823 resultados para Academics and Scientific Careers


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he growth of high-performance application in computer graphics, signal processing and scientific computing is a key driver for high performance, fixed latency; pipelined floating point dividers. Solutions available in the literature use large lookup table for double precision floating point operations.In this paper, we propose a cost effective, fixed latency pipelined divider using modified Taylor-series expansion for double precision floating point operations. We reduce chip area by using a smaller lookup table. We show that the latency of the proposed divider is 49.4 times the latency of a full-adder. The proposed divider reduces chip area by about 81% than the pipelined divider in [9] which is based on modified Taylor-series.


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The title of the 14th International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB), “Publishing in the networked world: Transforming the nature of communication”, is a timely one. Scholarly communication and scientific publishing has recently been undergoing subtle changes. Published papers are no longer fixed physical objects, as they once were. The “convergence” of information, communication, publishing and web technologies along with the emergence of Web 2.0 and social networks has completely transformed scholarly communication and scientific papers turned to living and changing entities in the online world. The themes (electronic publishing and social networks; scholarly publishing models; and technological convergence) selected for the conference are meant to address the issues involved in this transformation process. We are pleased to present the proceedings book with more than 30 papers and short communications addressing these issues. What you hold in your hands is a by-product and the culmination of almost a Year long work of many people including conference organizers, authors, reviewers, editors and print and online publishers. The ELPUB 2010 conference was organized and hosted by the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland. Professors Turid Hedlund of Hanken School of Economics and Yaşar Tonta of Hacettepe University Department of Information Management (Ankara, Turkey) served as General Chair and Program Chair, respectively. We received more than 50 submissions from several countries. All submissions were peer-reviewed by members of an international Program Committee whose contributions proved most valuable and appreciated. The 14th ELPUB conference carries on the tradition of previous conferences held in the United Kingdom (1997 and 2001), Hungary (1998), Sweden (1999), Russia (2000), the Czech Republic (2002), Portugal (2003), Brazil (2004), Belgium (2005), Bulgaria (2006), Austria (2007), Canada (2008) and Italy (2009). The ELPUB Digital Library, http://elpub.scix.net serves as archive for the papers presented at the ELPUB conferences through the years. The 15th ELPUB conference will be organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University and will take place in Ankara, Turkey, from 14-16 June 2011. (Details can be found at the ELPUB web site as the conference date nears by.) We thank Marcus Sandberg and Hannu Sääskilahti for copyediting, Library Director Tua Hindersson – Söderholm for accepting to publish the online as well as the print version of the proceedings. Thanks also to Patrik Welling for maintaining the conference web site and Tanja Dahlgren for administrative support. We warmly acknowledge the support in organizing the conference to colleagues at Hanken School of Economics and our sponsors.


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MATLAB is an array language, initially popular for rapid prototyping, but is now being increasingly used to develop production code for numerical and scientific applications. Typical MATLAB programs have abundant data parallelism. These programs also have control flow dominated scalar regions that have an impact on the program's execution time. Today's computer systems have tremendous computing power in the form of traditional CPU cores and throughput oriented accelerators such as graphics processing units(GPUs). Thus, an approach that maps the control flow dominated regions to the CPU and the data parallel regions to the GPU can significantly improve program performance. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of MEGHA, a compiler that automatically compiles MATLAB programs to enable synergistic execution on heterogeneous processors. Our solution is fully automated and does not require programmer input for identifying data parallel regions. We propose a set of compiler optimizations tailored for MATLAB. Our compiler identifies data parallel regions of the program and composes them into kernels. The problem of combining statements into kernels is formulated as a constrained graph clustering problem. Heuristics are presented to map identified kernels to either the CPU or GPU so that kernel execution on the CPU and the GPU happens synergistically and the amount of data transfer needed is minimized. In order to ensure required data movement for dependencies across basic blocks, we propose a data flow analysis and edge splitting strategy. Thus our compiler automatically handles composition of kernels, mapping of kernels to CPU and GPU, scheduling and insertion of required data transfer. The proposed compiler was implemented and experimental evaluation using a set of MATLAB benchmarks shows that our approach achieves a geometric mean speedup of 19.8X for data parallel benchmarks over native execution of MATLAB.


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MATLAB is an array language, initially popular for rapid prototyping, but is now being increasingly used to develop production code for numerical and scientific applications. Typical MATLAB programs have abundant data parallelism. These programs also have control flow dominated scalar regions that have an impact on the program's execution time. Today's computer systems have tremendous computing power in the form of traditional CPU cores and throughput oriented accelerators such as graphics processing units(GPUs). Thus, an approach that maps the control flow dominated regions to the CPU and the data parallel regions to the GPU can significantly improve program performance. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of MEGHA, a compiler that automatically compiles MATLAB programs to enable synergistic execution on heterogeneous processors. Our solution is fully automated and does not require programmer input for identifying data parallel regions. We propose a set of compiler optimizations tailored for MATLAB. Our compiler identifies data parallel regions of the program and composes them into kernels. The problem of combining statements into kernels is formulated as a constrained graph clustering problem. Heuristics are presented to map identified kernels to either the CPU or GPU so that kernel execution on the CPU and the GPU happens synergistically and the amount of data transfer needed is minimized. In order to ensure required data movement for dependencies across basic blocks, we propose a data flow analysis and edge splitting strategy. Thus our compiler automatically handles composition of kernels, mapping of kernels to CPU and GPU, scheduling and insertion of required data transfer. The proposed compiler was implemented and experimental evaluation using a set of MATLAB benchmarks shows that our approach achieves a geometric mean speedup of 19.8X for data parallel benchmarks over native execution of MATLAB.


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Resumen: En ocasión de la autobiografía de Robert Spaemann aparecida en 2012, este trabajo examina la lectura que Spaemann hace de la teleología en la doctrina de Santo Tomás de Aquino, especialmente en su obra Natürliche Ziele (2005) que prosigue la versión de 1981. En la primera parte, se estudia la historia de la teleología en el pensamiento filosófico y científico expuesta en «Fines naturales». La finalidad intrínseca en la naturaleza de los seres es conocida con profundidad creciente gracias a Platón, Aristóteles, al estoicismo y a la tradición cristiana. Estos aportes se integran en una estructura teleológica unitaria en el Aquinate. Después acontece una «inversión» de la teleología centrada en la conservación del propio ser y una consideración de los fines como algo externo a la realidad. Con la teoría evolucionista surge la teleonomía que se limita a las reglas del dinamismo, suprimiendo el fin. Con todo, los científicos no logran eliminar los términos «con el fin de» o «para» en su lenguaje. Eso permite proceder a un redescubrimiento de los fines naturales. En la segunda parte, se ve cómo Tomás de Aquino lleva el conocimiento de la finalidad más allá de Aristóteles, porque ella remite a una inteligencia creadora. La teleología implica una teología, aunque no queda del todo claro si es la teología filosófica o la cristiana. Spaemann tiene un planteo ontológico de tipo persuasivo, pero en algunos momentos siente dificultad para superar en el plano teorético a quien se limita a una teleonomía.


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Resumen: Este artículo analiza el fallo del 13 de marzo de 2012 de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, en los autos “F., A. L. s/ medida autosatisfactiva”, en el cual el máximo tribunal argentino adoptó la interpretación amplia del Artículo 86, inciso 2, del Código Penal, a la luz de la “voluntad del legislador histórico”; teniendo en cuenta que la misma Corte la invoca en sus fundamentos para fallar a favor de la constitucionalidad del inciso referido. Se parte de entender el contexto histórico e ideológico de las primeras décadas del siglo XX, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, del cual surge la influencia que tuvo la eugenesia en los ámbitos científicos, académicos y jurídicos. Teoría que tenía por objetivo la búsqueda del “perfeccionamiento” de la especie humana, lo que implicaba descartar a los seres humanos más débiles, imperfectos o defectuosos. Dentro de este contexto se impulsó la modificación del Código Penal, por lo que es central para entender la “voluntad del legislador histórico” el Informe de la Comisión de Códigos del Senado de la Nación, de 1920, que receptó claramente las ideas eugenésicas, siendo el Artículo 86, inc. 2, un claro ejemplo de ello. El mencionado informe demuestra que la verdadera motivación de los legisladores para incluir la no punibilidad del aborto en este inciso fue que no nacieran “seres anormales o degenerados”, no hay una sola mención a la situación de la mujer embarazada y de los perjuicios que un embarazo en estas condiciones le podrían acarrear.


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Resumen: Nuestro trabajo aborda, desde una perspectiva pragmática, la utilización del tópico del ajedrez como imago mundi en la traducción nacida en el marco del vasto proyecto cultural de Alfonso el Sabio, El Libro de los juegos, o Libro del ajedrez, dados y tablas (entre 1251 y 1283) y el Ludus Sacc(h)orum o Juego de Ajedrez del lombardo Jacopo De Cessolis (entre 1300-1330) en su primera versión española, realizada por el Licenciado Reyna en 1549. En la traducción de los textos orientales que sirven de “textos de partida” la estrategia del Scriptorium alfonsí es doble: casi literal en lo eminentemente didascálico e interpretativo en lo simbólico haciéndolo funcional a su intento de legitimación de la sociedad estamental que él representa como cúspide. La imago mundi del ajedrez se articula con la totalidad del orden diseñado por el conjunto de su obra jurídica, histórica y científica. Por otra parte, tanto el texto de De Cessolis cuanto la versión castellana del ignoto licenciado Martín Reyna pertenecen a la tradición medieval del “ajedrez moralizado”: la retórica del texto es un continuo discurrir de exempla moralizantes, en los que a los trebejos se asignan vicios y virtudes propios de un estado u oficio, y la imagen de mundo que se representa es la “batalla del humano linaje” por la movilidad, frente al inmovilismo del siglo XIII


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Resumen: La ciencia es un complejo fenómeno social que abarca no solo factores materiales sino también espirituales. Es una actividad cognoscitiva del hombre que valora objetivamente tanto la naturaleza como la sociedad, en donde las abstracciones se vinculan con la práctica. Pero ¿el saber científico es un medio o un fin en sí mismo? Si fuera un fin, solo nos interesaría saber el cómo investigar. Pero entendida la ciencia como un medio, la pregunta entonces es ¿para qué investigar y generar saberes científicos? y también ¿para quién investigar? Sin duda la razón de la investigación científica es el hombre y su objetivo debería ser el desarrollo, entendiendo éste como la posibilidad de que todas las potencialidades del hombre puedan expresarse. La ciencia es un medio para alcanzar el desarrollo y el bienestar social, poniendo al hombre en el centro de la escena. El boom científico-tecnológico aumentó la media de años de vida, modificó el perfil epidemiológico y también, en algunos casos, la calidad de vida del hombre, se abrieron nuevas esperanzas pero también nuevos desafíos, paradojas y contradicciones que intentaremos desarrollar en este artículo.


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Resumen: Incluso antes de su llegada al trono, Alfonso X (1252-1284) emprendió una amplia labor de recopilación, traducción y reescritura de obras, tanto jurídicas, históricas como científicas. Numerosos estudios han subrayado tanto la coherencia de este proyecto como su funcionalidad política, en la medida en que dibuja un nuevo marco de relaciones en el reino y en la corte. En este trabajo, basado en la producción historiográfica y en parte de las obras científicas elaboradas en el scriptorium de Alfonso X, se intentará mostrar que esta producción textual supone una renovación, no sólo en el ámbito político sino también discursivo, y no sólo por la ruptura que supone la utilización del castellano. El análisis de prácticas tales como la compilación, la reescritura y la traducción, que remitirían en principio a una clara continuidad con la tradición textual anterior, permite por el contrario tomar la medida del salto cualitativo que representa la obra alfonsí en cuanto al sentido mismo que se la da a la escritura. La interpretación a la que se pretende llegar es que, si bien los colaboradores regios compilan, reescriben y traducen, la perspectiva desde la que el rey, considerado como autor de las obras, ordena los saberes que estas actividades producen, supone romper con el topos fundador de gran parte de la literatura medieval, la metáfora del espejo, según la cual el libro revela la verdad en la medida en que revela y refleja el mundo, es decir el orden divino


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Tracking the evolution of research in waste recycling science (WRS) can be valuable for environmental agencies, as well as for recycling businesses. Maps of science are visual, easily readable representations of the cognitive structure of a branch of science, a particular area of research or the global spectrum of scientific production. They are generally built upon evidence collected from reliable sources of information, such as patent and scientific publication databases. This study uses the methodology developed by Rafols et al. (2010) to make a “double overlay map” of WRS upon a basemap reflecting the cognitive structure of all journal-published science, for the years 2005 and 2010. The analysis has taken into account the cognitive areas where WRS articles are published and the areas from where it takes its intellectual nourishing, paying special attention to the growing trends of the key areas. Interpretation of results lead to the conclusion that extraction of energy from waste will probably be an important research topic in the future, along with developments in general chemistry and chemical engineering oriented to the recovery of valuable materials from waste. Agricultural and material sciences, together with the combined economics, politics and geography field, are areas with which WRS shows a relevant and ever increasing cognitive relationship.


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[ES] Mientras la realidad se transforma a gran ritmo, las ideas de ciencia y de conocimiento científico entran en crisis. Esta crisis también se manifiesta en los estudios empresariales: muchos afirman que la Economía de la Empresa no es ciencia, sino un conjunto de conocimientos diversos, débilmente conectados entre sí. Otros se pierden en investigaciones alejadas de la realidad, y un último grupo no consigue remontar un enfoque meramente practicista. Por ello, estimamos que es un buen momento para recordar los fundamentos que sustentan una ciencia: su objeto formal y material y su método. Para ello se realizará una exposición sintética del pensamiento del profesor Soldevilla.


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The fishing resources of the Salado Basin are extraordinary important in the context of the inland waters of Argentina. However, the diversity of landscapes in the basin and the lack of continuity in the regional planning , have made difficult a proper management of the fishing resources. This paper has a general overview of the main aspects related to the fishing fauna of the region, with a natural point of view of the processes and mechanisms of the management. A description of the fishes basin community and the identification of the species with commercial and game interests is included . We describe the different fishing gears used in the province for game, commercial and scientific fishing. We review the criteria of diagnosis of the silver side population as a main resource of fishing interest and under this point of view we propose new outlooks to promote a proper management of the resources and its sustainable use. We identify the different kinds of fisheries that are common in the basin and we make a survey of the related socioeconomic aspects. Moreover, we analyze the development of a new institutional and regulatory frame in order to optimize the management of the fishing resources. Finally, we define criteria for ordering and conserving such resources and identify conflict points and requirements for its sustainable use in the context of new proposals for the public policies.


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Forward: Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary (LKNMS) was designated in 1981 to protect and promote the study, teaching, and wise use of the resources of Looe Key Sanctuary (Plate A). In order to wisely manage this valuable resource, a quantitative resource inventory was funded by the Sanctuary Programs Division (SPD), Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in cooperation with the Southeast Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA; the Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS), University of Miami; the Fisher Island Laboratory, United States Geological Survey; and the St. Petersburg Laboratory, State of Florida Department of Natural Resources. This report is the result of this cooperative effort. The objective of this study was to quantitatively inventory selected resources of LKNMS in order to allow future monitoring of changes in the Sanctuary as a result of human or natural processes. This study, referred to as Phase I, gives a brief summary of past and present uses of the Sanctuary (Chapter 2); and describes general habitat types (Chapter 3), geology and sediment distribution (Chapter 4), coral abundance and distribution (Chapter 5), the growth history of the coral Montastraea annularis (Chapter 6), reef fish abundance and distribution (Chapter 7), and status of selected resources (Chapter 8). An interpretation of the results of the survey are provided for management consideration (Chapter 9). The results are expected to provide fundamental information for applied management, natural history interpretation, and scientific research. Numerous photographs and illustrations were used to supplement the report to make the material presented easier to comprehend (Plate B). We anticipate the information provided will be used by managers, naturalists, and the general public in addition to scientists. Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs were taken at Looe Key Reef by Dr. James A. Bohnsack. The top photograph in Plate 7.8 was taken by Michael C. Schmale. Illustrations were done by Jack Javech, NMFS. Field work was initiated in May 1983 and completed for the most part by October 1983 thanks to the cooperation of numerous people and organizations. In addition to the participating agencies and organizations we thank the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute and the Division of Parks and Recreation, State of Florida Department of Natural Resources for their logistical support. Special thanks goes to Billy Causey, the Sanctuary Manager, for his help, information, and comments. We thank in alphabetical order: Scott Bannerot, Margie Bastian, Bill Becker, Barbara Bohnsack, Grant Beardsley, John Halas, Raymond Hixon, Irene Hooper, Eric Lindblad, and Mike Schmale. We dedicate this effort to the memory of Ray Hixon who participated in the study and who loved Looe Key. (PDF contains 43 pages)


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As a Federal trust species, the well-being of the striped bass (Morone saxatilis) population along the Eastern Seaboard is of major concern to resource users. Striped bass are an extremely valuable commercial and recreational resource. As a principal piscivore in Chesapeake Bay, striped bass directly or indirectly interact with multiple trophic levels within the ecosystem and are therefore very sensitive to biotic and abiotic ecosystem changes. For reasons that have yet to be defined, the species has a high intrinsic susceptibility to mycobacteriosis. This disease has been impacting Chesapeake Bay striped bass since at least the 1980s as indicated by archived tissue samples. However, it was not until heightened incidences of fish with skin lesions in the Pocomoke River and other tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay were reported in the summer and fall of 1996 and 1997 that a great deal of public and scientific interest was stimulated about concerns for fish disease in the Bay. (PDF contains 50 pages)


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The development of an openly available layer of scholarly and scientific content requires access to all types of output from the scholarly and scientific process. Interoperable and sustainable infrastructure components are invaluable elements and the content should be clearly licensed for re-use. Open Knowledge will improve the discoverability and re-usability of content across the sectors, to the benefit of higher education and research and will help the (European) knowledge economy to move forward. In Autumn 2013, scoping sessions took place with experts to discuss their views around the value of making knowledge open and the steps which need to be taken to achieve this. These discussions are collected in the Knowledge Exchange discussion paper on Open Knowledge.