984 resultados para 9-76


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为了探讨鱼类寄生嗜子宫线虫的系统发育关系,测定了8种嗜子宫线虫的ITS rDNA(核糖体转录内间隔区核 糖核酸)序列和9种嗜子宫线虫的18S rDNA(小亚基核糖体核糖核酸)部分序列,并构建了18S rDNA序列的系统发 育树。在比较和分析ITS rDNA和18S rDNA两种分子标记对嗜子宫科线虫系统发育适用性的基础上,分析了嗜子 宫线虫的系统发育关系。结果表明:中国嗜子宫线虫是单系起源;黄颡鱼似嗜子宫线虫、赣州似嗜子宫线虫和棍头 嗜子宫线虫亲缘关系非常接近,可能是较晚形成的种;似嗜子宫线虫属可能应该被


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研究了不同浓度苯丙胺在不同条件下对铜绿微囊藻的生长及毒性效应。结果表明 ,低浓度苯丙胺在弱碱性条件下促进铜绿微囊藻的生长 ;高浓度的苯丙胺则抑制其生长。苯丙胺对铜绿微囊藻 2 4、48、72、96h的EC50 值分别为 2 4 .52、1 6 .51、1 0 .76、9.60mg/L ,且其毒性随时间的延长而增加


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The magnetocaloric effect in magnetic materials is of great interest nowadays. In this article we present an investigation about the magnetic properties near the magnetic transition in a polycrystalline sample of a manganite Tb0.9 Sn0.1 MnO3. Particularly, we are interested in describing the nature of the magnetic interactions and the magnetocaloric effect in this compound. The temperature dependence of the magnetization was measured to determine the characteristics of the magnetic transition and the magnetic entropy change was calculated from magnetization curves at different temperatures. The magnetic solid is paramagnetic at high temperatures. We observe a dominant antiferromagnetic interaction below Tn =38 K for low applied magnetic fields; the presence of Sn doping in this compound decreases the Ńel temperature of the pure TbMnO3 system. A drastic increase in the magnetization as a function of temperature near the magnetic transition suggests a strong magnetocaloric effect. We found a large magnetic entropy change Δ SM (T) of about -4 J/kg K at H=3 T. We believe that the magnetic entropy change is associated with the magnetic transition and we interpret it as due to the coupling between the magnetic field and the spin ordering. This relatively large value and broad temperature interval (about 35 K) of the magnetocaloric effect make the present compound a promising candidate for magnetic refrigerators at low temperatures. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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运用反应器理论研究了一种新型的复合垂直流构建湿地系统 (IVCW )的水流流态 ,由示踪剂试验得到水流停留时间分布 (RTD) ,从而确定了IVCW在水力负荷为 2 0 0~ 80 0mm/d时 ,停留时间为 1 9~ 3 5h ,并由RTD曲线的特征值确定IVCW的水流流态介于理想推流与完全混合流之间 ,同时应用离散流模型 ,不仅较好地模拟了IVCW的实际水流流态 ,还得到了水流的Peclect准数在 1 1~ 1 9之间 .通过有植物与无植物系统的对照发现植物根系有利于IVCW的水流流态接近理想推流状


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本文简要介绍了南极洲的漂移演变、地理景观、气候状况和自然资源。对南极发现过程及科学考察历史亦作了简短论述。中国南极长城站位于西南极菲尔德斯半岛西南端 (58°57′52″W ,6 2°12′59″E) ,中山站则位于东南极拉斯曼丘陵的米勒半岛北端 (76°2 2′2 4″E ,6 9°2 2′2 4″S) ,两者相距 50 0 0km。作者以1991- 1995年实地考察结果为据 ,对长城站和中山站地区湖泊、溪流、雪地等淡水生态系统的理化环境、生物群落结构与功能现状进行比较研究 ,对引起两地淡水生态系统出


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M.8641是从武汉东湖分离培养的一株有毒的铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa),它产生两种环状短肽肝毒素。经凝胶过滤及HPLC等过程纯化,Waters Pico Tag系统测定,其主毒素(毒素Ⅰ)的氨基酸组成为:Glu(1),β-Masp(1),Ala(Ⅰ),Arg(2),Mdha(1),FAB-MS和MS/MS测定分子量为m/z1038,元素组成为C_(49)H_(76)O_(12)N_(13)。毒素Ⅱ的氨基酸组成,除一分子Arg为Leu取代外,其余与毒素Ⅰ相同,分子量m/z 9


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野菰(Zizania latifolia)是湖北省洪湖中优势水生维管束植物,其群落占全湖355平方公里面积的127平方公里。茎和叶的年生物量为4379克鲜重/平方米,全湖总年产量121700吨干重,目前未被利用。野菰各器官的蛋白质和氨基酸含量分别以百分干重表示:根,7.0和4.76;根状茎,11.3和8.85;茎,9.5和7.15;嫩茎梢,22.4和16.53;叶,16.8和14.61。500克干叶的必需氨基酸含量接近100克干重草鱼幼鱼背肌的必需氨基酸含量。脂肪:叶中3.4~4.2,茎中2.2;粗纤维:


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<正> 我们曾报道过分布于湖北省的鳊、鲴亚科鱼类的核型。本文继续报道采自四川和广东省的鳊、鲴亚科另10种鱼的核型考察结果。材料和方法四川半(歺又鱼)由于采集困难,仅分析了一尾雄鱼。其余9种鱼均分析了3—5尾,包括雌雄两种性别(表1)。染色体标本的制备采用体外短期培养肾细胞制片法(采自四川的鱼),或肾细胞直接制片法(采自广东的鱼)。根据我们实验室以前的工作,两种方法的核型分析结果基本上一致。每种鱼计数60—170个细胞确定其2n数。染色体分组按Levan氏的标准,核型分析方法和臂数计算均同以前的报道。核型图


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在实验室和晚稻田间研究了铵态氮对我国稻田中应用的几种固氮蓝藻固氮活力的影响,同时对湖北省圻春县和浠水县不同肥力的76块晚稻田水层铵态氮含量进行了测定,获得了下列结果。在实验室条件下,铵态氮浓度为1ppm时,对蓝藻固氮活力有抑制,不同种类之间抑制程度有差别。当溶液中铵被耗尽后,固氮活力上升,并在9小时后可恢复到原来水平, 在小区实验的晚稻中,施硫酸铵40斤/亩和碳酸氢铵50—70斤/亩作底肥,插秧后放蓝藻,固氮酶活力的变动与实验室情况相近,在稻田水中铵态氮浓度降低或消失时,固氮活力恢复,一般施肥后1—3天,


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A multi-functional 1 × 9 wavelength selective switch based on liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) spatial light modulator technology and anamorphic optics was tested at a channel spacing of 100 and 200 GHz, including dynamic data measurements on both single beam deflection and multi-casting to two ports. The multi-casting holograms were optimized using a modified Gerchberg-Saxton routine to design the core hologram, followed by a simulated annealing routine to reduce crosstalk at non-switched ports. The effect of clamping the magnitude of phase changes between neighboring pixels during optimization was investigated, with experimental results for multi-casting to two ports resulting in a signal insertion loss of-7.6 dB normalized to single port deflection, a uniformity of ±0.6%, and a worst case crosstalk of-19.4 dB, which can all be improved further by using a better anti-reflection coating on the LCOS SLM coverplate and other measures. © 2013 IEEE.


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We investigated dynamics of the phytoplankton community and abiotic factors in Xiangxi Bay of the Three-Gorge Reservoir, China, by daily sampling, a specific site during a spring algal bloom (February 23-April 28, 2005). Among the 76 taxa observed, Asterionella formosa and Cyclotella spp. were the dominants, accounting for 47.2% and 29.9% of the total abundance, respectively. We determined the five distinct developing phases of the bloom by analyzing the dissimilarity of physicochemical parameters. Simultaneously, six phytoplankton community groups were distinguished by TWINSPAN classifications. The pattern for algal community succession was similar to that for the bloom phase shift, and the structural complexity of communities significantly decreased over time. Water temperature and silicate were the main factors that related to the development of the bloom and the shifts of the phytoplankton community.


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Hepatotoxic microcystins (MCs) are the most commonly reported cyanotoxins in eutrophic freshwaters. In 1996, human intoxications by MCs caused deaths of 76 patients at Caruaru dialysis centers in Brazil. So far, there have been no direct evidences of MC occurrence in human tissue in consequence of exposure to MC. In this study, we improved cleanup procedures for detecting MCs in serum sample using liquid chromatographymass spectrometry, and confirmed for the first time the presence of MCs in serum samples (average 0.39 ng/ml, which amounts to ca. 1/87 of the concentrations found in tissue samples of the Caruaru victims) of fishermen at Lake Chaohu. Daily intake by the fishermen was estimated to be in the range of 2.2-3.9 mu g MC-LReq, whereas the provisional World Health Organization tolerable daily intake (TDI) for daily lifetime exposure is 0.04 mu g/kg or 2-3 mu g per person. Moreover, statistical analysis showed closer positive relationships between MC serum concentrations and concentrations of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and lactate dehydrogenase than between the MC concentrations and other biochemical indicators. Thus, the data raise the question whether extended exposure in the range of the TDI or up to a factor of 10 above it may already lead to indication of liver damage. The results also demonstrate a risk of health effects from chronic exposure to MCs at least for populations with high levels of exposure, like these fishermen.


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In the present paper, sorption, persistence, and leaching behavior of three microcystin variants in Chinese agriculture soils were examined. Based on this study, the values of capacity factor and slope for three MCs variants in three soils ranged from 0.69 to 6.00, and 1.01 to 1.54, respectively. The adsorption of MCs in the soils decreased in the following order: RR > Dha(7) LR > LR. Furthermore, for each MC variant in the three soils, the adsorption rate in the soils decreased in the following order: soil A > soil C > soil B. The calculated half-time ranged between 7.9 and 17.8 days for MC-RR, 6.0-17.1 days for MC-LR, and 7.1-10.2 days for MC-Dha(7) LR. Results from leaching experiments demonstrated that recoveries of toxins in leachates ranged from 0-16.7% for RR, 73.2-88.9% for LR, and 8.9-73.1% for Dha 7 LR. The GUS value ranged from 1.48 to 2.06 for RR, 1.82-2.88 for LR, and 1.76-2.09 for Dha(7) LR. Results demonstrated the use of cyanobacterial collections as plant fertilizer is likely to be unsafe in soils. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.