817 resultados para educação básica


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This work of qualitative approach, has as its study object the school curriculum, resulting from the implementation of public policies for inclusion in the Brazilian educational field and of the teaching organization in State School Despertar. While we acknowledge advances in government discussions and proposals related to school inclusion in our country, it is still important to develop studies and interventions in the context of basic education focused on the curriculum. With methodological basis in collaborative-critical action research and contribution by Barbier, the survey was conducted in 2013, in a state school in the Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - school system, and aimed to analyze the curriculum of the State School Despertar, in particular issues related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in common teaching classes expressed in the school and in collective situations of continuing education with teachers and interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). The school was previously chosen because it had already been locus of research in a study conducted by a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte promoting the knowledge of their formative needs. The study subjects were 26 teachers in the early years and the end of elementary school and a Libras interpreter. The instruments were direct observation, semi-structured interviews, document analysis and a proposal for continuing education called Collaborative Group on School Inclusion (GCEI), established with the participating subjects and the other research collaborators. The analyzed data showed eight dialogues built with the State School Despertar, being basic the contributions of Goffman (1988) on stigma and of Forquin (1993) on school culture. As a theoretical framework, there were important contributions on School Curriculum (SACRISTÁN, 2000; 2007; APPLE, 2006; 2008), School Inclusion (BUENO, 2008), Continuing Education (NÓVOA, 2002; GATTI, 2003) and the existing studies on the dialogues between Curriculum and Special Education (MAGALHÃES, 2002; SILVA, 2008; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2004; VIEIRA, 2012). The study highlighted the importance of extending the dialogue, the theoretical deepening of GCEI for the understanding of school curriculum and the specifics of any students, with or without disability. It will be necessary to revisit the school teaching practices that do not correspond to the students, for instance the formation of classes made in classrooms. It is also important to consider the organization of the school day and its interface with the pedagogical functions of each member of the school in building curriculum practices consistent with the diversity of modes and learning styles. Subliminal aspects of the curriculum should be reviewed, given its implications in the context of the classroom and management. However, significant changes identified in the practices of some teachers, such as the use of audio description, stimulus to the participation of students with disabilities and use of images, favored the development of other students, who benefit of more exciting and participatory classes. Based on the conducted research, we conclude on the importance of collectively discuss the conditions for / in schooling of different students and the (re)thinking of curriculum practices in the school as a whole, and therein lies a paradox because, on the one hand, it is not about minimizing the specific knowledge in dealing with the needs of students with disabilities, on the other, we are not interested in distancing these needs from those inherent in human nature, therefore peculiar to the other students. The questioning of our own practices is the challenge imposed, not to special education, or its target audience, but this is undoubtedly task of education.


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This work of qualitative approach, has as its study object the school curriculum, resulting from the implementation of public policies for inclusion in the Brazilian educational field and of the teaching organization in State School Despertar. While we acknowledge advances in government discussions and proposals related to school inclusion in our country, it is still important to develop studies and interventions in the context of basic education focused on the curriculum. With methodological basis in collaborative-critical action research and contribution by Barbier, the survey was conducted in 2013, in a state school in the Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - school system, and aimed to analyze the curriculum of the State School Despertar, in particular issues related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in common teaching classes expressed in the school and in collective situations of continuing education with teachers and interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). The school was previously chosen because it had already been locus of research in a study conducted by a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte promoting the knowledge of their formative needs. The study subjects were 26 teachers in the early years and the end of elementary school and a Libras interpreter. The instruments were direct observation, semi-structured interviews, document analysis and a proposal for continuing education called Collaborative Group on School Inclusion (GCEI), established with the participating subjects and the other research collaborators. The analyzed data showed eight dialogues built with the State School Despertar, being basic the contributions of Goffman (1988) on stigma and of Forquin (1993) on school culture. As a theoretical framework, there were important contributions on School Curriculum (SACRISTÁN, 2000; 2007; APPLE, 2006; 2008), School Inclusion (BUENO, 2008), Continuing Education (NÓVOA, 2002; GATTI, 2003) and the existing studies on the dialogues between Curriculum and Special Education (MAGALHÃES, 2002; SILVA, 2008; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2004; VIEIRA, 2012). The study highlighted the importance of extending the dialogue, the theoretical deepening of GCEI for the understanding of school curriculum and the specifics of any students, with or without disability. It will be necessary to revisit the school teaching practices that do not correspond to the students, for instance the formation of classes made in classrooms. It is also important to consider the organization of the school day and its interface with the pedagogical functions of each member of the school in building curriculum practices consistent with the diversity of modes and learning styles. Subliminal aspects of the curriculum should be reviewed, given its implications in the context of the classroom and management. However, significant changes identified in the practices of some teachers, such as the use of audio description, stimulus to the participation of students with disabilities and use of images, favored the development of other students, who benefit of more exciting and participatory classes. Based on the conducted research, we conclude on the importance of collectively discuss the conditions for / in schooling of different students and the (re)thinking of curriculum practices in the school as a whole, and therein lies a paradox because, on the one hand, it is not about minimizing the specific knowledge in dealing with the needs of students with disabilities, on the other, we are not interested in distancing these needs from those inherent in human nature, therefore peculiar to the other students. The questioning of our own practices is the challenge imposed, not to special education, or its target audience, but this is undoubtedly task of education.


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The present research sought to comprehend what is the development perspective of a collective work of educational robotics with high school students. The work started from the development activities Mathematics Sub Project of PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência, Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching Scholarship) in a school network from the state of Minas Gerais. The production process of data of this research was done through the follow up of high school students that participated in workshops robotics at the mentioned public school and were selected to continue the project at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). Subsequently, these students were involved in activities related to Robotics championships, elapsed through different spaces in public and private schools of basic education, University and Non-Governmental Organization. The data at the research were registered by photos, videos, field notes, documents produced by the participants and arising from internet like the social media Facebook, questionnaires and, mainly, interviews. At the analysis process of data the followed axes were constituted: Movement Learning Network with Robotics; The Different Roles at the Robotics Events and Experiences in Engineering and Technology. By this axes we understand what is the trajectory of the constitution process of a learning network in educational robotics that we find in expansion and consolidation. In this network the research participants performed different roles which left imprints responsible for their transformation. As a more evident imprint, we detected the robot construction and programming, which as for as they moved their studies forward, they developed the subject autonomy, collaboration, sharing and technological authorship.


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The research identifies and describes the principles and methodological procedures of the director Gilles Gaetan Gwizdek on the transposition of the dramatic text to the space of representation through action and movement. Besides that, it presents the results of the experiment in two different labor camps and conducting modes: the no-actor student, inserted into the basic education, and the actor-student, inserted in higher education. Through the scenic paths encountered by the director, the individuals were could find their own ways and verify, through the scenic conductions, how such methodological procedures can achieve a pedagogical thinking about the actor's work. As theoretical referential, were studied the artists-educators: Jacques Copeau, in what sensitizes to the use of dramatic text, and Jacques Lecoq, it approaches of the physical use of the actor's body to the theater. The concepts about theater of the scholars in theater: Constantin Stanislavski, Eugênio Barba, Meyerhold, Eugênio Kusnet, Bertold Brecht go through the theoretical revisions of the thinkers: Odete Aslan, Patrice Pavis, Ney Piacentini, Lúcia Romano, Flávio Desgranges e Anne Bogart, in what affects their practical experiences and conceptual about the text, the action and the movement. It was analyzed also the practical experience based on the principles and methodological procedures of Gilles director, in rehearsals and performances of students in the ninth grade of the primary school the Basic School of the Federal University of Uberlândia - ESEBA, as also, of the students of the sixth, seventh and eighth period, of the Theater Graduation in the same university. From this analysis, it was proposed an interrelation between the theoretical and practical works, done by reading of the artists-educators about movement and Gilles Gwizdek in his work process. The research suggests that, from the movement, the student can build autonomously a character through the experience of small movements of the body. Thus, this student would increase his relationship between stage and audience, and consequently, he would cause a possible state of "seduction" of the spectator to the spectacle.


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This research is the result of research at the level of Master of the Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Uberlândia – PPGED/UFU, inserted in the line of research "State Policy and Management in Education." Its object of study International Degree Programme – PLI established officially in 2010, the Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination – Capes, in particular the PLI at UFU. The overall objective is to describe and analyze the implications, while limits and possibilities of its implementation in UFU in the 2010-2012 period, from the context of the internationalization of higher education and educational policies in this area. They were used as data collection instruments, bibliographical, documentary research and semi-structured interview applied to the former rector of the UFU, managers, engineers, teachers and students participating in the PLI/UFU 2010-2012. For the data analysis, the theoretical and political aspects influencing policies for teacher training, as well as the legal PLI documents were considered. As a result, on the one hand, it was found that the PLI, in the context of UFU, gives opportunity to the participants the possibility of holding courses abroad, contributes to their personal and cultural background. On the other hand, the PLI would not be, in fact, academically contributing to improve vocational training as its main objective, but rather, for what happened in Portugal over the three issues considered, it would have contributed to reaffirm, among the students, political will to not act as teachers in the context of basic education.


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O presente trabalho constitui uma investigação levada a cabo no âmbito do Mestrado e Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos de Educação Básica. A problemática surgiu no decorrer da minha prática pedagógica no seio de uma turma do 6.º ano, numa Escola Básica do centro do país. Partindo da necessidade da tomada de posição perante o ensino e a sua finalidade, centra-se na perspetiva de que além da promoção de aquisição de informação, conteúdo e experiência Matemática, também é finalidade do ensino desta disciplina o desenvolvimento de atitudes positivas face à mesma e a capacidade de apreciar esta ciência. Pretende verificar o efeito de um trabalho de projeto nas atitudes dos alunos, pois conhecer apenas a atitude que apresentam em relação à matemática não previne que a mesma evolua no sentido negativo ao longo da escolaridade obrigatória. O projeto realizado na turma teve como dinâmica o trabalho de grupo, no qual os alunos desempenharam o papel de produtores e de consumidores de informação estatística. Avalia a atitude dos alunos em três momentos da concretização do projeto – antes, durante e depois; por forma a evidenciar semelhanças e diferenças nos três momentos, bem como o que poderá ter influenciado o resultado obtido. Considerando a atitude com base em três componentes principais – afetiva, cognitiva e comportamental, a análise dos dados traduziu-se na análise das expressões de comportamento verbal e não-verbal a partir da qual foi inferida a componente de atitude refletida. Os resultados obtidos apontam para uma melhoria nas atitudes dos alunos mediante a metodologia utilizada, nomeadamente no que respeita à apreciação desta ciência através da compreensão da sua aplicabilidade no quotidiano diário e futuro profissional, bem como ao autoconhecimento das suas competências em relação ao tema matemático abordado. Poderia ter tido uma influência mais positiva nas atitudes dos alunos, nomeadamente na componente comportamental, se estes já tivessem desenvolvido competências intrínsecas ao trabalho cooperativo.


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The object of this study is the organizational management, particularly the relational processenvironment organization focused on the survival of the space Department of the Arts and Crafts Mestre Raimundo Cardoso linked to the structural arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri.. Aimed to understand the ways of organizational survival, from the actors' perception of the Center for Arts Career Workshops and Lais Aderne, with investments that discuss the theoretical models of management, institutional theory, cultural organization and institutionalization of public education requirement of the municipal light LDB. (1996) used a qualitative approach with a view to RICHARDSON (1985). The data generated were analyzed based on the technique of content analysis, the thematic type [categorical] Bardin (1977). The results indicate that the institutionalization of the arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri emerges meet the legal requirement of the autonomy of municipal educational administration under the aegis of sustainable development, quality of life and basic education from the municipal Hélio Gueiros (1993-1996 ). More specifically the Center for Arts and Crafts Laís Aderne, the unit of analysis, the subjects said that this space is designed as a link between the demands of school and community searching through interdisciplinary activities educate and train manpower mainly potter. They did mention the existence of institutional factors (history, culture, habits, values) represent a strong socio-cultural element to the actors belonging to the core that guides behavior and actions of these individuals, fueled by a sense of hope, inclusion of future artisans in culture ceramist. It made a shared management, the existence of a unique work through cultural revival. However, over the course of time, the core is faced with dilemmas of managing transitions mainly regarding governmental, technological beyond endurance by the craftsmen for the optimization of their work. The conclusion - that the paths chosen for the organizational survival of the core meaning and guiding their actions in the systematization of conduct, representations, memories and traditions through habits and choices of consensus, the viewpoint of the actors


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There are a great number of evidences showing that education is extremely important in many economic and social dimensions. In Brazil, education is a right guaranteed by the Federal Constitution; however, in the Brazilian legislation the right to the three stages of basic education: Kindergarten, Elementary and High School is better promoted and supported than the right to education at College level. According to educational census data (INEP, 2009), 78% of all enrolments in College education are in private schools, while the reverse is found in High School: 84% of all matriculations are in public schools, which shows a contradiction in the admission into the universities. The Brazilian scenario presents that public universities receive mostly students who performed better and were prepared in elementary and high school education in private schools, while private universities attend students who received their basic education in public schools, which are characterized as low quality. These facts have led researchers to raise the possible determinants of student performance on standardized tests, such as the Brazilian Vestibular exam, to guide the development of policies aimed at equal access to College education. Seeking inspiration in North American models of affirmative action policies, some Brazilian public universities have suggested rate policies to enable and facilitate the entry of "minorities" (blacks, pardos1, natives, people of low income and public school students) to free College education. At the Federal University of the state Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), the first incentives for candidates from public schools emerged in 2006, being improved and widespread during the last 7 years. This study aimed to analyse and discuss the Argument of Inclution (AI) - the affirmative action policy that provides additional scoring for students from public schools. From an extensive database, the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) technique was used as well as a Quantile Regression considering as control the variables of personal, socioeconomic and educational characteristics of the candidates from the Brazilian Vestibular exam 2010 of the Federal University of the state Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The results demonstrate the importance of this incentive system, besides the magnitude of other variables


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É amplamente reconhecida a relevância crescente da leitura no século XXI, enquanto requisito fundamental para um exercício de cidadania responsável e crítico. Por outro lado, tal como acontece com outros aspetos da vida social, a investigação reconhece a influência exercida pelas representações sociais sobre a nossa compreensão do caráter multifacetado das práticas de leitura. Tal peso assume particular relevo no que diz respeito aos estudantes do Ensino Superior, nomeadamente aos futuros profissionais da Educação, pela sua responsabilidade acrescida na formação de leitores autónomos e críticos, privilegiando a sua motivação para a leitura e o seu desempenho em compreensão na leitura. No entanto, em Portugal, poucos estudos focam as representações sobre a leitura destes estudantes e sua influência em práticas educativas futuras. Nesse sentido, realizámos um estudo cujos objetivos de investigação foram: i) Identificar e caracterizar as representações de estudantes a frequentar um primeiro ciclo de estudos de Bolonha sobre: a sua motivação para a leitura; o seu desempenho em compreensão na leitura; os fatores que os influenciariam; as competências em leitura do seu futuro público; estratégias didáticas orientadas para a motivação para a leitura e o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura no seu futuro público; ii) determinar a influência das representações sobre estes aspetos nas suas práticas futuras relacionadas com a motivação para a leitura e o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura; iii) conceber, implementar e avaliar um plano de formação em Didática do Português, visando a promoção da competência didática dos estudantes, orientada para a motivação do seu futuro público para a leitura e o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura. Neste estudo, participaram 53 estudantes, inscritos na unidade curricular de Iniciação à Leitura e à Escrita, integrada no 3.º ano do plano de estudos da Licenciatura em Educação Básica da Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu, no 1.º semestre do ano letivo de 2012/2013. Foram objeto de uma intervenção didática, integrada no módulo programático consagrado à leitura, que durou quatro semanas. Face aos objetivos traçados, optámos por uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa, tendo como referencial metodológico o estudo de caso único. Foram utilizados vários instrumentos de recolha de dados: para os relativos às representações, usámos um questionário, uma reflexão escrita individual e duas fichas de trabalho; para os relacionados com o desempenho, recorremos a um relatório escrito de um trabalho prático de planificação e fundamentação de atividades, com uma componente individual e outra realizada em grupo. Todos os dados recolhidos foram objeto de análise de conteúdo, complementada por uma análise estatística descritiva (frequências absolutas e relativas). O nosso estudo permitiu-nos concluir que as representações sobre a leitura destes estudantes podem ser encaradas como um constructo multifacetado e complexo, no qual assume centralidade o conhecimento, associado à valorização da leitura em contexto escolar, sendo relegada para segundo plano uma dimensão mais afetiva da leitura. Tais representações seriam influenciadas por múltiplos fatores. No que respeita à motivação para a leitura, tais fatores incluiriam o género, o estatuto sociocultural, as práticas de literacia familiar e académica, os hábitos de leitura, o gosto pela leitura e preferências de leitura. O desempenho em compreensão na leitura, de caráter multidimensional, seria influenciado pelas estratégias que os estudantes mobilizariam durante a leitura, pela sua atitude de persistência quando confrontados com dificuldades e pela facilidade com que leriam com fins informativos, académicos e recreativos. Concluímos igualmente que tais representações sobre a leitura se repercutiriam nas práticas educativas futuras dos estudantes relacionadas com a motivação para a leitura e com o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura. A intervenção didática realizada teria concorrido para os dotar de algumas competências didáticas relacionadas com o ensino explícito da compreensão na leitura e fazer evoluir as representações, contribuindo também para algumas alterações ao seu perfil de leitor, em termos de motivação e de desempenho. Inferimos que tal evolução se repercutiu no modo como encaravam as suas futuras práticas educativas, no que se referia à competência didática para a motivação para a leitura e desenvolvimento de competências em compreensão na leitura no seu futuro público. Da investigação realizada decorrem algumas sugestões pedagógicodidáticas com vista a contribuir para o aprofundamento das representações sobre a leitura dos estudantes futuros profissionais da Educação e sua influência em práticas educativas.


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The democratic management is a challenge for education, on the one hand for its actualization needs a link between the government and the educational institution. From that, research aims to understand the main challenges faced by the school administration to consolidate the management of public schools in Natal/RN. Against this context the methodology used was multiple cases, qualitative approach in which respondent were manager (director, deputy director and coordinator) of the four municipal schools and two representatives of the Democratic Management Commission of a Government departament of Education, Natal/RN. The analysis was made by peers, between schools that had grade superior IDEB that average stipulated by the federal government and two that had grade lower and between managers and representatives of the Secretary. Were used techniques of categorization and content analysis of the speeches of respondents. Was note that managers understand the importance of the participation about whole community in the democratic management, however only one school highlighted means of attracting the parents against to the difficulty of representing these. The lack of knowledge about the democratic management is evident mainly in the pair of schools with lower IDEB. That schools with a lower IDEB adhere to this management as a way to meet rules. So unanimous, the broad role of director hampers knowledge about the legislation. About relationship of the Government department with managers, there are some contradictions between the understanding of the role of the coordinator by managers and representatives of the Government department. It was perceptible the no uniformity about a good relationship between managers and Government department. It was notable features of democratic management in all school units, well as the efforts of the Government department in this scope. However there are also undemocratic features that deserve further study


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Considerando a importância da escola na constituição do sujeito enquanto ser social, busca-se, nesta dissertação, perceber a realidade da educação sob o reflexo desta no contexto de uma determinada escola, visando apreender o cenário atualmente existente, em especial, na formação docente, tendo por objetivo geral, a verificação da importância dada pelos docentes à incorporação dos valores humanos em sala de aula, com ênfase no respeito às diferenças e na responsabilidade das escolhas. Para tanto, atribui-se como objetivos específicos a identificação no campo teórico das possíveis articulações entre os conceitos de: valores humanos, respeito às diferenças e escolhas e a verificação, nas Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica/2013, de como os conceitos de valores humanos, respeito às diferenças e escolhas estão retratadas e articuladas, destacando os conceitos que, no caso em estudo, estão sendo contextualizados nas ações docentes. Com este enfoque, a pesquisa de campo levantou dados por meio de questionário com perguntas de resposta aberta, aplicado no corpo docente da instituição em estudo, sendo as respostas transcritas, seu conteúdo analisado e os resultados representados graficamente.


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Este artigo apresenta o lúdico como uma forma de trabalhar conteúdos na escola, mostrando de forma introdutória a importância desta atividade. Após é apresentado o kit Topobo, uma ferramenta de uso pedagógico desenvolvido no laboratório de mídias do MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) o qual é comercializado em caixas com diferentes quantidades de peças, onde o professor pode explorar conteúdos de forma lúdica. A partir disto, é mostrada uma metodologia para auxiliar o professor a trabalhar com robótica educacional em sala de aula, e por fim conclui com algumas percepções do uso de um kit Topobo comercial de 100 peças.


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A presente investigação situa-se na área da integração da Educação Profissional com Educação Básica na Modalidade de Jovens e Adultos (PROEJA) e busca a compreensão das vivências dos estudantes do curso no Câmpus Rio Grande que integra o Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS-RG). Faz parte também dos objetivos identificar as contribuições do curso para a socialização desses estudantes e os significados atribuídos ao curso. Em função da elevada taxa de evasão, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com estudantes que não concluíram o curso. A hermenêutica filosófica constitui-se na epistemologia que ancora teoricamente a abordagem metodológica. A Análise Textual Discursiva foi a metodologia qualitativa adotada para a análise do material empírico constituído centralmente pelas histórias contadas pelos estudantes. Eles contam sua passagem pelo PROEJA, desde o ingresso até a sua evasão. Foram produzidos dados quantitativos além de levantamentos para conhecer o contexto da trajetória escolar dos estudantes. Esses elementos subsidiaram a análise qualitativa das informações. Como resultados foram encontradas: uma taxa de evasão geral da ordem de 57%. Nos dois primeiros módulos ocorreu 87 % de toda a evasão do curso. Em todo o período de oferecimento do curso, ou seja sete anos, apenas três estudantes concluíram o mesmo. Pela análise qualitativa, emergiram cinco categorias que tratam: a) do ingresso no PROEJA e dos desencontros nesse processo; b) do estudante com suas peculiaridades, dificuldades e significados; c) do ser professor no PROEJA; d) do curso pelo viés da formação integrada; e) dos componentes constituintes da evasão. Como conclusões a pesquisa aponta para a inadequação do curso em seus diversos aspectos. Reforça que a construção curricular adaptada de um curso existente foi um equívoco. A formação dos professores e gestores promoveu a proposta de um curso repleto de contradições. Mesmo com todos os distanciamentos, o curso promoveu um ensino de qualidade na formação humana e por isso os estudantes desenvolveram sentimentos positivos quanto ao curso. Promoveu os estudantes a novas oportunidades na sua vida social, inclusive com ingresso na universidade. A tese geral aponta para a potencialidade do PROEJA do Câmpus Rio Grande, na transformação da realidade do sujeito, apesar do alto índice de evasão e da inadequação do curso.


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A alteração na definição da idade de ingresso no ensino fundamental de 7 para 6 anos pela Lei nº 11.114 de 2006 no Brasil tem suscitado debates nos campos da educação e do sistema de justiça sobre a data limite de ingresso. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o cenário da implantação do corte etário para o ingresso no ensino fundamental, bem como problematizar a entrada precoce da criança nesta etapa da educação básica, buscando analisar as implicaçõesdo ingresso das crianças pequenas no ensino fundamental na limitação do seu direito educacional e para a constituição da infância. O acesso a cada uma das etapas da educação básica pressupõe uma faixa etária adequada e seu ingresso deve ocorrer tendo com referência a idade estabelecida e não laudos psicológicos e/ou pedagógicos que atestem a capacidade de cada criança, o que revela certa concepção de criança, infância e processos educativos.


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Este projeto tem como objetivo apresentar uma maneira diferente de abordar os conceitos de funções quadráticas, propondo exercícios de motivação e de fixação de conteúdos, com questões contextualizadas e voltadas para o dia-a-dia do educando. Pretende-se auxiliar os docentes e tornar, assim, a aprendizagem de seus discentes mais prazerosa, desmistificando a Matemática, oportunizando aos alunos a utilização dos conceitos matemáticos em seu cotidiano. Utilizando as ferramentas tecnológicas já disponíveis na maioria das escolas de Educação Básica, apresentarse-ão atividades usando pelo menos um software livre para inspirar os professores na elaboração de suas aulas e consequentemente ajudar os discentes na construção do seu conhecimento.