contraction. These results demonstrate evaluation of training characteristics and support the need to record and report training performance characteristics during progressive resistance exercise, including the total work achieved, in order to elucidate the influence of training parameters on progressive resistance exercise. The lack of accurate training performance may partly explain the inconsistencies between studies on optimal training parameters for progressive resistance exercise.


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El presente trabajo se lo ha realizado a través del método descriptivo prospectivo, cuyo objetivo fue evaluar e intervenir logopédicamente en las Dislalias Funcionales en los niños y en las niñas de primero a tercer año de educación básica de las Unidades (...)


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The discussions about social justice date from ancient times, but despite the enduring interest in the topic and the progress made, we are still witnessing injustices throughout the world. Thus, the search for social justice, under some form, is an inseparable part of our lives. In general, social justice may be considered as a critical idea that challenges us to reform our institutions and practices in the name of greater fairness (Miller 1999, p. x). In political and policy debates, social justice is often related to fair access (Brown, 2013) but at the same time its meanings seem to vary when we consider different definitions, perspectives and social theories (Zajda, Majhanovich, & Rust, 2006). When seen in the context of higher education, social justice appears in relevant literature as a buzzword (Patton, Shahjahan, Riyad, & Osei-Kofi, 2010). Within the recent studies of higher education and public debates related to the development of higher education, more emphasis is placed on the link between higher education and the economic growth and how higher education could be more responsive to the labour market demands, and little emphasis has been put on social justice. Given this, the present study attempts to at least partially fill the gap with regard to this apparently very topical issue, especially in the context of the unprecedented worldwide expansion of higher education in the last century (Schofer & Meyer, 2005), an expansion that is expected to continue in the next decades. More specifically, the expansion of higher education intensified in the second part of the 20th century, especially after World War II. It was seen as a result of the intertwined dynamics related to demographic, economic and political pressures (Goastellec, 2008a). This trend undoubtedly contributed to the increase of the size of the student body. To illustrate this trend, we may point out that in the period between 2000 and 2007, the number of tertiary students in the world increased from 98,303,539 to 150,656,459 (UNESCO, 2009, p. 205). This growth occurred in all regions of the world, including Central and Eastern Europe, North America and Western Europe, and contributed to raising the number of tertiary graduates. Thus, in the period between 2000 and 2008, the total number of tertiary graduates in the European Union (EU) 27 increased by a total of 35 percent (or 4.5 percent per year). However, this growth was very uneven, ranging from 21.1 percent in Romania to 0.7 percent in Hungary (European Commission working staff document, 2011). The increase of the number of students and graduates was seen as enhancing the social justice in higher education, since it is assumed that expansion “extends a valued good to a broader spectrum of the population” (Arum, Gamoran, & Shavit, 2007, p. 29). However, concerns for a deep contradiction for 21st-century higher education also emerged with regard to its expansion.


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La investigación se basa en los resultados de una encuesta realizada en 2009-2010, por el equipo investigador, a 348 inmigrados reagrupantes africanos y a 457 latinoamericanos que residen en las provincias litorales entre Girona y Almería. La información que se ofrece está referida a los aspectos laborales de estos dos colectivos continentales, tanto a escala del conjunto territorial indicado como para tres subáreas incluidas en él: Cataluña litoral, Comunidad Valenciana y Murcia-Almería; según los temas, se trata por separado a los reagrupantes y a los subgrupos familiares que conviven en España (reagrupantes, cónyuges, hijos). El estudio se centra en las estructuras de empleo por sectores económicos. También se estudian las redes migratorias, tan decisivas en la orientación de estos flujos hacia España, la regulación laboral de estos trabajadores, la repercusión de la crisis actual en los empleos de las familias reagrupadas (paro, número de ocupados por familia e ingresos), la satisfacción laboral de los miembros de las familias (horas de trabajo, problemas laborales y salariales) y la estabilidad laboral (antigüedad en el empleo, cursos de formación profesional, trabajo actual y expectativas del inmigrante). El recorrido por los temas laborales indicados, vinculados a los distintos grupos continentales y familiares y a las diferentes escalas territoriales, concluyen en mostrar situaciones económicas y sociales muy diferentes entre africanos y latinoamericanos, y entre los que residen en Cataluña litoral y en Murcia-Almería, en lo que intervienen, entre otras causas, los distintos «capitales» personales aportados por los dos colectivos continentales para acceder al empleo (formación, idioma, …) y las diferentes estructuras económicas de los territorios estudiados. Los africanos y los que residen en las provincias meridionales son los que presentan peores situaciones socioeconómicas.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Serviço Social, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social, 2015.


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The Recycling Market Development Advisory Council is comprised of 14 governor-appointed members representing the recycling industry, government, higher education, solid waste industry and citizen affiliations. The Council is staffed by the South Carolina Department of Commerce. This report also provides information on RMDAC’s work plan, economic development data, resources and market information for the glass, paper, plastics, scrap tires, used oil, nonferrous aluminum and ferrous scrap metal industries.


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Despite the organizational benefits of treating employees fairly, both anecdotal and empirical evidence suggest that managers do not behave fairly towards their employees in a consistent manner. As treating employees fairly takes up personal resources such as time, effort, and attention, I argue that when managers face high workloads (i.e., high amounts of work and time pressure), they are unable to devote such personal resources to effectively meet both core technical task requirements and treat employees fairly. I propose that in general, managers tend to view their core technical task performance as more important than being fair in their dealings with employees; as a result, when faced with high workloads, they tend to prioritize the former at the expense of the latter. I also propose that managerial fairness will suffer more as a result of heightened workloads than will core technical task performance, unless managers perceive their organization to explicitly reward fair treatment of employees. I find support for my hypotheses across three studies: two experimental studies (with online participants and students respectively) and one field study of managers from a variety of organizations. I discuss the implications of studying fairness in the wider context of managers’ complex role in organizations to the fairness and managerial work demands literatures.


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Nurses continuously develop various activities that expose them to excessive force and inappropriate movements. Characterize the accidents reported by overexertion and inappropriate movements in Portuguese nurses during 2009 and 2010. Retrospective cross-sectional study, covering the period from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010. Were defined as inclusion criteria, be nurse and having notified by excessive straining and improper motion accident. The information was obtained by reference to the computer record of accidents at work General Administration of Health Services, relating to 672 nurses. There were 672 notifications of accidents by overexertion/ inappropriate moves in Portuguese nurses. The higher prevalence of these accidents was in nurses with over 10 years of service 277 (41.2%), 565 were female (42.6%) in the age group 25-29 (29.9%) and practice time for 555 shifts (82.6%). At admission there were 387 (57.3%) within 3 hours of work 330 (49.1%) and the third day after weekly rest 216 (32.1%). The Mobilization of patients was the most frequent cause of this accident 430 (64.0%). The main effects were the sprains and strains 321 (47.8%), mainly the trunk reached 367 (54.7%) and absenteeism caused 373 (55.5%). On average 17.7 days missed a total of 12.054 days. There was a high prevalence of accidents during the mobilization of prayer on patients so importante to invest in the implementation of mechanical equipment for the mobilization and transport of patients.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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The South Carolina Office of the Comptroller General publishes an annual travel report with provides information on state travel expenditures by all agencies during the fiscal year. The reports also contain a summary of total travel expenditures by agency and a breakdown of the top travelers in each agency.


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O artigo trata do fracasso da política externa norte-americana no Afeganistão. Aborda ainda a possibilidade de mudança caso o Partido Democrata vença as eleições presidenciais.


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o artigo trata da biografia de Robert McNamara, falecido em julho de 2009. Ele foi Secretário de Defesa durante a gestão de John Kennedy e Lyndon Johnson. Nesse sentido, ele foi um dos responsáveis pelo fracasso da Guerra do Vietnã. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT