871 resultados para Educational technology|
Nationally, the education sector spends more than 5 billion dollars annually on digital tools, yet seldom are technology solutions factored into any viable equation for improving student academic achievement (Moersch, 2014, p. ix). Consider the following case in point: In July 2014, Apple announced that in just 3 years, the company had sold more than13 million iPads to educational institutions worldwide (Cavanagh, 2014). Put into perspective, that represents more than 5.2 billion dollars spent by the education industry to purchase iPads, which is the equivalent of the annual salaries of 89,655 teachers (High School Teacher: Salary, 2014). Despite such vast expenditures, there have been very few attempts to evaluate the efficacy of these digital tools on improving academic achievement. This research involved a quantitative data review of participant (student and teacher) survey data to explore one of the countrys largest K-12 iPad implementation undertakings in an effort to identify (a) best practices and (b) lessons learned from implementing the iPad into K-12 educational environments. It should be noted that the school system forming the basis of this research already had administered and collated the surveys used in this study.
Acompanha: Epidemias na escola? S em filmes: possibilidades de contaminao na aprendizagem significativa
Deficits in social communication and interaction have been identified as distinguishing impairments for individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As a pivotal skill, the successful development of social communication and interaction in individuals with ASD is a lifelong objective. Point-of-view video modeling has the potential to address these deficits. This type of video involves filming the completion of a targeted skill or behavior from a first-person perspective. By presenting only what a person might see from his or her viewpoint, it has been identified to be more effective in limiting irrelevant stimuli by providing a clear frame of reference to facilitate imitation. The current study investigated the use of point-of-view video modeling in teaching social initiations (e.g., greetings). Using a multiple baseline across participants design, five kindergarten participants were taught social initiations using point-of-view video modeling and video priming. Immediately before and after viewing the entire point-of-view video model, the participants were evaluated on their social initiations with a trained, typically developing peer serving as a communication partner. Specifically, the social initiations involved participants abilities to shift their attention toward the peer who entered the classroom, maintain attention toward the peer, and engage in an appropriate social initiation (e.g., hi, hello). Both generalization and maintenance were tested. Overall, the data suggest point-of-view video modeling is an effective intervention for increasing social initiations in young students with ASD. However, retraining was necessary for acquisition of skills in the classroom environment. Generalization in novel environments and with a novel communication partner, and generalization to other social initiation skills was limited. Additionally, maintenance of gained social initiation skills only occurred in the intervention room. Despite the limitations of the study and variable results, there are a number of implications moving forward for both practitioners and future researchers examining point-of-view modeling and its potential impact on the social initiation skills of individuals with ASD.
This work presents the use of projects as an alternative for teaching statistics, for that it was elaborated a Project that involves the educational socioeconomic reality from the families of the students and built a link between the reality and the scholastic knowledge. This project was applied in Sesi School - Pato Branco between the months of August to September 2014 with 25 students from the 1o and 2o grades from High School. To work the statistics concepts a questionnaire was applied for the parents of the students of the Projects, they answer it and through these answers the students made frequency tables and graphs, besides measure calculations on measures of central tendency and dispersion measure. All of the construction were realized manually and in the Excel spreadsheet and some of them were chosen to be in this work to with the purpose of showing the hits and the mistakes done. The students worked in groups of 5 students, except in the last class when it was done a test referring to the contents taught in the classroom and a questionnaire for them to evaluate the projects application. The results show that the teaching of Statistics trough projects motivate the students interest, stimulating the statistical reasoning, in addition made the students know a Math that was different from the one they have already known, with a lot of calculation but with no final objective.
Tese de Doutoramento, Educao (Tecnologia Educativa), 26 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Aores.
Acompanha: Manual didtico: o emprego de aspectos sociocientficos no ensino de qumica
Esta investigacin presenta el proceso llevado a cabo para el diseo, implementacin y evaluacin de una propuesta formativa en Alfabetizacin Informacional mediada por un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje, dirigida como prueba-curso piloto a estudiantes de la Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecologa de la Universidad de Antioquia -- Para lograr el desarrollo de dicho curso piloto se siguen las diferentes fases que implica el modelo instruccional PR-ADDIE, teniendo como marco terico-conceptual: las diferentes posturas respecto a la Alfabetizacin Informacional (ALFIN) como concepto, ante lo cual esta investigacin presenta una propuesta de definicin; los distintos modelos de comportamiento informacional y una propuesta integradora de los mismos, e igualmente para el caso de los modelos, normas-estndares de ALFIN -- Como marco contextual, se realiza una recopilacin y anlisis de 35 sitios web o plataformas sobre las que en diferentes lugares del mundo se estn desarrollando exitosos programas de Alfabetizacin Informacional -- Todo este proceso se interrelaciona de manera transversal con los aportes tericos y metodolgicos que implica asumir como gua para esta investigacin la Teora de la Actividad y la Accin Mediada
Visuelle Bildungsmedien erfahren wachsende Verbreitung in der universitren Lehre, und die Anzahl der verwendeten Medienformate steigt. Wir untersuchen empirisch den Lernerfolg dreier Formate - Lehrvideo plus Folien/Folien plus Audio/Audio - und stellen fest, dass der Lernerfolg die aufwndige Medienproduktion nicht in jedem Fall rechtfertigt. Das Untersuchungsdesign ldt zum Nachmachen und somit zum Ermitteln des geeignetsten Medienformats in einem spezifischen Lehrkontext ein. (DIPF/Orig.)
Memes stellen ein modernes Bildmedium dar. Im Beitrag wird die Frage verfolgt, ob Memes mit ihrem inhrenten Humor innerhalb des Unterrichts auch als Bildungsmedium dienen und didaktisch genutzt werden knnen. Dazu wird Humor als generalisiertes Kommunikationsmedium pdagogischer Interaktion beschrieben, um Memes als moderne Bildmedien - in ihrer Wirkung als humorvolle Form der affektiven und kognitiven Inkongruenzstiftung - zur Entwicklung von Fachkonzepten im Physikunterricht fassen zu knnen. (DIPF/Orig.)
Lernvideos haben sich als geeignetes Instrument erwiesen Lernprozesse von Studierenden effektiv zu untersttzen. Vorliegender Beitrag thematisiert die videobasierte Statistiklehre an Hochschulen und stellt die Ergebnisse einer Experimentalstudie vor. Darin zeigt sich, dass bivariate Zusammenhnge zwischen der Bewertung von Lernvideos und dem Lernergebnis bestehen und dass Studierende bei theoriebasierten Lernvideos die besten Lernergebnisse erzielen. (DIPF/Orig.)
Presentation Research of the Practicum and externships has a long history and involves important aspects for analysis. For example, the recent changes taking place in university grades allot more credits to the Practicum course in all grades, and the Company-University collaboration has exposed the need to study in new learning environments. The rise of ICT practices like ePortfolios, which require technological solutions and methods supported by experimentation, study and research, require particular examination due to the dynamic momentum of technological innovation. Tutoring the Practicum and externships requires remote monitoring and communication using ePortfolios, and competence-based assessment and students requirement to provide evidence of learning require the best tutoring methods available with ePortfolios. Among the elements of ePortfolios, eRubrics emerge as a tool for design, communication and competence-assessment. This project aims to consolidate a research line on eRubrics, already undertaken by another project -I+D+i [EDU2010-15432]- in order to expand the network of researchers and Centres of Excellence in Spain and other countries: Harvard University in USA, University of Cologne in Germany, University of Colima in Mexico, Federal University of Parana, University of Santa Catarina in Brasil, and Stockholm University in Sweden(1). This new project [EDU2013-41974-P](2) examines the impact of eRubrics on tutoring and on assessing the Practicum course and externships. Through technology, distance tutoring grants an extra dimension to human communication. New forms of teaching with technological mediation are on the rise and are highly valuable, not only for formal education but especially in both public and private sectors of non-formal education, such as occupational training, unemployed education and public servant training. Objectives Obj. 1. To analyse models of technology used in assessing learning in the Practicum of all grades at Spanish Faculties of Education. Obj. 2. To study models of learning assessment measured by eRubrics in the Practicum. Obj. 3. To analyse communication through eRubrics between students and their tutors at university and practice centres, focusing on students understanding of competences and evidences to be assessed in the Practicum. Obj. 4. To design assessment services and products, in order to federate companies and practice centres with training institutions. Among many other features, it has the following functions CoRubric(3) 1. The possibility to assess people, products or services by using rubrics. 2. Ipsative assessment. 3. Designing fully flexible rubrics. 4. Drafting reports and exporting results from eRubrics in a project. 5. Students and teachers talk about the evaluation and application of the criteria Methodology, Methods, Research Instruments or Sources Used The project will use techniques to collect and analyse data from two methodological approaches: 1. In order to meet the first objective, we suggest an initial exploratory descriptive study (Buenda Eisman, Cols Bravo & Hernndez Pina, 1998), which involves conducting interviews with Practicum coordinators from all educational grades across Spain, as well as analysing the contents of the teaching guides used in all educational grades across Spain. 55 academic managers were interviewed from about 10 faculties of education in public universities in Spain (20%), and course guides 376 universities from 36 public institutions in Spain (72%) are analyzed. 2. In order to satisfy the second objective, 7 universities have been selected to implement the project two instruments aimed at tutors practice centers and tutors of the faculty. All instruments for collecting data were validated by experts using the Delphi method. The selection of experts had three aspects: years of professional experience, number and quality of publications in the field (Practicum, Educational Technology and Teacher Training), and self-rating of their knowledge. The resulting data was calculated using the Coefficient of Competence (Kcomp) (Martnez, Ziga, Sala & Melndez, 2012). Results in all cases showed an average experience of more than 0.09 points. The two instruments of the first objective were validated during the first half of 2014-15 year, data collected during the second half. And the second objective during the first half of 2015-16 year and data collection for the second half. The set of four instruments (two for each objective 1 and 2) have the same dimensions as each of the sources (Coordinators, course guides, tutors of practice centers and faculty) as they were: a. Institution-Organization, b. Nature of internships, c. Relationship between agents, d. Management Practicum, e. Assessment. F. Technological support, g. Training and h. Assessment Ethics. Conclusions, Expected Outcomes or Findings The first results respond to Objective 1, where we find different conclusions depending on each of the six dimensions. In the case of internal regulations governing the organization and structure of the practicum, we note that most traditional degrees (Elementary and Primary grades) share common internal rules, in particular development methodology and criteria against other grades (Pedagogy and Social Education ). It is also true that the centers of practices in last cases are very different from each other and can be a public institution, a school, a company, a museum, etc. The memory with a 56.34% and 43.67% daily activities are more demands on students in all degrees, Lesson plans 28.18% 19.72% Portfolio 26.7% Didactic units and Others 32,4%. The technical support has been mainly used the platform of the University 47.89% and 57.75% Email, followed by other services and tools 9.86% and rubric platforms 1.41%. The assessment criteria are divided between formal aspects of 12.38%, Written expresin 12.38%, treatment of the subject 14.45%, methodological rigor of work 10.32%, and Level of argument Clarity and relevance of conclusions 10.32%. In general terms, we could say that there is a trend and debate between formative assessment against a accreditation. It has not yet had sufficient time to further study and confront other dimensions and sources of information. We hope to provide more analysis and conclusions in the conference date.
Career Academy instructors technical literacy is vital to the academic success of students. This nonexperimental ex post facto study examined the relationships between the level of technical literacy of instructors in career academies and student academic performance. It was also undertaken to explore the relationship between the pedagogical training of instructors and the academic performance of students. Out of a heterogeneous population of 564 teachers in six targeted schools, 136 teachers (26.0 %) responded to an online survey. The survey was designed to gather demographic and teaching experience data. Each demographic item was linked by researchers to teachers technology use in the classroom. Student achievement was measured by student learning gains as assessed by the reading section of the FCAT from the previous to the present school year. Linear and hierarchical regressions were conducted to examine the research questions. To clarify the possibility of teacher gender and teacher race/ethnic group differences by research variable, a series of one-way ANOVAs were conducted. As revealed by the ANOVA results, there were not statistically significant group differences in any of the research variables by teacher gender or teacher race/ethnicity. Greater student learning gains were associated with greater teacher technical expertise integrating computers and technology into the classroom, even after controlling for teacher attitude towards computers. Neither teacher attitude toward technology integration nor years of experience in integrating computers into the curriculum significantly predicted student learning gains in the regression models. Implications for HRD theory, research, and practice suggest that identifying teacher levels of technical literacy may help improve student academic performance by facilitating professional development strategies and new parameters for defining highly qualified instructors with 21st century skills. District professional development programs can benefit by increasing their offerings to include more computer and information communication technology courses. Teacher preparation programs can benefit by including technical literacy as part of their curriculum. State certification requirements could be expanded to include formal surveys to assess teacher use of technology.
Este trabajo se inscribe en uno de los grandes campos de los estudios organizacionales: la estrategia. La perspectiva clsica en este campo promovi la idea de que proyectarse hacia el futuro implica disear un plan (una serie de acciones deliberadas). Avances posteriores mostraron que la estrategia poda ser comprendida de otras formas. Sin embargo, la evolucin del campo privilegi en alguna medida la mirada clsica estableciendo, por ejemplo, mltiples modelos para formular una estrategia, pero dejando en segundo lugar la manera en la que esta puede emerger. El propsito de esta investigacin es, entonces, aportar al actual nivel de comprensin respecto a las estrategias emergentes en las organizaciones. Para hacerlo, se consider un concepto opuesto aunque complementario al de planeacin y, de hecho, muy cercano en su naturaleza a ese tipo de estrategias: la improvisacin. Dado que este se ha nutrido de valiosos aportes del mundo de la msica, se acudi al saber propio de este dominio, recurriendo al uso de la metfora como recurso terico para entenderlo y alcanzar el objetivo propuesto. Los resultados muestran que 1) las estrategias deliberadas y las emergentes coexisten y se complementan, 2) la improvisacin est siempre presente en el contexto organizacional, 3) existe una mayor intensidad de la improvisacin en el como de la estrategia que en el qu y, en oposicin a la idea convencional al respecto, 4) se requiere cierta preparacin para poder improvisar de manera adecuada.
Objectives: to evaluate the cognitive learning of nursing students in neonatal clinical evaluation from a blended course with the use of computer and laboratory simulation; to compare the cognitive learning of students in a control and experimental group testing the laboratory simulation; and to assess the extracurricular blended course offered on the clinical assessment of preterm infants, according to the students. Method: a quasi-experimental study with 14 Portuguese students, containing pretest, midterm test and post-test. The technologies offered in the course were serious game e-Baby, instructional software of semiology and semiotechnique, and laboratory simulation. Data collection tools developed for this study were used for the course evaluation and characterization of the students. Nonparametric statistics were used: Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon. Results: the use of validated digital technologies and laboratory simulation demonstrated a statistically significant difference (p = 0.001) in the learning of the participants. The course was evaluated as very satisfactory for them. The laboratory simulation alone did not represent a significant difference in the learning. Conclusions: the cognitive learning of participants increased significantly. The use of technology can be partly responsible for the course success, showing it to be an important teaching tool for innovation and motivation of learning in healthcare.