979 resultados para Carlos III
Nos proponemos en este trabajo analizar la lectura que el cineasta español Carlos Saura realiza, hacia 1983, de dos textos que preceden al film: la nouvelle 'Carmen' de Próspero Mérimée, de 1845, y la ópera del mismo nombre, estrenada en Francia en 1875, de Georges Bizet. Estas dos obras constituyen una referencialas necesaria en este trabajo, pero nuestro análisis focaliza la original construcción que el cineasta español hace del personaje de Antonio. Consideramos que la 'Carmen' de Carlos Saura y el tratamiento que le da al coprotagonista de la historia, nos enfrenta a un nuevo fenómeno estético que desestabiliza los términos de lo convencional. Intermedialidad, intertextualidad, arte postmoderno son categorías teóricas que nos permiten hacer una lectura del film, a través del tratamiento particular que Saura da a la figura de Antonio, para poner en evidencia la complejidad de la relación cine-literatura
Nos proponemos en este trabajo analizar la lectura que el cineasta español Carlos Saura realiza, hacia 1983, de dos textos que preceden al film: la nouvelle 'Carmen' de Próspero Mérimée, de 1845, y la ópera del mismo nombre, estrenada en Francia en 1875, de Georges Bizet. Estas dos obras constituyen una referencialas necesaria en este trabajo, pero nuestro análisis focaliza la original construcción que el cineasta español hace del personaje de Antonio. Consideramos que la 'Carmen' de Carlos Saura y el tratamiento que le da al coprotagonista de la historia, nos enfrenta a un nuevo fenómeno estético que desestabiliza los términos de lo convencional. Intermedialidad, intertextualidad, arte postmoderno son categorías teóricas que nos permiten hacer una lectura del film, a través del tratamiento particular que Saura da a la figura de Antonio, para poner en evidencia la complejidad de la relación cine-literatura
We investigated the atomic surface properties of differently prepared silicon and germanium (100) surfaces during metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy/chemical vapour deposition (MOVPE/MOCVD), in particular the impact of the MOVPE ambient, and applied reflectance anisotropy/difference spectroscopy (RAS/RDS) in our MOVPE reactor to in-situ watch and control the preparation on the atomic length scale for subsequent III-V-nucleation. The technological interest in the predominant opto-electronic properties of III-V-compounds drives the research for their heteroepitaxial integration on more abundant and cheaper standard substrates such as Si(100) or Ge(100). In these cases, a general task must be accomplished successfully, i.e. the growth of polar materials on non-polar substrates and, beyond that, very specific variations such as the individual interface formation and the atomic step structure, have to be controlled. Above all, the method of choice to grow industrial relevant high-performance device structures is MOVPE, not normally compatible with surface and interface sensitive characterization tools, which are commonly based on ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) ambients. A dedicated sample transfer system from MOVPE environment to UHV enabled us to benchmark the optical in-situ spectra with results from various surfaces science instruments without considering disruptive contaminants. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) provided direct observation of different terminations such as arsenic and phosphorous and verified oxide removal under various specific process parameters. Absorption lines in Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were used to identify specific stretch modes of coupled hydrides and the polarization dependence of the anti-symmetric stretch modes distinguished different dimer orientations. Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) studied the atomic arrangement of dimers and steps and tip-induced H-desorption proved the saturation of dangling bonds after preparati- n. In-situ RAS was employed to display details transiently such as the presence of H on the surface at lower temperatures (T <; 800°C) and the absence of Si-H bonds at elevated annealing temperature and also surface terminations. Ge buffer growth by the use of GeH4 enables the preparation of smooth surfaces and leads to a more pronounced amplitude of the features in the spectra which indicates improvements of the surface quality.
The work presented here aims to reduce the cost of multijunction solar cell technology by developing ways to manufacture them on cheap substrates such as silicon. In particular, our main objective is the growth of III-V semiconductors on silicon substrates for photovoltaic applications. The goal is to create a GaAsP/Si virtual substrates onto which other III-V cells could be integrated with an interesting efficiency potential. This technology involves several challenges due to the difficulty of growing III-V materials on silicon. In this paper, our first work done aimed at developing such structure is presented. It was focused on the development of phosphorus diffusion models on silicon and on the preparation of an optimal silicon surface to grow on it III-V materials.
This contribution aims to illustrate the potential of the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique as a tool to analyze different parts of a solar cell (surface state, heterointerfaces, profile composition of ohmic contacts, etc). Here, the analysis is specifically applied to III-V multijunction solar cells used in concentrator systems. The information provided from such XPS analysis has helped to understand the physico-chemical nature of these surfaces and interfaces, and thus has guided the technological process in order to improve the solar cell performance.
This paper presents some of the results of a method to determine the main reliability functions of concentrator solar cells. High concentrator GaAs single junction solar cells have been tested in an Accelerated Life Test. The method can be directly applied to multi-junction solar cells. The main conclusions of this test carried out show that these solar cells are robust devices with a very low probability of failure caused by degradation during their operation life (more than 30 years). The evaluation of the probability operation function (i.e. the reliability function R(t)) is obtained for two nominal operation conditions of these cells, namely simulated concentration ratios of 700 and 1050 suns. Preliminary determination of the Mean Time to Failure indicates a value much higher than the intended operation life time of the concentrator cells.
Sign.: [cruz latina]6, A8, B12, C-D8, E9, F-O8, P4, [calderón]2
In this contribution, angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is used to explore the extension and nature of a GaAs/GaInP heterointerface. This bilayer structure constitutes a very common interface in a multilayered III-V solar cell. Our results show a wide indium penetration into the GaAs layer, while phosphorous diffusion is much less important. The physico-chemical nature of such interface and its depth could deleteriously impact the solar cell performance. Our results probe the formation of spurious phases which may profoundly affect the interface behavior.
A quantitative temperature accelerated life test on sixty GaInP/GaInAs/Ge triple-junction commercial concentrator solar cells is being carried out. The final objective of this experiment is to evaluate the reliability, warranty period, and failure mechanism of high concentration solar cells in a moderate period of time. The acceleration of the degradation is realized by subjecting the solar cells at temperatures markedly higher than the nominal working temperature under a concentrator Three experiments at three different temperatures are necessary in order to obtain the acceleration factor which relates the time at the stress level with the time at nominal working conditions. . However, up to now only the test at the highest temperature has finished. Therefore, we can not provide complete reliability information but we have analyzed the life data and the failure mode of the solar cells inside the climatic chamber at the highest temperature. The failures have been all of them catastrophic. In fact, the solar cells have turned into short circuits. We have fitted the failure distribution to a two parameters Weibull function. The failures are wear-out type. We have observed that the busbar and the surrounding fingers are completely deteriorate
In this work we present the results and analysis of a 10 MeV proton irradiation experiment performed on III-V semiconductor materials and solar cells. A set of representative devices including lattice-matched InGaP/GaInAs/Ge triple junction solar cells and single junction GaAs and InGaP component solar cells and a Ge diode were irradiated for different doses. The devices were studied in-situ before and after each exposure at dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination conditions, using a solar simulator connected to the irradiation chamber through a borosilicate glass window. Ex-situ characterization techniques included dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination I-V measurements. Furthermore, numerical simulation of the devices using D-AMPS-1D code together with calculations based on the TRIM software were performed in order to gain physical insight on the experimental results. The experiment also included the proton irradiation of an unprocessed Ge solar cell structure as well as the irradiation of a bare Ge(100) substrate. Ex-situ material characterization, after radioactive deactivation of the samples, includes Raman spectroscopy and spectral reflectivity.
Fecha : "1789" tomada del Palau, T. III nº 43398.
In this work the failure analysis carried out in III-V concentrator multijunction solar cells after a temperature accelerated life test is presented. All the failures appeared have been catastrophic since all the solar cells turned into low shunt resistances. A case study in failure analysis based on characterization by optical microscope, SEM, EDX, EQE and XPS is presented in this paper, revealing metal deterioration in the bus bar and fingers as well as cracks in the semiconductor structure beneath or next to the bus bar. In fact, in regions far from the bus bar the semiconductor structure seems not to be damaged. SEM images have dismissed the presence of metal spikes inside the solar cell structure. Therefore, we think that for these particular solar cells, failures appear mainly as a consequence of a deficient electrolytic growth of the front metallization which also results in failures in the semiconductor structure close to the bus bars.
Separata de : Numisma, año III, nº 9, 1953