891 resultados para minimum expenditure constraint


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The lower stability limit for axisymmetric floating zones at rest between equal coaxial disks has been experimentally verified for several disk-separation/disk-diameter ratios by using the neutral buoyancy technique. Results show a close agre ment with theory in the case of bridge disruption and a wide scatter in the case of bridge etachment.


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The stability limit of minimum volume and the breaking dynamics of liquid bridges between nonequal, noncoaxial, circular supporting disks subject to a lateral acceleration were experimentally analyzed by working with liquid bridges of very small dimensions. Experimental results are compared with asymptotic theoretical predictions, with the agreement between experimental results and asymptotic ones being satisfactory


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La pobreza energética es un fenómeno que afecta a un número cada vez mayor de hogares de la Unión Europea. Es por ello que resulta urgente el desarrollo de definiciones de pobreza energética adaptadas a las condiciones regionales que recojan no sólo los distintos niveles de renta de los hogares de cada país, sino también las significativas diferencias constructivas y climáticas existentes entre el norte y el sur, de modo que incorporen los problemas de sobrecalentamiento y las necesidades de climatización que además se verán exacerbadas por el incremento de temperaturas provocado por el cambio climático. En este contexto, se plantea esta investigación cuyo objetivo fundamental es desarrollar un método de evaluación de la pobreza energética de los hogares en el contexto español que incorpore las particularidades climáticas, edificatorias y socioeconómicas del país. Este método debe servir como herramienta en la identificación de los hogares que se encuentran en situación de pobreza energética, así como el grado de necesidad de los mismos. Además de esto, y dado que la calidad de las viviendas es, junto con el nivel de renta y el precio de la energía, una de las causas principales de la pobreza energética, el método constituye una ayuda en la toma de decisiones de cara al desarrollo de políticas y actuaciones de rehabilitación energética de viviendas. La propuesta de un nuevo método de evaluación de la pobreza energética en España surge de las limitaciones encontradas en las metodologías actuales para detectar correctamente los hogares en situación de pobreza energética, debido a las particularidades de las distintas regiones del país. Así, a partir de las carencias detectadas, se propone un método basado en el enfoque de ingresos y gastos, en el que además se incorpora el parámetro de la pobreza monetaria. En este método también se contempla el concepto de vulnerabilidad frente a la pobreza energética, de modo que, no sólo clasifica a los hogares como pobres energéticos o no, sino que valora el potencial de un hogar de caer en una situación de pobreza energética. El método permite, por tanto, la clasificación de los hogares en distintos grupos en función de su situación de pobreza energética y/o monetaria teniendo también en cuenta su grado de vulnerabilidad frente a las mismas. Gracias a esta división por grupos, es posible, en primer lugar, detectar aquellos hogares sobre los que resulta prioritario intervenir, así como el tipo de intervención que se debe acometer. Además de esto, la detección de grupos vulnerables permite prever posibles futuras situaciones de pobreza energética y por tanto tomar las medidas necesarias para que éstas no se produzcan. El desarrollo del método se ha realizado a través de una serie de ajustes, los cuales han ido modificándolo mediante la aplicación del mismo a distintas escalas y muestras de datos. A lo largo de la investigación que ha permitido la definición de este método, se ha establecido la incidencia de la pobreza energética en Castilla y León, la Comunidad de Madrid y Andalucía, las tres comunidades autónomas seleccionadas como casos de estudio, pudiendo delimitar aquellos hogares que se encuentran en situación de pobreza energética. También se ha establecido la relación entre la pobreza energética y la pobreza monetaria y las sinergias que se producen entre éstas y el parque de viviendas en el que habitan los hogares más desfavorecidos, el cual también se ha caracterizado y definido. Por último, mediante la selección de una muestra representativa de este parque de viviendas, se han establecido, mediante la utilización de criterios de bienestar adaptativo, las condiciones mínimas de habitabilidad que este parque debe proporcionar y las necesidades energéticas y de gasto asociados a este parque. ABSTRACT Fuel poverty affects an increasing number of households in the European Union. It is urgent the development of fuel poverty definitions adapted to regional conditions that gather not only different income levels but important construction and climatic differences between Northern and Southern countries. Furthermore, these definitions must include overheating problems and subsequent cooling needs that will likely be exacerbated by temperature increase due to climate change. In this context, the present research is aimed at developing a method for evaluating fuel poverty within the Spanish context that gathers climatic, building and socioeconomic particularities of the country. This method must constitute a useful tool for the identification of the fuel poor as well as the degree of the required need. Given that dwelling energy quality is, with income levels and energy prices, one of the main causes of fuel poverty, the method poses an aid in the decision making processes related to policy development and dwelling energy retrofitting actions. The proposal of a new method for evaluating fuel poverty in Spain relies on the limitations detected in existing methods in order to adequate delimit the fuel poor, due to the existing differences across Spanish regions. Grounded on these shortfalls, a new method is proposed; based on the income and expenditure approach, it also incorporates the parameter of monetary poverty. The concept of vulnerability towards fuel poverty is reflected too, so households can be classified as being fuel poor or not as well as their potential to fall under fuel poverty. The method allows the classification of households into different groups according to their situation regarding fuel or monetary poverty, also taking into account their vulnerability degree towards them. This division by groups enables establishing retrofitting intervention priorities of some groups over the others as well as the most appropriate type of intervention. Besides that, the detection of vulnerable groups helps to foresee possible situations of fuel poverty in the future and thus to take actions to prevent them. The development of the method was carried out through several adjustments. The modification of the method through these adjustments was the result of the analysis of different scale and source data. Along with the development of the method, the incidence of fuel poverty was established for the three Autonomous Regions selected as study cases; Castilla y León, the Autonomous Region of Madrid and Andalucía. The relation between fuel and monetary poverty was determined as well as the interactions amongst these two parameters and the housing stock where the fuel poor live in. This housing stock was characterized and a representative sample of it was selected. Minimal thermal habitability conditions that should be guaranteed for the fuel poor were determined based on adaptive thermal comfort criteria. Accordingly, energy needs and expenditure of this housing stock derived from these minimum requirements were appraised.


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Formulas are derived for the effect of size on a free-swimming microbe’s ability to follow chemical, light, or temperature stimuli or to disperse in random directions. The four main assumptions are as follows: (i) the organisms can be modeled as spheres, (ii) the power available to the organism for swimming is proportional to its volume, (iii) the noise in measuring a signal limits determination of the direction of a stimulus, and (iv) the time available to determine stimulus direction or to swim a straight path is limited by rotational diffusion caused by Brownian motion. In all cases, it is found that there is a sharp size limit below which locomotion has no apparent benefit. This size limit is estimated to most probably be about 0.6 μm diameter and is relatively insensitive to assumed values of the other parameters. A review of existing descriptions of free-floating bacteria reveals that the smallest of 97 motile genera has a mean length of 0.8 μm, whereas 18 of 94 nonmotile genera are smaller. Similar calculations have led to the conclusion that a minimum size also exists for use of pheromones in mate location, although this size limit is about three orders of magnitude larger. In both cases, the application of well-established physical laws and biological generalities has demonstrated that a common feature of animal behavior is of no use to small free-swimming organisms.


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Most analyses of Brownian flocculation apply to conditions where London–van der Waals attractive forces cause particles to be strongly bound in a deep interparticle potential well. In this paper, results are reported that show the interaction between primary- and secondary-minimum flocculation when the interparticle potential curve reflects both attractive and electrostatic repulsive forces. The process is highly time-dependent because of transfer of particles from secondary- to primary-minimum flocculation. Essential features of the analysis are corroborated by experiments with 0.80-μm polystyrene spheres suspended in aqueous solutions of NaCl over a range of ionic strengths. In all cases, experiments were restricted to the initial stage of coagulation, where singlets and doublets predominate.


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Solar variability represents a source of uncertainty in the future forcings used in climate model simulations. Current knowledge indicates that a descent of solar activity into an extended minimum state is a possible scenario. With aid of experiments from a state-of-the-art Earth system model, we investigate the impact of a future solar minimum on Northern Hemisphere climate change projections. This scenario is constructed from recent 11 year solar-cycle minima of the solar spectral irradiance, and is therefore more conservative than the 'grand' minima employed in some previous modeling studies. Despite the small reduction in total solar irradiance (0.36 W m^-2), relatively large responses emerge in the winter Northern Hemisphere, with a reduction in regional-scale projected warming by up to 40%. To identify the origin of the enhanced regional signals, we assess the role of the different mechanisms by performing additional experiments forced only by irradiance changes at different wavelengths of the solar spectrum. We find that a reduction in visible irradiance drives changes in the stationary wave pattern of the North Pacific and sea-ice cover. A decrease in UV irradiance leads to smaller surface signals, although its regional effects are not negligible. These results point to a distinct but additive role of UV and visible irradiance in the Earth's climate, and stress the need to account for solar forcing as a source of uncertainty in regional scale projections.


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Vários métodos tradicionais de segmentação de imagens, como a transformada de watershed de marcado- res e métodos de conexidade fuzzy (Relative Fuzzy Connectedness- RFC, Iterative Relative Fuzzy Connected- ness - IRFC), podem ser implementados de modo eficiente utilizando o método em grafos da Transformada Imagem-Floresta (Image Foresting Transform - IFT). No entanto, a carência de termos de regularização de fronteira em sua formulação fazem com que a borda do objeto segmentado possa ser altamente irregular. Um modo de contornar isto é por meio do uso de restrições de forma do objeto, que favoreçam formas mais regulares, como na recente restrição de convexidade geodésica em estrela (Geodesic Star Convexity - GSC). Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma nova restrição de forma, chamada de Faixa de Restrição Geodésica (Geodesic Band Constraint - GBC), que pode ser incorporada eficientemente em uma sub-classe do fra- mework de corte em grafos generalizado (Generalized Graph Cut - GGC), que inclui métodos pela IFT. É apresentada uma prova da otimalidade do novo algoritmo em termos de um mínimo global de uma função de energia sujeita às novas restrições de borda. A faixa de restrição geodésica nos ajuda a regularizar a borda dos objetos, consequentemente melhorando a segmentação de objetos com formas mais regulares, mantendo o baixo custo computacional da IFT. A GBC pode também ser usada conjuntamente com um mapa de custos pré estabelecido, baseado em um modelo de forma, de modo a direcionar a segmentação a seguir uma dada forma desejada, com grau de liberdade de escala e demais deformações controladas por um parâmetro único. Essa nova restrição também pode ser combinada com a GSC e com as restrições de polaridade de borda sem custo adicional. O método é demonstrado em imagens naturais, sintéticas e médicas, sendo estas provenientes de tomografias computadorizadas e de ressonância magnética.


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Linear vector semi-infinite optimization deals with the simultaneous minimization of finitely many linear scalar functions subject to infinitely many linear constraints. This paper provides characterizations of the weakly efficient, efficient, properly efficient and strongly efficient points in terms of cones involving the data and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions. The latter characterizations rely on different local and global constraint qualifications. The global constraint qualifications are illustrated on a collection of selected applications.


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The multiobjective optimization model studied in this paper deals with simultaneous minimization of finitely many linear functions subject to an arbitrary number of uncertain linear constraints. We first provide a radius of robust feasibility guaranteeing the feasibility of the robust counterpart under affine data parametrization. We then establish dual characterizations of robust solutions of our model that are immunized against data uncertainty by way of characterizing corresponding solutions of robust counterpart of the model. Consequently, we present robust duality theorems relating the value of the robust model with the corresponding value of its dual problem.


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Plane model extraction from three-dimensional point clouds is a necessary step in many different applications such as planar object reconstruction, indoor mapping and indoor localization. Different RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC)-based methods have been proposed for this purpose in recent years. In this study, we propose a novel method-based on RANSAC called Multiplane Model Estimation, which can estimate multiple plane models simultaneously from a noisy point cloud using the knowledge extracted from a scene (or an object) in order to reconstruct it accurately. This method comprises two steps: first, it clusters the data into planar faces that preserve some constraints defined by knowledge related to the object (e.g., the angles between faces); and second, the models of the planes are estimated based on these data using a novel multi-constraint RANSAC. We performed experiments in the clustering and RANSAC stages, which showed that the proposed method performed better than state-of-the-art methods.


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Convex vector (or multi-objective) semi-infinite optimization deals with the simultaneous minimization of finitely many convex scalar functions subject to infinitely many convex constraints. This paper provides characterizations of the weakly efficient, efficient and properly efficient points in terms of cones involving the data and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions. The latter characterizations rely on different local and global constraint qualifications. The results in this paper generalize those obtained by the same authors on linear vector semi-infinite optimization problems.