1000 resultados para currency area
As obrigações constituem uma das formas de eleição de financiamento para as empresas e são um dos instrumentos financeiros mais utilizados em todo o mundo. Destacam-se, como um dos produtos financeiros privilegiados para investidores conservadores visto que, asseguram contratualmente, a data do pagamento dos juros e do reembolso do empréstimo além do montante dos juros, tratando-se neste caso da modalidade de taxa fixa. Até ao momento, três empresas emitiram Obrigações em Cabo Verde. Electra, Empresa Nacional de Electricidade e Água, SARL, Tecnicil, Sociedade de Imobiliária e Construções, SA e ASA, Empresa Nacional de Aeroportos e Segurança Aérea, SA.
Audit report on the Crawford County Area Solid Waste Agency Commission for the year ended June 30, 2008
The soft scale Cryptostigma urichi (Cockerell, 1894) and the mealybug Farinococcus multispinosus Morrison, 1922 are reported cohabiting inside branches of Anadenanthera falcata (Benth.) Speg. (Angico-preto), both tended by the ant Azteca oecocordia Longino, 2007 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). This interaction was observed in the Cerrado region sensu stricto, at the Federal University of São Carlos, UFSCar, Brazil. A. oecocordia is recorded for the first time in Brazil.
What is the importance of open habitat in a predominantly closed forest to the dung beetle assemblage? The Atlantic Forest in Brazil is one of the most highly disturbed ecosystems and is mainly represented by fragmented areas. However, in places where human disturbances have ceased, certain areas are showing a natural regeneration pattern. The aim of the present study was to determine how the dung beetle assemblage responds to distinct habitat structures in a fragment of Atlantic Forest. For such, open and closed forest areas were sampled in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in the northeastern region of Brazil. Pitfall traps baited with excrement and carrion were used to collect the beetles. A total of 7,267 individuals belonging to 35 species were captured. Canthon chalybaeus and C. mutabilis were restricted to open areas. Nearly 90% of the individuals of C. aff. simulans and Deltochilum aff. irroratum were identified in these areas. A higher percentage (> 50%) of Canthon staigi, Dichotomius aff. depressicolis and D. aff. sericeus occurred in closed areas. Abundance differed between areas, with higher values in closed areas. Richness was not influenced by the habitat structure. NMDS ordination exhibited the segregation of areas and ANOSIM confirmed that this variable explained the assemblage of dung beetle species. The findings of the present study validate that open areas are associated to more restrictive conditions, limiting a higher abundance of dung beetle. Although situated near preserved fragments, the studied open areas increase the heterogeneity of the general landscape.
Audit report on America’s Agricultural Industrial Heritage Landscape, Inc., d/b/a Silos and Smokestacks National Heritage Area, in Waterloo, Iowa for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007
Para estudar a influência do alumínio no crescimento e desenvolvimento de nove genótipos de café, foi instalado um experimento, em janeiro de 1994, em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, situada na Zona da Mata do Estado de Minas Gerais, a uma altitude média de 651 metros. Para tanto, plantas com dois pares de folhas definitivas foram submetidas a 0 e 0,296 mmol L-1 de alumínio em solução nutritiva, com pH 4,0, durante 115 dias. Após este período, as plantas foram divididas em folhas superiores, folhas inferiores, primeiro par de folhas totalmente expandido, caule e raízes, para a determinação da matéria seca. Avaliaram-se, também, altura das plantas, comprimento da raiz principal, número de raízes secundárias e área foliar do primeiro par de folhas totalmente expandido. A presença do alumínio inibiu tanto o crescimento da parte aérea como das raízes, as quais apresentaram anormalidades típicas de toxidez de alumínio. A redução na matéria seca de raízes foi a característica que permitiu melhor discriminação quanto à tolerância ao alumínio entre os genótipos estudados. Observou-se redução no comprimento da raiz principal, na altura das plantas e na área foliar, bem como aumento no número de raízes secundárias em resposta a aumentos das concentrações de Al na solução nutritiva. As características de crescimento avaliadas permitiram discriminar os genótipos em quatro grupos ou categorias: tolerante (UFV 1359, UFV 2149), moderadamente tolerante (UFV 2145, UFV 2877 e UFV 2163), moderadamente sensível (UFV 3880) e sensível (UFV 2147, UFV 2198 e UFV 2237).
Because protected areas are a major means of conservation, the extent to which ecosystems are represented under different protection regimes needs to be ascertained. A gap analysis approach was used to assess the representativeness of Chile's terrestrial ecosystems in differing kinds of protected areas. Terrestrial ecosystems were described in terms of potential vegetation, employing three protection scenarios. Scenario 1 was based exclusively on the Chilean National System of Protected Wild Areas (SNASPE). Scenario 2 included all types of public protected areas, namely SNASPE, nature sanctuaries and Ministry of National Heritage lands. Scenario 3 included all items in Scenario 2, but also included private protected areas and biodiversity priority sites. There is insufficient protection of terrestrial ecosystems under the Scenario 2. In addition to the low level of ecosystem protection provided by state protected areas (only 42 of the 127 terrestrial ecosystems had >10% of their area protected), 23 terrestrial ecosystems were identified as having no protection at the national level. Gaps in protection were concentrated in the North (both coastal and inland desertic scrub), Central (thorny scrub, thorny forests, sclerophyllous forests and deciduous coastal forests) and Austral (steppe ecosystems) regions of Chile. These gaps include ecosystems that are of global conservation importance.
Um experimento com soja, utilizando amostra de Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro distrófico textura média, previamente corrigido com 2,5 t ha-1 de calcário dolomítico, foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação da Escola Superior de Agricultura ''Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba (SP), no período de dezembro/1993 a julho/1994, visando avaliar o efeito da compactação subsuperficial e de doses de gesso nos teores de N e de P da parte aérea da soja. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos dispostos em fatorial 4 x 4, com quatro repetições, correspondendo à aplicação, na camada superficial, de quatro doses de gesso (zero; 3,25; 6,50 e 9,75 t ha-1) misturadas ao equivalente a 15 t ha-1 de matéria seca de crotalária (MSC) e 2,5 t ha-1 de calcário dolomítico, em quatro níveis de compactação (densidades: 1,32; 1,4 7; 1,62 e 1,77 kg dm-3). Utilizou-se prensa hidráulica no solo do anel central de uma coluna formada pela sobreposição de três anéis de PVC de 15 cm de diâmetro e altura de 5 cm para o anel central e inferior e 12,5 cm para o anel superior . Observou-se que as doses de gesso não tiveram influência no teor de N da parte aérea da soja, quando ocorreu o crescimento radicular em profundidade. Quando a compactação do solo restringiu o crescimento radicular somente à camada superficial, a concentração de N na parte aérea da soja foi maior, quando a dose de gesso estimada era de 5 t ha-1, reduzindo-se para doses maiores do que esta. De maneira geral, a aplicação dos níveis de compactação não alterou os teores de N na parte aérea na presença de gesso, mas levou à redução linear quando o gesso não foi aplicado. Com relação ao fósforo, observou-se que tanto as doses de gesso como os níveis de compactação elevados promoveram aumentos na quantidade de P absorvido pela soja.
We perform direct numerical simulations of drainage by solving Navier- Stokes equations in the pore space and employing the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method to track the evolution of the fluid-fluid interface. After demonstrating that the method is able to deal with large viscosity contrasts and to model the transition from stable flow to viscous fingering, we focus on the definition of macroscopic capillary pressure. When the fluids are at rest, the difference between inlet and outlet pressures and the difference between the intrinsic phase average pressure coincide with the capillary pressure. However, when the fluids are in motion these quantities are dominated by viscous forces. In this case, only a definition based on the variation of the interfacial energy provides an accurate measure of the macroscopic capillary pressure and allows separating the viscous from the capillary pressure components.
We study the extent of macroeconomic convergence/divergence among euro area countries. Our analysis focuses on four variables (unemployment, inflation, relative prices and the current account), and seeks to uncover the role played by monetary union as a convergence factor by using non-euro developed economies and the pre-EMU period as control samples.
This paper presents the underlying concepts developed by the Institute of Geography of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) for a popularisation project of the geoheritage in the Tsanfleuron-Sanetsch area (Valais, Switzerland). Due to its wide scientific interest, the local geoheritage is of great value (Reynard, 2008). The article details the complementary links existing between the different parts of a geotourist project - databases, educational panels, educational material and geotourist map - developed for popularising the geoheritage value of the area. Each element of the project is briefly presented. Special focus is set on mapping questions: how cartographic design and information structure can be set in order to facilitate map's use and comprehension. In this way, the Tsanfleuron-Sanetsch map is presented as an applied example of the guiding principles proposed by Coratza and Regolini-Bissig (2009).
Changes in the dynamics of sediment transport in a Mediterranean lake (sediment fluidization events) are linked to atmospheric circulations patterns (trough monthly precipitation). In the basins of Lake Banyoles, located in the northeast of Spain, water enters mainly through subterranean springs, and associated fluctuations in the vertical migration of sediment distribution (fluidization events) present episodic behavior as a result of episodic rainfall in the area. The initiation of the fluidization events takes place when the monthly rainfall is ∼2.7 times greater than the mean monthly rainfall of the rainiest months in the area, especially in spring (April and May), October, and December. The duration of these events is found to be well correlated with the accumulated rainfall of the preceding 10 months before the process initiation. The rainfall, in turn, is mainly associated with six atmospheric circulation patterns among the 19 fundamental circulations that emerged in an earlier study focused on significant rainfall days in Mediterranean Spain. Among them, accentuated surface lows over the northeast of Spain, general northeasterly winds by low pressure centered to the east of Balearic Islands and short baroclinic waves over the Iberian Peninsula, with easterly flows over the northeastern coast of Spain, are found the most relevant atmospheric circulations that drive heavy rainfall events
Audit report on the Shelby County Area Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2009
Selostus: Lihassolutyypin ja lihassolun poikkipinta-alan yhteys sian kasvuun ja ruhon koostumukseen maatiaisessa ja yorkshiressa