978 resultados para CASCADE DECAYS


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Mechanics has an important role during morphogenesis, both in the generation of forces driving cell shape changes and in determining the effective material properties of cells and tissues. Drosophila dorsal closure has emerged as a reference model system for investigating the interplay between tissue mechanics and cellular activity. During dorsal closure, the amnioserosa generates one of the major forces that drive closure through the apical contraction of its constituent cells. We combined quantitation of live data, genetic and mechanical perturbation and cell biology, to investigate how mechanical properties and contraction rate emerge from cytoskeletal activity. We found that a decrease in Myosin phosphorylation induces a fluidization of amnioserosa cells which become more compliant. Conversely, an increase in Myosin phosphorylation and an increase in actin linear polymerization induce a solidification of cells. Contrary to expectation, these two perturbations have an opposite effect on the strain rate of cells during DC. While an increase in actin polymerization increases the contraction rate of amnioserosa cells, an increase in Myosin phosphorylation gives rise to cells that contract very slowly. The quantification of how the perturbation induced by laser ablation decays throughout the tissue revealed that the tissue in these two mutant backgrounds reacts very differently. We suggest that the differences in the strain rate of cells in situations where Myosin activity or actin polymerization is increased arise from changes in how the contractile forces are transmitted and coordinated across the tissue through ECadherin-mediated adhesion. Altogether, our results show that there is an optimal level of Myosin activity to generate efficient contraction and suggest that the architecture of the actin cytoskeleton and the dynamics of adhesion complexes are important parameters for the emergence of coordinated activity throughout the tissue.


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Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) is one of the pivotal early response pro-inflammatory cytokines that enables organisms to respond to infection and induces a cascade of reactions leading to inflammation. In spite of its importance and two decades of studies in the mammalian species, genes encoding IL-1 beta were not identified from non-mammalian species until recently. Recent research, particularly with genomic approaches, has led to sequencing of IL-1 beta from many species. Clinical studies also Suggested IL-1 beta as an immunoreagulatory molecule potentially useful for enhancing vaccination. However, no IL-1 beta genes have been identified from channel catfish, the primary aquaculture species from the United States. In this study, we identified two distinct cDNAs encoding catfish IL-1 beta. Their encoding genes were identified, sequenced, and characterized. The catfish IL-1 beta genes were assigned to bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones. Genomic studies indicated that the IL-1 beta genes were tandemly duplicated on the same chromosome. Phylogenetic analysis of various IL-1 beta genes indicated the possibility of recent species-specific gene duplications in channel catfish, and perhaps also in swine and carp. Expression analysis indicated that both IL-1 beta genes were expressed, but exhibited distinct expression profiles in various catfish tissues, and after bacterial infection with Edwardsiella ictaluri. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The integration of quantum cascade lasers with devices capable of efficiently manipulating terahertz light represents a fundamental step for many different applications. Split-ring resonators, subwavelength metamaterial elements exhibiting broad resonances that are easily tuned lithographically, represent the ideal route to achieve such optical control of the incident light. We have realized a design based on the interplay between metallic split rings and the electronic properties of a graphene monolayer integrated into a single device. By acting on the doping level of graphene, an active modulation of the optical intensity was achieved in the frequency range between 2.2 and 3.1 THz, with a maximum modulation depth of 18%. © 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The integration of quantum cascade lasers with devices capable of efficiently manipulating terahertz light, represents a fundamental step for many different applications. Split-ring resonators, sub-wavelength metamaterial elements exhibiting broad resonances that are easily tuned lithographically, represent the ideal route to achieve such optical control of the incident light. We have realized a design based on the interplay between metallic split rings and the electronic properties of a graphene monolayer integrated into a single device. By acting on the doping level of graphene, an active modulation of the optical intensity was achieved in the frequency range between 2.2 THz and 3.1 THz, with a maximum modulation depth of 18%.


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The changes of cladoceran zooplankton from 1980 to 1996 were studied in a hypereutrophic subtropical Chinese lake, Lake Donghu, and an enclosure experiment was conducted to examine the possible role of the increased fish production in the enhancement of Moina micrura in the lake after mid-1980s. During the 1980s, the most striking event of the cladoceran community in the lake was that dominance of Daphnia was replaced by Moina following a steady increase in the production of planktivorous fish. This replacement was a direct result of increased fish predation, since our enclosure experiment indicates that Moina are less vulnerable to fish predation than Daphnia, and that increase in fish-stocking rate favors the development of M. micrura. The stronger resistance of M. micrura to fish predation may be attributed to its smaller body size and higher intrinsic growth rate than the daphnids. The present study has a strong parallel with the responses of zooplankton community to predators observed in many temperate lakes, and perhaps the only real difference is that in our lake the small rapidly growing cladoceran is Moina, rather than Bosmina or some other typical temperate take species. In the present study, the strong fish predation caused a shift from Daphnia to small zooplankton but not a corresponding increase in phytoplankton, which is in sharp contrast to what is expected with the classic "trophic cascade" process.


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We report that, by linearly polarized pumping of different wavelengths, Kerr transients appear at zero magnetic field only in the case when GaMnAs samples are initialized at 3 K by first applying a 0.8 Tesla field and then returning to zero field. We find that, instead of magnetization precession, the near-band gap excitation induces a coherent out-of-plane turning of magnetization, which shows very long relaxation dynamics with no precession. When photon energy increases, the peak value of the Kerr transient increases, but it decays rapidly to the original slow transient seen under the near-band-gap excitation.


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New observations on the luminescence Of In2S3 and europium-doped In2S3 nanoparticles show a green (5 10 nm) emission from In2S3 and In1.8Eu0.2S3 nanoparticles while a blue (425 nm) emission is observed from ln(1.6)Eu(0.4)S(3) nanoparticles. Both the blue and green emissions have large Stokes shifts of 62 and 110 nm, respectively. Excitation with longer-wavelength photons causes the blue emission to shift to a longer wavelength while the green emission wavelength remains unchanged. The lifetimes of both the green and blue emissions are similar to reported values for excitonic recombination. When doped with Eu3+, in addition to the broad blue and green emissions, a red emission near 615 nm attributed to Eu3+ is observed. Temperature dependences on nanoparticle thin films indicate that with increasing temperature, the green emission wavelength remains constant, however, the blue emission shifts toward longer wavelengths. Based on these observations, the blue emission is attributed to exciton recombination and the green emission to Indium interstitial defects. These nanoparticles show full-color emission with high efficiency, fast lifetime decays, and good stability; they are also relatively simple to prepare, thus making them a new type of phosphor with potential applications in lighting, flat-panel displays, and communications.


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We develop 5.5-mu m InxGa1-xAs/InyAl1-yAs strain-compensated quantum cascade lasers with InP and InGaAs cladding layers by using solid-source molecular-beam epitaxy. Pulse operation has been achieved up to 323 K (50 degrees C) for uncoated 20-mu m-wide and 2-mm-long devices. These devices display an output power of 36 mW with a duty cycle of 1% at room temperature. In continuous wave operation a record peak optical power of 10 mW per facet has been measured at 83 K.


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Microscopic luminescence and Raman scattering study was carried on AIInGaN quaternary alloy. Based on the analyses of SEM image and cathodoluminescence spectra measured around V-defects, the correlation between V-defect formation and indium segregation was clarified. Raman scattering of thin AlInGaN epilayers was investigated by using the short wavelength excitation of 325nm laser line. The frequency shift of A(1)(LO) phonon induced by the change of Al composition in alloy was observed. The Raman scattering of LO phonons was found to be resonantly enhanced with outgoing resonance, and it is attributed to the cascade-like electron-multiphonon interaction mechanism.


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In this paper, an n-type Si1-xGex/Ge (x >= 0.85) quantum cascade (QC) structure utilizing a deep Ge quantum well for electrons at the Gamma point is proposed. Based on linear interpolation, a conduction band offset at the Gamma point in a Si1-xGex/Ge ( x >= 0.85) heterostructure is presented, which is suitable for designing a QC laser. This approach has the advantages of a large conduction band offset at the Gamma point, a low lattice mismatch between the Si1-xGex/Ge ( x >= 0.85) active layers and the Si1-yGey ( y > x) virtual substrate, a small electron effective mass in the Gamma band, simple conduction energy band structures and a simple phonon scattering mechanism in the Ge quantum well. The theory predicts that if high-energy electrons are continuously injected into the Gamma band, a quasi-equilibrium distribution of electrons between the Gamma and L bands can be reached and held, i.e., electrons with a certain density will be kept in the Gamma band. This result is supported by the intervalley scattering experiments. In n-type Si1-xGex/Ge ( x >= 0.85) QC structures, population inversion between the laser's upper and lower levels is demonstrated.


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An internal shrinkage of nanocavity in silicon was in situ observed under irradiation of energetic electron on electron transmission microscopy. Because there is no addition of any external materials to cavity site, a predicted nanosize effect on the shrinkage was observed. At the same time, because there is no ion cascade effect as encountered in the previous ion irradiation-induced nanocavity shrinkage experiment, the electron irradiation-induced instability of nanocavity also provides a further more convincing evidence to demonstrate the predicted irradiation-induced athermal activation effect. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Using the Huang-Zhu model [K. Huang and B.-F. Zhu, Phys. Rev. B 38, 13377 (1988)] for the optical phonons and associated carrier-phonon interactions in semiconductor superlattices, the effects of longitudinal electric field on the energy-loss rates (ELRs) of hot carriers as well as on the hot-phonon effect (HPE) in GaAs/AlAs quantum wells (QWs) are studied systematically. Contributions of various bulklike and interface phonons to the hot-carrier relaxation are compared in detail, and comprehensively analyzed in relation to the intrasubband and intersubband scatterings for quantum cascade lasers. Due to the broken parity of the electron (hole) states in the electric field, the bulklike modes with antisymmetric potentials are allowed in the intrasubband relaxation processes, as well as the modes with symmetric potentials. As the interface phonon scattering is strong only in narrow wells, in which the electric field affects the electron (hole) states little, the ELRs of hot carriers through the interface phonon scattering are not sensitive to the electric field. The HPE on the hot-carrier relaxation process in the medium and wide wells is reduced by the electric field. The influence of the electric field on the hot-phonon effect in quantum cascade lasers is negligible. When the HPE is ignored, the ELRs of hot electrons in wide QWs are decreased noticeably by the electric field, but slightly increased by the field when considering the HPE. In contrast with the electrons, the ELRs of hot holes in wide wells are increased by the field, irrespective of the HPE. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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When injected electrons in a quantum well first experience an intersubband relaxation process before their escaping by tunneling through a double-barrier structure behind, the magnetic suppression of intersubband LO or LA phonon scattering can give rise to a noticeable nonthermal occupation in higher-lying subbands. That is clearly verified by the relative intensity ratio of the interband photoluminescence spectra for E-2-HH1 and E-1-HH1 transitions. The observed phenomenon may provide an effective method for controlling intersubband scattering rate, a central issue in so-called quantum cascade lasers, and facilitating the population inversion between subbands in quantum wells.


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We derive the modified rate equations for an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring with two transversely coupled quantum dots (QD's) embedded in two arms in the presence of a magnetic field. We find that the interdot coupling between the two QD's can cause a temporal oscillation in electron occupation at the initial stage of the quantum dynamics, while the source-drain current decays monotonically to a stationary value. On the other hand, the interdot coupling equivalently divides the AB ring into two coupled subrings. That also destroys the normal AB oscillations with a period of 2pi, and generates new and complex periodic oscillations with their periods varying in a linear manner as the ratio between two magnetic fluxes (each penetrates one AB subring) increases. Furthermore, the interference between two subrings is also evident from the observation of the perturbed fundamental AB oscillation.


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We verify that the magnetic suppression of intersubband LO or LA phonon scattering can give rise to a noticeable nonthermal occupation in higher-lying subbands. This is clearly determined by the relative intensity ratio of the interband photoluminescence spectra for the E-2 - HH1 and E-1 - HH1 transitions. The observed phenomenon may provide an effective method to control the intersubband scattering rate, which is a key factor of the so-called quantum cascade lasers. This is helpful for the population inversion between both the subbands in quantum wells.