786 resultados para Apostolic Fathers
L’engouement de la recherche pour la paternité, observé depuis les années 80, a permis d’identifier une liste de variables considérées comme déterminant l’engagement paternel. Toutefois, peu d’efforts ont été faits pour comprendre le processus par lequel les hommes deviennent pères et comment ces différents facteurs interagissent pour mener aux comportements des pères. À cet égard, la théorie du comportement planifié (Ajzen, 1991), postulant que le comportement est déterminé par l’intention d’un individu, elle-même déterminée par les attitudes envers le comportement, la norme subjective et la perception de contrôle sur le comportement, constitue une avenue intéressante et peu étudiée afin d’expliquer les comportements d’engagement paternel de nouveaux pères. Ainsi, 300 couples hétérosexuels attendant leur premier enfant ont complété des questionnaires pré et postnataux évaluant les différentes composantes de la théorie du comportement planifié. Les résultats suggèrent que la présence de croyances d’essentialisme biologique chez les hommes et leur perception que des éléments de leur environnement limitent leur engagement sont associés négativement avec leur intention de participer aux tâches de soin. Il apparait également que les intentions des hommes à être engagés auprès de leur enfant, formulées avant la naissance de leur premier enfant, permettent de prédire leurs comportements postnataux. De plus, des variables postnatales maternelles sont liées à la participation des pères aux tâches de soin, plus particulièrement les attitudes d’essentialisme biologique des mères, qui de surcroît interagissent avec l’intention prénatale des pères dans la prédiction des comportements paternels. Ainsi, de plus faibles croyances essentialistes chez les mères sont associées à une plus grande participation des pères, particulièrement dans le contexte où ceux-ci avaient de plus faibles intentions prénatales. Il est donc important de considérer davantage les croyances et attentes des hommes avant qu’ils deviennent pères et l’interaction de ces caractéristiques avec celles des mères, afin de mieux comprendre les comportements d’engagement paternel dans des familles biparentales. Des interventions visant à réfuter les croyances essentialistes de futurs ou nouveaux parents quant aux compétences des hommes et des femmes s’avèrent une piste prometteuse pour favoriser un plus grand engagement paternel.
While much of the study of molecular biology inevitably focuses on the parts of the genome that contain active genes, there are also non-coding regions that nonetheless play an essential role in maintaining genome integrity. One such region are telomeres, which cap the ends of all eukaryotic chromosomes and play an important role in chromosome protection. Telomere loss occurs at each cell division as a result of the ‘end replication problem’ and a relatively short telomere length is indicative of poor biological state. Thus far, the majority of studies on the dynamics and role of telomeres have been biased towards certain taxa. Research to date has mostly focussed on humans, other mammals and birds. There has been far less research on the telomere dynamics of ectotherms. It is important that we do so, especially since ectothermic vertebrates do not seem to down-regulate telomerase expression in the same way as endotherms, suggesting that their telomere dynamics may be less predictable in the later life stages. The main objective of this thesis was therefore to investigate how life history and environmental effects may influence telomere dynamics in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. I carried out carefully designed experiments, both in the laboratory and in the wild, using a longitudinal approach where possible, in order to address a number of specific questions that are connected to this central theme. In chapter 2, I demonstrate that there can be significant links between parental life history and offspring telomere dynamics. Maternal life history traits, in particular egg size, were most strongly related to offspring telomere length at the embryonic stages. Paternal life history traits, such as early life growth rate, had a greater association with offspring telomere dynamics in the later stages of development. In chapter 3, using a wild Atlantic salmon population, I found that most individuals experienced a reduction in telomere length during the migratory phase of their life cycle; however the relative rate of telomere loss was dependent on sex, with males experiencing a relatively greater loss. Unexpectedly, I also found that juvenile salmon that had the shortest telomeres at the time of outward migration, had the greatest probability of surviving through to the return migration. In chapter 4, again using a wild system involving experimental manipulations of juvenile Atlantic salmon in Scottish streams, I found that telomere length in juvenile fish was influenced by parental traits and by direct environmental effects. Faster-growing fish had shorter telomeres and there was a greater cost (in terms of reduced telomere length) if the growth occurred in a harsher environment. I also found a positive association between offspring telomere length and the growth history of their fathers (but not mothers), represented by the number of years that fathers had spent at sea. Chapter 5 explored the hypotheses that oxidative DNA damage, catalase (CAT) antioxidant activity and cell proliferation rate are underlying mechanisms linking incubation temperature and telomere dynamics in salmon embryos. No evidence was found for any such effects, but telomere lengths in salmon embryos were found to be significantly affected by the temperature of the water in which they were living. There is also evidence that telomere length significantly increases during embryonic development. In summary, this thesis has shown that a complex mix of environmental and parental effects appear to influence telomere dynamics in Atlantic salmon, with parental effects especially evident during early life stages. It also demonstrated that telomeres lengthen through the embryo stages of development before reducing once the fry begin feeding, indicating that the patterns of telomere loss commonly found in endotherms may differ in ectotherms. Reasons for this variation in telomere dynamics are presented in the final Discussion chapter of the thesis.
Este texto plantea la posibilidad de recuperar el nos-otros-originario como clave para la superación del «sufrimiento inútil» del sujeto; de este modo, muestra al nos-otros-originario como una zona de protección de los derechos de el-otro, hace una crítica en contra del nos-otros-caído como vulnerador de derechos fundamentales, y aborda la posibilidad de recuperar el nos-otros-originario a través de una consumación definitiva de la "justicia".
This study developed an individualized proposal to promote, from the family context, the independence of two four-year-old children with motor disabilities. The proposal aimed at helping mothers and fathers to promote different skills within the family context. The results of this study revealed that when the families of children with disabilities are oriented, it is easier for them to start processes that otherwise would be postponed. As a result, it is recommended to create proposals to support the parents and help them to build their own family-growth processes and develop independence living skills in their children with motor disabilities.
This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the reception of advertising to children in Brazilian families. The topic of children's advertising has gained importance in recent years because of the civil movements for regulation by-law of advertising to children in Brazil. In view of the various interests at stake, the matter has been the subject of discussion and controversy. Therefore the objective of this paper is to cooperate to the debate, in order to understand the reception of children's advertising in family dynamics. We chose here the focus in the perspective of mothers and fathers. Four semi-structured interviews for the mothers and fathers of children aged between six and 10 years, conducted in two schools in the Distrito Federal, were analyzed. The category ‘appraisal’ was considered for analysis of positions, behaviors and feelings present in the discourse of the parents. The reflections were guided on Critical Discourse Analysis and reveal that advertising to children has been responsible for a determinate disharmony in the family environment, while at the same time strengthen traditional roles of social actors.
the subject matter of this article is the tale "Alguma coisa urgentemente", written by João Gilberto Noll. The short story has the scenario of the Brazilian military dictatorship and is told from the son’s point of view of a political persecution. The tale shows a slow and progressive degradation of the characters because of the father’s choice. This article aims to make a close reading of the language used not neglecting other important aspects of the short story. The protagonist speaker uses a language sometimes suppressing sometimes catatonic sometimes long-winded. In traditional training history, the protagonist matures undergoing a series of trials to reach financial maturity, ethical or human. In the tale, the road is the reverse, the son goes a long agony of learning (both from the physical and psychological pain), he watch the father dehumanizes and dehumanizes too. We intend to read how this transformation occurs at the level of language.