944 resultados para meat juice


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This study was conducted to assess the effect of air-dried Moringa stenopetala leaf (MSL) supplementation on carcass components and meat quality in Arsi-Bale goats. A total of 24 yearling goats with initial body weight of 13.6+/-0.25 kg were randomly divided into four treatments with six goats each. All goats received a basal diet of natural grass hay ad libitum and 340 g head^(−1) d^(−1) concentrate. The treatment diets contain a control diet without supplementation (T1) and diets supplemented with MSL at a rate of 120 g head^(−1) d^(−1) (T2), 170 g head^(−1) d^(−1) (T3) and 220 g head^(−1) d^(−1) (T4). The results indicated that the average slaughter weight of goats reared on T3 and T4 was 18.2 and 18.3 kg, respectively, being (P<0.05) higher than those of T1 (15.8 kg) and T2 (16.5 kg). Goats fed on T3 and T4 diets had higher (P<0.05) daily weight gain compared with those of T1 and T2. The hot carcass weight in goats reared on T3 and T4 diets was 6.40 and 7.30 kg, respectively, being (P<0.05) higher than those of T1 (4.81 kg) and T2 (5.06 kg). Goats reared on T4 had higher (P<0.05) dressing percentage than those reared in other treatment diets. The rib-eye area in goats reared on T2, T3 and T4 diets was higher (P<0.05) than those of T1. The protein content of the meat in goats reared on T3 and T4 was 24.0 and 26.4%, respectively being significantly higher than those of T1 (19.1%) and T2 (20.1%). In conclusion, the supplementation of MSL to natural grass hay improved the weight gain and carcass parts of Arsi-Bale goats indicating Moringa leaves as alternative protein supplements to poor quality forages.


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Les procédures appliquées avant l’abattage des animaux influencent directement la qualité de la viande en modulant l’état physiologique des porcs; ainsi, l’augmentation de la température corporelle, les taux élevés de lactate sanguin et l’épuisement des réserves de glycogène entre autres, occasionnent la majorité des baisses de qualité. L’objectif de cette thèse était de valider des outils indicateurs de stress porcin pour les fermes et les abattoirs. Ceux-ci seraient appliqués à la surveillance du bien-être animal et à la prédiction de variation de qualité de la viande porcine au niveau commercial. Premierement, les résultats de la thèse ont permis de conclure qu’un des outils développés (analyseur portatif de lactate) mesure la variation du niveau de lactate sanguin associé à l’état physiologique des porcs dans la phase péri-mortem et aide à expliquer la variation de la qualité de la viande chez le porc à l’abattoir, en particulier dans les muscles du jambon. Deuxièmement, les résultats des audits du bien-être animal appliqués de la ferme à l’abattoir ont démontré que la qualité du système d’élevage à la ferme d’origine et les compétences du chauffeur de camion sont d’importants critères affectant la réponse comportementale des porcs à la manipulation avant l’abattage. Ces résultats ont également démontré que les conditions de logement à la ferme (la faible densité et l’enrichissement dans les enclos), le comportement des porcs en période pré-abattage (glissade), ainsi que les interventions du manipulateur (utilisation du bâton électrique) dans la zone d’étourdissement de l’abattoir affectent négativement la variation de la qualité de la viande. L’application des protocoles d’audits dans la filière porcine a également démontré que le respect des critères de bien-être animal fixés par un outil de vérification est primordiale et permet de contrôler les conditions de bien-être des porcs à chaque étape de la période pré-abattage, de produire une viande de qualité supérieure et de réduire les pertes. Les audits de bien-être animal sont donc un outil qui apporte des resultats très pertinents pour aider a éviter les variations de la qualité de la viande chez le porc. Troisièmement, la thermographie infrarouge s’est avéré être une technique prometteuse permettant d’évaluer la variation de température corporelle de l’animal pendant et après un stress physique, en particulier lorsque cette mesure est prise derrière les oreilles. En conclusion, les outils validés à travers cette thèse représentent des méthodologies non invasives et potentiellement complémentaires à d’autres approches d’évaluation de l’état physiologique et du bien-être animal par rapport au stress, permettant de réduire les pertes de qualité de viande (par exemple en utilisation conjointe avec le niveau de lactate sanguin et les indicateurs de stress comportemental, entre autres).


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Background: Various factors have been investigated to account for the higher premature death rates in Scotland compared to England. Higher levels of deprivation in Scotland provide a partial explanation for these differences but recent work comparing areas of the UK with similar deprivation profiles and low life expectancy has shown that this is not the only reason. One hypothesis yet to be tested adequately is differences in diet and nutrition. Objective: To conduct a comparative analysis of dietary intake between Scotland and England using pooled food purchase data from the Living Costs and Food Survey (LCFS) from 2001 to 2012 and to assess differences in equivalised income quintiles (controlling for survey year, age of household reference person, and age household reference person left full-time education). Results: Lower intakes of fruit and vegetables, oil rich fish, fibre, vitamin A, folate, vitamin C and vitamin D and higher intakes of red and processed meat, whole milk, butter, savoury snacks, confectionary, soft drinks, saturated fat and NMES (added sugar and sugar in fruit juice), sodium and alcohol were found for Scotland compared to England. Differences between Scotland and England were higher for those on lower incomes for dietary components known to be related to health outcomes. For example fruit consumption was 14g/day lower for the lowest income quintile compared to 4 g/day lower in the highest quintile for Scotland versus England. Conclusions: A poorer diet in Scotland compared to England, particularly among disadvantaged groups, is likely to be one of the reasons for excess mortality. The current evidence on the continued poor diet in Scotland, particularly in disadvantaged groups, should not be ignored. Identifying effective, culturally appropriate approaches to improve diet across the population and notably in the most deprived areas needs further investment. Funded by NHS Health Scotland. Data provided by DEFRA, ONS and the UK Data Archive.


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The microbial spoilage of meat and seafood products with short shelf lives is responsible for a significant amount of food waste. Food spoilage is a very heterogeneous process, involving the growth of various, poorly characterized bacterial communities. In this study, we conducted 16S ribosomal RNA gene pyrosequencing on 160 samples of fresh and spoiled foods to comparatively explore the bacterial communities associated with four meat products and four seafood products that are among the most consumed food items in Europe. We show that fresh products are contaminated in part by a microbiota similar to that found on the skin and in the gut of animals. However, this animal-derived microbiota was less prevalent and less abundant than a core microbiota, psychrotrophic in nature, mainly originated from the environment (water reservoirs). We clearly show that this core community found on meat and seafood products is the main reservoir of spoilage bacteria. We also show that storage conditions exert strong selective pressure on the initial microbiota: alpha diversity in fresh samples was 189 +/- 58 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) but dropped to 27 +/- 12 OTUs in spoiled samples. The OTU assemblage associated with spoilage was shaped by low storage temperatures, packaging and the nutritional value of the food matrix itself. These factors presumably act in tandem without any hierarchical pattern. Most notably, we were also able to identify putative new clades of dominant, previously undescribed bacteria occurring on spoiled seafood, a finding that emphasizes the importance of using culture-independent methods when studying food microbiota.


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Feed production, swine and slaughterhouses were already reported as occupational environments with high fungal contamination. This condition can ultimately lead to the development of several health conditions. This study aimed to characterize the occupational exposure to fungal burden in three different settings: swine feed unit, swine units and slaughterhouse.


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Several studies have supported a beneficial role of dietary flavonoids in reducing the risk/progression of chronic diseases (including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, type-2-diabetes, cognitive dysfunction, age-related bone disease). Their beneficial properties are likely to be affected by their structure, distribution in foods, food matrix, life habits (physical activity). Most dietary polyphenols reach the colon where they are metabolized to phenolic acids by gut bacteria. Lack of knowledge of the factors affecting flavonoid metabolism and bioavailability hinders understanding of their health effects. Therefore, this thesis aimed to investigate the effect of factors on bioavailability and metabolism of dietary polyphenols from orange juices (OJ) in in vitro and in vivo studies. In chapter 3, the variability of orange juice polyphenolic content was assessed using in vitro models of the human gastrointestinal tract. Chapter 4 investigated the reduced urinary phenolic acids after OJ and yoghurt (Y) in humans compared to OJ alone using in vitro models of the human gut. In chapter 5, raftiline and glucose were tested for effects on metabolism of hesperidin (flavanone not OJ). In chapter 6, an intervention study of 4 weeks moderate intensity exercise determined whether exercise affected bioavailability and metabolism of OJ flavanones in healthy sedentary females. The studies in this thesis showed that food sources, food matrix and physical exercise may determine the significant variations in bioavailability and metabolism of flavonoids, seen in a number of studies. These factors could result in differences in bioactivity and bioefficacy of polyphenols, and need to be taken into account in further studies of the effects of flavanones on disease risk.


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Carne do alguidar is a Portuguese traditional pork fried meat, usually manufactured for self-consumption purposes. This study developed a ready-to-eat (RTE) meat product, to meet today's consumers’ convenience, manufactured at the industrial scale evaluating its quality and shelf-life, assessing the effect of vacuum packaging and the use of an antioxidant (50 ppm BHT) to enhance oxidative stability. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters were assessed and a sensory analysis was performed. Interestingly, no significant differences were recorded between control (non-BHT) and antioxidant (BHT) samples. Microbiological counts remained at low levels throughout the storage period, ensuring the product’s required microbiological quality. At later storage stages, higher values of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances arose and off flavours and aromas were perceived. Still, overall appreciation was not affected until 12 months storage and a significant depreciation was perceived only after 15 months. Fibrousness and rising of off flavours were negatively correlated with overall appreciation.


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Low protein diet and odour emissions in meat chickens


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The impact of Chernobyl on the 137Cs activities found in wild boars in Europe, even in remote locations from the NPP, has been much greater than the impact of Fukushima on boars in Japan. Although there is great variability within the 137Cs concentrations throughout the wild boar populations, some boars in southern Germany in recent years exhibit higher activity concentrations (up to 10,000 Bq/kg and higher) than the highest 137Cs levels found in boars in the governmental food monitoring campaign (7900 Bq/kg) in Fukushima prefecture in Japan. The levels of radiocesium in boar appear to be more persistent than would be indicated by the constantly decreasing 137Cs inventory observed in the soil which points to a food source that is highly retentive to 137Cs contamination or to other radioecological anomalies that are not yet fully understood.


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The effect of dietary crude protein (CP) and additives on odor flux from meat chicken litter was investigated using 180 day-old Ross 308 male chicks randomly allocated to five dietary treatments with three replicates of 12 birds each. A 5 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments was employed. Factors were: diet (low CP, high CP, high CP+antibiotic, high CP+probiotic, high CP+saponin) and age (15, 29, 35 days). The antibiotic used was Zn bacitracin, the probiotic was a blend of three Bacillus subtilis strains and the saponin came from a blend of Yucca and Quillaja. Odorants were collected from litter headspace with a flux hood and measured using selective ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS). Litter moisture, water activity (Aw), and litter headspace odorant concentrations were correlated. The results showed that low CP group produced lower flux of dimethyl amine, trimethyl amine, H2S, NH3, and phenol in litter compared to high CP group (P < 0.05). Similarly, high CP+probiotic group produced lower flux of H2S (P < 0.05) and high CP+saponin group produced lower flux of trimethylamine and phenol in litter compared to high CP group (P < 0.05). The dietary treatments tended (P = 0.065) to have higher flux of methanethiol in high CP group compared to others. There was a diet × age interaction for litter flux of diacetyl, 3-hydroxy-2-butanone (acetoin), 3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methylbutanal, ethanethiol, propionic acid, and hexane (P < 0.05). Concentrations of diacetyl, acetoin, propionic acid, and hexane in litter were higher from low CP group compared to all other treatments on d 35 (P < 0.05) but not on d 15 and 29. A high litter moisture increased water activity (P < 0.01) and favored the emissions of methyl mercaptan, hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, ammonia, trimethyl amine, phenol, indole, and 3-methylindole over others. Thus, the low CP diet, Bacillus subtilis based probiotic and the blend of Yucca/Quillaja saponin were effective in reducing the emissions of some key odorants from meat chicken litter.


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Assessing and addressing odour impacts from poultry production is extremely difficult and subjective because the odorants involved and their dynamics over time and space are poorly understood. This knowledge gap is due, in part, to the lack of suitable analytical tools for measuring and monitoring odorants in the field. The emergence of Selected Ion Flow Tube – Mass Spectrometry (SIFT–MS) and similar instruments is changing that. These tools can rapidly quantify targeted odorants in ambient air in real time, even at very low concentrations. Such data is essential for developing better odour abatement strategies, assessment methods and odour dispersion models. This project trialled a SIFT–MS to determine its suitability for assessing the odorants in meat chicken shed emissions over time and space. This report details evaluations in New Zealand and Australia to determine the potential of SIFT–MS as a tool for the chicken meat industry, including odour measurement (as a proxy for dynamic olfactometry). The report is specifically targeted at those funding and conducting poultry odour research. It will be of interest to those involved with environmental odour monitoring and assessment in general. The high upfront cost of SIFT–MS will lead to potential users wanting compelling evidence that SIFT–MS will meet their needs before they invest in one.


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Processed meat products are of worldwide importance and, because of their intrinsic factors as well as the processing methods, they are highly prone to fungal and mycotoxin contamination. Ochratoxin A (OTA) is the most significant mycotoxin in processed meat products. Penicillium nordicum is considered to be responsible for OTA contamination of meat products, as it is highly adapted to salt and protein-rich matrices and is moderately psycrotrophic. However, another OTA-producing fungus, Aspergillus westerdijkiae, adapted to carbon-rich matrices such as cereals and coffee beans, has been recently associated with high levels of OTA in meat products. Several Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and yeasts have been tested as biocontrol agents against P. nordicum growth and OTA production in meat products, with promising results, but none of the studies have considered A. westerdijkiae. The aim of this work was to evaluate in vitro the effect of a commercial starter culture used in sausage fermentation and four yeasts isolated from dry-cured sausage on these two OTA-producing fungi, both in terms of fungal growth and of OTA production, using different meat-based culture media as model systems. The mechanisms underlying the observed effect were also studied. For this purpose, C. krusei, C. zeylanoides, R. mucilaginosa, R. glutinis, a mix of these yeasts and the starter culture were co-inoculated with P. nordicum and A. westerdijkiae in industrial sausage, traditional sausage, and ham-based media, under conditions of water activity, salt concentration and temperature that mimic real conditions at beginning and end of sausage curing process. Fungal growth was determined by measuring colony diameter, and OTA production was quantified by HPLC-FLD after extraction with methanol. Yeasts where found to inhibit significantly the growth of both fungi. P. nordicum was unable to produce detectable OTA in both sausage-based media under any condition. In ham, yeasts reduced OTA production, while the starter culture significantly increased it. Unexpectedly, OTA production by A. westerdijkiae was significantly stimulated in all media tested by all microorganisms. Matrix has a significant effect on OTA production by P. nordicum, but not by A. westerdijkiae, for which only temperature showed to have effect. By testing the mechanisms of action by which starter culture and C. zeylanoides influenced fungal responses, we were able to determine that direct contact and simultaneous growth of test organisms were the mechanisms more significantly involved in the responses. In conclusion, ochratoxigenic fungi do not all respond to antagonistic microorganisms in the same way. The use of biocontrol agents with the intent of reducing fungal growth and mycotoxin production by one fungus can have unexpected effects on others, thus leading to unforeseen safety problems. Further experiments are recommended to properly understand the reasons behind the different effects of microorganisms, to ensure their safe as biocontrol agents.


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Background: Increased popularity of vegetarianism, lactose intolerance, and the high cholesterol content in dairy products, are all factors that have recently increased the demand for nondairy probiotic products. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of refrigeration on the viability of probiotics and asses someof the chemical and sensory characteristics in cornelian cherry juice. Results: The Iranian native probiotic strain (L. casei T4) showed greater viability compared to industrial types (viable count of 8.67 log cfu/mL versus <6.0 log cfu/mL at d 28). However, this most tolerant Iranian strain, could not withstand the conditions of ‘Natural juice’ at pH 2.6 for more than 7 d. Following a pH adjusted treatment (to pH ~3.5), the viability of the strain was improved to 28 d with some evidence of increased growth of the probiotic. However, the level of antioxidant activity, anthocyanin and phenolic compounds, revealed a slight decrease during cold storage. The changes in the chemical profile of the sample containing L. casei T4 indicated fermentation activity during cold storage. Sensory evaluation results showed significant differences between samples containing L. casei TD4 and other samples in taste, odor and overall acceptance in a complimentary way. Conclusions: The results showed that low pH and presence of inhibitor phenolic compounds of cornelian cherry juice have negative effect on viability of probiotics, especially industrial strains during refrigerated storage.


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Kenya is composed of over 40 ethnic communities who practice varied methods of animal handling and slaughter. Socio-cultural and religious traditions have the potential to influence animal handling and slaughter practices. These influences have, however, not been documented in the literature as far as the author is aware. Also, the literature has documented the connection between the manner of animal treatment and meat quality, but this is rarely discussed in the literature in Kenya; this connection is important as it informs modern meat trade practices by Kenyans as they trade in the global arena. This survey aimed to mainly establish and document the animal slaughter practices among Kenyan communities, and, to also highlight any current provisions related to meeting modern animal welfare requirements, animal handling procedures in the meat trade and discuss their potential influence on meat quality available in commerce in Kenya. This preliminary study surveyed the slaughter practices among 10 different Kenyan communities through a semi-structured questionnaire, focus group discussions and individual interviews. The survey demonstrated that different Kenyan communities practice varied methods of animal slaughter depending on whether the animal being slaughtered is for public feasting, domestic consumption or commercial merchandizing. The Kenyan communities surveyed in this study depend mainly on males to slaughter livestock for females preparing it for domestic use using a number of instruments and methods. For small stock for domestic consumption, females may slaughter the animal except for Muslims whose males have to slaughter the animal with a special knife (a Khalef) according to Muslim rites to render it Halal. Large stock is invariably slaughtered by males irrespective of the community, and the manner of use of the carcass. Gender, age, religion, community and the size of the animal were the major determinants of the method of animal slaughter. The animal welfare issues highlighted in the survey and related to the handling and slaughter of livestock have important implications for meat quality during commercial merchandizing. There is an apparent need to provide education to herders, livestock handlers, employees and management in the livestock industry in Kenya on the relationship between animal welfare requirements, animal handling procedures and meat quality. Such awareness can potentially improve the quality and economic value of the meat available in commerce.