838 resultados para intentional tort
The locative project is in a condition of emergence, an embryonic state in which everything is still up for grabs, a zone of consistency yet to emerge. As an emergent practice locative art, like locative media generally, it is simultaneously opening up new ways of engaging in the world and mapping its own domain. (Drew Hemment, 2004) Artists and scientists have always used whatever emerging technologies existed at their particular time throughout history to push the boundaries of their fields of practice. The use of new technologies or the notion of ‘new’ media is neither particularly new nor novel. Humans are adaptive, evolving and will continue to invent and explore technological innovation. This paper asks the following questions: what role does adaptive and/or intelligent art play in the future of public spaces, and how does this intervention alter the relationship between theory and practice? Does locative or installation-based art reach more people, and does ‘intelligent’ or ‘smart’ art have a larger role to play in the beginning of this century? The speakers will discuss their current collaborative prototype and within the presentation demonstrate how software art has the potential to activate public spaces, and therefore contribute to a change in spatial or locative awareness. It is argued that the role and perhaps even the representation of the audience/viewer is left altered through this intervention. 1. A form of electronic imagery created by a collection of mathematically defined lines and/or curves. 2. An experiential form of art which engages the viewer both from within a specific location and in response to their intentional or unintentional input.
The purpose of this study is to understand, impact and evaluate the development of intercultural communicative competencies among European credit-seeking exchange students and other sojourners through purposeful intercultural pedagogy. This pedagogy encompasses intentional intercultural- educational approaches which aim to support and enhance sojourners’ intercultural learning throughout the study abroad cycle (pre-departure, in-country and reentry phases). To test and validate these pedagogies a 20-hour intervention was designed and implemented among two cohorts of 31 sojourners during the in-country phase of their sojourn in Portugal. The process to develop and validate the intercultural intervention was driven by a mixed-methods methodology which combined quantitative and qualitative data to triangulate, complement and expand research results from a pragmatic stance. The mixed methods research design adopted is multi-phased and encompasses a multi-case study and an evaluative component. The multi-case component is embodied by sojourner cohorts: (1) the primary case study involves 19 incoming students at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) as participants in the European exchange program Campus Europae; (2) the second case study comprises three incoming Erasmus students and nine highly skilled immigrants at the same university. All 31 sojourners attended two intermediate Portuguese as Foreign Language classrooms where the intervention was employed. Data collection was extensive and involved collecting, analyzing and mixing quantitative and qualitative strands across four research phases. These phases refer to the: (1) development, (2) implementation and (3) evaluation of the intervention, as well as to (4) a stakeholder analysis of the external value of the intervention and of the Campus Europae program. Data collection instruments included pre and posttest questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Results confirm the intercultural effectiveness of the intervention and the positive impact upon research participants’ intercultural gains. This impact was, however, greater in case study 2. Among explanatory variables, three stand out: (1) participant meaning-making abilities, (2) host language proficiency and related variables, and (3) type of sojourn or exchange programs. Implications for further research highlight the need to systematize purposeful intercultural pedagogy in sojourner populations in general, and in European credit student mobility in particular. In the latter case, these pedagogies should be part of the design and delivery of credit-bearing exchange programs in pre- departure, in-country and re-entry phases. Implications for practice point to the urge to improve intercultural practices in: macro (higher education institutions), mezzo (exchange programs) and micro (sojourner language classrooms) contexts where this research took place, and wider social scenarios they represent.
The worldwide transformations that took place in the 20th century redefined the cities fate in this new century. The consolidation of urbanization, the technological revolution that fostered globalization, the economic restructuration and informalization, modified space and time concepts, bringing populations closer together and provoking political transformations. They made contemporaries cities protagonists of world events and as a consequence of such processes, worthlessness spaces appeared and cities all over the world started to bet on the strategy of acting in this problematic areas through initiatives aimed at promoting intentional transformations to obtain a multidimensional valorization urban, financial, environmental, cultural and social. In short, such urban initiatives intend to make cities more competitive, sustainable, creative, productive and fair. Also in Brazil, countless worthless spaces appeared in waterfronts, central areas, and deactivated industrial/urbanized areas, as well as in sub-used or misused areas lacking infrastructure and public services where it is imperative and urgent to perform urban initiatives. This research proposes as a thesis that urban initiatives, when carried out based on an adequate politicalinstitutional model, transform and give value to worthless spaces in their multiple dimensions, offering better quality of life to their residents and helping to fulfill the social role of the city. We intend to prove this thesis through the analysis of national and international cases and by introducing thoughts, critique and guidelines as a contribution to the improvement of the urban initiatives implementation processes, in particular to those regarding worthless areas of Brazilian cities
Mestrado em Fisioterapia
La investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer los rasgos de personalidad predominantes en un grupo de líderes y de igual manera describir el impacto de sus estilos de liderazgo de acuerdo al género. Metodológicamente, fue una investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva y con un diseño no experimental. La población se conformó por líderes de empresas con presencia en la ciudad de Medellín. Por un muestreo de tipo intencional, se seleccionaron 20 líderes a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta estructurada de acuerdo a los objetivos de la investigación. La incorporación de mujeres a posiciones directivas se perfila como una vía útil para aprovechar los recursos humanos disponibles, en situación de igualdad de oportunidades, la diversidad de estilos y la variabilidad individual. En los últimos años, la investigación acerca de las relaciones entre género y estilos de liderazgo ha insistido en la idea de reivindicar el papel de la mujer y su contribución al desarrollo de las organizaciones. Los resultados de la investigación permiten afirmar que la extraversión constituye uno de los rasgos de personalidad distintivos de la muestra investigada y del liderazgo carismático; también se obtuvieron puntajes relevantes en apertura, rasgo distintivo del liderazgo transformacional. La alta efectividad representa la fortaleza más importante de la muestra, conjuntamente con la marcada conducta de entrenar, dirigir y delegar. Las relaciones encontradas entre las variables indican asociación significativa entre hombres y mujeres que lideran en las organizaciones.
The necessity of the insertion of the capital of Rio Grande do Norte in the world-wide commercial scene and its claim as the seat of political power, in ends of nineteenth and beginning of twentieth century, determined the direction of urban interventions undertaken by government to restructure the city. In that matter, there were several actions of improvements and embellishment in Natal, which had, as a starting point, the adequacy works of the port, located in the Ribeira quarter, with the aim of ending the physical isolation that reinforced its economic stagnation. Besides the problems faced in the opening bar of the Potengi River, and would complement the required improvements, other barriers demonstrate the tension established between the physic-geographic field and the man: the flooded and slope which connected Cidade Alta and Ribeira the first two quarters of the city.The execution of these works demanded knowledge whose domain and application it was for engineering. But, how the actions done for the engineers, in sense to transform natural areas into constructed spaces made possible the intentional conformation of the quarter of the Ribeira in a commercial and politician-administrative center, in the middle of the XIX century and beginning of the XX? Understand, therefore, the employment effects of technology on the physical-geographical Ribeira, is the objective of this work that uses theoretical and methodological procedures of Urban Environmental History, by analyzing the relationship between the environment and the man, mediated by knowledge and use of technologies. The documental research was used, as primary sources, the Messages of the Provincial Assembly Government that later became the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Norte reports and articles on specialized publications, in addition to local newspapers. The work is structured in five chapters. First, some comments about Urban Environmental History (Chapter 1) supplemented with analysis of the conceptual construction of nature in the Contemporary Era and its application in the city (chapter 02), the following chapters (03 and 04) deal with the rise of engineers as a active group in the Brazilian government frameworks and their vision about the nature inside the urban environment and it is studied how the professional technicians dealt with the improvement work of the harbor and in the shock with the natural forces. Other works that would complement this "project" of modernization and had had natural obstacles to be removed the Ribeira flood and slope constitute the subject of the fifth chapter. Finally, some final considerations retake the initial discussions aiming an association between the technique and the nature as junction elements inside the process of constitution of a Modern Natal
La littérature philosophique contemporaine à propos du libre arbitre est fortement axée sur la question de la compatibilité du libre arbitre et du déterminisme. D’un côté, les compatibilistes ne croient pas que le déterminisme constitue une menace pour le libre arbitre et développent des modèles qui sont compatibles avec la vérité du déterminisme. D’un autre côté, les libertarianistes admettent la menace que pose le déterminisme et développent des modèles indéterministes de libre arbitre. Ces deux grandes familles théoriques s’entendent sur une chose : le libre arbitre existe véritablement. Dans ce mémoire, je soutiendrai que ces deux approches sont dans l’erreur et qu’il faut plutôt adopter un scepticisme à propos du libre arbitre. Dans un premier temps, j’examinerai les différentes significations accordées à la notion de libre arbitre et je présenterai trois modèles parmi les plus respectés de la littérature : le modèle libertarianiste de Laura Ekstrom, le modèle compatibiliste de Harry Frankfurt et le modèle compatibiliste de John Martin Fischer et Mark Ravizza. Dans un deuxième temps, je soutiendrai que les compatibilistes ont tort de prétendre que le libre arbitre est compatible avec le déterminisme. Dans un troisième temps, je soutiendrai que les modèles libertarianistes sont invalides. Dans un quatrième temps, je plaiderai en faveur du modèle illusionniste de Saul Smi-lansky.
Introdução: As mudanças no mundo do trabalho vem repercutindo de maneira positiva e negativa na saúde dos trabalhadores, na particularidade do ambiente rural. A inclusão de tecnologias representam parte destas mudanças, que buscam aumentar a produtividade e, consequentemente, a exposição ao riscos. Objetivos: o primeiro objetivo deste estudo incide em identificar o perfil do trabalhador agricultor rural na relação saúde, trabalho e ambiente. O segundo objetivo visa analisar a relação saúde e ambiente rural frente a percepção de agricultores e o terceiro e último, desenvolver um processo de intervenção junto à equipe da EMATER/ASCAR de Uruguaiana/RS, a partir da percepção de risco ocupacional de pequenos produtores rurais do município. Metodologia: a fim de contemplar a primeira produção realizou-se um estudo exploratório, descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, com amostra intencional pareada de 20 agricultores de Uruguaiana/RS/Brasil. A coleta dos dados foi realizada por meio de questionário, observações não participantes e registro fotográfico. Os dados foram analisados quantitativamente e por meio da leitura dos registros nos diários de campo. O segundo estudo foi qualitativo tipo exploratório, realizado com uma amostra intencional de 27 agricultores, neste incluimos sete agricultores que participaram do estudo piloto. A análise temática resultou em dois temas: características socioeconômicas dos agricultores e ação humana na relação saúde e ambiente com dois significados principais na relação: benefícios e agravos. Resultados: as propriedades rurais eram de difícil acesso para transporte e coleta de lixo, ausência do tratamento de água e rede sanitária de esgoto; a maioria não possuía cuidado com a água e utilizavam agrotóxicos na produção. Todos identificaram a existência da relação entre saúde e ambiente, remetendo-se a siginificados como: ausência da doença e da dor, local natural, manutenção da vida, higiene, bem estar e poluição. Conclusão: os enfermeiros podem fomentar ações de cuidado à saúde dos trabalhadores que têm dificuldades de acesso às informações em saúde, mediante atenção e orientações aos riscos estabelecidos na relação saúde e ambiente, por meio da saúde socioambiental, no intuito de orientar estes trabalhadores para mudanças de hábitos que promoverão melhoras na saúde, ambiente e trabalho, propiciando o bem estar dos seres humanos.
Introducción: cada año, cerca de 1,3 millones de personas fallecen en el mundo a raíz de un siniestro de tránsito y estos siniestros tienen una repercusión económica del 1% al 3% en el Producto Nacional Bruto (PNB) respectivo de cada país. La mortalidad por siniestros de tránsito en Uruguay fue de 16 fallecidos cada 100.000 personas en los años 2012, 2013 y 2014; mientras que en el departamento de Maldonado fue de 24,3 fallecidos cada 100.000 personas en el mismo período. Objetivo: ser un aporte al Pilar 5, “Respuesta tras los accidentes” del Plan Mundial de las Naciones Unidas, brindando datos clínicos y de costos de los pacientes hospitalizados por haber participado en un siniestro de tránsito. Material y método: se trata de un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo que analiza la actividad de internación en los sanatorios de La Asistencial Médica Departamental de Maldonado (AMDM) durante el trienio 2012-2014. Se identificaron los egresos de pacientes que participaron en un siniestro de tránsito en los mismos años. Se obtuvo el costo de cada uno de los egresos en el período referido y se lo comparó con el costo de los pacientes siniestrados. Los costos se obtuvieron utilizando las planillas de Estructura de Costos de Atención a los Socios (planillas ECAS) que se remiten oficialmente al Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP) y la metodología de los Grupos Relacionados por el Diagnóstico (GRD). Resultados: los egresos totales fueron 27.610 con un promedio de estadía de 4 días. Los egresos por siniestros fueron 740, con una estadía promedio de 7,5 días, casi el doble de la estadía promedio, y con 851 días/cama ocupados en cuidados intensivos. El 77% eran motociclistas, el 65% de sexo masculino, con una edad promedio de 36 años. El costo de atención de estos pacientes es 2,5 veces más elevado que el costo del paciente promedio. Conclusiones: el proceso asistencial de los pacientes que han sufrido un siniestro de tránsito y son ingresados a un hospital es muy complejo y pone a prueba la continuidad asistencial. Se debería considerar los 7,5 días de internación en promedio y el costo 2,5 veces mayor de estos pacientes con respecto al paciente promedio como una oportunidad de mejora de la atención, creando equipos eficientes de trabajo interdisciplinario y una guía clínica específica para esta tipología de pacientes. Los mismos se están constituyendo en una entidad nosológica nueva y cada vez más frecuente que nos exige nuevas formas de atención.
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciado em Criminologia
After having elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) patients are expected to self-manage their coronary heart disease (CHD) by modifying their risk factors, adhering to medication and effectively managing any recurring angina symptoms but that may be ineffective. Objective: Explore how patients self-manage their coronary heart disease (CHD) after elective PCI and identify any factors that may infl uence that. Design and method: This mixed methods study recruited a convenience sample of patients (n=93) approximately three months after elective PCI. Quantitative data were collected using a survey and were subject to univariate, bivariate and multi-variate analysis. Qualitative data from participant interviews was analysed using thematic analysis. Findings: After PCI, 74% of participants managed their angina symptoms inappropriately. Younger participants and those with threatening perceptions of their CHD were more likely to know how to effectively manage their angina symptoms. Few patients adopted a healthier lifestyle after PCI. Qualitative analysis revealed that intentional non-adherence to some medicines was an issue. Some participants felt unsupported by healthcare providers and social networks in relation to their self-management. Participants reported strong emotional responses to CHD and this had a detrimental effect on their self-management. Few patients accessed cardiac rehabilitation.
A multi-residue gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method was developed in order to evaluate the presence of 39 pesticides of different chemical families (organophosphorus, triazines, imidazole, organochlorine), as well as some of their transformation products, in surface water samples from Ria de Aveiro. Ria de Aveiro is an estuarine coastal lagoon, located in the northern west region of Portugal, which receives inputs from agriculture, urban and industrial activities. The analytical method was developed and validated according international guidelines and showed good linearity, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.9949 for all compounds, adequate precision and accuracy, and high sensitivity. Pesticides were chosen from the priority pollutants list of the Directive 2008/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy), or were selected due their common use in agricultural practices. Some of these 39 pesticides are, or are suspected to be, endocrine disruptor compounds (EDCs), being capable of altering the endocrine system of wildlife and humans, causing form malfunction and ultimately health problems. Even those pesticides which are not EDCs, are known to be awfully toxic and have a recognised impact in human health. The aquatic environment is particularly susceptible to pollution due to intentional and accidental release of chemicals to water [3]. Pesticide contamination of surface water is a national issue as it is often used as drinking water. This concern is especially important in rural agricultural areas where population uses small private water supplies, regularly without any laboratory surveillance. The study was performed in seven sampling points and the results showed a considerable concern pesticide contamination of all samples.
LOPES-DOS-SANTOS, V. , CONDE-OCAZIONEZ, S. ; NICOLELIS, M. A. L. , RIBEIRO, S. T. , TORT, A. B. L. . Neuronal assembly detection and cell membership specification by principal component analysis. Plos One, v. 6, p. e20996, 2011.
OSAN, R. , TORT, A. B. L. , AMARAL, O. B. . A mismatch-based model for memory reconsolidation and extinction in attractor networks. Plos One, v. 6, p. e23113, 2011.
SCHEFFZUK, C. , KUKUSHKA, V. , VYSSOTSKI, A. L. , DRAGUHN, A. , TORT, A. B. L. , BRANKACK, J. . Global slowing of network oscillations in mouse neocortex by diazepam. Neuropharmacology , v. 65, p. 123-133, 2013.