962 resultados para Computer game -- Programming
Implementación y estudio de un framework de persistencia como solución a una problemática concreta.
Technological limitations and power constraints are resulting in high-performance parallel computing architectures that are based on large numbers of high-core-count processors. Commercially available processors are now at 8 and 16 cores and experimental platforms, such as the many-core Intel Single-chip Cloud Computer (SCC) platform, provide much higher core counts. These trends are presenting new sets of challenges to HPC applications including programming complexity and the need for extreme energy efficiency.In this work, we first investigate the power behavior of scientific PGAS application kernels on the SCC platform, and explore opportunities and challenges for power management within the PGAS framework. Results obtained via empirical evaluation of Unified Parallel C (UPC) applications on the SCC platform under different constraints, show that, for specific operations, the potential for energy savings in PGAS is large; and power/performance trade-offs can be effectively managed using a cross-layerapproach. We investigate cross-layer power management using PGAS language extensions and runtime mechanisms that manipulate power/performance tradeoffs. Specifically, we present the design, implementation and evaluation of such a middleware for application-aware cross-layer power management of UPC applications on the SCC platform. Finally, based on our observations, we provide a set of recommendations and insights that can be used to support similar power management for PGAS applications on other many-core platforms.
The EVS4CSCL project starts in the context of a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning environment (CSCL). Previous UOC projects created a CSCL generic platform (CLPL) to facilitate the development of CSCL applications. A discussion forum (DF) was the first application developed over the framework. This discussion forum was different from other products on the marketplace because of its focus on the learning process. The DF carried out the specification and elaboration phases from the discussion learning process but there was a lack in the consensus phase. The consensus phase in a learning environment is not something to be achieved but tested. Common tests are done by Electronic Voting System (EVS) tools, but consensus test is not an assessment test. We are not evaluating our students by their answers but by their discussion activity. Our educational EVS would be used as a discussion catalyst proposing a discussion about the results after an initial query or it would be used after a discussion period in order to manifest how the discussion changed the students mind (consensus). It should be also used by the teacher as a quick way to know where the student needs some reinforcement. That is important in a distance-learning environment where there is no direct contact between the teacher and the student and it is difficult to detect the learning lacks. In an educational environment, assessment it is a must and the EVS will provide direct assessment by peer usefulness evaluation, teacher marks on every query created and indirect assessment from statistics regarding the user activity.
Malposition of the acetabular component during hip arthroplasty increases the occurrence of impingement, reduces range of motion, and increases the risk of dislocation and long-term wear. To prevent malpositioned hip implants, an increasing number of computer-assisted orthopaedic systems have been described, but their accuracy is not well established. The purpose of this study was to determine the reproducibility and accuracy of conventional versus computer-assisted techniques for positioning the acetabular component in total hip arthroplasty. Using a lateral approach, 150 cups were placed by 10 surgeons in 10 identical plastic pelvis models (freehand, with a mechanical guide, using computer assistance). Conditions for cup implantations were made to mimic the operating room situation. Preoperative planning was done from a computed tomography scan. The accuracy of cup abduction and anteversion was assessed with an electromagnetic system. Freehand placement revealed a mean accuracy of cup anteversion and abduction of 10 degrees and 3.5 degrees, respectively (maximum error, 35 degrees). With the cup positioner, these angles measured 8 degrees and 4 degrees (maximum error, 29.8 degrees), respectively, and using computer assistance, 1.5 degrees and 2.5 degrees degrees (maximum error, 8 degrees), respectively. Computer-assisted cup placement was an accurate and reproducible technique for total hip arthroplasty. It was more accurate than traditional methods of cup positioning.
El rápido crecimiento del los sistemas multicore y los diversos enfoques que estos han tomado, permiten que procesos complejos que antes solo eran posibles de ejecutar en supercomputadores, hoy puedan ser ejecutados en soluciones de bajo coste también denominadas "hardware de comodidad". Dichas soluciones pueden ser implementadas usando los procesadores de mayor demanda en el mercado de consumo masivo (Intel y AMD). Al escalar dichas soluciones a requerimientos de cálculo científico se hace indispensable contar con métodos para medir el rendimiento que los mismos ofrecen y la manera como los mismos se comportan ante diferentes cargas de trabajo. Debido a la gran cantidad de tipos de cargas existentes en el mercado, e incluso dentro de la computación científica, se hace necesario establecer medidas "típicas" que puedan servir como soporte en los procesos de evaluación y adquisición de soluciones, teniendo un alto grado de certeza de funcionamiento. En la presente investigación se propone un enfoque práctico para dicha evaluación y se presentan los resultados de las pruebas ejecutadas sobre equipos de arquitecturas multicore AMD e Intel.
L'objectiu del projecte és la realització d'una eina capaç de traduir el pseudocodi al llenguatge de programació Java, utilitzant la programació orientada a objectes. S'obté un programa en Java del qual es podrà comprovar el seu bon funcionament, tot compilant-lo amb qualsevol compilador estàndard de Java com el distribuït per Sun Microsystems. El projecte està basat en teories de llenguatges i creació d'autòmats reconeixedors de gramàtiques, ja que són els fonaments per tal de realitzar un compilador/traductor. En el traductor s'implementa tant l'anàlisi lèxica, com la sintàctica i la semàntica. Les etapes de generació de codi intermedi, optimització i generació de codi final són substituïdes per la generació de codi Java
Aquest treball de recerca fa un estudi comparatiu del videojoc de terror amb el seu homòleg cinematogràfic. L’objectiu és arribar a saber si els dos mitjans de comunicació usen les mateixes tècniques per transmetre les seves històries i per crear suspens. Aquesta investigació és només una part d'un estudi més ampli amb el que es pretén tenir un coneixement més aprofundit de les emocions de la gent i les reaccions que els provoca un videojoc de terror en comparació amb la visualització de l'adaptació cinematogràfica del corresponent videojoc.
Large projects evaluation rises well known difficulties because -by definition- they modify the current price system; their public evaluation presents additional difficulties because they modify too existing shadow prices without the project. This paper analyzes -first- the basic methodologies applied until late 80s., based on the integration of projects in optimization models or, alternatively, based on iterative procedures with information exchange between two organizational levels. New methodologies applied afterwards are based on variational inequalities, bilevel programming and linear or nonlinear complementarity. Their foundations and different applications related with project evaluation are explored. As a matter of fact, these new tools are closely related among them and can treat more complex cases involving -for example- the reaction of agents to policies or the existence of multiple agents in an environment characterized by common functions representing demands or constraints on polluting emissions.
Positron emission tomography is a functional imaging technique that allows the detection of the regional metabolic rate, and is often coupled with other morphological imaging technique such as computed tomography. The rationale for its use is based on the clearly demonstrated fact that functional changes in tumor processes happen before morphological changes. Its introduction to the clinical practice added a new dimension in conventional imaging techniques. This review presents the current and proposed indications of the use of positron emission/computed tomography for prostate, bladder and testes, and the potential role of this exam in radiotherapy planning.
This paper presents a pattern recognition method focused on paintings images. The purpose is construct a system able to recognize authors or art styles based on common elements of his work (here called patterns). The method is based on comparing images that contain the same or similar patterns. It uses different computer vision techniques, like SIFT and SURF, to describe the patterns in descriptors, K-Means to classify and simplify these descriptors, and RANSAC to determine and detect good results. The method are good to find patterns of known images but not so good if they are not.
This paper introduces how artificial intelligence technologies can be integrated into a known computer aided control system design (CACSD) framework, Matlab/Simulink, using an object oriented approach. The aim is to build a framework to aid supervisory systems analysis, design and implementation. The idea is to take advantage of an existing CACSD framework, Matlab/Simulink, so that engineers can proceed: first to design a control system, and then to design a straightforward supervisory system of the control system in the same framework. Thus, expert systems and qualitative reasoning tools are incorporated into this popular CACSD framework to develop a computer aided supervisory system design (CASSD) framework. Object-variables an introduced into Matlab/Simulink for sharing information between tools
Black-box optimization problems (BBOP) are de ned as those optimization problems in which the objective function does not have an algebraic expression, but it is the output of a system (usually a computer program). This paper is focussed on BBOPs that arise in the eld of insurance, and more speci cally in reinsurance problems. In this area, the complexity of the models and assumptions considered to de ne the reinsurance rules and conditions produces hard black-box optimization problems, that must be solved in order to obtain the optimal output of the reinsurance. The application of traditional optimization approaches is not possible in BBOP, so new computational paradigms must be applied to solve these problems. In this paper we show the performance of two evolutionary-based techniques (Evolutionary Programming and Particle Swarm Optimization). We provide an analysis in three BBOP in reinsurance, where the evolutionary-based approaches exhibit an excellent behaviour, nding the optimal solution within a fraction of the computational cost used by inspection or enumeration methods.
En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Carrera se desarrolla una aplicación para analizar el rendimiento de una red Ethernet. El rendimiento se evalúa identificando los equipos que generan el tráfico presente en la red y clasificando este según los protocolos de nivel de enlace, red, transporte o aplicación al que corresponde. Esta aplicación puede ser utilizada tanto para conocer el tráfico del ordenador en el cual se ejecuta, o bien, para evaluar el tráfico en un punto concreto de la red.
In this paper we relax the Colonel Blotto game assumption that for a given battle the player who allocates the higher measure of resources wins that battle. We assume that for a given battle, the Colonel who allocates the higher measure of resources is more likely to win that battle. We have a simpler model for which we are able to compute all Nash equilibria in pure strategies for any valuations pro le that players might have. Something that is not possible for the original Blotto game. JEL: C72, D74, H56. KEYWORDS: Colonel Blotto game; lottery contest function.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the School of Computing of the University of Dundee, United Kingdom, from 2010 to 2012. This document is a scientific report of the work done, main results, publications and accomplishment of the objectives of the 2-year post-doctoral research project with reference number BP-A 00239. The project has addressed the topic of older people (60+) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which is a topic of growing social and research interest, from a Human-Computer Interaction perspective. Over a 2-year period (June 2010-June 2012), we have conducted classical ethnography of ICT use in a computer clubhouse in Scotland, addressing interaction barriers and strategies, social sharing practices in Social Network Sites, and ICT learning, and carried out rapid ethnographical studies related to geo-enabled ICT and e-government services towards supporting independent living and active ageing. The main results have provided a much deeper understanding of (i) the everyday use of Computer-Mediated Communication tools, such as video-chats and blogs, and its evolution as older people’s experience with ICT increases over time, (ii) cross-cultural aspects of ICT use in the north and south of Europe, (iii) the relevance of cognition over vision in interacting with geographical information and a wide range of ICT tools, despite common stereotypes (e.g. make things bigger), (iv) the important relationship offline-online to provide older people with socially inclusive and meaningful eservices for independent living and active ageing, (v) how older people carry out social sharing practices in the popular YouTube, (vi) their user experiences and (vii) the challenges they face in ICT learning and the strategies they use to become successful ICT learners over time. The research conducted in this project has been published in 17 papers, 4 in journals – two of which in JCR, 5 in conferences, 4 in workshops and 4 in magazines. Other public output consists of 10 invited talks and seminars.