966 resultados para ANALYTIC-FUNCTIONS
Sei $N/K$ eine galoissche Zahlkörpererweiterung mit Galoisgruppe $G$, so dass es in $N$ eine Stelle mit voller Zerlegungsgruppe gibt. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Algorithmen, die für das gegebene Fallbeispiel $N/K$, die äquivariante Tamagawazahlvermutung von Burns und Flach für das Paar $(h^0(Spec(N), \mathbb{Z}[G]))$ (numerisch) verifizieren. Grob gesprochen stellt die äquivariante Tamagawazahlvermutung (im Folgenden ETNC) in diesem Spezialfall einen Zusammenhang her zwischen Werten von Artinschen $L$-Reihen zu den absolut irreduziblen Charakteren von $G$ und einer Eulercharakteristik, die man in diesem Fall mit Hilfe einer sogenannten Tatesequenz konstruieren kann. Unter den Voraussetzungen 1. es gibt eine Stelle $v$ von $N$ mit voller Zerlegungsgruppe, 2. jeder irreduzible Charakter $\chi$ von $G$ erfüllt eine der folgenden Bedingungen 2a) $\chi$ ist abelsch, 2b) $\chi(G) \subset \mathbb{Q}$ und $\chi$ ist eine ganzzahlige Linearkombination von induzierten trivialen Charakteren; wird ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der ETNC für jedes Fallbeispiel $N/\mathbb{Q}$ vollständig beweist. Voraussetzung 1. erlaubt es eine Idee von Chinburg ([Chi89]) umzusetzen zur algorithmischen Berechnung von Tatesequenzen. Dabei war es u.a. auch notwendig lokale Fundamentalklassen zu berechnen. Im höchsten zahm verzweigten Fall haben wir hierfür einen Algorithmus entwickelt, der ebenfalls auf den Ideen von Chinburg ([Chi85]) beruht, die auf Arbeiten von Serre [Ser] zurück gehen. Für nicht zahm verzweigte Erweiterungen benutzen wir den von Debeerst ([Deb11]) entwickelten Algorithmus, der ebenfalls auf Serre's Arbeiten beruht. Voraussetzung 2. wird benötigt, um Quotienten aus den $L$-Werten und Regulatoren exakt zu berechnen. Dies gelingt, da wir im Fall von abelschen Charakteren auf die Theorie der zyklotomischen Einheiten zurückgreifen können und im Fall (b) auf die analytische Klassenzahlformel von Zwischenkörpern. Ohne die Voraussetzung 2. liefern die Algorithmen für jedes Fallbeispiel $N/K$ immer noch eine numerische Verifikation bis auf Rechengenauigkeit. Den Algorithmus zur numerischen Verifikation haben wir für $A_4$-Erweiterungen über $\mathbb{Q}$ in das Computeralgebrasystem MAGMA implementiert und für 27 Erweiterungen die äquivariante Tamagawazahlvermutung numerisch verifiziert.
We had previously shown that regularization principles lead to approximation schemes, as Radial Basis Functions, which are equivalent to networks with one layer of hidden units, called Regularization Networks. In this paper we show that regularization networks encompass a much broader range of approximation schemes, including many of the popular general additive models, Breiman's hinge functions and some forms of Projection Pursuit Regression. In the probabilistic interpretation of regularization, the different classes of basis functions correspond to different classes of prior probabilities on the approximating function spaces, and therefore to different types of smoothness assumptions. In the final part of the paper, we also show a relation between activation functions of the Gaussian and sigmoidal type.
Compositional data analysis motivated the introduction of a complete Euclidean structure in the simplex of D parts. This was based on the early work of J. Aitchison (1986) and completed recently when Aitchinson distance in the simplex was associated with an inner product and orthonormal bases were identified (Aitchison and others, 2002; Egozcue and others, 2003). A partition of the support of a random variable generates a composition by assigning the probability of each interval to a part of the composition. One can imagine that the partition can be refined and the probability density would represent a kind of continuous composition of probabilities in a simplex of infinitely many parts. This intuitive idea would lead to a Hilbert-space of probability densities by generalizing the Aitchison geometry for compositions in the simplex into the set probability densities
Functional Data Analysis (FDA) deals with samples where a whole function is observed for each individual. A particular case of FDA is when the observed functions are density functions, that are also an example of infinite dimensional compositional data. In this work we compare several methods for dimensionality reduction for this particular type of data: functional principal components analysis (PCA) with or without a previous data transformation and multidimensional scaling (MDS) for diferent inter-densities distances, one of them taking into account the compositional nature of density functions. The difeerent methods are applied to both artificial and real data (households income distributions)
A review article of the The New England Journal of Medicine refers that almost a century ago, Abraham Flexner, a research scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, undertook an assessment of medical education in 155 medical schools in operation in the United States and Canada. Flexner’s report emphasized the nonscientific approach of American medical schools to preparation for the profession, which contrasted with the university-based system of medical education in Germany. At the core of Flexner’s view was the notion that formal analytic reasoning, the kind of thinking integral to the natural sciences, should hold pride of place in the intellectual training of physicians. This idea was pioneered at Harvard University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania in the 1880s, but was most fully expressed in the educational program at Johns Hopkins University, which Flexner regarded as the ideal for medical education. (...)
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Exam questions and solutions in PDF
Exercises and solutions in LaTex
Exercises and solutions about vector functions and curves.
Introducción: El TDAH tiene un componente genético importante; el gen de transportador de Dopamina (DAT1) se ha asociado con susceptibilidad al TDAH y con sus endofenotipos. El VNTR de 40pb en la región 3’UTR aumenta la expresión del DAT1. En Colombia no hay ningún estudio previo que indique evidencia de la asociación genética entre TDAH y el gen DAT1. Objetivo: Determinar asociación entre el VNTR del DAT1 y el fenotipo y/o endofenotipos del TDAH. Métodos: Se seleccionaron 73 pacientes con TDAH y 75 controles, se valoró en los casos inteligencia y funciones ejecutivas. Mediante (PCR) se amplificó el VNTR DAT1. Se establecieron estadísticos genético poblacionales, análisis de asociación y de regresión logística entre las pruebas neuropsicológicas y genotipo. Resultado: El polimorfismo del DAT1 no mostró asociación con TDAH, ni con alteraciones en las funciones ejecutivas. El genotipo 10/10 del VNTR DAT1 se encontró asociado con el índice de velocidad de procesamiento (p <0,05). En el subgrupo hiperactividad hubo asociación con algunas subpruebas de flexibilidad cognitiva, número de respuestas correctas, total de errores, número de respuestas perseverativas (p ≤ 0.01). En el subgrupo mixto se asoció con índice de comprensión verbal (p <0,05). Conclusiones: No hubo asociación entre el polimorfismo VNTR (DAT1) y el fenotipo de TDAH. Se encontraron asociaciones entre genotipo y algunos test de flexibilidad cognitiva e índice de comprensión verbal. Se establecieron los estadísticos genético poblacionales de este polimorfismo para la población analizada, el cual corresponde al primer reporte de una muestra de nuestro país.
The Episodic Memory (EM) and the Executive Functions (EF) are cognitive areas that are affected in patients with diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Nowadays there exists scarce works destined to explore the infl uence of the EF on measures of mnesic performance in MS. For this reason, we analyze the effect of the EF on the performance in a set of memory measures. We worked with a clinical group (n=36) and with a control group (n=36) compared by age and educational level. The results show that the clinical group obtained significantly low average values in all the mnesic indexes (with exception of recognition) and in all the executive measures. All the executive indexes showed significant associations with some of the indexes of mnesic performance. These findings suggest that the problems in the episodic memory in EM patients could be analyzed as the manifestation of a global disorder that could be similar to the one that involves the EF.
Executive Functions (EF) concern a range of abilitiesincluding problem-solving, planning, initiation, selfmonitoring,conscious attention, cope with new situationsand the ability to modify plans if necessary. It’s ahigh cognitive function that is crucial for a person to getengaged and maintain daily activities whilst keeping agood quality of life. Problems in the EF were formerlyknown as Dysexecutive Syndrome (DS). There are manymodels concerning DS, although the literature on thesubject still remains unclear. Several works appoint theeffects brought by elderly life, as well as abuse of drugsand some psychopathologies. These factors are knownto increase the distress of the frontal circuits and thatcould be associated to executive deficits. The effects ofDS would compromise individuals in day-to-day routine,academic, social and labor fields. There is a growingbody of studies trying to determine the causes, implications,associations and the best way to take care of theseeffects. This work intends to review DS, focusing on themost important fields related to this area, such as psychopathologyassociations, cognitive reserve, assessmentand cognitive rehabilitation programs.
Lately, the study of prefrontal executive functions in grade scholars has noticeably increased. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of age and socioeconomic status (sEs) on executive tasks performance and to analyze those socioeconomic variables that predict a better execution. A sample of 254 children aged between 7 and 12 years from the city of santa Fe, Argentina and belonging to different socioeconomic status were tested. A bat- tery of executive functions sensitive to prefrontal function was used to obtain the results. These in- dicate a significant influence of age and SES on executive functions. The cognitive patterns follow a different path according to the development and sEs effect. Besides, it is revealed a pattern of low cognitive functioning in low-sEs children in all executive functions. Finally, from the variables included in this study, it was found that only the educational level of the mother and the housing conditions are associated to the children’s executive function. The results are discussed in terms of the influence of the cerebral maturation and the envi- ronmental variables in the executive functioning.
Through meditation, people become aware of what happens in the body and mind, accepting the present experiences as they are and getting a better understanding of the true nature of things. Meditation practices and its inclusion as an intervention technique, have generated great interest in identifying the brain mechanisms through which these practices operate. Different studies suggest that the practice of meditation is associated with the use of different neural networks as well as changes in brain structure and function, represented in higher concentration of gray matter structures at the hippocampus, the right anterior insula, orbital frontal cortex (OFC) and greater involvement of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). These and other unrelated studies, shows the multiple implications of the regular practice of mindfulness in the structures and functions of the brain and its relation to certain observable and subjective states in people who practice it. Such evidence enabling the inclusion of mindfulness in psychological therapy where multiple applications have been developed to prove its effectiveness in treating affective and emotional problems, crisis management, social skills, verbal creativity, addiction and craving management, family and caregivers stress of dementia patients and others. However, neuropsychological rehabilitation has no formal proposals for intervention from these findings. The aim of this paper is to propose use of Mindfulness in neuropsychological rehabilitation process, taking the positions and theory of A.R. Luria.